

  • cyn3652
    cyn3652 Posts: 2 Member
    Hi, I am 55 and new to the message boards. I am setting goals and planning for a good year of weight loss. I have 45 pounds to lose. Last year I packed on 25 pounds…So my first goal is to get rid of that. Happy new Year!

    Today I will be meal planning and throwing out Christmas cookies and snacks. Christmas is over and it is time to get on track for weight loss….Today is a New Day!
  • ktsmom430
    ktsmom430 Posts: 1,100 Member
    It is well below zero here this morning and only going to get colder all day into Monday, Tuesday and maybe above zero (6) on Wednesday. I can not let that stop me from getting my walk in this morning though, so as soon as daylight comes I will be bundled up and in my Sorel boots, walking up and down the snowy trails in our woods. Schools and many businesses (my office as well) will be closed tomorrow due to the extremely low temperature, but mostly because of the very strong winds. It is -10 F right now, but only will be going lower.

    Patacake, I have been here for 2 years in March. I could barely move and did not begin excercising until I had lost 90 pounds. I began walking (20 minutes) and slowly increased the time. Yesterday, I walked for 2 hours outside and had over 21,000 steps. My knees were horrible too. Getting rid of the excess weight makes a huge difference. With the support of your DIL and MFP, you can do it too! If you don't have a pedometer, you may want to think about getting one. My fitbit is the single best motivator I have. I got it last February and it challenges me to move more. You can do this too!
  • CynthiaT60
    CynthiaT60 Posts: 1,280 Member
    My knees were horrible too. Getting rid of the excess weight makes a huge difference.
    May I ask about your knees? Do you have arthritis? When did you notice that you were having less pain?

  • patacake01
    patacake01 Posts: 13 Member
    ktsmom: i have been looking at fitbits this morning on ebay/amazon, i am thinking seriously about getting one,
  • patacake01
    patacake01 Posts: 13 Member
    Thanks Cynthia,
  • ktsmom430
    ktsmom430 Posts: 1,100 Member
    Hi Cynthia. No, do not have arthritis, my knee problems were from being morbidly obese. It was/is a gradual process. I noticed the difference when I had lost about 90 pounds. I was encouraged (by my daughter-she is a runner- and my good MFP pal Kathleen) to start taking short walks at that time. That was October of 2012. I could not walk up a flight stairs without getting winded. I slowly increased my walking time. Now, I love walking and can walk for long periods of time without tiring. We live in the country on 10 wooded acres of rolling (some steep) hills, which is my favorite place to walk, and the hills make it a pretty good workout. My very favorite NSV was on Christmas Day this year. My daughter joined me for my walk on Christmas Eve. On Christmas Day, she admitted that her calves were sore. She has run 2 marathons in the past year and countless other races. Meanwhile, old mom had no soreness at all.

    I also use the gym at work M-F (mostly the elliptical), but would prefer the walks if daylight and time allowed.
  • CynthiaT60
    CynthiaT60 Posts: 1,280 Member
    Thanks, ktsmom. My doctor says every pound lost helps the knees. Ortho surgeon does not want to operate (new knee) until I lose 20 kg, partly because I'm relatively young for the op (not quite 54) and with extra weight the new knee would take more of a beating.
    So curious what will happen when I lose more; maybe the pain will even be less. I hope so, because now the hip on the other side is hurting, because of using that side more. Argh.

  • LinCharpentier
    LinCharpentier Posts: 1,122 Member
    This place is so active left I was on page 9 last night come back we are at 11 that's at least 3 hours of reading and taking notes I'm on page 10. But had to take a break I'm starving so going to make me an oatmeal pancake with blueberry calorie wise syrup. I will be back shortly. If I don't run to the sewing machine instead.

    Wii only gave me a 0 gain or loss this morning i'll take that and keep going.
    So to everyone make it a good day.
    Remember the more you move the more you loose. That's why I like sewing every few minutes you need to get up and iron.

    See you all lighter.
  • DeeDee2211
    DeeDee2211 Posts: 1,133 Member
    Good morning beautiful ladies:flowerforyou:

    I have read all the posts:bigsmile: , no time to reply this morning though:cry: !

    Welcome to everyone new:flowerforyou: !

    Congrats to everyone seeing a loss:bigsmile: !!!

