
  • Poerava14
    Poerava14 Posts: 1,082 Member
    Hello Friends
    Warm thoughts going out to those of you in the grips of the artic freeze. Please be careful, especially if you go outside to walk fur-babies. I feel for all the people who are at airports waiting out the weather delays.

    Susanrechter: I too consider myself a “Plateau Princess”. I know I’ve lost inches, but have been gaining and losing the same two pounds for 3 months now. Like you, I also have integrated high intensity intervals in my cardio. I found an app on my kindle where I can preset the timing. So sorry about your daughter’s dog. What a heartbreak.

    Jeanne: Welcome to this community. We’re here to support each other on the journey to health and fitness. Come back often.

    Margaret: Intention is a superb mantra. I admire how you’ve cut back on watching TV.

    Jb: Love your attitude and your positive mindset. Getting healthy starts on the inside.

    Juanita: Kudos to you for getting off the couch to exercise despite knee pain. I’ve been there and can tell you that the more I exercise the better the knee feels. Hang in there.

    Janehadji: Hope you find the fitbit or they replace it for you. Can you believe this crazy Colorado weather?

    Kevrit: Great goals!

    Teral: Congrats on entering Onederland. Keep up your positive spirit.

    Vicki: Happy dance for you on getting down another pant size.

    Meg: Scrapbook intervention? I’m awe of people who take the time and care to put together scrapbooks. What a treasure for your family.

    Barbie: So sorry to hear about your friend with ALS. I hope she continues to live with grace. I lost one of my brothers to this awful disease.

    Michele: I’d love to see the video of your decorations on FB. Hope you got my friend request, but if you not, you can find me: Rori Lindo-Britton. WoW. You know it's cold when your car door freeze shut.

    Brooke: How I envy your creativity. What do you like to paint? Happy One Year Anniversary! Love your bottomless collection of great quotes.

    Eileen near San Diego: I went in the opposite direction > from sunny Calif and Hawaii to Colorado where for the first time in my life I live with snow. At least it’s sunny about 300 days a year. Today was 50!

    BJ: Welcome back and keep on logging.

    Joyce and Cynthia: Thanks for the fitbit advice. I have a birthday coming up…hmmmm….

    DeeDee: I’ve never tried spanx. Are they comfortable? I’m old enough to remember the old school girdles…oh the pain!

    Katla: Do good to hear the wrist is healing and you’re able to do yoga again.

    Linda in Northern Ontario: Minus 43? Yikes.

    Lee: Welcome. This community is a safe and healthy place to hang while you work towards your awesome goals.

    Grandmallie: I believe you were the one to first mention the low carb wraps. DH and I tried them this week and we have a new love. Will look for the Sugar Free Oregon Chai.

    Kelley60: Welcome back...good luck with the move.

    Heather: Thank you for recommending the face exercise book. I reminds me I have one already downloaded on my kindle, and it’s time to stop procrastinating doing these exercises. It’s been added to my January goals.

    Pat in Ohio: Happy Anniversary. A great-grandchild is certainly something to look forward to.

    Sandy in Ontario: Welcome back! Bravo for doing a good job with your food during a stressful time.

    Jill: Your vegetable dishes sound delish!

    Today I had the blood work done in anticipation of my annual physical later this month. Realized that I am a *mere* 9 pounds from hitting a normal BMI. That is my goal for the year. Yesterday MFP emailed out 101 health and fitness resolutions that rock. This is a terrific resource that I'll use to jog myself out of behavior ruts.

    Stay well.

    Rori in the Colorado Foothills

    My word for 2014 = Release :smile:

    Goals for January:
    :glasses: Reduce carb consumption to 30 grams 2x per week
    :love: Five face exercises every day
    :bigsmile: Schedule three weeks of vacation
    :drinker: When in doubt, chose vegetables (from The Happiness Project)

  • SylvieJacques
    SylvieJacques Posts: 113 Member
    Hi, My name is Sylvie and I'm new here... Or I should say that I'm back.

    Tried a few times but timing was not right. Now it is time to get back to business and lose the weight that I gained at lightning speed.

    I am divorced and live alone with my son. I'm in the suburb of Vancouver.
    I had lost all my weight but my life got out of control (and I let it happen unfortunately) and it took me over a year to get it back to a point where I'm back on my feet.

    I have close to 100 lbs to loose and I'm in no rush as long as I make some progresses into going down.

    I have been inactive for a while so I am starting progressively and focussing on being healthier then eventually adding some exercise.

    My goal for January is to loose something (not picky on how much) and by the end of the month to have started re-integrating some exercise into my routine. My garage is setup as an exercise room with a theadmill, mats, weight and a TV, but I let it go and need a couple of week to clean it up so I can reclaim the space.

    Happy new year 2014 everyone.... and a great year ahead of us!!
  • Anamika703
    Anamika703 Posts: 202 Member
    Hello ladies:flowerforyou:
    The whole world seems to be getting colder..... so I hope all of you my friends are safe and warm. those who need to venture out please be careful.:love:
    Welcome to all the ladies who are new here. Hope you keep coming back and we get to know you better. This is such a wonderful group :bigsmile:
    Susan so sorry for you and your daughter:brokenheart: . Sending hugs:heart: to both of you.
    I have been for my weekend run this morning and noticed pain in my knees afterwards, oldage is creeping up:grumble:
    But I love the exhilaration while running and the feeling of conquering my laziness after the run too much to stop now:blushing:
    So need to get myself something to support my knees.
    Drinking lemon water regularly has helped to take off the extra weight I gained over New Year's sweet consumption......
    I am going back to abstaining as eating just one is a great achievement from stuffing my face, but doesnt help me in my goals.
    Remember what Barbie says those who give in for the moment, losing sight of the final goal are sitting ducks for failure.

    Today I also want to thank all of you my friends who have taught me so many things through your tireless striving and examples. The support and encouragement always positive and when required, a nudge to come to my senses when I needed to be more objective but never ever judging me.
    Thank you!:love::flowerforyou: :drinker:
    Drinking lots of water
    Drinking warm water with lemon
    Eating mindfully
    Anamika from Mumbai
    NSV My mother who is here is listening to me for the first time, when I suggested she increase her water intake. She even did a Leslie Samson walking programme from Youtube, (as I have read some of you doing it). Must be because of some changes she sees in me ( Clicking my heels and jumping over the moon) She even read a few of your posts.:bigsmile: :wink:
  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,605 Member
    No time to post! Off to DSIL.
    Might get back in tonight if I get on her wifi.
    Love Heather UK

    Stay safe all of you in the COLD. We are wet, wet, WET!
  • CynthiaT60
    CynthiaT60 Posts: 1,280 Member

    Cynthia - I'd never heard of a rental tree! How neat! I'm guessing that they aren't real big. Is having the ball in the home somewhat of a mess? Do you have to water the tree?

    Michele in NC

    Hi Michele, no, it's in a kind of bucket. You do have to water it, yes. And ideally give it a gradual warming up and cooling down, like a day or two in the garage both ways.

    Good morning everyone!
  • tazgirl1960
    tazgirl1960 Posts: 78 Member
    January Goals:

    :smile: Lose 1 pound per week.
    :smile: Join the Y again (and go) :tongue:
    :smile: Log my food (good and Bad) :embarassed:
    :smile: Drink more water
    :smile: STOP stressing
    :smile: Manage my time better

    Tina in Florida :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:
  • DeeDee2211
    DeeDee2211 Posts: 1,133 Member
    Good morning beautiful ladies:flowerforyou:

    This will short today, I`ve got lots of things I need to do:grumble: :grumble: :grumble: !

    Welcome to everyone new:smile::flowerforyou: !

    Susan:smile: So very sorry to hear about the puppy:brokenheart: :sad: :sad: !!!! I`m sure your daughter felt the virtual hug you sent out!!!

    Katiebug:smile: I feel quite the wimp too:embarassed: , it`s 18 degrees this morning...I`m freezing. This is a cold spell for us in the southern states! I have actually pulled out a puffer coat to walk the dog, it`s too big now, I can actually wear several layers underneath it:laugh: . it is very warm though and that`s all I care about!

    Rori:smile: I wear the smoothing Spanx, they really just smooth out any lumps and bumps (my muffin top:blushing: ), they do have what I call the "evil" Spanx that suck you in and make it difficult to breathe, those are uncomfortable and I don`t wear them:noway: !

    Anamika:smile: So good to see your post!!! Fantastic news you have your mom drinking more water and walking:bigsmile: !!! Your good habits are contagious!

    I must get off the behind now and start this beautiful COLD day! Drink your water:drinker: :drinker: :drinker: and log your food!

    DeeDee in NC
  • irasgirl
    irasgirl Posts: 12 Member
    Hello everyone
    Kathy here...new over 50 member from Colorado Foothills...Hi Rori we are probably neighbors!

    I am new to posting but hell...nothing else has worked! LOL

    My Story in a nutshell: I am trying to lose weight I have lost and gained over and over again for the last 30 years...with all the practice you think I might get it right.:wink:

    I am leaving today for a vacation...and we all know how those help diets BUT...

    This January [especially this week] I resolve to:
    Post every day
    Work out at the Gym EVERY DAY
    Maintain my diet
    Weigh myself every morning ...no matter how frightening the prospect!

    Ladies to say I need support is putting it mildly....HELP !!!

    Its not the failure to maintain my weight that is haunting me...its the frustration!

    Anyway that's my story...I will post tomorrow
  • blondelis50
    blondelis50 Posts: 24 Member
    I'm totally loving MFP. Where have u been all my dieting life? I'm also, a newbie...new to 50 too. no worries.:noway: :ohwell: Ugave me inspiration, Barbie. Thanks. Lis from snowy cold upstate NY.
  • yoyonomore55
    yoyonomore55 Posts: 350 Member
    Lis from upstate NY- I am also from upstate NY- near Syracuse. Welcome to our group.

    Just trying to stay warm. We woke up to no heat. We are on automatic delivery for propane, but they didn't deliver!! May be time to check out their competition.

    Deb A in central NY where it is COLD!!
  • yanniejannie
    yanniejannie Posts: 1,090 Member
    Good morning,

    Extremely cold for here today; 20 now, so we must have dipped into the teens. I have fed my birds, giving them some extra peanuts and chopped apple with the usual suet and birdseed. The blue jays are so loud; they certainly wanted their feeder filled!

    I went to see the woman I know who had a stroke and fell then wasn't found for days.......very, very difficult sad visit which has stayed with me. She is moving one side, breathing on her own, squeezed my hand in response to questions, and seemed to track with the one eye that is open. Spoke to her RN who told me that her level of response varies day to day. Has a respiratory infection with a rare bug.......one I had never heard of, did not even see the warning until we were on the way out of her room. Only distant family; decision has been made that she would not want to live like this..........just so sad.

    Susan.........Very sorry that your daughter had to learn of her dogs' death in such a manner and so far away. I would also wonder why they felt compelled to inform her when she's so far away, but then I thought, with Facetime and such, it would be difficult to hide such news if she was in contact in that manner.

    Brooke.............So very, very good to see you back!!!!!!!!!

    Anamika...........Kudos to you for inspiring your mother!

    Heather..........Hope you are enjoying your visit.

    I am loving having DD home; eating strictly has fallen by the wayside despite my resolutions but I haven't been terrible (or at least that's what I'm telling myself). After she's back to college, I will get down to business again. Saw the movie "Saving Mr. Banks" a couple days ago........truly not sure if I liked it or not. Yesterday, both of us spent several hours volunteering at a packet pick up for a race run today..........certainly glad I'm not out there this am!!!!

    I am almost on MFP a year; this thread is fantastic and I'd like to thank everyone I've met here; as "neighbors", you are all the best!!!

    Well, my very late paper has arrived, so off to reading and breakfast.

    yanniejannie.........so glad to be indoors!!!!
  • Good afternoon
    Back on MFP after a long break and seeing the title WOMEN 50+ caught my attention - not that I can claim attention span being that .... What's the word.... Bummer.... You know what I mean. I know I'm 50+ because I have the boob bus appointment - was the mammogram machine invented by the same person who invented the Corby trouser press or the George Foreman grilling machine???

    Hope you don't mind me piping up here.

    Bit about me. Have been T2 diabetic for about 6 years, really well controlled until the summer last year when meds stopped working. Weight gain of about 8kg in 3 months and bloods off the scale.

    Now lost that plus 6kg since 25 Oct, including 1kg over Christmas.

    Bloods still awful but new meds have a side effect of keeping one feeling fuller so only on two meals a day. Just waiting on meds review next week to see what they are going to do. I'm doing my best, and a 2 stone weight loss in less than 3 months, proves that. Just my body is in denial...

    Really looking forward to getting to know you.

  • georgiaTRIs
    georgiaTRIs Posts: 229 Member
    There are lots of us out there. Never to old. After all I did not run my first marathon till I was 60. Set you goals and go for it!!!
  • georgiaTRIs
    georgiaTRIs Posts: 229 Member
    There are amazing stories out there. It is really cold, and seeing your post should remind us all to check on our neighbors and their pets. Take care and stay warm:smooched:
  • Hello Ladies:laugh:
    :bigsmile: Wishing you a very Happy New Year !
    Hope that 2014 ushers in a positive change in our lives

    :flowerforyou: May we eat well and feel swell
    May we walk, run or lift more
    So we dont say : "O what a bore !"
    May we drink water morning noon and night
    And watch our excess weight depart
    As we enjoy our NSVs and become light on our feet
    May we Stretch in body and mind
    As we face the daily grind
    With a smile on our lips and song in our mind

    Have to decide my resolutions for the month
    :bigsmile: Move more,
    Be conscious of my choice of food and make a better choice:drinker:
    :flowerforyou: Act the way I want to feel ( Borrowed from Barbie)
    Drink lemon water ( Borrowed from Grandmallie)
    Log daily
    Hugs to all
    Anamika from Mumbai

    Anamika, love this!
  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 9,998 Member
    hidee ho ladies and good morning again,
    did get to the gym, and im so excited to find out that ,if im not mistakened, my insurance will pay for most of my gym membership and vitamins I take.. holy cow, the info you find..
    I know those wraps are awesome arent they? La Lortilla has the rye ones, that I love, and Flat out company makes some too, each only have 90 calories..
    I was at Stop and Shop which is a chain grocery store here at leas in Ct, and found they have a whole boatload of different wraps that are from anywhere between 50-100 calories, pumpernickel and multigrain, and tomato basil..now at least if I want to mix it up I know where to go..
    one puppy pn my lap and it is 14 degrees outside. will stay in ,unless the DH wants to go out somewhere, he is working until noon
  • LinCharpentier
    LinCharpentier Posts: 1,122 Member
    This is the rest of page 8

    Lucky for us our cold spell was during the holiday break.
    Or school would have been called off No buses at-40 or under.
    And to me I find there also afraid of a little snow.
    Lots more snow days than when mine were in school.

    Our cold spell broke went from -43 yesterday to -11 today
    How stupid is that. Now we are getting lots of snow.
    I have to find good food sources for night snaking.
    Cereal that I ended up pigging out on last night just won't cut it.
    But got up to a lower B/S than I had all week
    If you look at how dog food is made you would make all your own.
    Mine eat a lot of our food. That's all our dogs ever got on the farm.

    Welcome to a very busy site. You will find a very nice bunch.
    Of supporter.

    Minus 2 is beautiful weather. Should see that sometime end of April here.

    No matter what made you do it. You did it.
    Wish something would happen to me to do this more than a month.
    It has to become a life time commitment.

    Thank you Michele. But wii gave me back a +2 this morning but that's ok.
    That will happen but I know the why to much cereal at bedtime last night.
    Florida and the big races coming up soon.

    That's how I did it last night read everything but no notes just to time consuming.
    But I still benefit from all the posts. Lots of inspiration to keep pushing along.

    A slumber party sounds like a great plan if you have the floor space.
    Tell your daughter than the pharmacy will give her enough pills to do her
    until she gets home.
    Don't bother looking at the forecast we can't change it.
    Just enjoy all the company. I'm sure they will help with the meals
    and clean up.
    Good luck and may all go well with whatever plan you take.

    Now that's another page done. I need to get out of here bad enough got up late
    Wow just looked at the clock and it's going on 11 still in my nightgown. And absolutely
    nothing accomplished but this.
    It's shower day and I do have at least one load of laundry.
    But no hockey today. So I have the day for me. Do I want a me day. Hey why not.
    But I promised my granddaughter her quilt sometime today. Not a lot left to do and
    Doing it all on sewing machine.
    Wii wasn't good to me this morning but no fault but my own got into the cereal before bed last night
    Ate to munch and what happens when we do that. +2 but my B/S was the best in a long time.
    So snacking at night does help.

    See you all lighter
    Linda in the great white Northern Ontario
  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
    Joyce: I agree with Michele that your progress is amazing. You’ve renewed yourself despite some serious health problems. My DH also has MS and it can be very disabling and de-motivating. He’s doing a lot better, too, thanks to weight loss and effective medication.:flowerforyou:

    Michele: My car doors have frozen shut many times. When I have an electricity source close by I use a hairdryer, and I’ve also poured really hot water on them. I like your determination to find a way to do what you want to do. :flowerforyou: Thanks for explaining “middle age spread.” I mentioned my little round tummy that still needs to be firmed up but when I “spread” it goes right to my butt and thighs first. :tongue: I’m planning to keep my little Dwarf Alberta Spruce in a pot indefinitely. They are said to be able to handle life in a suitable pot for years and years. We once had a Colorado Blue Spruce for our Christmas tree and it lived in a half Whiskey barrel for several years until we planted it in the yard. Then it got too big for the yard so we donated it to the city. It now lives in a city park.:flowerforyou:

    virginialee: Thanks for letting us know you’re from VA.:flowerforyou:

    Tina from MD: I can just picture your dog picking her feet up high.:laugh:

    Joyce: You may be hosting a giant slumber party. Stock up on food! (And figure out a way to get your needed rest.):flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:

    Anne from Vancouver BC: I can’t resist Boston Crème donuts. Snacks at work were one of the significant reasons I gained so much weight in the first place. It takes real grit and determination to deal with it. On this site I have learned how to have a treat without gaining. I earn it with cardio exercise. I love my bike! It is on a trainer in the garage. Some others have stationary bikes. I can take mine off the trainer and ride in the streets. It spends a lot of time on the trainer helping me "earn" treats.:wink:

    Rori: I didn’t see the 101 fitness resolutions that rock. Did you get it in your email? I rarely check the “social” tab. I’ll look there.:flowerforyou:

    SylviaJacques from Vancouver: Welcome! Stick around with us for "give and take" encouragement and advice.:flowerforyou:

    Anamika: If your knee hurts after running you need to take care of it. New shoes are one possibility. Perhaps you can get someone to watch your gate and see if you need to change your stride. I don’t run any more because pounding my knees is destructive. Hi to your mom. You’re lucky to still have her and she is lucky to have you.:flowerforyou:

    Heather: Travel safely.:flowerforyou:

    Cynthia: I have heard of rental trees and they have them in the PDX area, but our drive is too long to get to them, and the weight is too much for DH and I to handle. I applaud you for your determination.:flowerforyou:

    Tina in FL: Good luck with your new goals. The “stop stressing” goal looks like a difficult challenge. Let us know how you decide to deal with it. You could start a good trend. The other goals sound totally doable and are very positive.:flowerforyou:

    Kathy from CO: Welcome. My best finds when DH and I started were MFP, a digital food scale and dishers to measure out portions. We always ate healthy food, but our portions were too big. The food scale was from Amazon and moderately priced. The dishers look like ice-cream scoops & were from a restaurant supply place. They cost more. They aren’t necessary but they’re easier to use than measuring cups when serving food. Then I found this group and what a blessing it has been! :flowerforyou:

    Mandy: I’m going to LOVE your sense of humor. Welcome! Are you from Great Britain?:flowerforyou:

    DIL’s Christmas Stocking is finally done. :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: I’ve taken the pictures and sent them to my son. NOW I can start taking things down and putting “Christmas” away. My little tree is first. I need to start transitioning it outside. The lights will be last.:flowerforyou:

    Katla in beautiful NW Oregon

    "What the New Year brings to you will depend a great deal on what you bring to the New Year." ~Vern McLellan (borrowed from Kathy in IL)

    January goals:

    1. Log every bite and swallow.
    2. Focus on fitness: daily cardio plus strength training a minimum of twice a week.
    3. Water: According to an article a friend posted on facebook, drinking water at certain times maximizes its effectiveness on the body. So I’ll try to follow these recommendations:

    * 2 glasses of water after waking up - helps activate internal organs
    * 1 glass of water 30 minutes before a meal - helps digestion
    * 1 glass of water before taking a bath - helps lower blood pressure
    * 1 glass of water before going to bed - avoids stroke or heart attack
  • jb_2011
    jb_2011 Posts: 1,029 Member
    Happy Sat! Hopefully none of us will "sat too long" today :laugh:

    It's all about moving these bods. And of course eating right. It's been 3 days now of no sweets and I'm feeling much better! Started off on New Year's day by updating my ticker and starting all over with a mass dedication to getting these darned pounds off. All it takes is doing it. Why do I constantly battle it? :huh: Well, enough fighting with myself, I finally gave in and got serious. Spent the better part of 2013 dabbling with eating a little more than I should have. Not a good idea! Been here on MFP for just over 3 years and it feels like I'm a brand new beginnner. :bigsmile: Never too late to start again, right? Right!

    Rori your post reminds me to start doing my face exercises. Yikes, the wrinkles! :sad: If you have specific exercises, I wouldn't mind knowing about them, thanks.

    To all of the new ladies - welcome! :flowerforyou: It's a big step you're all taking, one that takes commitment and a good, positive attitude. There's so much to learn about nutrition, it pays to do some reading. Keep marching forward every single day, add plenty of friends here for support, keep posting, keep notes of how you feel on your journey, and never, ever give up. I wish I could say it was easy. But we're all here doing it together, that's what makes it work!

    Wishing you all a wonderful weekend.

    :smile: jb in Portland who finally lost a pound this week :drinker:
  • CynthiaT60
    CynthiaT60 Posts: 1,280 Member

    Cynthia: I have heard of rental trees and they have them in the PDX area, but our drive is too long to get to them, and the weight is too much for DH and I to handle. I applaud you for your determination.:flowerforyou:
    Thanks, Katla. :smile: We don't get a huge one. I think the peak is about as high as I am tall. And it's not far driving. But when we can't handle it anymore we'll do something else. :smile:
