

  • brookehe
    brookehe Posts: 413 Member
    Rori – Great NSV on the pants and way to get your shop on!!!!! Hoping the nasty bugs pass you by

    Katla – Good for you for coming to a decision you’re at peace with. Great news on the wrist brace! Take it slow and steady and try not to over-do

    Alison – I thought the same thing about the steroids contributing (causing?) rage reactions, that could be why it’s so bad right now. I think you’re spot on in using Your bonus money for You

    JaneH – I put my frozen berries in at the beginning of the cooking process and they’re not only thawed but flavor the oatmeal. I often add a tablespoon of walnuts or pecans too for added protein and good (MUFA) fats

    Sylvia – Keep on mending, and don’t feel like you need to “do” right now, just focus on “being” healthy! Sounds like a yummy NYE Anniversary is on your agenda, you’re not boring either just know what you like

    DeeDee – Yay for a hair appointment! I always feel pampered and pretty afterward, hoping you do too
    Susan – thanks for sharing your recipe, that sounds delicious and “right up my alley”!

    Renny – what a sweet DH to consider your weight/health goals! Glad you’re feeling a bit better

    Brooke from Colorado

    “My favorite exercise at the gym would probably have to be judging.” :bigsmile:
  • kathyszoo
    kathyszoo Posts: 311 Member
    "What the New Year brings to you will depend a great deal on what you bring to the New Year." ~Vern McLellan

    Happy New Year! I finished out this year with A's in both my classes, yay, and by getting very sick over the holidays, boo! But on the plus side, thanks to stronger antibiotics and other meds slowly starting to feel better! I tried to do my Water Zumba class yesterday but probably shouldn't have yet as I felt worse afterwards. Taking it easy today and hopefully going shopping for new ( smaller size :smile: ) work clothes tomorrow and then back to my workout Friday. I did get away from logging my food, so for January one of my resolutions is to log my food again, I can continue to lose and not gain!! Another resolution is to make every day count! Kind of lost track of what's important in my life, so I'm going to regroup and count my blessings every day!

    Hugs to all!! :heart:

    Kathy in IL :drinker:
  • 47Jacqueline
    47Jacqueline Posts: 6,993 Member
    My name is Jacqueline and I don't often post on this forum, but I am so happy that it is 2014 that I thought I'd share my experiences last year and my goals for this year.

    Last year my mom died, my close uncle (her brother) died, my psychiatrist committed suicide. I retired at 66 and am now on a fixed income with the addition of Social Security and an annuity from teaching college years ago. When my mom died, I joined a gym and a bereavement group and called my therapist to start seeing her again. I reached my goal weight and went a few pounds below, meanwhile maintaining the loss through the holidays. I also broke up with my boyfriend because it was not a successful relationship even though we had been together for about five years.

    This year, I plan to continue to maintain my weight loss, and I joined a new class at the gym. I discovered that I can use my computer to do Zumba in an empty room in my building, which gives me a variety and extra day of exercise during the week. I just bought a size 29 pair of Levi leggings - I've never been lower than a 30 and my calves have always been too thick to wear leggings before. I joined Match.com and I have a coffee date next Saturday.

    One goal is to avoid having too many extra calorie days so I don't have to spend so much time worrying about gaining back any weight. I know that they will happen, but I can avoid overdoing.

    This year I turn 67. I am starting a blog about single baby boomer women over 60 because there are so many of us. There are a lot of boomer blogs out there, but most are about being over 50 and I want to concentrate on aging well. Also, I am a long time divorced with no children, so I want to maybe connect with other women who are not "grannies." ;-)
  • nccarolb
    nccarolb Posts: 858 Member
    Hi, I'm Carol from NC where it is cool and mostly sunny right now. I'm new to this section of MFP, but y'all look like a cool group to become friends with! For background, I am divorced with an adult daughter on her own who will begin grad school this month, and a 17-yr-old son with some health issues. I work two jobs (both at churches) and am active in my own church. That being said, I have a wicked/warped sense of humor so I will try not to offend anyone! My favorite pass times are reading and rock concerts. I've lost 69 lbs and am shooting for 31 more so that I will fit into those nasty insurance charts of "healthy" weight range. I figure it will take all of 2014 to reach that.

    My goals for January are...

