Official Nightshift thread!!!



  • Jessifer123
    Glad to see everyone back...I hadn't seen any posts in a while. I had to work the extra hour too...but its overtime :smile: Hope everyone is doing great!!
  • The_Wallflower
    The_Wallflower Posts: 111 Member
    Hey ya'll! Hows the night going?
  • allie7383
    allie7383 Posts: 865 Member
    hey everyone! well tonight is night 5 of 6 in a row.. all i have to say is, omg i can't wait to be off on wed. i'm supposed to go to a hockey game, which i usually look very much forward to, but i'm so drained, both from working and kinda overexerting myself lately, that part of me wants to just stay home.. plus it doesn't help that the Devils are absolutely terrible right now! argh!!

    work tonight is nice.. i'm in the blood bank, and have things coming in here and there, but it's rather calm, unlike the weekend where i wanted to rip my hair out. our shift is suffering right now b/c we have one girl out til monday due to her hand getting ice-skated over.. and another lady just called out for the next 10 days. what doesn't help either is the fact that i work with several women who never pick up the slack, as in extra shifts, meanwhile they'll be the first to call out in the winter, and want to switch weekends, and all this crap. very aggravating to say the least. anyone else have people like this?

    hope the night is going well for all!
  • MegJo
    MegJo Posts: 398 Member
    Its nice to see this thread moving again!

    Okay I have to say, this is werid: the two converstaions going right now on this thread are also happening to me!!! First I'm in a two week plateau. It SUCKS but I'm trying to stay positve. I didn't lose anything last week and today I gained a pound. I think I have gotten a little comfortable on the site, eye-balling measurements, not logging those couple bites of something, etc... but I've decided this week - no more. I'm going to jump on like its week one!!! Secondly, I was just having the "turn my phone off while sleeping" converstation with my boyfriend! He was working nights, but just got switched to days. So I was telling him I don't feel comfortable turning my phone off incase there is an emergency. I guess since we both work at the same police station, I'm overreacting, but its tough to be disconnected like that. The pager is a good idea!

    Also - we have 12 dispatchers at my pd and we are trying to push to get the schedule changed to a forced rotation between all of the shifts. We're getting TOTAL resistance from the dayshifters and its turned into total war around here. Not the best working environment. Yet another night shifters challenge. I'm optimistic though, we have the majority on nights. It just sucks knowing I'm going to be working on nights until a dayshifter retires or dies.

    Welcome to the people new to the thread. :)
  • schpanks
    schpanks Posts: 468 Member
    Having trouble sitting tonight...been stocking and cleaning and taking care of all the details that don't happen when we're busy. Two days into a 4 night stretch. I work 13 hour days anyway, and have a 30-45 minute commute depending on traffic. I get about 5 hours a sleep a day for days at a time. I think the daily workout actually helps to increase the energy. I'm changing the way I'm tracking my calories to 6 hour blocks of time rather than trying to do it the usual way. So excited for Thursday when I have 4 days off!
  • Jessifer123
    Tonight is going good for me so far *knocks on wood* :laugh: Tonight is my "Friday" so yay for two nights off!! Haven't had two in a row for awhile because we are short staffed and have been working some overtime. @ Allie, I know exactly what kind of people you are talking about...have a few of them here, but a new girl just got hired so wish me luck that she sticks around for a bit lol.
    @ MegJo, "comfortable" is a good word...and i'm right there with ya...gotta step it up again!!

    Welcome to the new people:flowerforyou:
  • The_Wallflower
    The_Wallflower Posts: 111 Member
    Tonight is my Friday as well! I work 4 10 hour overnight shifts so i'm excited for my 3 days off! Couldn't come at a better time! Weight is doing ok. I haven't weighed in in like a week, but I've been eating good and we are heading to the gym in the am!
  • allie7383
    allie7383 Posts: 865 Member
    ok lol, so i just have to post this, as an aside to what i was saying before about some people at work.. do you have people at work that just do random things that irk you? one lady... in the middle of the lab we have a tack board with the schedules and memos and such on it.. this woman, (one time i clocked it lol) will stare at the schedule for no less than 20 seconds at a time.. i swear she's memorizing everyone's, not just hers for the month.. about 2 hours ago i saw her doing it 3 times within a 30 or so minute period lol. this somewhat bothers me b/c a few months back she asked if i was going to be taking vacation NEXT year in May, b/c she noticed that for the last 2 years i had done so, and that was the month of her wedding anniversary and she wanted to go somewhere...really?? u not only remember 1, but 2 years of MY vacation time.. she is also notorious for asking for weekends/fridays to switch, though not as much now that her daughter is out of college. i just finished a 1.5 weekend switch with her, so now i have the next 2 weekends off, making my stay-cation longer and i absolutely cannot wait!

