

  • skuehn48
    skuehn48 Posts: 2,826 Member
    Hello to all: Having a good day today. I went to pick up a friend at the airport and sat in the car while it was running for about 25 minutes. The plane was only a little late but the baggage was a long time getting to the carousel. It is -2 degrees here today but sunny. She on the other hand was miserable. Her niece gave her a cold for Christmas and the flight only made her feel worse. Well she is home now with her kitties and doesn't have to work until Sunday so she should get some rest.

    I am finishing up some transcription and then really have nothing else planned for the evening. Maybe I will get some reading done. I have a gift certificate for a book store and think I will look into getting the Happiness Project and the Exercise Cure for some inspiration this new year.

    All of you who are in the path of storms please stay safe and warm. Healing angels to all who need them and congratulations to those with victories. Sue in SD
  • wizzywig
    wizzywig Posts: 1,246 Member
    :yawn: :yawn: Sorry only read up to page 4 , but I can hardly keep my eyes open.

    :frown: First day back at work and it's tired me out. I don't think I was cut out for work, think I should have been a lady of leisure :bigsmile: :bigsmile:

    I'll try and catch up with you all tomorrow.

    Night Night :heart:

    Viv in Sunny York (well it was sunny for a few hours today :happy: )
  • megblair1
    megblair1 Posts: 1,218 Member
    Hi everyone checking in a bit early today. I plan to spend the evening watching football while I reorganize all my photos from our new York trip a while ago. I need a scrapbook intervention. I plan to work on them this weekend and next in between putting away some decorations.

    Well, NE won their bowl game yesterday, first win at a bowl game in something like 8 years! So that was fun to watch. Now we need to put Benny Beagle on niacin in addition to his other meds. Dang dog!

    Went grocery shopping today and visited dad in the nursing home. Our shopping trip with my best friend was cancelled as she is still sick. So we are planning on Saturday.

    Susan; you have some good goals!

    Debi: stay warm and safe in your storm!

    Sue: what fun to play golf this time of year. I have new clubs from 3 christmases ago that I have never had fit to me nor have I
    used. Maybe this will be there year; I need to find a new golf league.

    Rose: hi and welcome back. I remember you

    Jane: good goals!

    Rori: release…I love it!!!

    Michele: an hour on the wii hula hoop? OMG I need a nap! LOL

    Jen: stay warm in your storm!

    Barbie: thank you for keeping this thread going!

    Renee: welcome to our group!

    Sylvia: I find it amusing that animal medications are most often human meds too and their lab values are pretty similar as well

    Renny: I think you hit the nail on the head! We are all here for each other!

    BJ: me too!

    Katla: you are so right; this is so much more than a calorie counting app!

    Joyce: very resourceful in getting your steps in!

    Margaret: I agree; coming here daily is a key for me.

    Anne: good luck meeting all your goals!

    Grandmallie: I heard about your storm on the radio; stay tucked in safely at home!

    Brooke: good news for me; I HATE the cheddar biscuits at Red Lobster! But I do love their clam chowder. That plus a side ceasar salad will be perfect and I’ll make myself eat ½ a biscuit to get enough carbs in!

    Heather: so glad you are getting back to your journaling!

    Cynthia: great job to not gain any weight during the holidays!

    Patty: ok maybe you can explain the planking to me; I don’t quite get it

    DeeDee: here’s to a fully feeling behind LOL

    Dmduncan: welcome and happy to hear you have found a way to exercise without any pesky shortness of breath or chest pain!

    Deb: be safe in your storm.

    Lizplus: I think your goals are grand!

    Susan: always good to find an exercise that won’t kill you LOL

    Jeanne: welcome aboard. I have found that the small changes make the biggest difference!

    Katla: sounds like you miss your yoga!

    Juanita: BRRRRRRR stay warm!

    Janehadji: good for you to give that treadmill a good workout!

    Liz: great goals…very doable!

    Kevrit: nurses use the same SMART goals when planning care for their patients!