    I am getting ready to go boss the boys:bigsmile: ! We are having cold rain this morning:frown: , but no freezing, thank goodness. I am ready for spring and summer, and yes, I know winter just started:ohwell: , I`m just not a cold weather fan:noway: . I do tend to walk faster when it`s cold outside, get my laps at the track done and get in the car! Noel has been wearing her winter coat for her walks, I forgot to put it on yesterday at lunch and she was jumping up on the door wanting to get back inside:embarassed: :laugh: !

    Have a wonderful Sunday! Drink your water:drinker: :drinker: :drinker: and log your food!!!

    DeeDee in dreary (but beautiful) NC
  • moeggep
    moeggep Posts: 219 Member
    Good morning all, it is Sunday and at this minute I'm snuggled up under blankets with my protein coffee. We are suppose to start getting really bad weather today and I work 1-5 at the Y. I have desk duty but stashed a hula hoop, step and weights behind the desk so I can move around and get some steps in. Everyone have a great day!
  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
    Jane from IL: Stay warm in the arctic blast. My DSIL’s family lives in IL, too. I hope all of you stay safe.:flowerforyou:

    Sylvia: Your BP sounds excellent to me. I think you are wise to double check with the doctor. It is your turn to start feeling good and enjoying life.:flowerforyou:

    Renny: I like the jazzercize class picture but not as well as the picture of you and your DH.:wink::flowerforyou:

    Margaret: I’m happy to know that I’m not the only one who likes to leave the lights up until we have longer days.:bigsmile:

    Momof10: I have struggled with water since day 1. I found information posted by a facebook friend and am trying it out. So far, so good. It helps me to have the additional information she provided because understanding something makes it easier for me to follow through. The whole reasoning is in my goals now. I need the daily reminder of how water helps.:ohwell: :flowerforyou:

    Julie in FL: Welcome. This is a wonderful and supportive group.:flowerforyou:

    Sandy from ON: Good weigh in! Congratulations!:bigsmile:

    June from IL and AZ: Welcome. I have a cousin who spends winters in AZ, too. He & his wife are on their third winter there and bought a place last year. They live what I’d call a “resort” lifestyle in the winter and love it.:flowerforyou:

    Virginialee: I want to have dinner with you!:bigsmile:

    Michele: Congratulations on being down a pound. :bigsmile: We have a wii, but ours doesn’t have the scales or weight management programs you’re using. We like to wii bowl. It is a lot of fun when we have company and more exercise than I would have guessed. Regarding your advice to yanniejannie, my mom used to call pneumonia the old person’s friend because it helped them pass on when their lives were filled with suffering. I think that is in line with what you said, too. Thanks for suggesting the blog tab. I’ll look for the resolutions.:flowerforyou:

    Cheryl: How do the horses do in such cold weather? Are they in individual stalls or can they huddle together for warmth? I’m going to google thumb arthroplasty to help me understand your situation better.:flowerforyou:

    Molly in WV: The pesto sounds interesting. What do you put it on? How are the calories? It looks as though they’d be quite moderate.:flowerforyou:

    Joyce: Your family Christmas sounds wonderful. I’m impressed with your DGD making the corn casserole. What an accomplishment for her. This may spark an interest in cooking.:flowerforyou:

    Sue in SD: I’ll bet your horse will be happy to have snuggle buddies to herd with in the cold. Will she be inside a barn or stable? I’m confident the shelter is adequate or you probably would bring her home. Stay safe and warm, yourself.:flowerforyou:

    Barbie: It has been a few years since we had a ferry ride. I’m thinking of making it a goal for the New Year. I’ll see about adding a picture of DDIL’s stocking to my profile page. The set was popular in the 1980’s and many will probably recognize it.:flowerforyou:

    Anne from Vancouver, BC: It sounds as though your fitness coach is thorough and knowledgeable. Good for you!:flowerforyou:

    Cynthia: Congrats on the lost pound.:bigsmile:

    Patacake from UK: Welcome! MFP has great resources to help with weight loss and fitness. Be persistent and you can work miracles in your own life. You need to be motivated from the inside, but this group of women is amazingly good at support and encouragement. It sounds like you’ve got the motivation you need. Be prepared to be patient, too. The process is a sure thing if you follow through, but it isn’t fast. :noway: We have something in common. I started here because of knee pain that was keeping me from enjoying life and doing the things I wanted to do. My knee will never be perfect but it is dramatically better. I agree with Cynthia that the bicycle as a good way to exercise and go easy on your knees at the same time. Good luck.:flowerforyou:

    Kate in ON: Welcome.:flowerforyou:

