

  • wessecg
    wessecg Posts: 410 Member
    Sorry I haven't been around. I haven't really kicked it in gear as I'd intended. My husband and I are joining a weight loss competition they are having in his office starting on the 14th. I know it's bad but I kind of didn't want to lose any weight until the competition started.

    Anyway, I was wondering if anyone here has had a thumb anthroplasty done? My thumb has become unbearably painful and this is what the doctor has suggested. They take a tendon from my wrist, ball it up and use it to replace the bone that will be removed. They said I can't use my thumb right now because it is bone on bone. I hear this procedure has a long painful recovery and a chance for failure. However, I don't know how long I can stand the way it is. So anyone have experience with this?
  • CynthiaT60
    CynthiaT60 Posts: 1,280 Member
    Anyway, I was wondering if anyone here has had a thumb anthroplasty done? My thumb has become unbearably painful and this is what the doctor has suggested. They take a tendon from my wrist, ball it up and use it to replace the bone that will be removed. They said I can't use my thumb right now because it is bone on bone. I hear this procedure has a long painful recovery and a chance for failure. However, I don't know how long I can stand the way it is. So anyone have experience with this?
    Sounds pretty scary. Have you been able to get a second opinion? Is there much info on the internet?

    Good luck,
  • tazgirl1960
    tazgirl1960 Posts: 78 Member
    :smile: From Katla: Tina in FL: Good luck with your new goals. The “stop stressing” goal looks like a difficult challenge. Let us know how you decide to deal with it. You could start a good trend. The other goals sound totally doable and are very positive.flowerforyou

    Katla: Thank you. First: To stop stressing is difficult, but I have set myself up on a Monthly Budget For Finances. :tongue:
    Secondly: I have set up a weekly Menu Planner, including grocery list, I will only buy what is needed for that week, that way there are no temptations in the house, and will help me stick to my budget. :bigsmile: This includes packing my lunch daily. This also includes the recipes already printed so I'm not scrambling to find them, most leftovers will be my lunch.
    Thirdly: I have set up a Monthly calendar with all activities, exercise schedule and free time for me (crafts and such).:bigsmile:
    Then last but not least my DH is joining the Y with me which will help me go more often (or go at all).

    I have set up a cleaning/organization schedule for my home that will help me keep up with chores and order, and not have to spend my whole Saturday cleaning and laundry. I am actually a clean freak and when I don't have the time for this it adds to the stress and the pressure to have it done. Doing this in increments will help me stay on top of it so much easier.

    Tina in Florida :flowerforyou:
  • margaretturk
    margaretturk Posts: 5,099 Member
    Good Morning from the land of ten thousand frozen lakes,

    Deedee drinking my water as I type.
    Welcome cleo,windstar57Sylvia from Vancouver,Tina in Fla.,Kathy CO,Lis NY, Mandy George Forman Grill :laugh: :laugh: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:

    Drkatiebug 20 is cold it just feels warm after -20.

    Michele in NC a shopper after my own heart. Went to Target for their 70% off sale. I have a 19.95 oil change coupon using today before the super cold hits.

    Tina from Maryland congrats on making it through the holidays essentially maintaining.

    Joyce sounds like your are having a very Brady Bunch Christmas times three. Between the weather and family I understand your pain. I am proud of you for you 50 pound loss. That is fantastic!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!I think since we don’t have a clapping icon I will use !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!instead.

    Anne from Vancouver today is a fresh start. You are thinking about the choices you have made and where to go from there.

    Rori congrats on the weight loss!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Great visual s on your goals. Release profound choice.

    Anamika from Mumbai My DH is a runner and he started having knee problems. He went to a physical therapist and got warm up exercises to do before he runs. Although he admits he only does half of them.He says it has helped. The exercises work on other muscles that support the knee.

    Yanniejane Sorry about your friend. This weather is dangerous as we hear about those who get caught in it. Told my son to fill his gas tank and carry plenty of extra warm clothes in his car. He doesn’t like to be told what to do. This time he listened. “Saving Mr. Banks” is not quite what I expected. I did need tissues for it. I still like the theme Love is not always easy and great things come from compromise.

    Gmw391 warm hugs back to you

    Linda form N Ontario yes we feel your weather down here. Interesting how 0 suddenly feels warm.

    Katla love quote.

    Grandmallie feeling the warmth you are sending from FL.