    Terel: what a great FBS!!!!!

    Vicki: did you get a lot of snow? We only got about 1 inch

    Sue: hope your friend is feeling better and didn’t give you that plague!

    Viv: I’ll join you on the couch eating calorie free bonbons as ladies of leisure. Now if I could only find a pool boy to feed them to us!

    Well today I must say I am grateful for the wonderful care my dad gets at the nursing home. Some of those places are dreadful but this one is fabulous!

    My goals are to put myself first. I am doing that by choosing day by day to eat healthily, exercise according to plan, get 6000 steps in each day NO excuses, and to do things I enjoy. I am working towards losing my 3rd 15 pounds which I'd like to have accomplished at the end of March. With that said, it’s time to go dig out those photos!

    Take care and much love, Meg from wintery Omaha
  • LinCharpentier
    LinCharpentier Posts: 1,129 Member
    Start by responding to post

    5 lbs for Jan. sounds very doable. Like the plan you have for doing so.

    I looked at the fit bits but they sounded complicated for this old gal.
    So I just got a pedometer.

    Texas gal
    Hope to join you in onederland real soon. Only 4.5 to go. I was under last summer.
    But I slipped.

    You can add me to your friend list if you want even if I'm 5 years your senior. I'm mother of three. With
    at least 50 lbs. to loose.

    Down two sizes that's great. You didn't want them tight that's why you got one size to big.
    So you come and journal only once a week. So you must journal in a book at home.

    I sometimes wonder when we feel like grazing all day if it's not our blood sugar that's on the high side.

    U tube good place to go when you feel like eating and it's just not that time yet. Can spend hours there. Easy.

    Your books sound like good weight loss inspiration.

    I'm so glad to be sixty five. But I quit work at 59 wanted to travel That's the year we went to Alaska. Came back and didn't feel like opening the fry stand so put it for sale. The work was getting to hard anyhow.

    Sick dogs can be very costly we should be allowed to put them on our medical plan like we do with kids. LOL.
    Great loss was that all in 2013.

    Well I punched in a very good day. Left the perogies alone after I found there calorie count ouch.
    Stopped eating at 6:15 had a nice supper and I'm not having a late snack. I know dietician says I need it
    For my diabetise. But darn I hate eating before bed. See if I'm to hungry I will have a little something. Last night I didn't craze after supper and woke up at 1 mighty hungry but I toughed it out.

    See you all lighter
    Linda in very cold Northern Ontario
  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
    Marking my place. Good evening to all.
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,920 Member
    :flowerforyou: Besides the usual dog walking and morning line dance class, I spent an hour on the phone with my friend in California whose son (age 40 something) has ALS that is progressing rather quickly. She has an amazing spirit and resiliency. Talking to her was uplifting rather than sad. I walked the dogs while talking to her and except for a few short barks by Brandy, both dogs behaved perfectly and enjoyed their time outside. We are packing for a quick trip to go to a weekend meeting near Seattle. We are staying with friends and plan to go to a Thai restaurant for dinner tomorrow night. I’ll do my part in teaching the morning line dance class, then Jake will pick me up and we’ll go.

    :flowerforyou: I have been logging my food and exercise on MFP since February 2009 with only a day or two here and there that I have skipped logging…..it is my intention to continue one day at a time forever.

    :flowerforyou: It’s time for me to call my cousin and listen to her for about 30 minutes. She asks me what’s new and as soon as I say a few words she jumps in and starts talking about herself. I’m used to it because it’s like this every week. She appreciates my calls and that’s what’s important.

    :heart: Barbie from beautiful chilly NW Washington
    :bigsmile: ..23,000 steps today….2 hour line dance class---3 hours walking frisky poodles---3 ½ minute plank

    :bigsmile: My word for 2014 is “Mindful” inspired by “The Happiness Project”….I will seek opportunities to be present in all that I do

    January Resolutions
    *dance at least three dances a day for extra practice
    *yoga twice a week (three times would be better)
    *play with Bernie the cat at least 5 minutes a day
    *don’t take things personally

    "The reason most people fail instead of succeed is that they trade what they want the MOST for what they want at the MOMENT."