    * Stick to my calorie goals.
    * Remember to walk a mile early while I'm still at work by myself and have the opportunity.
    * Begin a toning/sculpting routine (I have several DVDs on order).
    * Keep my cool during hell month (January) at work, especially by not allowing it to entice me into emotional eating.
    * Keep my freezer stocked with homemade single portions of healthy food so that there are fewer temptations to eat crap because I'm tired.
    *Remember that there is absolutely nothing wrong with having quiet time for myself!
  • Gardengail
    Gardengail Posts: 596 Member
    Bump to come back later....
    Gail, metro ATL
  • CynthiaT60
    CynthiaT60 Posts: 1,280 Member
    <skids in to say hi; back later>

  • anncreswellbledsoe
    Hi, my name is Ann and I live in the Missouri Ozarks where I raise chickens and other poultry and guardian dogs. And vegetables. So I have a fairly active lifestyle, but over the past 10 years I have gained 100 lbs. I recently lost 14 lbs, and my husband and I agreed to work on weight loss in 2014. He needs to lose 100 lbs also. Last January we quit smoking, so we feel good about our ability to get this done. Our big problem is portion control. We eat really good food, whole food that we try to raise ourselves, but we eat waay too much of it. I know this because when I go to visit my family I am always hungry. Other people don't eat as often or as much as we do.

    For now I am working on eating less and adding more vegetables to our meals. For exercise I am going to drive fence posts, because I need a fence and I hate to do pointless exercise.

    I am really looking forward to painting my own toes by the end of this year :)
  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
    Michele: I love the idea about having pork in the New Year “because a pig uses his nose first when going forward, a chicken scratches backwards and you want to go forwards into the New year, not backwards.” I read it to DH and he enjoyed it too. We may have pork for dinner today, with something green, of course. Thank you for the smile and fun idea.:bigsmile:

    bjmcq, Juanita, and everyone : Thanks for the good wishes. Happy New Year back at ya.:flowerforyou:

    Newbies: Welcome. We post as often as we like, and many of us are here daily, sometimes more than once. We seem to chat about almost everything that affects us, and give one another moral support, advice and encouragement on our journey to good health. Please let us know where you’re from. We have women from all over the world.:flowerforyou:

    Anne Watkins: MFP is a blessing for those of us who have had food issues for many years. It is a sure thing if you make the effort to follow the guidelines and record your food as accurately as you can. I hope you’re able to improve your health. Perhaps you will be so successful that the surgery will be unnecessary. Welcome.:flowerforyou:

    Christschild: I think a four-pound loss during December is an amazing accomplishment. Congratulations!:flowerforyou:

    Heather: What is Kedgeree? I’m tickled that your 70 year-old friend is such a challenging yoga partner. It gives me hope for a more fit future. :bigsmile:

    Dr. Katie: My beginning plank was one minute and I worked up to one and a half minutes before I hurt myself. I’ll be doing my first plank of the New Year in a bit. I hope to be able to do at least a minute. I had to quit when I hurt my wrist, but have doctor’s approval to resume if I use the position where you rest on your elbows. That is my preferred position anyway. I’ll wear the wrist brace for it because I know I put pressure on my whole forearm. :flowerforyou:

    DeeDee: I love the idea of taking the things that worked in the past and adding to them, while giving ourselves permission to let go of things that didn’t work for us. :heart:

    Patty from Cincinnati: I love most of your goals, but have avoided setting weekly or monthly pounds lost goals for myself. I set the final weight goal when I set up my program. My monthly goal is sticking with the number of calories that MFP has allotted me. That I can control. I’ve been the plateau queen around here. I’ve done things right for weeks with no weight loss often enough to feel like an expert. By sticking with the program the weight has come off, in its own sweet time, and I’ve never felt like a failure at meeting my goals. (Other than water consumption.):ohwell: :flowerforyou:

    Patchworkpers: Sitting next to cake all day long and abstaining is like passing a huge test. Congratulations!:flowerforyou:

    Brooke from CO: I’m so glad you’re back! :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:

    Kathy in IL: I love the quotation, and I’m thinking of adopting it, at least for a time. You’ve been missed and I hope to see more of your posts.:flowerforyou:

    Anncreswell: Welcome! Portion control is the key to success for us, and I can recommend it as an excellent weight loss strategy. My DH is also on this journey with me, and I count it a major blessing because we support one another in day-to-day choices. If you don’t already have a digital food scale I would recommend getting one so that you can verify your portions. Mine have a tendency to creep up if I don’t measure. :flowerforyou:

    We had a lovely dinner out to celebrate New Years and got to talk to our daughter and DGD for a good long while via face-time. We made contact with friends and family with text messages and even spoke to our son briefly on the phone. I LOVE communications technology!:love::love: :love:

    "What the New Year brings to you will depend a great deal on what you bring to the New Year." ~Vern McLellan (borrowed from Kathy in IL)

    Katla in beautiful NW Oregon

    January goals:

    1. Log every bite and swallow.

    2. Focus on fitness: daily cardio plus strength training a minimum of twice a week.

    3. Water: According to an article a friend posted on facebook, drinking water at certain times maximizes its effectiveness on the body. So I’ll try to follow these recommendations:

    * 2 glasses of water after waking up - helps activate internal organs
    * 1 glass of water 30 minutes before a meal - helps digestion
    * 1 glass of water before taking a bath - helps lower blood pressure
    * 1 glass of water before going to bed - avoids stroke or heart attack
  • Mollybesweet
    Mollybesweet Posts: 80 Member
    Good Afternoon and Happy New Year Ladies :heart: :flowerforyou:

    I am back!!
    Recharged and refreshed.
    Still working on my January goals :bigsmile:

    Molly in sunny but cold WV
  • jfenner141
    jfenner141 Posts: 146 Member
    Happy New Year from sunny but cold western Mass. We are hunkering down for a snow storm tomorrow into Friday, with about 8-12" or so expected. That will be our biggest snow fall so far this winter. Plus the lows tomorrow night are below zero without wind chill (yikes!!).

    Goals for January look a lot like December:

    Continue eating more vegetables
    Keep drinking 8-10 cups of water a day
    Work out 3 times a week
    Keep up the 50 minutes of cardio twice a week
    Lose 2-3 pounds a month (please dear Lord!!).

    Jill in western MA
  • rachael52
    rachael52 Posts: 86 Member
    Hi, everybody. Happy New Year. I am coming back on MFP after at least 7 months off and my tummy shows that I've missed it. I have real motivation now in that my back is getting bad and I also have a special trip to Costa Rica (bathing suit) in March. I'm 61, so I don't look the way I did in decades past, but I have hope!

    My simple plans:

    log my meals
    yoga once a week
    check in with MFP community once a day, not just to talk about me but of course to encourage others

    That's it!

    Oh, and try on the bathing suit every so often.

  • meyllisa
    meyllisa Posts: 284 Member
    :flowerforyou: hello ladies, so nice to startthe day and year off with a fresh slate..
    I have't done well in the past with set goals they seem to over power my whole plan. So guess my January plan will be to
    1 log my food everyday even when its a bad day
    2 drink my water as per new recommendations sounds reasonable
    3 get more movement in my day
    4 take time for me, instead of trying to resuce everyone else, putting their needs first

    Any pounds lost are a plus, boy even getting older you are always learning, for me this last year with my mfp ladies has been a wealth of knowledge, thank you to all

    Welcome to all who are new
    Have a great 1st day of 2014 juanita in sudbury minus 30 this am burrr
  • jmkmomm
    jmkmomm Posts: 3,247 Member
    My we are a chatty group this new years. On page 4 already!!!!! Watching the Rose Bowl parade. I could watch anything with the guys from Property brothers doing the narrating!!!! Love my HGTV. Will catch up on the reading later. Just wanted to make a quick note to see if the number changed on the weight ticker.

    Edit, it didn't change. I guess I have to lose another .2 pound for it to change. Weighed 181.4 but bloos sugar going the wrong way all the way to 110.

    Joyce, Indiana
  • Vickil57
    Vickil57 Posts: 1,818 Member
    Good Morning and Happy New Year!! Sounds like we are all off to a good start for the New Year. I have been trying to get over the flu the last couple days. I did get the shot. We were in bed by 10:30 last evening. DH worked 11 hours yesterday and had to be back at 8 this morning. Was fine with me as I was not feeling the best. I do feel better this morning.
    Thank You so much Barbie for all you do and keeping us going.

    Welcome to all the new ladies. Looking forward to sharing this trip with you. I love this group and all the support it gives.

    Sylvia--:flowerforyou: Happy Anniversary, My younger brother was also married in New Year's eve. Congrates on the smaller size PJ's. Please take care of yourself. Your body needs to be pampered with all you have gone thru.

    Alison--:drinker: congrates on the bonus. You deserve it and to do something for yourself. I hope DH is feeling better.

    Margaret--thanks for the great info. Alot to think about.

    Thanks for the heads up about the sale at Dillards today. I plan to go out this afternoon and see about getting a new bra.

    Have my goals for January-
    1. Log every bite--even the bad days
    2. Do some kind of exercise atleast everyother day
    3. Drink water everyday
    4. Look forward -- Not back

    We are getting some snow here this morning and sounds like it will be cold the next several days.