    Jb Portalnd 61 total pounds !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Went to Thai restaurant last night. Food was excellent. They don't deep fat fry their meat in their stir fries like some Asian restaurants. My great niece sent me a picture with her brother for belated Christmas. Also got to have a belated Christmas with out DDIL (darling daughter-in-law) She went to visit her family for Christmas. A good day!

    limit TV/computer
    Live with intention

    Life is too short for a bad cup of coffee.:drinker:

  • pa77y
    pa77y Posts: 36
    Happy January 4th to all you beautiful people on this thread. The cold has extended itself to Florida where we spent an entire day in the 40's. That's cold to our thin blood bodies here! I can not imagine the cold you all are enduring, be safe out there. This is the first week of my 100 day challenge and I have lost 3 pounds! Now if I can keep the momentum going. The weekends are the hardest time for me as that is when I tend to snack the most. I am looking for Friends for MFP that are more my age and I thought if I asked you all to friend me you possibly would. So Happy New Year all and keep drinking that water!!!
  • brookehe
    brookehe Posts: 413 Member
    Jill in MA – Wow, that sounds delicious! I too am a lover of Indian food (and all veggies). Thanks for the inspiration, those spices will help to keep one warm for sure

    Lin in ON – Hoping you “win” at poker (if you have fun only that is still a win, right?)

    Cleo in PA – Welcome, you’ll find great support and advice here (not to mention many animal lovers). Check back often (go to top page “Community” then to “My Topics” and you’ll see the board) to speak/read/advise/kvetch

    Meg – Lemons=Lemonade re: scrapbook store closing: deep discounts on things you want/need!!!!! Enjoy that which speaks to you and “do it” as you’re able. I’m (re) learning this lesson. Please share how Bennie the Beagle takes on your homemade food, I’m thinking to try for my own Dillon the WonderDog

    DrKatieBug – I know right???? I think we all have someone like Barbie’s cousin who we contact out of obligation rather than “give and take” conversation! Sure struck a chord with me as well

    Rori – I suggest you celebrate that you “only” have 9 pounds left to goal. I’d be doing cartwheels if I were that close! The glass is half-full dontcha’ know? Oh, yes – my painting preference is watercolor, though I do dabble in acrylics too. Strictly amateur, magnet-on-the refrigerator stuff, but I enjoy it

    Anamika – How wonderful that you and your mother are positively motivated to share this health journey! You’re obviously setting a great example

    Sylvie – So cool that you have a dedicated workout space (soon) in your garage. You have set common-sense goals for healthy loss. Come back to here often for encouragement and support!

    IrasGirl (Kathy) – Welcome, have a relaxing vacation and stay the course! Read and/or post here and will find great support and encouragement.

    YannieJannie – Thanks for the “shout out”! Glad to hear you’re enjoying your time with DD.

    Mandyg43 - Welcome! You’ll fit in here nicely, I can tell Awesome that you’ve managed to lose the weight, hope your next medical appointment brings better news about your blood sugar readings. Please let us know where you’re from.

    Gmw391 – Excellent advice (both setting your goals AND checking on neighbors)

    Katla – Congratulations on completing DIL’s stocking (and taking down the decorations). Let the new year commence!!!!!!!

    Brooke from Colorado

    “Enjoy the uncertainty of life and allow yourself to be overjoyed when you hit those milestones or pleasantly surprised when you realize you want to skip out on some of them altogether.” – Emma Gray
  • SylvieJacques
    SylvieJacques Posts: 113 Member

    Just curious. Any of you use a FitBit to track your exercise and steps ?

    I tried to connect to MFP account and it seems to work quite nicely as I get extra calories as my FitBit register steps. Granted it takes a few steps to get an extra calorie :wink:

    I think I kind of like it as it's easy and for the rest of the exercise when the time come, I can log them here. Just wondering if this would allow me too many calories as typically we don't count every steps we make if we don't have that.

    Sorry I'm just starting again and my goal is not to loose to much weight at once, so I have setup my profile to loose 0.5 lb/week. By using FitBit, is it ok to set it up for that wanting to loose that or should I set it up to 1 lb/week to be on the safe side as I'm just starting all over. Don't want to be too aggressive but also want to loose some weight regularly (I know I will plateau and I'm fine with that but this should take a few weeks I hope :smile: )

    Anybody using FitBit with MFP ?
  • mollywhippet
    mollywhippet Posts: 1,890 Member
    Good morning! I just had a visit from my son and grandkids. They were spending time with us while his wife and her cousin moved her stuff out of their house and into her new apartment, so I guess it's official that she's leaving. It's so sad.