    “If it’s important to you then you will find a way, if it’s not you’ll find an excuse.”

    It does not matter how slowly you go as long as you do not stop. ~Confucius
  • jmkmomm
    jmkmomm Posts: 3,247 Member
    Linda, you need to talk to your dietician to see how you can work that bedtime snack in. I have diabetes 2 and I eat an evening and a bedtime snack. But I do that because I get up late and my first meal is around noon then stay up until around 2. So I eat a small snack at 8 and then a mini meal at 10. I make sure that bedtime snack has some good protein in it.

    For anyone who wants to invite me as a fit bit friend, it has to be done by email on the fit bit site. So if you will share your email address with me I will send you an invite. If you aren't comfortable putting your email address here in the forum, just PM me. Thanks

    Joyce, frigid Indiana
  • suebdew
    suebdew Posts: 1,330 Member
    Today has been the best day in a long time with my healthy eating. Hopefully, it will continue getting better. We took down all the decorations and cleaned the house. It looks so plain but I'm glad to have that big job done. The weather up north really looks scary. All in the storms path take care and stay warm. We're getting another cold front coming in Sunday but nothing like the gals in Canada and the Northeast.
    Hopefully I'll be able to do shout-outs soon. I do read all the posts but haven't taken notes. Some posts make me smile and some bring a tear to my eyes. I do appreciate each and everyone of you.
    Sue in TX
  • exermom
    exermom Posts: 6,346 Member
    Jen - welcome back!!!

    Today I did a "10 Pounds Down Total Body Blast" DVD. Tomorrow I'm planning to go to the Y and take the deep water class. But first I'll stop at the Humane Society and give them my aluminum. the container that we put the aluminum is getting pretty full, so I'll take it there and empty it.

    Renee - welcome! Hope you come back very often so we get to know you

    I have to say "thank you" too to everyone on here. You listen to my ramblings, are there for the ups and downs, I can't begin to express how great it is to know that I'm not being judged. Some of you have different opinions than mine which is fine. Many times it helps because it's something that I never thought of. I've also gotten good advice about books, audiotapes, etc. on here. Word of mouth (ok, in this case fingers) is so much more important than a review. Thank you everyone

    You know as I was getting dressed this morning, it seems that my saddlebags have gone down. However, that middle-age-spread has crept up, and I HATE it. I guess the best thing I can do is watch my diet right now and that's what I plan to do.

    Joyce - believe it or not, we did start taking down the decorations yesterday. It hasn't rained in the last few days and they're CALLING for rain today (I'll believe it when it's on the ground), but we brought in the ferris wheel, the inflatables, and the merry go round. The figures on the ferris wheel and merry go round need to dry out and we have all the inflatables in the garage right now running so that they dry out. The blowmolds you can put away wet and they will dry, but you can't put away the inflatables etc. wet or you'll get mold! Congrats on the smaller sized jeans! Awesome. I can never wear those skinny jeans either. My calves are too big and it looks like I've been painted into them. If I get them so that they aren't skin tight, then they are WAAAYYYY too big in the hips. I need bootcut. Problem I have is that I like different colored jeans, and you can only get the different colored ones in the skinny jeans. Vince has a Genesis coupe and when he parks it, he parks it way out in no-man's-land. He calls it his exercise car since he walks further to get to it. He even gets upset if someone parks next to him. Well, that's his baby

    barneygirl - welcome. Many nights I'll have a cup of tea or hot water with some lemon juice in it. That seems to help with my wanting to eat at night.

    margaaretturk - I totally agree that we need a clapping icon

    Ann - great to see ya back

    Allison and everyone else in the path of the storm -- please stay safe.

