

  • CynthiaT60
    CynthiaT60 Posts: 1,280 Member
    Good morning everyone! I was happy to see I lost another 0.2 kg (about half a pound). I'd like it to go faster, but at the moment I'll take what I can get.

    We didn't put up a whole lot of decorations this holiday, but the tree will have to be stripped and taken back to the nursery. We always get rental trees, which are put back into the ground until next year. I'm happier with that than with cutting down trees.

    Shutrbugz: I have a Fitbit as well, the Flex model. I'm very happy with it. As Joyce said, you can set the Fitbits up to work directly with MFP. Some people are bothered by wearing something on their wrist; I find the Flex quite comfortable. With the clip-on models or anything you put in your pocket, I'd be afraid it would end up in the washing machine.

    Have a good day, everybody!

  • windstar57
    windstar57 Posts: 41 Member
    Good Morning All from cold (frigid) New England. I just want to thank everyone for their insight so far. I have read all the posts and I am amazed by the dedication and ingenuity of everyone….and the gratitude…what a positive forum for me in a time of life that is really in a state of flux.

    My goal today is to log everything and stay a little below my 1200 since 1200 seems to be a maintenance for me, so around 1,000-
    1,100 which can be a little tough.

    My second goal is to stay positive in everything I do and not get dragged down by the negativity in my head and around me.

    Heather thank you for talking about your writing. It reminded me of how I loved to write and journal and stopped. I will be now looking for my "happiness journal" to write in and keep me in a positive place.

    Thank you to all for sharing….

    Ann (from snowy New England)
  • DeeDee2211
    DeeDee2211 Posts: 1,133 Member
    Good morning beautiful ladies:flowerforyou:

    To all that commented on my profile pic, thank you so much for your sweet, kind words:heart: !

    LizPlus :smile: How wonderful that you have a gym in your building! Remember to take it slow and build up, don`t do too much at one time!

    Jb :smile: I plan on spending less time on the computer too! Love “thinking thin”!!!

    Katla :smile: I love being Queen:bigsmile: , however not so much “plateau Queen”:angry: , I would gladly pass on the tiara, or better yet, get rid of it! Remember my mug?...It does say “Queen of Everything”:drinker: ! I hope you get back to your yoga soon!!! Is your wrist feeling okay?

    Juanita :smile: Oh my that`s cold, I think I would want to stay in bed till July too! It`s really cold here, at least cold for us, this morning it`s 20 degrees, high for today only 32 degrees:noway: , and windy, normal temps are around 50 degrees. Stay warm!!!

    Jane Hadji :smile: Nothing like a dreadmill (I borrowed that from Robin), to make you crazy…I hate mine and only walk on it if`s really raining hard or just too cold! Sounds like you got some good deals on clothing. I like to shop on line, although it`s a bit hard with not being able to try things on…I make sure the stores I shop with have free shipping and free returns!

    Linda C :smile: So nice to see you back!!! Glad you`re feeling better from the asthma attack! Congrats on the gone pounds!!! Did you have gallbladder surgery:huh: ?

    Rita :smile: Brrrr…stay warm!!! Your SMART goals look good!!!

    Jane Martin :smile: Stay warm!!!

    Teral Congrats for reaching your Dec. goals:bigsmile: !!!

    Vicki :smile: Congrats on getting smaller pants:bigsmile: !!!

    Alison :smile: Shoveling snow….what a workout! I hate the days where I think I`m hungry all day:grumble: !

    Sylvia :smile: I live in Winston Salem, next time you`re here, let me know, I`ll go shopping with you:love: !!! LOL at DH snoring with your purse perched on his belly:laugh: ! I`m sure there have been many episodes of men doing that:tongue: !

    Sue in SD :smile: Hope your friend is feeling better:flowerforyou: !

    Viv :smile: I think I should be a lady of leisure too:love: , let`s start a group:laugh: !

    Meg :smile: Scrapbooking, when in the world do you have time to fit that in your schedule? Oh dear Benny on more meds….it`s the donuts:frown: ! A pool boy:love: ……might have to put a pool in here:wink: ! You have some good goals!!! Where are the no calorie bon-bons:huh: ?

    Barbie :smile: I have a friend with ALS:sad: , she is doing amazingly well, she`s on her 7th year of the diagnosis, she has a walker and a wheel chair, but can still take a few steps on her own. She has a wonderful attitude about her life, she just amazes me! Hope you have a wonderful weekend!