    one of my biggest pet peeves is people who make a lot of noise while eating, from chewing with the mouth open, slurping, you name it... i dread being on break at the same time as this other woman i work with for that reason.. she always has crackers, or bread, or something of the like, and i swear i can hear the food molecules breaking down in her mouth when she's eating... then she always has a cup of coffee, which of course is hot, so she'll slurp it...followed by what i swear is the loudest gulping noise in existence lol.. i sit there, knowing the sounds are coming and practically lose my appetite... i should think of that when i want to pig out hahaha...
  • robynrae_1
    robynrae_1 Posts: 712 Member
    Lucky for me I work in a small enough hospital that its just me all night (8 hours out of 10 I am alone:laugh: )
    I get to see the morning person for 1.5 hours and the pm person for .5 hours, basicly enough time to catch up on the current gossip.
    It drives me nuts when I work the day shift, I mean seriously do you need to take a 45 min break?? And no I don't know who is working that day and yes I really don't care. That and I am used to running everything and to be stuck in a department drives me nuts.

    I think I might have to stay on nights forever, people drive me crazy. :sick:
  • leanmass24
    leanmass24 Posts: 304 Member
    Ok, lets not get on the hating people subject... cause it will make the thread too J/K. I almost think that it is a requirement that you dont like most people to work nights, otherwise you will find a day shift. I dont hate people per se, but I dont like stupid and/or lazy. That just annoys me to no end. If I have to explain an easy task more than once it wont be pretty. I hate going to work on the other shift from mine cause there are people that will complain that they actually have to do their job and try to bribe me to do it for them. Then there are the ones that ask me how to do something when they were given detailed instructions in writing on how to do it.... Ugh. I am usually nice to them, but what is going through my mind is not pretty.
  • kmc3986
    Do you all "eat" your exercise calories or do you just consider them "burned"?
  • leanmass24
    leanmass24 Posts: 304 Member
    I usually eat about 3/4 of them back... or at least I try to... I try to not go over my sodium... so If it comes down to going over my sodium or having a a ton of cals left... The cals dont get eaten.
  • robynrae_1
    robynrae_1 Posts: 712 Member
    I don't hate the people I work with, I just like being out side the gossip ring intead of in it. I have a person that asks me questions about a department I haven't even been trained in.:noway:

    I try to not eat my exercise calories but if I feel like I need them, I will eat them. Its better to eat good food than to let a craving take hold.
  • bessie78
    bessie78 Posts: 29 Member
    Been out of the loop for a while! My house was taken over by the belly bug. GRRRR although it is good for the diet. I was ready for it to be gone, So now to get this back on track.
  • lee112780
    lee112780 Posts: 419 Member
    hey everyone!! Ive been MIA, started Weight watchers, then just found out Im expecting! ; ) We are happy...surprised...but happy! Weight watchers does not allow pregnant I might track calories here..e.ven though I will not be losing..and should not be losing...I dont want to gain too much. Still on the night shift! How is everyone?
  • allie7383
    allie7383 Posts: 865 Member
    many Congrats Lee!!! how are you feeling? is this your first?
  • MegJo
    MegJo Posts: 398 Member
    Thats great news Lee! :) Next thing you know you'll be logging pickles and ice cream!
  • sunshinelancaster
    As all I am a nite owl. Working at the hospital we don't get the luxury to sleep, although that would be nice. A few things that I have found in trying to be successful with the weight loss is, make sure you have healthy snacks at all times. And sleep. We are already mess up from working over nite. Sleep..... The three twelves' that I work I make sure I get exercise and sleep. I have two children and I have tried to do it all. But you are no good if you are not at the top. Im so glad to read about everyone accomplishments and challenges.
  • lee112780
    lee112780 Posts: 419 Member
    Yes Allie, my first. I feel pretty much every symptom there is! Morning sickness, headache, back, TIRED. Been sleeping 10 hrs a night and skipping the gym. Not sure whats more important right now. Im on wk 6. Thanks Meg!!!
  • jennifer_417
    jennifer_417 Posts: 12,344 Member
    So I completely ignored calorie counting to take the stress off while studying for finals. It helped my stress level, but not my waistline! Back at it!