    Cynthia: Knees and hips will both respond to the weight loss in good ways. You may be able to avoid surgery altogether, which is excellent in my opinion. Where are you from?:flowerforyou:

    Lin: What are you sewing? I have forgotten what province you’re in. :flowerforyou:

    Meogge: Where are you from? Smart of you to take a hula hoop and weights to keep behind the desk at work so you can move more.:flowerforyou:

    I woke up early and went back to sleep, then woke up again and it was still early, but I couldn’t get back to sleep so I got up. I’m thinking about plans for the day, but haven’t made any yet. We did have frost on our deck this morning, but it is not even remotely cold compared the temperatures to so many of you are experiencing. Stay warm and safe.

    Katla in beautiful NW Oregon

    "What the New Year brings to you will depend a great deal on what you bring to the New Year." ~Vern McLellan (borrowed from Kathy in IL)

    January goals:

    1. Log every bite and swallow.
    2. Focus on fitness: daily cardio plus strength training a minimum of twice a week.
    3. Water: According to an article a friend posted on facebook, drinking water at certain times maximizes its effectiveness on the body. So I’ll try to follow these recommendations:

    * 2 glasses of water after waking up - helps activate internal organs
    * 1 glass of water 30 minutes before a meal - helps digestion
    * 1 glass of water before taking a bath - helps lower blood pressure
    * 1 glass of water before going to bed - avoids stroke or heart attack
  • LizPlus
    LizPlus Posts: 117 Member
    Happy Sunday Morning All :flowerforyou:

    I am really thankful there is nothing I need to venture outside to get...it is cold :noway: ..got up early from the fire alarm going off again :grumble: ..Thank God it was a malfunction in the alarm...this is the 2nd time it has done it...our supers never come to tell us what is going on....If it is a real one next time..a lot of people will have to be told by knocking on their doors...as they don't bother with them and stay in their rooms..and seniors should be helped out ...some are in wheelchairs..there is no order of things when the alarm goes off :grumble:
    Going down to the exercise room a bit later and do some time on the walking machine..there is a bicycle one too but I do not think my knees would come out of that one quietly...because of my health my doctor said to start out slowly..10 min to start...I think I will go down a couple of times at 10 min each..when I do my walking in the apartment I have been doing it in 10 min morning..10 min afternoon.....but now I will do my Leslie Sansone video in between....may be too much..but will give it a go...

    KTSmom--You are brave to go out on a walk in those temps...we are having really cold weather also and I don't think I would try it..I see you have lost 90lbs :noway: That is fantastic!!!

    Cyn3652-- Welcome to the group!!!That is what I did with the sweets left..only gave them to someone here in our building..out of sight ...out of.tummy :cry:

    Patacake-- Stepping on that scale and seeing the weight is back is very discouraging..I know I have done it..several times...but keep on trying!!

    Anne-- What a great walk..having someone walk with you makes the time walking go faster..because you are not just centered on the walking...

    Barbie-- You continue to be an inspiration in this weight loss journey..Thank You!!!

    Joyce-- Sounds like a good time for all...what a great way to get family and friends together over the Holidays!!

    Molly-- I also enjoy reading..a good pastime in this cold season

    VirginiaLee-- Good for you!!! Losing lbs is always a treat but to do it over Christmas is an xtra delight!!

    Delnor--Welcome to the group!!!

    Sandy--Yay!!! Good job..losing 3lbs!!!

    Julie-- Welcome to the group!!!

    It is time to watch my Church show on TV...hope everyone has a great day!!!

    LizPlus fr Halifax NS
  • irasgirl
    irasgirl Posts: 12 Member
    Hello everyone...I hope you are all safe and warm today!!

    Rori and Cynthia Congratulations on the weight loss....it is wonderful!

    Jane count me in for any Denver get togethers...I am there!!!!

    Katia thanks so much for the great advice...I will be searching Amazon today!

    Patacakes, hang in there honey...it is always frustrating to step on the scale and wonder where all of your hard work went....believe me it is worth it....keep going...the results are worth the struggle!!

    OK...I don't know how this happened but I lost 5 lbs.???? Usually to lose 5 pounds I have to commit to chop off one of my extremities...but I counted today and ...yep I have all 4.

    It is almost frightening.... I stepped on the scale about 10 times to make sure I was not hallucinating.

    Anyway, I am off to the Gym...

    Have a great day
  • jb_2011
    jb_2011 Posts: 1,029 Member
    Good morning all.