    Michele :smile: Middle age spread:angry: …..dang it….I never used to have a muffin top and all of a sudden it appeared:sad: ! I wear a lot of Spanx shapewear:tongue: !

    Rose :smile: So nice to see you again!!!

    Brooke :smile: Love the quote!!!! I think I will copy that one, it gave me a giggle!

    Anne in BC :smile: Hope the assessment with your fitness coach goes well!

    Eileen :smile: After having the loaner dog for two weeks, I`m sure you`re going to miss him! I would gladly loan you Noel today, she decided to bark last night while I was trying to sleep:huh: :angry: , I finally had to put her out of the bedroom, where she stood at the door and barked some more:grumble: , she can be a yappy little thing!

    Joyce :smile: I am so proud of you for getting up to 10 miles, you have come a long way:bigsmile: !!!

    Bj :smile: Your goal of logging your food for a week is a good one! So good to see you back!

    Cynthia :smile: Congrats on getting rid of half a pound!!! Any thing is better than nothing!

    Ann from New England :smile: Stay warm! I have a gratitude journal I write in everyday, I love it, it keeps me centered and reminds me of what is really important!

    Welcome to everyone new:smile::flowerforyou: ! Please come in often and chat!

    Time for me to get off this computer! Have a wonderful Friday ladies!
    Drink your water :drinker: :drinker: :drinker: and log your food!!!

    DeeDee in COLD (at least for me) NC...The sun is shining though:glasses:
  • dsjnix
    dsjnix Posts: 9 Member
    Ok so can someone tell me what the heck to do to drop about 7 pounds. I am 5'3", always been slim and never a problem to drop a few pounds in the past. But now, alas, I am 55 and I have put on a few pounds and want it gone. I also have a thryoid condition for which I take synthroid and doctor tells me that all my lab work comes back now in normal range. I have limited my calorie intake to 1150 a day. Eating mostly greens and healthy. I workout 6 days out of 7 for a minimum of 30 minutes. In doing this in the past, the weight came off easily. Now I have done this same thing for the last 3 weeks and the scale is not moving!!! UGH. All the weight is in my stomach. Can anyone tell me whats going on and what should I do now? Am I going to have to cut my calories even lower???
  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 9,823 Member
    Morning all
    Laurel, may I make a suggestion? you need to eat more.. starving and having a growly stomach will make you binge..
    believe me I know.
    I have found alot of ways to get food in and stay within calorie range, feel free to friend me and will help anyway I can.
    we got about 6inches of snow,they called off work (without pay) which means I only get about 21 hrs pay with the holiday in there:grumble:
    my shoulders are a bit sore from shoveling yesterday,but I have to go out and snowblow in a bit, sad that I know how to do this,but the DH was out and about in the snow and was at work at 4:30 this morning.
    again no gym, but I know I will get a workout today outside..
    we will be having dangerous cold tonight ,so will stay all snuggled in,
    Pat/Phoo- where are you? we miss you my friend ,even to just pop in to say hello.
    well im going to throw a load of alundry in ,pull on my boots, and shovel the deck and then make a loop for the boys out in there fenced in part of the yard..
    hi ho hi ho its off to shovel I go!!!
    see that picture on my ticker~ darn it still wish I was there.. you dont have to shovel sunshine...
  • CynthiaT60
    CynthiaT60 Posts: 1,280 Member
    How do you guys make posts in which you respond to everyone? Do you take notes and then type them up? Seriously! If I've got the reply window open I can only see a few posts below. :tongue:
  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
    Barbie: When we went to Washington to visit our DIL we had lunch at a Thai place in Tacoma that was wonderful. It was called Indochine and was near the University. I want to go back and would recommend it if you and Jake are ever in Tacoma.

    Sue in TX: Congratulations on your good day. It is nice to see you here again.

    Michele in NC: I’m glad your saddlebags have gone down but I wonder what you mean by “middle age spread.” I’ve noticed my kids are aging, too. In my son’s case, a stressful job plays a big role in the situation. DD loves her job, but she also has a lot of responsibility. I think I look and feel younger since retiring, and it is because of my work with all of you on MFP:heart: AND a dramatic reduction in stress and fatigue.:flowerforyou:

    Rose from DE: Welcome to the group. You’ll get friendship and advice, sympathy and encouragement. I’m about to give unwanted advice. Please think about it. I’m concerned about your hunger and tiny amount of food you're eating. Have you let MFP set your calorie goals? I highly recommend it. If you want to be successful in the long run, you need to learn habits that you can maintain forever. I went on a very low calorie diet and managed to lose a lot of weight after DD was born, but when I went back to eating with the family the pounds came back and brought friends. Old meal plan equaled old results. Losing at 1-1.5 pounds a week is healthier. :flowerforyou:

    Anne in BC: I’m glad you’re doing well. It will be fun to learn what your new coach has to say.:flowerforyou:

    Amanda from ON: “I want this to be THE YEAR!!!!!!!! I want to love what I see in the mirror but also love how I feel.” You said this so well. I want what you want! :flowerforyou:

    BJ from SW ON: Welcome back. You’ve been missed.:flowerforyou:

    Cynthia: I also prefer to avoid cut trees. This year we bought a Dwarf Alberta Spruce growing in a pot. They are recommended as able to withstand a month in the house without dying of stress. It is time to start the transition back outside, but I haven’t “undecorated” yet. When the kids come for Christmas we go to a tree farm and get a fresh cut tree. So our new Spruce will be indoors only when the kids are not going to be here. I’m confident about my little guy’s species, but have no idea whether she/he was handled gently, or jerked out of a field and stuck in a pot. I’m hoping for success at keeping this little tree alive.:flowerforyou:

    Ann from NE: Welcome. Stay safe in the snow and cold.:flowerforyou:

    DeeDee: Thanks for asking about my wrist. It is feeling better, but I need to keep the brace on for another couple of weeks. I did get permission to give myself short breaks from the brace. I tried some yoga positions yesterday with the brace on and resting on my fists instead of my palms. They worked fine, even Down Dog.:bigsmile:

    dsjnx: We can lose weight at our stage in life, but it comes off more slowly than it did a decade or two ago. Be patient and persistent. Log every bite and swallow, and get regular cardiovascular exercise to help get the pounds off. If you also want to be stronger, add some sort of weight training. It looks like your calories are low enough. Going below 1200 is not recommended by MFP or the experts I’ve read, although I net less due to exercise some of the time. :flowerforyou:

    I’m doing better with the water consumption thanks to my new goal. I hope to maintain my focus there AND I’m dragging DH along with me. He had slipped in his water consumption and was having problems with BP because of it. I still need to finish DDIL’s Christmas stocking, take a picture of it on the mantle to show my son, and THEN I can pack up the Christmas decorations. I’m eager to do that and hope to dedicate the day today to getting it done.

    Katla in beautiful NW Oregon

    "What the New Year brings to you will depend a great deal on what you bring to the New Year." ~Vern McLellan (borrowed from Kathy in IL)

    January goals:

    1. Log every bite and swallow.
    2. Focus on fitness: daily cardio plus strength training a minimum of twice a week.
    3. Water: According to an article a friend posted on facebook, drinking water at certain times maximizes its effectiveness on the body. So I’ll try to follow these recommendations:

    * 2 glasses of water after waking up - helps activate internal organs
    * 1 glass of water 30 minutes before a meal - helps digestion
    * 1 glass of water before taking a bath - helps lower blood pressure
    * 1 glass of water before going to bed - avoids stroke or heart attack
  • LinCharpentier
    LinCharpentier Posts: 1,122 Member
    Good morning this place.

    I think it's like a chronic decease once you have it's a life time thing. Let go and your facing big time trouble.

    She told me just to keep enough calories from my day to have a night snack. I had a mandarin orange before bed and was fine until morning. Got up mighty hungry. Had two eggs with 1/4 cup broccoli and cauliflower.

    It is very cold in Northern Ontario -43 weather. Not walking outside weather.

    My tree came down right after the grandkids left on Christmas day. I use a real tree and it started to change colours so out it went. I have the grandkids today so I will have them helping bring the rest of the decorations brought downstairs.
    I wonder with time if we ever will have a chat room here. Would be fun.
    All I did with the perogies was enter them in the data it was there.

    Sounds like a great day. Your body will get used to so much food and the grumbling will be less.

    Not eating enough is a big problem with a lot of beginner dieters. Journal your calories keeping them close to 1,000

    The more you use your creativity The less time in the kitchen thinking of what can I eat next.

    I like those quotes I take some down sometimes and share them with the tops group.

    Welcome all you new members. To the most active group on the net.

    I have never left my Northern Ontario country and I love it. But this -40 weather is for the pits.

    I'm from the old book I guess. I don't need no fan dangle gadget to tell me I had a good day. There
    more to keep us accountable.

    Yesterday I had a great day. And wii told me so this morning with a loss of 1.3 so that's wonderful in one day. I certainly don't expect that every day. And now I have my grandkids and my granddaughter wants a blueberry smoothie and so do I. That will be my mid morning snack.

    See you all lighter
    Linda in Northern Ontario.
  • susanrechter
    susanrechter Posts: 386 Member
    Hi all.

    Wanting to check out the Jillian Michaels DVD. Some variety in my workout. Wonder if I can find it on Youtube and see if I like one.
    Still at my incessant plateau. growl.
    Gonna do kettleball exercises today...those are rough IMO.
    Ate sauted mushrooms and cherry toms in Pam, then added 2 eggs and made it into a fritata. under 240 cals.
  • susanrechter
    susanrechter Posts: 386 Member
    Actually, 231 cals. for the egg/veggie fritata.:happy:
  • margaretturk
    margaretturk Posts: 5,099 Member
    How do you guys make posts in which you respond to everyone? Do you take notes and then type them up? Seriously! If I've got the reply window open I can only see a few posts below. :tongue:

    Yes! I don't always respond to everyone. It depends on my time.

    Good morning from the Land of Ten Thousand Frozen Lakes,

    Vicki Congrats on two sizes down (clapping icon) Happy Birthday to son. I understand the need to still honor that day.:flowerforyou:
    I agree about the computer, because I limit the TV easy to fill with computer. I will watch that. This site and MFP don't count because they help me stay healthy.

    Welcome Linda we feel your cold here in MN.

    WelcomeShutrbugz, amanda, and Laurie :flowerforyou:

    Barbie I have the Happiness Project ordered from the library.

    DeeDee drinking water as a type.

    limit TV/computer
    Live with intention

    Life is too short for a bad cup of coffee:drinker:

  • SusieCuteYay
    SusieCuteYay Posts: 59 Member
    That's a cool resolution list! I really like the 'play with Berny the cat for 5 minuets a day!
    Being over 50, is a different challenge to loose weight,,, i do believe!
  • CynthiaT60
    CynthiaT60 Posts: 1,280 Member
    Eek. Just crashed and burned with a big chocolate bar. Dang. :grumble:
  • virginialee78
    Hi ladies! Happy New Year to you all!!! I would love to join your January support group for us over 50 ladies. I recently turned 53 and as usual I gained back a good amount of weight during the holidays. I really need to stop this yo-yo dieting that I've been doing since my last son was born. He's 14 so I've been doing it for awhile and it's not healthy. I've lost and gained this same 30-35 lbs. over and over so many times that I have whiplash! LOL I have always used the Adkins type diet to lose weight for a big event or whatever and oh boy does it work in the short term, but after awhile, I always gain back every bit of the weight. I've been cooking Mediterranean food for over a year now and LOVE it... lots of vegetables, fish and chicken... it doesn't feel like you are depriving yourself. I definitely eat healthy food most of the time, but my problem is I still binge on the junk food. I've been a member of Myfitnesspal for quite a while and love how it keeps me honest by tracking everything I eat, but I've used it sporadically and never used the "community" feature for support.

    I started exercising again a few days ago and it feels good... sore, but good! I'm hoping that the support and encouragement here will help me. I really do have a love affair with food and it's the first thing I turn to when I am stressed or anxious. I need to learn other ways to relax. I do incorporate pilates and stretching in every workout so that helps me de-stress quite a bit.

    Okay, my goals for the new year are:

    To find a peace and happiness within and stop turning to food
    Not be so hard on myself
    Stop binge eating
    Stop worrying about the things I have no control of
    Stop the "all or nothing" mindset with eating plans
    Lose 30+ lbs. and keep it off this time
    Get my body strength back with weight-bearing exercise after a medically rough 2012/2013
    Get back to doing the outdoor activities I love