    I did manage to get out of the house yesterday but almost passed out at the grocery store. For some reason I'm getting dizzy, especially when I stand up for a while. I think it must be a side effect the new medicine. I'm feeling queasy too. Hopefully it wont last too long.

    Temps are in the upper 30's now, but we are supposed to get cold again and get more snow starting this afternoon.

    Brooke, I want to hear more about Dillon the Wonder Dog.

    Sylvia, in soggy, muddy, snowy Kansas
  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 9,824 Member
    Sylvie~ quite a few of us have fit bits and are hooked up together..
  • janehadji
    janehadji Posts: 206 Member
    So much for global warming! The cold weather has hit us in Denver now, too. 61 degrees out yesterday, but woke up to 4 inches of snow and it’s still falling. The high is expected to be around 20 degrees. That’s typical for Denver – the weather changes all the time without warning, but is usually sunny and nice. I took down the Christmas decorations this morning, so am ready to embark on the new year!

    Brooke – I’m so sorry for your family’s loss. It’s great that you were able to be there to help. I’m sure it was a great comfort to everyone to have you there.

    Susan – I’m sorry to hear about your daughter’s puppy. I know that they are like family, and being at a distance makes it that much harder.

    Michele – I can just see you dancing in that store. LOL!!! :laugh:

    Tina – Only a half pound over the holidays? That’s terrific! Good for you!!

    Rori – Great that you’re so close to your normal BMI. I know that you’ll get there this year! Yes, the snow is crazy. I gave my car to my son to use since his wouldn’t start, so now I’m housebound, as I won’t drive the convertible in snow.

    DeeDee – I didn’t know that Spanx had just a smoothing one. I hate girdles with a passion, and couldn’t deal with the tight one. I tried it for a wedding last summer, and ended up taking it off in the car since I couldn’t breathe. :blushing:

    Cheryl – It’s nice to “see you” again! I just got back to the group after a 7 month hiatus and 14 lb. Weight gain. I’m sorry you’re having so much trouble with your thumb.

    Kathy in CO – There are several of us here in the Denver area who plan to get together every so often for support. Please let us know if you’d be interested in joining us!

    Sylvia – I’m sorry to hear about the dissolution of your son’s marriage. That’s a hard thing to go through. I hope that your dizziness passes soon.

    Jane in Colorado
  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
    JB: Congratulations on your lost pound! :bigsmile: As long as we live we get to start over. I second your request to Rori to let us know if she has particular exercises. I found some on YouTube, and also massage instructions. I do the massage and feel it helps, but I tend to slack on the “face yoga.” I only remember a little of it and don’t use it habitually so I don’t think it is doing me much good.:noway:

    Cheryl: Welcome back! I’m sorry to hear about your thumb. I have no expertise to share but will send good thoughts your way. I’m guessing you’re right handed because most people are. That makes it even worse. Don’t be a stranger around here.:flowerforyou:

    Tina: Wow! You are a determined and organized woman. Good luck.:flowerforyou:

    Pa77y in FL: Keep dropping in. This is a great group.:flowerforyou:

    Brooke: I have suspected you had an artistic bent but didn’t know you are a watercolorist. I think it is a very challenging medium. At least it is for me—I’m forever using too much water and losing control. I do better at crafty things.:flowerforyou:

    SylviaJaque: Your goal sounds reasonable. I am currently trying to maintain, but the weight is still sliding some. I originally set my goal at 1-1.5 pounds a week when I was working hard to shed the pounds. (Now it is set at 0.) It was very doable for me, but I did have a lot of weeks with no loss. My averages we 1-1.5 pounds lost but there were many weeks of no loss at all. You’ll see us competing for Plateau Princess around here. Weight seems to come off in its own sweet time and for some of us there are lots of plateaus. A plateau is a time when you are doing everything right be the weight stays the same.:flowerforyou:

    Sylvia: Dizziness can be related to low blood pressure. I would let my doctor know if I were in your situation. He might want to adjust your medicine.:flowerforyou:

    The lighted swags and outdoor lights are still up, but everything else is boxed up and ready for the garage attic. My little Alberta Spruce tree is outside enjoying the sunshine. I still want the lights for a while to help fight against the winter doldrums. I live barely north of the 45th parallel. I don’t know how you ladies in Northern Canada cope with cold and dark, especially dark.:noway: I admire you for it. :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:

    Katla in beautiful NW Oregon

    "What the New Year brings to you will depend a great deal on what you bring to the New Year." ~Vern McLellan (borrowed from Kathy in IL)

    January goals:

    1. Log every bite and swallow.
    2. Focus on fitness: daily cardio plus strength training a minimum of twice a week.
    3. Water: According to an article a friend posted on facebook, drinking water at certain times maximizes its effectiveness on the body. So I’ll try to follow these recommendations:

    * 2 glasses of water after waking up - helps activate internal organs
    * 1 glass of water 30 minutes before a meal - helps digestion
    * 1 glass of water before taking a bath - helps lower blood pressure
    * 1 glass of water before going to bed - avoids stroke or heart attack
  • RebelRenny
    RebelRenny Posts: 1,073 Member
    :flowerforyou: Good evening ladies, day two of the new year and this new diet. My belly has been growling all day but I stayed strong and only ate breakfast, 90 calorie snack, lunch, 90 calorie snack and Dinner a nice big salad from subway with tuna.
    I'm going to exercise and go to bed:yawn: Everyone be safe tomorrow if you are in the snow zone.:flowerforyou:
    :drinker: :drinker: :drinker: :drinker: :drinker: :drinker: :drinker: :drinker: Rose from Laurel, DE

    :flowerforyou: Good stuff, Rose. I think some responders may have misunderstood and thought that you only took in 3 x 90 calories :bigsmile: :bigsmile: and encouraging you eat more :bigsmile: . But I noticed that you had 3 meals plus 3 snacks. So good for you. How are things now?
    Good Morning All from cold (frigid) New England. I just want to thank everyone for their insight so far. I have read all the posts and I am amazed by the dedication and ingenuity of everyone….and the gratitude…what a positive forum for me in a time of life that is really in a state of flux.

    My goal today is to log everything and stay a little below my 1200 since 1200 seems to be a maintenance for me, so around 1,000-
    1,100 which can be a little tough.

    My second goal is to stay positive in everything I do and not get dragged down by the negativity in my head and around me.

    Heather thank you for talking about your writing. It reminded me of how I loved to write and journal and stopped. I will be now looking for my "happiness journal" to write in and keep me in a positive place.

    Thank you to all for sharing….

    Ann (from snowy New England)

    :flowerforyou: Hi Ann. I know what you mean about the calories. Doing what works for you works for me :bigsmile: Self-knowledge has become important to me. I have also made a commitment to ignoring negativity around me and love your thoughts on writing and journaling. Hope you stay warm!

    It is a little colder here on the West Coast today, although nothing compared to the rest of Canada. The further east the colder it is. I am a moderate temperature kind of gal and really dislike the extremes of hot and cold.

    I have finally started feeling quite a bit better, after 3 weeks of various types of flu. I am looking forward to getting back to my jazzercise.

    :flowerforyou: Welcome to all newcomers and those who have returned. Have a wonderful day, my friends.

    Vancouver Island, BC.
  • SylvieJacques
    SylvieJacques Posts: 113 Member
    Feel free to hook me up with you guys in FitBit. My email address is Sylvie.Jacques@telus.net
  • moeggep
    moeggep Posts: 219 Member
    Hi All, I did my cycling and ab class this morning. Cleaning now and my granddaughter will be here soon, she is a year and a half old and into everything. Can't wait.
    I have a Fitbit but haven't connected it with MFP yet, I will have to check it out. I am looking forward to this journey and I want to do everything I can to achieve my goals. Seeing the posts from all of you will help.Thanks!:smile:
  • janemartin02
    janemartin02 Posts: 2,653 Member
    Happy sat.Temps in the 30`s.Mon is suppose to be brutal-11 temp,not the wc.
    Did some cleaning.Still not 100%.
    Welcome to the new ladies:flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:
    Looking forward to getting to know you better.
    jane(from IL)
  • Patchworkperson
    Patchworkperson Posts: 151 Member
    Hi lovely ladies & happy new year. I hope you are all well. Lots of posts to catch up on. I have read them all but don't have enough time tonight to mention everyone I would like to so for now I will say a big woohoo t0 those celebrating & send hugs, prayers & good thoughts to those who may need them.