    I just want to share a couple of things from the book called Eating Mindfully.

    "As the fletcher whittles and makes straight his arrows, so the master directs his straying thoughts." - Buddha

    The author talks about eating "neutral" - how it's possible to eat without a lot of emotion. :noway: What? This is definitely some information I've not been aware of until now. I thought it was all about pleasure! No wonder I became obese. I wonder if it's possible to eventually change my thinking. :huh: I LOVE food! Oh me oh my lol

    Here's a quote from pg. 206:

    "Consider for a moment the last time you felt content after a meal -- notice I didn't say happy or unhappy but simply okay with the outcome. This is a radically different way, for many of us, to think about the outcome of a meal. We often judge it to be a good or bad meal and check off whether it fulfilled what we were looking for, whether it brought a particular feeling -- pleasure, fullness, joy.
    This can lead to mindless eating. You continue to eat because you want that particular feeling. And if you don't get it, you might keep eating and eating. In many ways it is helpful to orient your mind to focus on a feeling you don't often notice -- which is contentment.
    Contentment is a good example of mindfulness because it is neutral and accepts things the way they are even if it's not what you want. It is just 'okay'. Unfortunately, we are generally not raised to feel just contented. In fact, it's often quite the contrary. We are taught to want more, look for something better, keep desiring, and continue striving to be happy. Being content is unfortunately pretty undervalued, but it is key to mindful eating."


    This happened to me last week after lunch. My thoughts were "I'm not full". I considered the meal which contained plenty of good, nutritious calories. "I should be content." So I left it at that, and drank some water which then made me feel too full. :ohwell:

    I'm really enjoying the book, I'm taking the time to let the concepts sink in a little. It's definitely a change in thinking.

    Have a wonderful Sunday!

    :smile: jb in chilly and clear Portland
  • susanrechter
    susanrechter Posts: 386 Member
    Thank you all for your kind expressions of care for the loss of little Badger, my daughter's puppy.
    One reason they told her while away in Cambodia, was everyday the dog-sitter would send a picture and report on him, well, the pictures and resports stopped coming and my daughter and her boyfriend thought something was amiss. They were right.
    The dogsitter is beside herself in grief and feels horrible. It's a profound loss for everyone.

    ktsmom- great results! 21,000 steps is amazing. I think Barbie did 27,000 and I STRUGGLE for 10,000!!!

    grandmallie- that must have been awful to have to bury your puppy alone and as a teenager. That is sad. But you took care of your pup, laid it gently to rest.

    rebelrenny- I am looking into Jazzercise. There is a place near me but I was surprised, it's not cheap. When I did it years ago, it was really inexpensive and the classes were sort of independently held in schools and rec centers. Now it's like a franchise.

    cynthia- yousaid you threw out your leftover christmas cookies. if they were at my house, there would be no leftovers. I would have devoured them as soon as I got them. i cannot keep any of that stuff around. seriously. I have to keep just the bare minimum in my cabinets because I WILL go on a food hunt.LOL!

    katla- when we drove down to florida, the dh went to the car wash and had everything tidy in the car. well, it was freezing and the trunk froze shut. we heated the garage (it has a furnace) and the trunk still wouldn't open. So we drove to Florida with all our junk piled in the back seat and when we got there, dh took the car to the dealership. The guy opened the glove compartment, pressed a switch (didn't know it was there) and pop open goes the trunk lid. we are such dummies. Like the man says, "Read the manual!" duh....:huh:

    Sandy- 3 pounds. WTG! Get it girl! that's what my daughters say.:smokin:

    DH had his birthday yesterday...just the two of us here, so went out for dinner. He had steak and I had new orleans style jumbo shrimp...yummers! Ate steamed veggies with it, but it had this great spicy sauce that I devoured with a spoon. All day long I ate my seed cereal with coconut milk. Must have had 1000 cals of it...damn. That is dense stuff and I also baked 3 apples and ate them all.
    STAY WARM and cuddle those little four legged creatures!
  • margaretturk
    margaretturk Posts: 5,099 Member
    Happy Sunday,
    DeeDee drinking water as I type.:drinker:

    Welcome kate in Ontario, cyn3652,Julie weight loss!!!!!!!!!!!!!,June we are here for you.:flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:

    Sue SD don’t blame you about your horses. I went around and put blankets on our windows because of the cold:grumble: .:

    Anne from Vancouver sounds like you have a good plan in place. I need to continually work on my posture to. My dad had great posture and I know that helped him stay healthy to a ripe age of 92. I took a class a few years ago on posture and bought the DVD. I just got it out and did some of the exercises yesterday.

    Cythnia !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Patacake1 Getting tendonitis is what motivated me to drop 25 pounds and keep it off. To jump start I eliminated bread, rice, and as much processed food as I could. I now eat those foods again sparingly. Even when I had it I tried to keep moving as much as I could.

    Kts4mom30 I am proud of you!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    LizPlus Glad it was a false alarm.


    Jb I have read Eating Mindfully like you I found it very helpful. In the paper today they featured a woman who as part of her new year’s reflections picked a word of the year. She suggested giving it a couple of days to know if you have picked the right word. I thought intention was the word for me. After reading your post jb. I know my word for this year is contentment.

    Sandy !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Virginalee you’re on the right track.

    Michelle hope things resolve quickly for Jessica.

    Wessecg feel your pain.

    Molly sounds yum.

    Joyce glad you had so much fun! :happy: I can understand why it was tiring.

    Limit TV/computer

    Life is too short for a bad cup of coffee,:drinker:
  • AnswerintheSky
    Good morning everyone!

    It's a glorious Sunday morning on the West Coast of British Columbia with blue, blue skies and frost on the trees that I can see from my window beyond my computer.

    I hope that the winter storms that many of you have been experiencing do not cause any serious problems for you.

    I lost a pound as of this morning (after having to admit to a four pound gain the other day). At least it's going in the right direction now. Perhaps it had something to do with burning 950 calories yesterday.

    Coach told me to drink lots of water after yesterday's session (I'm supposed to anyway because of my meds) but I didn't remember until the evening. So I polished off my water bottle. What happened? Nothing. I didn't have to get up during the night. I guess my body's cells were so thirsty that they just sucked the water right in!

    Have a great Sunday. I'll check in later this afternoon or evening to report on my measurement session with Coach.

    :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: Anne, Vancouver area, British Columbia, Canada
  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,372 Member
    Hello ladies,
    I'm back from DSIL.
    I'm soooooo tired, I've just woken up from a nap on the sofa. As well as the remnants of my cold I've got a tummy bug.
    We had a good time with lots of talking, especially to DSIL'S boyfriend, which is what she wanted. Feel I know him a bit better now. He comes from an Indian background, but is almost completely English. A vegetarian and newly a Quaker. We had great food and good discussions, including about religion and spirituality. As my DSIL said, it is quite rare to be able to have those sort of discussions with a few glasses of wine inside you and not fall out! :bigsmile: Ate and drank up to TDEE which was quite a lot as we had managed to get exercise in before we left.:bigsmile:
    The child I think may be autistic was there when we arrived, but they left soon after. I still think so and now DH thinks I could be right. She is 11 months now. My feeling is that the parents have a pretty good idea, but have not said as much to DSIL, the granny. Perhaps they think it is too early for such a diagnosis. She is very hard work for them and they get little in return. They have the patience and love of saints. Heartbreaking.
    We got back and took down the decorations for 12th night. I have left a few white candles around the kitchen-diner for winter meals with friends. We are going to have a Burn's Night supper on the 25th with my brother and his wife. If you are interested as to what that is you can google it! We do the Address to the Haggis, have bagpipe music and stab the haggis at the end. I ADORE haggis , but it is very, very fattening. We might find another couple to join us. Whisky is drunk for the Toast to the Haggis. Yeah!

    We had to drive through deep floods to get out of our village yesterday. A llot of Hampshire is under water. It was better coming home, but it is raining again now. However, I think I prefer it to your cold and snow!

    Oh well, I'm sorry if I'm too tired to reply to any of you. I am truly whacked.
    Love to all from WET Hampshire UK
    Heather x x x
  • maryjay52
    maryjay52 Posts: 557 Member
    I cannot believe I am saying this but I will be 54 next month!!!! I am in with you all! Let's show them how its done!
  • wizzywig
    wizzywig Posts: 1,246 Member
    Joyce in Indiana, add me to your fitbit! Rita Delia!

    The more the merrier!

    Rita in Central CT

    :flowerforyou: Joyce/Rita I've just started using my fitbit so you can both add me too.

    I'm not sure how to do it myself - haven't got the hang of the fitbit community yet so any help would be appreciated. I have joined a walking group, but not sure how I sync my steps. I'm sure I will get better once I get used to it :happy:

    Vivs wet and soggy York