    Well, I can't think of anything else... I think I wrote a book! Now I'm off to do a strength tng. and stretching tape in my living room, and then bundle up for a walk. I'm only doing 3 miles right now but need to work up to more. I've signed up my son and myself for the Shamrock Marathon here in Va. Beach (just the 8k). I'm having surgery in February but should be able to walk the marathon. I look forward to getting to know everyone! Have a great weekend! Lee
  • momof10
    momof10 Posts: 122 Member
    :flowerforyou: :drinker: tea break. good morning how was the snow storm for whoever was in its path we came out with at least 8 inches and so far still have our electric thank you .michelle yes I just pick up the wii u and so far its great I have had the wii for a few years and with the u you can play the wii reg games on it and they have some free ones to download they do have a wii fit u on it I have to tell you bless you for doing the hula hoop for a hour on the wiiu they send you hoops on your arms so you have to keep moving them with you waist ones it was interesting. weighing myself on it was funny today I had to do it over it said I lost 12 lbs in a day it was really 2 ozs. ok everyone have a blessed morning welcome new friends and its nice talking with old ones again and again Barbie I thank you for keeping this up and running debi
  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 9,823 Member
    well im back,:bigsmile:
    Ann what part of New England are you in? we have Jill in Ma.,Kevrit and I in Connecticut.
    I am having a snack, of dill and olive oil triscuits with a laughing cow garden vegetable wedge and a mug of fat free hot chocolate...
    yummy, laundry in the dryer and I have to dust under the bed..
  • Kelley60
    Kelley60 Posts: 2 Member
    off work today and no routine to hold on to - have had 2 bananas and black coffee. then I remembered I am on this board. so here I am. Getting ready to move and took the day off to finish packing. at least the packing will keep me moving :-)
  • brookehe
    brookehe Posts: 413 Member
    :glasses: Well this week marks one full year that I’ve been on MFP. Though due to my unexpected trip to California in Nov/Dec my ticker doesn’t reflect that, I did actually log “manually” while I was gone and managed to come home the same weight I’d left. Considering a month of hospital cafeteria/restaurant food and stress I consider that a “WIN”. Back to my exercise and healthy cooking/eating routine to drop the rest of this !@#$$%^$&^#@$ weight and get to goal. A great big “thank you” to all of you here whose words of wisdom, wit and general support have made this year so much easier and more successful than I know it otherwise would have been. :drinker:

    Beth in MS – Welcome, great to have you join us on your health journey! :smile:

    Eileen in SD – I know how having a dog around can make one want to get their own, when I was in California to manage my late FIL’s affairs my DMIL fell in love with my dog Dillon. I think she was sadder to see him go than me! :laugh:

    Joyce – You need to start where you are, and if that is Friday, or next week that is fine for YOU! Comparisons are pointless, do what you can when you can and you’ll see results :flowerforyou:

    Ann in New England – Like you, Heather inspired me to get out my journals and pick up my pen again. Good luck staying in a “positive place”! :happy:

    Sylvia – Just cracking up picturing your DH sound asleep (and snoring!) right there in the women’s department :laugh: :laugh:

    DSJNIX – I’m no professional, but based on my experience so far and reading LOTS of posts here it seems to me you may be eating too FEW calories. Based on you exercise regime and weight loss goals, I’d recommend if you haven’t already using the calculator here on MFP to see what calorie intake is recommended. :ohwell:

    CynthiaT60 – In order to reply to individual posts I open a Word document and reply as I’m scrolling through posts. Then I cut and paste that into my reply here in the forum. Hope that helps! :smile:

    Katla – So glad to hear your wrist continues to improve and that yoga was “doable” for you. Here’s hoping for continued speedy recovery :flowerforyou:

    Lin – Yes!!!!!!! Brilliantly stated :happy: I know I need to fill my time constructively in order to achieve all my personal goals. Reacquainting myself with my own creativity is one of those things I know will be helpful

    VirginiaLee – Welcome, it sounds like you’re off to a great start. Join here regularly for tips, advice and/or to just vent :wink:

    Kelley60 – Packing to move is great exercise, but be sure to hydrate and snack/eat healthfully during the day (well, today and every day!) :happy:

    Brooke from Colorado

    “Before you speak, ask yourself: Is it necessary? Is it true? Is it kind? Will it hurt anyone? Will it improve on the silence?”
    – Sai Baba
  • mollywhippet
    mollywhippet Posts: 1,890 Member
    Good morning! Brrrrrrrrr! It's cold here, but nowhere near the cold in Canada, so I can't complain. I don't know how you do it up there.

