

  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,993 Member
    :flowerforyou: The laundry is almost done and it’s almost bedtime and I’m still not caught up with the posts but I’m gaining ground. I didn’t do yoga and spent too much time at the computer.

    :flowerforyou: Kate in Ontario, welcome.. come back often and join the conversation

    :flowerforyou: Sue in SD, in this cold weather, I’d want to take my horse home to a warm place with a lot of blankets, too.

    :flowerforyou: Anne, you have great weather in Vancouver even with some rain like we do on the north Olympic Peninsula in Washington so walking outdoors is good all year long……..having an assessment to get started with training is a great idea.

    :bigsmile: Cynthia, congrats on your loss.

    :flowerforyou: Patacake, just show up, go for whatever walk you can….take it one day at a time…and check in here….and you’ll make progress.

    :bigsmile: Cyn, throwing out the Christmas goodies is a great beginning.

    :bigsmile: Ktsmom, good choice to walk even with the super chilly weather

    :bigsmile: DeeDee, I love the vision of Noel in her winter coat out walking with you…..she is so cute

    :flowerforyou: Katla, one of my favorite things about where we live is the need to go by ferry to go to so many events.

    :flowerforyou: LizPlus, doing several small workouts a day is a great idea…thank you for your kind words…..i started out slowly and added to my walking and workouts gradually.

    :bigsmile: Kathy from Colorado, congrats on the weight loss

    :flowerforyou: Jb, thanks for sharing the info from your Eating Mindfully book

    :flowerforyou: Susan, I did Jazzercise three days a week for a few years in the 1980’s……I loved it. There’s a place near me with Jazzercise classes but it’s much more expensive than my line dance classes.

    :flowerforyou: Margaret, I’m not reading Eating Mindfully, but the word I chose for myself for 2014 is mindful

    :flowerforyou: Heather, you have had a great adventure and seem to have others waiting down the road…..i know how much you enjoy your interesting life and how much we enjoy you telling us about it.

    :flowerforyou: Maryjay, welcome

    :flowerforyou: Kay from PNW…..lovely weather here, too…….good for you starting a weight loss journey before there is too much weight to lose.

    :bigsmile: Jane in CO, congrats on the good results of your first week……that’s a great start to your lifelong journey

    :flowerforyou: Renny, it was below freezing here today and the roads were icy when I walked in the morning….i carried a flashlight to keep an eye on the icy spots and often walked on the rocky strip along the edge of our streets….there were still icy spots this afternoon when I walked with my friend.

    :flowerforyou: Sylvia, I understand about bringing the horse into the house……I would have done the same thing.

    :flowerforyou: Carol from NC, I keep paper by my computer and write down what page, day and time I left off so I can find my place…..it’s not technology, but it works.

    :flowerforyou: Vicki, we not only don’t keep much food at our house, we also don’t have diet pop…..I drink water and Jake drinks decaf coffee…we don’t eat for recreation and don’t offer food just because someone comes over.

    :flowerforyou: Janemartin, no school for two days and too snowy to go to church…..that is a big snow storm.

    :flowerforyou: Viv, it is taking me days to get caught up after being gone for less than two days.

    :flowerforyou: Albagal, welcome…come back and tell us more about you

    :flowerforyou: Feng, welcome, you’ll find lots of support here

    :flowerforyou: Frmvt, you signed up when you posted….come back often

    :flowerforyou: Jmilski, you joined as soon as you posted…..none of us can do this alone.

    :bigsmile: Joyce, you did a great job dealing with all the holiday food….that may be a bigger victory than whatever the scale says…

    :flowerforyou: Mandy, the most important thing is to find an eating plan that works for you and that you can stay with for a long time.

    :flowerforyou: Svs, you’ve been really successful so far, good luck on you goal of losing 3 more pounds.

    :bigsmile: Bonella, it sounds like you have two great resolutions----to never quit and to stick with your plan

    :heart: Barbie from beautiful NW Washington

    :bigsmile: :bigsmile: ..25,000 steps today…

    :bigsmile: My word for 2014 is “Mindful” inspired by “The Happiness Project”….I will seek opportunities to be present in all that I do

    January Resolutions
    *dance at least three dances a day for extra practice
    *yoga twice a week (three times would be better)
    *play with Bernie the cat at least 5 minutes a day
    *don’t take things personally
  • exermom
    exermom Posts: 6,397 Member
    Cheryl - typo or not, I STILL never heard of it...lol And you can keep those temps, thank you.

    Joyce - thanks so much for sharing your wonderful Christmas with us.

    Kate - welcome and congrats on the soon-to-be grand

    Sylvie - skinnytaste does have a lot of good recipes. One of the things that I like about it is the fact that their recipes don't taste like you're missing out on something.

    Anne - hope your ankle heals fast. Glad it wasn't anything serious. That's interesting that you have back pain because of your posture. That's something I would never have thought of. It took me a LOOOONNNNNGGGG time to do a lateral raise with a 5 pound weight. there is no way I can go higher. Those muscles are just too small to be able to handle heavy weights.

    Cynthia - doing a happy dance for you

    patacake - if what you're looking for support and tips, you've come to the right place. We'll all there.

    cyn - welcome! It feels good to throw out things that you know aren't good for you, doesn't it?

    ktsmom - what wonderful words of experience you gave to patacake. What a wonderful NSV you had

    DeeDee - it's supposed to get REALLY cold Tuesday. We put away (at least temporarily) as many of the Christmas decorations that we needed to so that we could get the cars in the garage. Originally I had planned to go to the Y on Tuesday, but if there's snow I'll just do something at home (don't know what, yet, but I'll figure it out)

    meogge - what is protein coffee? I'm not a coffee drinker, is it just coffee but you put protein powder in it?

    Cheryl - do you ride the horses in the cold weather? I remember when the girls were taking horseback riding lessons, when the weather got cooler the horses got "friskier"

    katla - I like you goal of logging every bite AND SWALLOW...lol

    LizPlus - the other day the alarm in the detached garage went off, it's supposed to sound in the house but it didn't so the security company called the state police. The guy fromt the security company came and replaced the speaker. The other day we were at WalMart and the security company got a notification that something wasn't right so they called Vince. Looks like maybe some connection or whatever is wrong with the sensor out there. They're supposed to be here Tuesday. When MIL was in an assisted living place, one time she pulled the fire alarm by accident, they couldn't have her doing that all the time so they moved her to the dementia area. She WAS in the beginning stages of Altzheimers. Great for you that you have a fitness room right there. Good luck to you

    Kathy - what a great loss. When was the last time you weighed yourself so what are you comparing it to? Great enticement to get to the gym

    jb - I made more of your low fat muffins today so I'll have them in the freezer. Got the book "Mindful Eating" for Christmas, just haven't gotten too far into it yet.

    Susan - now I understand why the dogsitter told your daughter while she was away. My heart goes out to her and to you, for not being able to give her a hug. There is a trunk release on the floor inside my car door, but I have it disabled. See, shortly after I got the car someone broke into my trunk and took my wallet. The only thing I could think of is that they opened the car door, popped open the trunk, and took the wallet. Vince says they didn't take the entire pocketbook since it was probably a man who took the wallet and he wouldn't be caught dead carrying around a pocketbook.

    margaretturk - I was just thinking today, if Jessica moves further away from where she is now, the next time we go up there I may not be able to use the stair climbing machine that their Y that I was so looking forward to using.

    Heather - rest up. Sounds like you had a lovely visit!

    jane in CO - CONGRATS on all fronts!!!! I just changed my FB page, when it asks "who can contact me", I changed it to "everyone". Hope that works. I'm going to email Jessica, too, to ask her if she has any ideas.

    Renny - so glad you're safe and feeling better. Your profile pic is great!

    Carol - yup, that's me. My son graduated from Elon. In order to "bookmark" what I do is I have a wordpage document open, I respond and at the bottom of the page I will write something like "page 12 - NCCarol". Then the next time I log in I just go to the last post and scroll back up until I get to NCCarol's post. Then I just save the whole thing. Good for you in onederland!

    Vicki - thanks for the smile, the IRS asking if there was a change in the status of your FIL. That's our wonderful government for ya. So sorry the grandbaby will be born without you, but you'll get to see it real soon

    Alba and Feng and frmvt and jmilski and Mandy and youbet- welcome!

    barbie - do you have any ideas as to how I can post the video of our decorations on here? I know that not everyone is into facebook (Vince isn't)

    Joyce - congrats! Did you have any of the rotisserie chicken from Sam's? I was contemplating buying it once and talked to one of the men working there. He said that it was on the salty side. I do wish they would give out samples of it so that I could see for myself just how salty, if at all, it is.

    Well, I did some of this "belly dancing for beginners" DVD that I got for Christmas. Really, it's more of an instructional DVD. but that's OK, since I need the instruction. I must have done a little over an hour of it, and I'm not done yet so tomorrow instead of yoga I'll do more of the DVD. Then I'm planning to go to the extremepump class.

    If you look at my menu for today, can you figure out what it was that I wanted to begin to use up in the freezer??

    Allison - prayers for your brother

    Gail - I'm sure you'll make the right decision for yourself regarding a gym. One of the reasons I stay with the Y is that I can use the Y when I go away. Like I use the Y when we're in FL.

    I have been playing around on facebook and found an "add friend" button on this page: https://www.facebook.com/#!/michele.legrand.90?viewas=100000686899395&returnto=profile&privacy_source=privacy_lite

    Tina - lol your new diet.

    Carol in NC - great running. I personally am not keen on running, but racewalking is fine. Good for you. Good luck at the doctor's.

    Michele in NC
  • Gardengail
    Gardengail Posts: 596 Member
    Margaret - DH is part of the reason I kept the Senior Y [family] membership. Alas, he is the senior and, double alas, cannot be moved to go there!! It would do him a world of good, but there is always a reason. I have to do what I need to do, but I do like the Y's atmosphere and the tracking available.

    Michele - after 30 days you can go to any of the anytime fitness gyms also.

    Going to bed on this cold night. We southern states are not used to the extreme cold headed our way -- we put a little space heater in our bathroom to warm it up in the morning.

    I really need to get back in the groove!

    Gail, metro ATL
  • sandmyst
    sandmyst Posts: 3 Member
    I'm so glad there is a support group for over 50! I joined a Fit Bet and think it's harder to lose 4% of my weight in 28 days because of my age (53) and thyroid problems. I'm just working on staying healthy and losing a few pounds, but I am 20 pounds overweight. Two years ago I made lifestyle changes and it took me 7 months to lose 5 pounds. My idea is to keep it off. I did enjoy my holidays this year, so now I'm here. I'd love to work hard, win back my money, and have more energy!
  • jmkmomm
    jmkmomm Posts: 3,247 Member
    Michelle, in NC, I have had the chicken at Sams but it was quite a while ago. I do remember it was very good! So if it was thatg ood in my pre-diet taste bud time, it means it more than likely was salty. But it was good. My husband and I would buy one and have it for supper. It's a cheap $5 meal when you add some sides to it. But my salt and sugar taste buds sure have changed. I just can't stand that stuff, except chocolate of course.

    Well, doing 3 miles here, 2 miles here, etc, through out the day I have done 10 miles on my bike this evening. I guess I have an excuse with the Y being closed tomorrow with the weather that I can't start my strength training class. Does that mean that my procrastination won, the weather won or it just means I can sleep in??? :laugh: :tongue:

    There sure are a lot of ladies I am going to have to get to know!!! I love it. Just please excuse my MS cause I may not remember things about you unless you post things about yourself frequently. So that means you have to stay here with us! See, my MS is good:laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

    Joyce, snowy, windy, frigid Indiana
  • SylvieJacques
    SylvieJacques Posts: 113 Member
    I agree Michele. SkinnyTaste or what I've tried really don't sacrifice the taste. I made the cheesecake and it was amazingly good without making me fill too full. This is a great place.

    My son is sensitive to gluten and processed sugar so need to cut that from our diet... This will be interesting. Not too worried about the gluten but the processed sugar is another story. We will see how it goes.

    WOW this tread is growing really fast. Can barely keep up with it.

    OK now I have an objective for January (other than resetting up my exercise area in my garage). Walk at least 10K steps every day.

    Time to call it a day and just relax for a couple of hours before going to bed as tomorrow is back to work :sad:
  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
    Barbie: Thank you so much for the link to New Years Resolutions. There are some great ideas listed there. I might consider choosing a new one to add to my list.:flowerforyou:

    Laurel Fisher: You made some very good choices on Day #4. Congratulations. :flowerforyou: I love the “did I eat that” diet.:laugh:

    Tina: The broken dishwasher diet is an interesting idea. You go first and let us know how it goes.:wink:

    Rori: Thanks for the face exercise suggestions. I tried them and they are NOT easy. This must mean I need to work at it.:flowerforyou:

    Carol in NC: I love your sense of humor. I never run without the proper support garment unless my house is on fire and I need to escape. So far it hasn’t happened. :noway: To be honest, I seldom run even with the proper support garment. Running hurts my knees.:frown:

    I decided to change my goals to “maintain”, and ended up with a ridiculous number of calories, 500 more than my allotment to lose weight. So I changed some things and that brought it down. I don’t trust it. I would love advice on the matter. I am very reluctant to abandon or make significant changes to what has worked so well for me.

    Katla in beautiful NW Oregon

    "What the New Year brings to you will depend a great deal on what you bring to the New Year." ~Vern McLellan (borrowed from Kathy in IL)

    January goals:

    1. Log every bite and swallow.
    2. Focus on fitness: daily cardio plus strength training a minimum of twice a week.
    3. Water: According to an article a friend posted on facebook, drinking water at certain times maximizes its effectiveness on the body. So I’ll try to follow these recommendations:

    * 2 glasses of water after waking up - helps activate internal organs
    * 1 glass of water 30 minutes before a meal - helps digestion
    * 1 glass of water before taking a bath - helps lower blood pressure
    * 1 glass of water before going to bed - avoids stroke or heart attack
  • AnswerintheSky
    Hi everyone,

    Coach failed to show up again. This time there was another "valid" excuse. But this makes three times out of four that he has cancelled with less than 24 hours notice with or without being able to get in contact with me. I've paid in advance for 10 sessions which don't start now until tomorrow (Monday) - the assessment was free. Quite a lot of money. Not sure if I can get a refund but I'm thinking of asking.

    I did quite well with my food until I went to my friend's to watch a movie. She had chocolates, Almond Roca, and a tasty snack mix to go with our Chinese tea. Mmmm...

    Well, I must be off to bed. It's almost 11:30 pm here and I need to be up by 6:15 am to get ready for work tomorrow.

    :flowerforyou: Thank you for your encouraging words.

    Anne, Vancouver area, BC, Canada
  • CynthiaT60
    CynthiaT60 Posts: 1,280 Member
    So, trying out the Word cut-and-paste technique!

    Katla: Yes, that’s how I’ve been doing it, looking for my last post. What I want to avoid is having to look for it. I opened a topic in the tech suggestions part, asking for this functionality. We’ll see. Thanks.

    Linda: Hope the doctor will be able to give you some useful information.

    Margaret: Definitely agree about the coffee! :drinker:

    Patty: Are you eating and sleeping well? Hope the weather isn’t too bad.

    Rori: not to rain on your parade, but I read (some years ago, so I don’t know where to find it) that the jowl-firming exercise actually makes things worse, stretching what you don’t want to be stretched, etc. But maybe there’s new evidence that it does work.

    Carol: hope you can adjust your meds!

    Barbie: 25,000 steps; I can’t even imagine. Maybe when I weigh less…. :ohwell:

    Katla: it’ll be a while before I’m experimenting with maintaining! Hope you figure it out.

    Anne: pretty worthless if you ask me. A coach is there to coach you. Hope he will get on the ball. Maybe it’s worth mentioning when you speak to him.

    Everybody, thanks for the kinds words on my weight loss. :flowerforyou: I’ve struggled for a very long time :frown: and for some reason it seems to be working right now. I’m very grateful for it!

  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 9,822 Member
    morning ladies this will be quick,
    got a call at 5 this morning from my friend at work, she will be staying home with the stomach bug, so i will be going in early to assist,
    our office manager went in thursday and rescheduled the friday patients, I am hoping she didnt pile them all in today, because we will be running crazy
    cooking the DH dinner and getting his lunch and my lunch together and then I have to be at work at 7:30..
  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,371 Member
    Good morning everyone!

    First the good news!:bigsmile: I have lost the other half pound! Not quite sure how, but I'll take it!:bigsmile:

    The bad news :cry: The cold seems to have settled on my chest. Nasty deep cough.
    More bad news :sad: My knee has decided to play up. It started on Saturday when I got to DSIL'S. It was fine during my gymming, but I might have overextended it without realising. Anyway, I was hobbling around with pain behind the knee. Yesterday I didn't exercise, only taking down the decorations. :laugh: This morning decided to give the gym a go and managed OK just going a bit slower so carried on with the weight training.(no squats)! Felt OK at the time do was fairly happy, then everything started to sieze up and my knee and leg has gone in to spasm! Yikes! I think I will be following Barbie and Alison's advice of icing it. Ibuprofen also, but I have to be careful to eat with that. Right now it HURTS!

    May have found another couple to join us for the Burns Night supper. DH's cricket friend and his wife. They can't be definite as she is a nurse and has to confirm shifts. Katla, did you google the Burns Night? I know you have a lot of curiosity for these things? :love:

    Quiet day today. Will find something to do with king prawns for supper. One of my resolutions was to try a new recipe - maybe this is the moment. Mind you it has to be pretty unusual to be new to me!:blushing: :laugh:

    It is great to hear of so many of you with renewed enthusiasm to live a healthy life.
    Katla - I was amazed at how much I could eat if I set my loss to 0.5 lbs a week, which is where it is at the moment, but it is working! If I were you I would try going up from your present level by a bit at a time, keeping your exercise constant. Say 200 csls a day for a week. If you jump 500 at once you will gain water weight which will throw things out. Good luck. I will be there very, very soon!:flowerforyou:

    It's good, but I wish I had read it 30 years ago. I really needed it then. Reading it now makes me realise how far I have come in that area, though I still need reminding every so often.:blushing: :tongue: :wink:
    Don't let perfection be the enemy of the good. That has been the most help of anything.:drinker: :flowerforyou:

    Ok folks, bye for now.
    Heather from saturated Hampshire UK. It's just stopped raining. Take care in the cold! Thinking of you.:heart:
  • DeeDee2211
    DeeDee2211 Posts: 1,133 Member
    Good morning beautiful ladies:flowerforyou:

    Welcome to everyone new:flowerforyou: !!!

    Carol in NC:smile: You`re just down the road from me:bigsmile: . Michele is close to Hickory, and Cindy (who hasn`t posted in a while) is from Greensboro and Jan (who also hasn`t posted for awhile) is close to Durham. we`re getting a good little group here in NC! I hear ya about running without the proper garments:laugh: , I trained for a 5K last year and bought two sports bras, lifesavers:blushing: !!!!

    Rose:smile: Love the "diet" diet:laugh: :laugh: :laugh: ! The Rainbow Bridge always brings tears to my eyes!

    Michele:smile: I haven`t heard anything about snow:noway: , just the really cold air and wind chills. Wind chill anywhere from -5 to -10, so not used to weather like this:frown: . I guess I will be walking on the dreaded dreadmill for a few days. Friday is supposed to be back in the low 50`s, it will feel like a heat wave!

    Heather:smile: congrats on getting rid of the other half pound!!! Sorry that you`re not feeling well:flowerforyou: ! Hope your leg and knee feel better soon!

    Katla:smile: Good luck on maintaining!!! Barbie probably has great advice on it! I just wish my dreaded scale would move down:sad:!

    Have a lovely day ladies! Drink your water:drinker: :drinker: :drinker: and log your food!

    DeeDee in NC
  • moeggep
    moeggep Posts: 219 Member
    Feeling better today, I guess I was tired yesterday, I was in bed by 9:30 but at work this morning by 5:45 A.M.
    :heart: LaurelFisher I loved the entry regarding pets.
    :smile: grandmallie, don't get discouraged or overwhelmed, it sounds like you have a lot on your plate.
    :happy: Gardengail, I love cornbread. I have had cortisone shots, Ouch they hurt.
    Today is a busy day, I am doing a cycling and ab class at lunch, came in early to make up the lost time and work my part time job at the Y tonight, it will be my first evening in the Fitness center versus the front desk. It will be a better eveing because I get to walk around, talk to people, answer questions regarding the equipment, and show people the correct way to use the machines. I am looking forward to it.
    Have a great day everyone, Patty
  • ktsmom430
    ktsmom430 Posts: 1,100 Member
    As a newbie to this post (not MFP) I will try to pick up from today for the rest of January, thirteen pages of comments are kind of overwhelming LOL. Nice to belong to a group of peers who have things in common and can relate.

    Thanks for the tips how to keep track of where you left off.

    I have an unexpected day off of work today due to extremely cold sub zero temperatures and dangerous wind chill. I will attempt to get my walk in later today, if not, will use a Leslie Sansone DVD. It will not get above zero for a few days here.

    This looks like a fantastic group with a lot of excellent tips and converstation, common goals, common issues and friendly advice. I am looking forward to participating and commenting.

    Connie - SE Minnesota
  • trisH_7183
    trisH_7183 Posts: 1,486 Member
    Bump for later. Pat in Very cold Ohio
  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,371 Member
    Just seen your weather on our news. Yikes!
    Stay safe - I am thinking of you.:heart::love: :heart:
  • trisH_7183
    trisH_7183 Posts: 1,486 Member
    I want to share this blog with everyone. Some good reading ,especially the comment about putting your fork down.Do you agree? I need to make this a goal. Pat in Cold Ohio

  • CynthiaT60
    CynthiaT60 Posts: 1,280 Member
    Patceoh: I've got family in northern Ohio; going to call them later. Hope it's not too bad there.
  • LinCharpentier
    LinCharpentier Posts: 1,122 Member
    There got all caught up on the reading took a few notes but sorry I just can't keep up if I take notes on you all.

    So sorry about your puppy just couldn't get myself to answer Like they say if you can't say something say nothing at all.

    If you were maintaining with what you were doing. Then don't fix what wasn't broken. If your still losing well then it needs fixing.

    I'd certainly ask for a refund. They don't come cheap and should be there. Rattle there chain a little might scare them into thinking your serious.

    Well for me yesterday was a great day of eating hope this excess eating isn't for comfort as right now I have two very sick little miniature dash hounds. I'm waiting for 9 to call the vet. Hubby doesn't want to spend big dollars on dogs that are getting up in age. They don't have a big life span anyhow. I'm hoping that they are only constipated and they can fix it. The one seems to be picking up this morning even ate a little Yesterday no food at all but he drank and vomited lots. The other little fella is very listless. Hope the vet can fix them and not need to eutanize yet. Or it will be a tough time on me. But worst for hubby.

    I am still going to work on having a good day. I will eat right. But until I see the doctor on the 13th exercise will have to be little. I might try a little dancing with u tube see if that puff's me out.

    See you lighter.
    Linda in -25 in Northern Ontario Not cold in the car. LOL.
  • mollywhippet
    mollywhippet Posts: 1,890 Member
    Good morning. It's four below here this morning, and the high is supposed to be eight. Oh well, at least it's not -40. The sun is shining, the snow is glittering, and the birds are flocking to the feeder. I have the space heater going, trying to thaw out the lines to the washer which is frozen up. I'm scared one of these days that line will break and we'll really have a mess. Hubby is going to try to get out of the driveway today. The road crew plowed our road and left piles that block our driveways. I will wait to see if he makes it before I even consider it.

    I have a question about Onederland. Is it when you lose one hundred pounds, or when you weigh one hundred pounds, or when your weight starts with a one instead of a two or three? My weight was down a little bit this morning, but I think it might be due to three days of diarrhea and vomiting. But I still updated my progress for it. :bigsmile: I'll take what I can get.

    I've read all the posts but can't remember the things I wanted to comment on. I have a Bruno in my lap and can't get up to go to my desk where my notepad is.

    Thursday two of my friends and I are getting together for a little painting party. I want to do oils, and another friend wants to learn watercolor. The third friend is a professional artist and she's going to help us. It should be lots of fun. I hope the weather cooperates because I have to drive to Joplin for it. It's supposed to be in the 30's and clear. We'll see. I've really missed my friends. Haven't seen much of them this last year because my health problems have kept me close to home. For some reason they never come over here, I always have to go there. Oh well. It'll get me out of the house.

    I hope you all stay warm and happy today, wherever you are.