    Allison - happy birthday to your son! I know, how can they possibly be getting older when we aren't????? Wish Einstein would come down and explain that to me

    Brooke - I've been on this plateau for YEARS now. Always in the mid-130's. Once I got below that, but I felt and looked like c*** so I decided that I'm not going to do that. Lately, tho, that middle-age spread seems to be showing up, and I absolutely, positevely HATE it.

    Heather - congrats on the loss! So happy you're back to writing

    Cynthia - that's wonderful that you didn't gain over the holidays. Wish I could say the same :(

    The Green Room just called. They asked if I could come in at 12:30 today, so I committted to 12:30 to 3:30. Maybe they'll be able to get someone else in too. We were hoping to get to WalMart. There are a few things I want to get and I know that Vince needs to buy a new container for the snow globe. There is just NO WAY on this green earth that we could possibly ever get it back in that box. I'm going to take them some cookies, get them out of my house. There's still move for Vince to eat.

    dmduncan - welcome!

    LizPlus from Halifax - you have no idea how good it felt when we moved to NC and had our home in PA advertised "snowblower included". That made my day

    Jeannie - welcome! I don't think I'll ever get back to my wedding weight, either. But then again, I don't know if I'd want to.

    DeeDee - I agree with katla - you DO have a beautiful face. WTG on breaking that plateau!

    Rita - great goals, and I like your ammendment. Makes a lot of sense

    Joyce - I do hope Nancy joins us. That's so nice of you to tell her about us.

    Teral - great way to start the year!

    Laurie - welcome. Tell us more about yourself.

    Vicki - safe travels. Congrats on the smaller pants. That is so sad about the man you work with. I'm sure I'll be logging my food for the rest of my life

    Sylvia - that is so funny about your hubby in Dillards.

    I think I'll make more of the zucchini tots for Diana. I'm not happy at all with the way the others turned out. This time I think I'll use whole wheat flour instead of the breadcrumbs, maybe that'll give it some more "body"

    Went to WalMart today, Vince wanted to get this big tub to put one of the inflatables in. I took the ad from Target there for them to price match. Do you know that woman was wondering if they could do it since the ad says it's a gray Sterilite tub and WM only had blue Sterilite tubs? So she called a manager who said "go ahead". I wouldn't think the color would be a big factor unless it was on sale because it was a holiday color.

    Linda - if only we could have put our cats on our medical plan Diabetes, surgery to remove polyps, two radioactive isotope surgeries, surgery to remove cancerous mass, now seizure disorder. How I wish! Where did you find the calorie count for the pierogies? I've just been using counts for ravioli. then again, mine aren't all the same size, some are smaller, some bigger.

    Michele in NC
  • LaurelFisher
    LaurelFisher Posts: 407 Member
    :flowerforyou: Good evening ladies, day two of the new year and this new diet. My belly has been growling all day but I stayed strong and only ate breakfast, 90 calorie snack, lunch, 90 calorie snack and Dinner a nice big salad from subway with tuna.
    I'm going to exercise and go to bed:yawn: Everyone be safe tomorrow if you are in the snow zone.:flowerforyou:
    :drinker: :drinker: :drinker: :drinker: :drinker: :drinker: :drinker: :drinker: Rose from Laurel, DE
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,920 Member
    QUESTION: Does anyone know how to count juicing? I recorded all of the fruits/veggies, but it seems high since the juicer throws out all of the pulp, skin, etc. HELP, please!

    try adding small amounts of the juice of each of the fruits you juiced......like 1.4 cup apple juice, 1.4 cup carrot juice, etc.....the data base has lots of different juices and some interesting combinations (probably added by other MFP members)
  • jaks97
    jaks97 Posts: 179 Member
    Hi Ladies. I am back. See lots of new names. I started this last year same time and did ok...but life happens and you get out of routines and slip back. Going to be 60 in June and started exercising again. Going to miss the wii daughter moved and took it with her. Was thinking of joining Curves but decided i can find time to use my elliptical and some dvds to get that 30 min in.

    I have no problem drinking water, my problem which I learned from WW is I don't eat enough. So need to eat more, and healthier. Will probably be a lurker. good luck to you all...

    Keep Warm I am in Sunny CA

  • brookehe
    brookehe Posts: 413 Member
    DeeDee – I think you may win the title (for now): look on the bright side though, you already have the tiara! :wink: (I too think your new profile picture is gorgeous)

    Heather – I love that you’ve started writing again. I too have vowed to get out my journal and my poetry notebooks as well as my paints at least once a week! I’ve been ignoring my creativity for far too long :blushing:

    Sue from Shropshire – I too did a good food shop but also stopped for wine! But they say a glass of red wine a day is a good thing (key being “a” glass!) :drinker:

    LizPlus – How super to have found a gym right in your building! I’m sure you will ease into a healthy routine as you “acclimatize” :happy:

    JaneH – Sorry to hear about your lost FitBit, hope you find it or get a replacement. Glad you liked the oatmeal suggestion too. :glasses: I hadn’t seen any notification but checked my mail today and voila! Must have missed it in the chaos surrounding my sudden trip to CA.

    Michele - I just read your post so maybe you and DeeDee will have to share the title (and tiara?) :laugh:

    Brooke from Colorado

    “You gotta try your luck at least once a day, because you may be going around lucky all day and not even know it.” – Jimmy Dean
  • AnswerintheSky
    Checking in a little earlier today!

    I enjoy reading the quotes that people use to spice up their posts. They give me something to think about...

    I'm doing well today with the vegan diet. My job kept me so busy today that I didn't have time for a proper lunch break so I will not need to worry about my usual bedtime eating tonight.

    Not much exercise today but I haven't tackled the kitchen yet !!!!

    I'm looking forward to my initial assessment with the fitness coach tomorrow after work. I will give you a report afterward.

    Thank goodness tomorrow's Friday!

    Anne from the pouring cats and dogs Vancouver area, British Columbia, Canada
  • MississippiRose52
    Hello everyone. I'm Beth and this is the yr. I take back my life. I hope to encourage and be encouraged. I started the Body by Vi 90 day challenge today. I start c25k tomorrow.
  • shutrbugz
    Hi ladies and Happy New Year! Today was my first day and it went very well. I hope I'm not too late to join your motivation and support group for January.

    I'm 55 and tired of yo-yo dieting. My journey to a thinner, healthier, more exuberant me has begun. I will take all the support and encouragement I can get! Right now things are pretty easy and I'm feeling highly motivated. I would love for that to continue, but it's always good to surround yourself with friends who share some of the same things.

    I have set a variety of goals for myself. My goals for January are:

    * To put God at the center of my life.
    * To do my best to give up sugar and most processed foods.
    * To give up my pop and learn to drink more water.
    * To exercise a minimum of 3x per week.
    * To lose 15 pounds by Valentine's Day.

    SW & CW: 223.8 lbs.
    GW for January: 218.8 lbs. (but am hoping for more since I have another goal for two weeks later of 15 pounds)
    GW at the end of my journey: between 135-145 lbs.

    Having been very sedentary, my exercise goals for the year are simple to start. I would like to begin by walking and tracking with the use of a pedometer (which I'm investigating now and any suggestions you have would be welcomed). I also plan to do a Power 90 ab routine — starting with 10 reps of 10 different crunches — which I plan to do daily.

    I am also hoping to incorporate some free weights and perhaps some dance or other workouts in the coming months. For now, it's enough to for me to just get moving! Wishing you all much success with whatever your goals may be. :flowerforyou:
  • Wisegirl4
    I want this to be THE YEAR!!!!!!!! I want to love what I see in the mirror but also love how I feel

    Amanda from snowy Mulmur, Ontario,Canada:love:
  • edraper70
    edraper70 Posts: 211 Member
    Happy New Year again to everyone.

    Joyce...I would love to have a fitbit friend. So if you want to add me my e-mail is jdraper@juno.com

    Our visiting dog had to go home today. I'm really going to miss him. We had a lot of fun going for walks and playing chase with his toys. He was a great dog to have for about two weeks. It made us start thinking about getting another dog again.

    Our weather has been just beautiful. I can't even envision living in snow and ice anymore...even though I grew up in Michigan, went to school in Minnesota and taught for a few years in Wisconsin. I really hate being cold.

    Please be careful if you are in the path of the storm. And take care of yourself if you are sick! Don't try to do too much too fast. It seems like a lot of people are relapsing if they do.

    Eileen near sunny San Diego
  • jmkmomm
    jmkmomm Posts: 3,247 Member
    shutrgug, I love your name. I did use a simple pedometer I bought at Walgreens but I thought it was innacurate, gave conflicting counts all the time. So I made the investment, $99, for a FitBit.. There are several sizes of FitBit, some more expensive than others. They all sync to their website which gives you a lot of info and also allows you to see how well you are doing compared to friends. It measures steps, stairs climbed, calories burned. You wear it at night, yes you burn calories at night. Mine shows me I burn about 5 calories an hour, just in breathing, turning, etc. You get a weekly report in your email. Most of them also give you an estimate on how well you sleep. I think it is innacurate because it tells you things like how long it took you to get to sleep. I think it measures how still you are and thinks you are asleep. But I think it is interesting because it shows you how active you are at night. I have the 'one', you wear it in your pocket, bra, whatever. It has a little clip you can clip on your waistband or bra. My cat chewed mine up so I just put mine in my pocket or in my bra. You can't wear it in the shower. It comes with a wristband you slip it into for night time. The others look like bracelets, I think you can wear them in the shower. Some people use a heart rate monitor, HRT, it is useful because it measures your cardio activity more. Now if you are like me and take a medicine that causes your heart rate to not be raised that much a HRT isn't the best for you. I don't spend a lot of money on myself at all and thought I deserved it. And I do!!!!

    You pretty much are a mirror of what I started at and want to end up at!!! I also was very sedentary when I started out. When I joined the Y, riding a recumbent bike was a big effort for me. Riding one mile was huge for me. Now I can do 10 miles. I bought one for home now.

    One of my big goals for now is to get into the beginners strength training class at the Y. For those of you that know me, that has been a goal for quite a while. But I also own the title of Queen of Procrastination and it really prevents me from doing it. For instance, this class is on Mondays and Wednesdays. Well this Monday will be my 'sleep all day'. With my MS, I am pretty well spent after a big activity. Our Christmas will be over on Saturday, everyone leave on Sunday so I will sleep until about 5 PM on Monday. Well that means no Y at 10:15 AM. So I wouldn't be able to go until Friday. So what's the use of starting this week??? That's the way a procrastinator thinks.

    Remember, if you want me to add you to my FitBit friends send me your email in a PM.

    Joyce, Indiana
  • bjmcq
    bjmcq Posts: 304 Member
    There are so many old and new people, it is hard to know how and where to start. A simple thanks to the community here is the first ,and best, idea. Many thanks for the interest and support for the last year, and for the days and months to come.
    I enjoy reading your posts, even if I am not commenting every day; it is great to know we all share a desire for better health in a world where every coffee klatch and lunch meeting is full of un-needed temptations. I just gave a tin of forgotten special Christmas cookies to DS, who is heading back to grad school tomorrow....it will be a sad day, but not one where I plan to eat out of sadness.

    Hoping you are all warm and well in these very cold days - they remind me of temperatures not experienced since I was a child.....I guess I got used to the green Christmases and the earth warming.

    Like many of you, it is time to recover from company, rich food, and an enriched social life. I have yet to set out new goals,
    mainly because I feel I have yet to stabilize my food, although the last two days have been quite good.....

    My only goal for today is to make sure I log my food every day..... last year I made it to a respectable 7 months, and then fell off my logging wagon and then my food plans while completing some special projects.....and extending the unplanned sabbatical from MFP.

    Now, I just want my organized plans, my sanity, and my healthier life back.....more goals to come. Right after I complete logging for a week. Best to all,
    BJ, SWOnt.