    I must also say welcome to new friends. You have found a fantastic & generous group of ladies here.

    I’m following the 5:2 eating plan which is intermittent fasting. For those not familiar with it, you eat 500 - 600 calories 2 or 3 days a week. I chose to fast on Tuesday & Thursday. I drink water, black coffee & herbal teas during the day & use my calories for my evening meal. If I really need something savoury, I have a small cup of miso. It helps that I am busy at work & don’t miss eating. My mini goal Is to loose 10lbs by 14 Valentine’s Day.

    I started this on 30 December & set my weighing day as Friday. The scales showed a loss or 5.5lbs! An encouraging number that is entirely down to me taking my start weight in the afternoon. New scales, straight out of the box & eager to try them out. I know it's an anomaly but I'll live with it.

    We spent a lovely few hours with our darling 1 year old grandson Ethan today. He never stops moving, I wish I had a fraction of his energy. That is the secret to keeping slim, that & regular naps. He is such a happy boy too with a cute way of smiling & wrinkling his nose. His little face breaks into a huge smile when he sets eyes on us. I was worried his other grandparents would get all the smiles as he does see them a lot more. No need to worry, he knows us!!

    Well I need to get on. I hope everyone is avoiding the awful weather & staying safe.

    Geri in UK
  • mollywhippet
    mollywhippet Posts: 1,890 Member
    Katla, I'm watching my BP and it's been staying in the 130/62 range, which is excellent for me. Usually it is in the 150+ range for the top number, in spite of three BP meds and a water pill. I really think it's just getting used to yet another med. I read the fact sheet for it and dizziness is about the only side effect it has. I'll call the cardiologist's office Monday and let them know, just in case, though. Thanks for the advice.

  • RebelRenny
    RebelRenny Posts: 1,073 Member
    I’m following the 5:2 eating plan which is intermittent fasting. For those not familiar with it, you eat 500 - 600 calories 2 or 3 days a week. I chose to fast on Tuesday & Thursday. I drink water, black coffee & herbal teas during the day & use my calories for my evening meal. If I really need something savoury, I have a small cup of miso. It helps that I am busy at work & don’t miss eating. My mini goal Is to loose 10lbs by 14 Valentine’s Day.

    I started this on 30 December & set my weighing day as Friday. The scales showed a loss or 5.5lbs! An encouraging number that is entirely down to me taking my start weight in the afternoon. New scales, straight out of the box & eager to try them out. I know it's an anomaly but I'll live with it.

    Geri in UK

    :flowerforyou: Hi Geri. I looked into the IF eating plan too, but never started. I will be interested to see how you will be doing on it, so keep me posted. (you can send me a friend request too)

    :bigsmile: My new profile picture (found it on the internet) reflects a Jazzercise class with imperfect bodies...just like mine! Let's dance anyway!

    Vancouver Island, BC.
  • margaretturk
    margaretturk Posts: 5,099 Member
    Good afternoon,

    Pa77y Congrats on weight loss!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Jill and Brooke I love Indian food too. Like the idea of enjoying uncertainty.

    Sylvia KN hope your dizziness abates. So sorry about son’s marriage. Not an easy time for any of you. BP sounds great hope it stays there for you.

    Katla we leave our outside lights out until end of January because of the cold and darkness too. It does help brighten things up.

    Renny glad to hear your are on the mend.

    Geri great weight loss!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Renny love the picture.

    Limit TV/computer
    Act with intention

    Life is too short for a bad cup of coffee,:drinker:
  • momof10
    momof10 Posts: 122 Member
    :drinker: hot cocoa time this evening love my cocoa, hope everyone is havein a good evening, susan sorry about the dog, michelle I was hoping everything would work on the wwi but after checking it out for a week I knew it was time two buy the new wii u, I'm really glad I did can play my old wii item and I like the new ones and when your doing fit it takes your picture yes I did just say that I thought it was funny only our face as far I can tell it says we will see the changes you will be happy with the new system, been doing good with my loggin and water intake how much water does everyone drink I have read a few differnet thoughts on this in the pass trying to see what is really the best for me ok cooking supper and its calling to me to come finish and the children are calling everyone have a blessed evening debi