Anyone in or near 40's?



  • I'm 41 and starting my weight loss today! I've gained 30 lbs in the last 4 years when I went back to university to get a degree in nursing. I just completed my degree and need to focus on myself again, not just a textbook.
  • anabet88
    anabet88 Posts: 36 Member
    Hi, I am also not new to MFP but am back at it. I am 43 and have maintained for quite awhile. However this past year has been crazy with cross country moves new jobs and back in the north. As a result I'm up 20 lbs, and mfp keeps me honest and focused. I love to exercise (Beachbody videos) but it really is what you eat....I find you just cant work off lots of pizza and wine my own personal experience:)
    Would like to have encouragement too...we can do it! 40 is the new 30 so they say!
  • padams2359
    padams2359 Posts: 1,093 Member
    47, and haven't been this size since I was 17.
  • beaches222
    beaches222 Posts: 437 Member
    I am 45 and feeling great! I have come a long way and look and feel much better than I did at 21.
  • 1exercisefreak
    1exercisefreak Posts: 75 Member
    Hi. I am 41 yrs old. I have already lost 80 lbs...You can do it!!I hope you can add me on as a friend.:flowerforyou:
  • bdoermann
    bdoermann Posts: 11 Member
    I'm 41. I find it hard to stay motivated to work out. In my 20's it was easy and I had more willpower. Together we can motivate each other to stay on track here. Add me if you'd like.
  • Maryaly40
    Maryaly40 Posts: 551 Member
    I'm 40! And yes, I agree this weight loss thing is not as easy as it was 3 years ago! Add me if you like, I like having friends my age. :flowerforyou:
  • kelly_e_montana
    kelly_e_montana Posts: 1,999 Member
    I weigh much more than I did in my 20s but I am much stronger. I am in much better shape overall in terms of what I can do. My recovery does take a lot longer though. I agree that I have to be much more careful about what I eat. That being said though, if you are committed to exercising (I mean like 5 hours per week+), you will feel much better, surprise yourself at how fit you can be, and have tons of energy. Its' also a great stress relief that takes you away from emotional eating.

    You can read my story about turning 40 on my profile if you like. :) You can do this but the commitment comes from you. Your body won't go where your mind doesn't push it.
  • velvetwing69
    velvetwing69 Posts: 10 Member
    Im knee deep in the 40's and yes its a struggle. For some maybe easier than others but for me hormone changes have shown that it is more difficult :grumble:
  • kbtommi
    kbtommi Posts: 45 Member
    Hello, I am 44. You (or anyone else) may add me if you like. I am on here daily. :)
  • kelly_e_montana
    kelly_e_montana Posts: 1,999 Member
    Inspiration and motivation incoming!

    Summer 2012 I got an epiphany that I was a fatass. The elevator was out at work and I was breathing like a beached pilot whale from climbing three flights of stairs. I remember thinking, "Is THIS what you've become? Is THIS the best you can be?"

    I took a long hard, and truthful look at myself. At the advanced age of forty five I'd ballooned up from my physical work weight of one hundred fifty-five pounds to two hundred thirty pounds. My BMI was 34.5, and I was a mere fifteen pounds from being classified as 'morbidly obese'. I was tired all of the time. I didn't really do anything that involved being physical. I'd stopped working in the wood shop I have. Yard work requiring more than me pushing a self-propelled mower didn't get done.

    Dropped 73 lbs in 18 months.
    Starting lifting, made gains.
    Humped 1/4 of my new bodyweight in a pack 30-40 miles a week.

    On December 4th I fainted at work. On December 9th I had a 16cc benign tumor removed from my heart.

    Getting fit made the tumor detectable by sonogram in the ER - it blocked 95% of the atrium.

    Getting fit is making my recovery worlds faster - I'm home and running up stairs and turning slow miles on the treadmill.

    Getting fit saved my life.

    Wow, great post. I hope you are doing well now. Sending positive energy your way!
  • Turning 47 in a few days! I never had trouble with my weight until my hysterectomy and have gained some weight each year. I also discovered I suffer from pernicious anemia (B12 shots every month for rest of life). It has been a struggle to gain balance of my body again. I feel better when I move and eat home cooked/grown meals. Stick with it ;)
  • lessofme150
    lessofme150 Posts: 105 Member
    Turning 40 in April. I was down 41 lbs but gained almost 1/2 of it back the past 6 months or so. Need / want to get back on track. Would like to be down a total of 50 (or more) by my birthday. Sending a friend request.

    If anyone would like to add me, feel free to do so.

    Have a great day
  • JamieG8991
    JamieG8991 Posts: 1,203 Member
    ME!! 45 years old, you can add me if you would like. I know what you mean about the struggle. Some days are easy, but it's the weekends that are really hard! I do enjoy working out though. I love Focus T25!!!
  • Hi! My name is Kimberly, age 44. I rejoined MFP this morning and am ready to make life changes - not just diet! :)

    The common thread in my life has been taking care of others. My weight has ballooned up over the years - and at this point I am heavier than I ever have been. I am an Emotional Eater AND a foodie. Health challenges have crept into my life that I want to get under control. I can't necessarily do anything about my epilepsy (my triggers are lack of sleep and stress) but my high blood pressure can be helped. I've done it once - I can do it again. Plus, I just want to feel and look good again! It's time for this mama to put herself FIRST. It's been too long. I'm looking forward to sharing the journey, getting support and giving support to others who are on the same path. :)

    Let's do this thang!

    ~K :)
  • Hi, l’m 44 and from the UK. I agree as we get older it does get harder to stay fit. However with age comes wisdom and determination. Unlike the younger generation l go into the gym, focus on my workout then leave. Not sit around chatting on my phone between sets, or playing with the weights and scoping the ladies or myself in the mirror. OK maybe once or twice!!! lol

    I feel fitter now than l was in my twenties, currently following Kris Gethins 12 week daily programme, thanks to

    Feel free to add me, although l do come with a flirt warning.

    Good luck in your quest, remember lasting results take time, there are no quick fixes, it took you ages to put the weight on, and just as long to get it off.
  • I am 41 and this last year, I have eaten better than I have all my life. I'm feeling pretty good despite my age.
  • ladywizard43
    ladywizard43 Posts: 34 Member
    I'm 42, anyone is welcome to add me, always looking to give and receive support! :)
  • SoulPhyre
    SoulPhyre Posts: 4 Member
    I'll be 45 in April. I've been roller coasting these past five years with weight (my fault, once I lose the weight I go back to my bad eating habits) but I don't have problems with losing it. I just don't have the follow through when I'm done. it's like yes, now I can eat again. I'm trying this time to add more cardio so that maybe I can get into a habit with that and continue once I've reached my goal weight.

    Oh, and my arms are an issue too, if anyone knows an exercise to remove the batwings, I'd love to try it. Right now I'm using 10lbs weights every other day.

  • VivianMolina
    VivianMolina Posts: 1 Member
    The age factor is a myth in my book and I'm speaking to you from experience. Growing up I was very athletic, but once I got married and the kids came into the picture it became very easy to pack on the weight. I hit my heaviest of 168 at the age of 36-37 long after I should have taken pregnancy weight off. I was 5'3" weighing 168 pounds in a size 12. I was miserable. Hated shopping for clothes, hated looking int he closet for what to wear. I worked out here and there, but wasn't consistent with it and hated lifting weights. I was done though with feeling miserable with myself and I didn't want to set this example for my daughter and my son. I got back into the gym, started taking spinning classes which I loved, started running and trained for a 5k. Things were happening, but I know that I would have to get some help so I did. I started working with a personal trainer former bodybuilder who provided training out of her home. I teach and have summers off, but spent that entire summer getting up at 4:30AM to be at her place by 5AM to get in our 3x's a week workouts on the other two days I would get on the treadmill and run between 1-2 miles, sometimes 3 miles. She gave me a diet to follow, I wasn't totally compliant with it, but I started to see the weight come off and my body change. Her workouts were brutal. Strength training via weights, conditioning, metabolic training, plyometrics, TRX, flipping tires, you name it, we did it. As brutal as the workouts were, they were AMAZING. It felt so good to get through them, I learned to love the workouts. I looked forward to every session because I had no idea what she had in store for me. I took off 15 pounds working with her for 12-15 weeks. After working with her I went on to work with her trainer at his semi-Crossfit gym and worked with him for another 3 months. Not sure what I took off working with him, but we continued to focus on strength and conditioning. After working with him I hired an online bodybuilding coach for help with my diet. John Gorman of put together a diet for me and OMG did the weight come off. 6 meals a day of CLEAN eating and workouts. I reached my goal of 135 and went from a size 12 to a size 8. I worked with John for 12 weeks. That was over 2 years ago. I am now 39 years old and go between 135-139 and am in a size 4-6. I will be 40 in April and feel better than ever. I am not on a set diet, I pretty much eat what I want, but in moderation. I continue to workout, not as consistent as I was when I was trying to lose the weight, but I do make the gym a priority. I love lifting weights and really do believe that it's the only way to change the shape of your body. I am really happy with what I see in the mirror these days with or without clothes on which is a huge deal for me because I was so ashamed of how I looked for a while there. My goals are different these days, I do not want to lose anymore weight, I want to add muscle and continue to tighten up my body.

    So with all of that said, age really has nothing to do with it. It is how we approach it and how bad we want it. I talked about it for a while and didn't do anything about it. The gym makes me happy, I love feeling strong. Love that my kids take notice and are proud of what I have done. My daughter is 10 and my son is 12 and I always tell them, it's not about being skinny, it's about being strong and healthy. My son works out with me at times and my daughter is dying to be able to come along. I am working on creating a healthy mind set for them so they don't struggle the way I did with weight. So! Get to it and just do it!!! Envision that goal, see yourself there and just keep at it. I swear if I was able to do it, ANYONE CAN!!!! Good luck and feel free to add me. We can all use a push here and there!!!! All the best of luck to you!!!!!!