    Blessed! Vicki GI NE
  • wizzywig
    wizzywig Posts: 1,246 Member
    :flowerforyou: New Year New start. I'm a bit disappointed with myself - bad eating habits have crept back in and Mr Scale has shown a lb rise! :frown: It could be the alcohol :embarassed: I must admit I have had a few small glasses of Baileys and we all know how calorific they are. Whatever, I need to get a grip and stop snacking and drinking.

    :flowerforyou: Thanks Barbie for keeping the thread going.

    :flowerforyou: Welcome the newbies - you will find us a chatty bunch.

    :huh: Not sure what goals for January should be, I'm a bit rubbish at sticking to goals :embarassed: I have good intentions, but I'm not consistent. I need to think of something that I will complete to help me make challenging goals in the future.

    :laugh: Looking forward to seeing the next episode of "Sherlock" we finally find out how Sherlock faked his death, it seems we have been waiting for ages to find out, both me and DD are fans :bigsmile: so we will both be watching at 9pm tonight.

    Well, I've got a few chores to do, so will just wish everyone a Happy January 1st and think of some goals.

    Cold and wet York UK
  • KarenGMT
    New here! Don't quite know how this topic works, but I like what I've read so far.

    No resolutions here. I started this journey of changing my lifestyle since November 4, 2013. I'm trying to Shift (thanks to Tory Johnson) -- my weight (off my body), my mood (suffer from major depression), my eating habits (mostly just trying to be mindful of what and how much, so ... tracking).

    The book got me started 2 months ago. It has been incredibly easy (knock wood) to stay motivated and focused. That's all I want to do, is continue to be motivated and focused on this journey.

    (Thanks to @rileamoyer for leading me to this topic!)
  • Kelley60
    Kelley60 Posts: 2 Member
    Hi, my name is Kelley and I'm new to this board. working/playing on being healthier. I live with Molly, my dog. I've used MFP for a couple years but I'm thinking I need support beyond what Molly can give - LOL.

    1. To log everything I eat.
    2. To take a baby step every day towards my exercise goals.
    3. To participate in the MFP community board, to give and receive support and ideas

    One of the main challenges I have with food is that I'm "quasi" vegetarian even "quasi" vegan for long cycles - I don't eat red meat or poultry but sometimes fish. Not cheese, but sometimes an egg or butter. I like veggies, fruits, pasta, grains, beans, legumes. unfortunately, I like fish and I like ice cream of all things. open to ideas, recipes, all suggestions except that I need to eat meat.

    One of the main challenges I have with exercise is that I have a bum knee and recently have had to start using a cane. but I like dancing, the treadmill, weights, and yoga-lite. not sure how I'm going to dance and treadmill with a cane, but I'll figure it out. not crazy about water anything, and I'm really bad at the warm-up/cool-down stuff.

    look forward to chatting with you all
  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 9,820 Member
    afternoon ladies~
    my my we have a whole new crop of friends:bigsmile:
    welcome welcome.. you will enjoy this group, even though we are spread out on many continent's it feels like we are all so very close...
    have had some set backs with food and it shows on the scale, but onward and upward...
    one of the guys that goes to the gym, who is a total gym rat, I found out has cancer, he woke up with a lump on his neck, went to the gym, and asked a friend of ours who is a nurse, she said to have it checked out, so he did, I have to find out from her, but the cancer moved to his stomach. which is not good:angry: This guy is a peach and is a guy who runs, rides a bike, works out at the gym, and is or was in great shape.. I am sending prayers his way. I am hoping they can do something and get him into remmision..
    It just goes to show you that you just never know when something will happen to you, or a close friend or family member. Life is so very precious.. and I feel Blessed that I have been fortunate enough to stay healthy,that my family is healthy and we are all working
  • jaks97
    jaks97 Posts: 179 Member
  • Irene_1
    Irene_1 Posts: 76 Member
    Happy New Years Everyone. This sounds like a wonderful group - thank you. I am from Saskatchewan, Canada and it has been very cold for the last few months. I like to run outside but do not go when it is more the -25 so I have missed a few days in the last month or so.

    I am married and have two grown boys. One son is a student and living at home and the other , due to his career comes and goes. I am planning a trip to a beach at the end of January and need to be able to fit in my summer/beach clothes. During the last three months I have put on 12 pounds. I am hoping the next three weeks to be record every bit of food I eat and stay within my calorie goals. I am going to add some exercise to my routine of running - maybe some weights and/or DVDs.

    I think I am like a cave women because the fall and winter I put on 10 to 15 pounds and the January get back at it. This year I hope it will be different.

    Thanks again