100+ lbs to lose?



  • hey! just signed up fro my fitness pal today. i need to lose 100 pounds plus. anyone that needs support/ would like to give support let me know! good luck to everyone on their journey! we can do this! :)
    KIMBELKOWSKI Posts: 50 Member
    I too have over 100 pounds to lose...we can do this!!!
  • flnative
    flnative Posts: 12 Member
    Please add me!
  • I'm in the 100+ club =) feel free to add me too.. let's do this together! =)
  • Hi! I recently started to use MFP and I need to lose a lot of weight. Feel free to add me!
  • Laurac727
    Laurac727 Posts: 60 Member
    Add me to this list please
  • JG762
    JG762 Posts: 571 Member
    I, as many of the previous posters are in the same boat as you!
    I haven't made the decision to join/post here lightly, an undertaking of this sort much be approached with everything that you have in your heart and your soul and your brain! Just reading some of the success stories has been a huge positive influence to me, I hope that some day I will be able to show someone else that; "yes, you can do it if you really want too".
    I'm 51 and have been down this road before but I'm going to do my best to only travel it one way!
    Anyone who would like to add me please feel free!
  • GradatimFerociter
    GradatimFerociter Posts: 296 Member
    Aye, somewhere between 100 and 140 pounds to lose.

    Add me if you like - I'm always happy to chat.
  • Please feel free to add me. =)
  • Leighthebee1
    Leighthebee1 Posts: 5 Member
    Have 80lbs roughly to go! Anyone feel free to add me.
  • jennbrosnahan
    jennbrosnahan Posts: 22 Member
    I could use all the friends I can get! I need support and motivation. I have lost 85lbs and still need to lose 100 more! Add me :)
  • blackmax78
    blackmax78 Posts: 28 Member
    bump... need to keep this higher in the list... seems to be a lot of new members with this common goal! I added everyone on the list here and have 100+ friends now to help me to be a better, smaller, me in this new year.
  • ladynica
    ladynica Posts: 329 Member
    I still have close to 100 lbs to lose. so far I'm down 23 and counting. Anyone can feel free to add me.
  • Jennie611
    Jennie611 Posts: 1 Member
    I too am needing to lose over 100lbs. I have tried over and over again for years with different approaches and always seem to give up at some point. I was doing good for awhile but got off track and let stress get the best of me. However, I am ready to try this again and would love to support others in the journey and to have some support for myself as well. I have never really used the social aspect of MFP so maybe that will help in the journey as well. Here's to a healthier 2014!
  • I do., have lost 30 so far. I see you have too.. What are you doing to help?
  • destiny_sierra
    destiny_sierra Posts: 66 Member
    I too am trying to lose 100+ pounds, please add me, I need all the support I can get
  • mdeep04
    mdeep04 Posts: 12 Member
    I need to lose around 80 lbs. Feel free to add me!!
  • jstmee
    jstmee Posts: 107 Member
    me too! me too! I have over 100 to lose. I'm going to make this one day at a time, one exercise at a time, one meal at a time. I'm looking for support and friends also.
  • Sammie262
    Sammie262 Posts: 18 Member
    I've got around 130lbs to lose this year, hey if they can do it on the biggest loser with fitness instructors working them 8 hrs a day and people helping with their diets and mental strength then surely I can do it whilst looking after 2 kids working and keeping a home. . . .haha help !!! ...........
  • Cynduck
    Cynduck Posts: 255 Member
    I'm in the same boat. Feel free to friend request me if you would like.