    It's been one week since my procedure, and the scale this morning told me what all of you predicted. My weight is exactly where it was before, so that six pounds really was water. And it's gone! So this morning I'm celebrating by making a loaf of banana bread from the cooking light web site. I plan to cut it into slices, put waxed paper between them and put it in the freezer, so I can take it out one slice at a time. I put black walnuts in it too. I love black walnuts! What a treat!

    DeeDee, my SIL lives in Winston Salem, so we usually go there once a year to visit. It's such a beautiful place. Have you always lived there? Hubby grew up there. His dad taught at Wake Forest. Another SIL lives in Henderson, so we visit there too, and we try to get down to the beach every year. I like going to Seagrove to the potteries, but it's not hubby's favorite, so I dont get there very often.

    Lee, I sympathize with the yoyo dieting problem. I did that for many years, and finally gave up dieting altogether. That's when my weight really ballooned. It was overwhelming to think about losing the weight. Now somehow it's different. It feels like something I can do forever. Like it's not a diet anymore, it's a lifestyle. I feel sort of calm about it now. I hope you can get to that mindset. Walking a marathon with your son sounds like fun.

    Brooke, I love your profile picture. Very cute!

    I'm going to get out and about today, no matter what. Cabin fever is getting me down. Have a great day, ladies!

  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,372 Member
    Good afternoon everyone and welcome new people!:flowerforyou:

    I managed to lose weight on 1700 cals a day, but with 450 exercise calories per day, so netting 1250. It was slow towards the end, so to lose the last 1 1/2 lbs I lowered my calories to 1500 for ten days. That did it! I could not eat any less - I love my food! I am really now at a healthy weight but I am aiming to lose one more lb so I can say I am in the 9 stones! ! ! ! 9 st 13 1/2!!!!!!!!!!!!:laugh:
    Like you Michele, I have lost my saddlebags, which I had all my life, but I'm still a bit mushy round the middle. As it has eventually come off my waist I am noticing loose skin.:sad: In general, though, if I look at my silhouette and not the fine details, I am delighted with the results. I think the weight training has made the biggest difference to my outline. I have built up the weights very gradually, starting at 2kgs and I am now on 9kgs each side.
    As for the face exercises Alison, there are loads on utube. I used a book called Five Minute Face Lift, but there are others on Amazon. I have been doing them since Feb and can do them almost in my sleep! Actually I do them whenever I think of it and when I am exercising, like on the recumbent bike. I do the big grin until my cheeks hurt and also flare my nostrils. I do neck and jowl tensing, lower eyelid twitching and upper eyelid and forehead raise. Also ear waggling for good measure.:laugh: :bigsmile:

    My saga with the window in my tenanted property goes on. My tenant wants compensation and the freeholders have not got back to us. I sent them another email to add to my official complaint. :sad: :explode: Felt a bit better after that, but I had to work at it to regain my composure. Then I had a letter from a friend whose holiday in India ended in near disaster, with her boyfriend suffering septicaemia and kidney failure. He is OK now, although he can't walk properly, so it puts everything in perspective. Her story of escaping from the hospital pursued by 5 "heavies" demanding payment was like a film!

    The visit tomorrow to DSIL sounds a bit complicated, with her trying to fit in everyone's demands. We have to be there a bit earlier so as to catch the nephew, wife and baby before they rush off home to give the mother a sleep, who is on night duty. It may sound a bit selfish, but we do want to get our gymming done before we set off as we won't be able to do it there on Sunday. So a crack of dawn departure is not on. I will set the alarm for 7am. To be honest I am relieved not to be spending hours with the child.

    Chilli on the stove for tonight. Last night my bad cold was really bringing me down so DH cooked the chicken in black bean sauce. I had mine with shiritaki noodles. I will have tonight's chilli con carne with cauliflower rice and asparagus. DH will have his with baked potato. I thought I would be jealous of his potato so I had one for lunch with smoked salmon and peri peri sauce.:love::laugh:

    Bye for now everyone. Keep safe. We are battered by winds and floods over here, you have cold and snow over there! Brrrrh!:noway:

    Love Heather in windy, rainy, miserable, Hampshire UK

    PS Just heard from Amazon that my DDIL'S four new books have been despatched to me. Sooo excited!

    Jessamy Hibberd - This Book Will Make You Happy, This Book ....... Calm, ......Confident, ........Sleep.
    They are her first publications and she is a qualified psychologist, specializing in CBT. And a delightful person!:heart: