

  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
    Anne from Vancouver BC: I would be considering asking for my money back at this point. I wonder if the “three strikes, you’re out” principle might be appropriate, except you paid in advance and he has your money. It may be time for a heart to heart with the coach.:flowerforyou:

    Alison: Have a good day at work. Drink plenty of water to help ward of diseases while you’re there and everyone is under stress. :flowerforyou:

    Heather: Congratulations on the loss! :bigsmile: I’m sorry your knee is bothering you and hope icing it is helpful. I’d like to hear more about the Burns Night Supper tradition. DH has Scottish ancestry and might enjoy hearing about it. Thanks for the advice on setting goals. I’ll make the adjustments and see what they do. This current “adjustment” gives me 1350 calories to eat, which is somewhat more reasonable. I haven’t used them though. I’m still hovering around 1200 because it feels right.:flowerforyou:

    DeeDee: I need to drop in on the weather channel and see what your temperatures are. I hope you don’t end up losing landscape plants because of this cold weather. I hope the worst of it passes you by.:flowerforyou:

    Connie in SE MN: Welcome. We’re frequently extra busy at the beginning of a new month, and since this is New Years, we’re very busy greeting new people who have decided this is the year to change their lives. Those who hang in here become friends in no time.:flowerforyou:

    Lin in N ON: I’m thinking good thoughts for your little dogs.:heart: I hope they can be treated with medication. I understand your DH’s viewpoint about expensive procedures for elderly pets, and agree. We put our last Keeshond through an expensive surgery when she wrecked her knee at 9 years of age and I’d never do that again. :noway: She would have been better off limping than struggling with healing from surgery. We lost her to a bee sting a couple of years later. It broke our hearts.:cry: I was still working and DH was home alone, so I started looking for a pup immediately. I didn’t want DH home alone all of the time. We found a pup and he was old enough to bring home within a couple of months. Since this malady is affecting both of your little dogs at the same time. I can’t help but wonder if they’re suffering from some sort of indigestion. Good luck.:flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:

    This July I will be eligible for Medicare and will lose my employer paid insurance benefits. I will need to select options and have them in place before then. It is still months to go before I have to have the changes in place but I don’t want to procrastinate. I misunderstood the impact of DH’s 65th birthday, and we wound up in a panic getting his insurance in place. We ultimately made good choices, thank goodness, and thanks to good advice from our pharmacist and the state ombudsman's representative. DH is NOT a “cheap date.” Advice on how to go about making choices for myself and what questions to ask is welcome. I’ll start with the organization that is already providing DH’s insurance. It costs a bunch per month for him but in the past year he’s had a stroke and been hospitalized, started very expensive MS medication, plus insulin and all that goes with it, and we’re not in the poor house. His insurance has been worth every penny.

    Katla in Beautiful NW Oregon

    “Love yourself—accept yourself—forgive yourself—and be good to yourself, because without you the rest of us are without a source of many wonderful things.” Leo F. Buscaglia

    January goals:
    1. Log every bite and swallow.
    2. Focus on fitness: daily cardio plus strength training a minimum of twice a week.
    3. Water: According to an article a friend posted on facebook, drinking water at certain times maximizes its effectiveness on the body. So I’ll try to follow these recommendations:

    * 2 glasses of water after waking up - helps activate internal organs
    * 1 glass of water 30 minutes before a meal - helps digestion
    * 1 glass of water before taking a bath - helps lower blood pressure
    * 1 glass of water before going to bed - avoids stroke or heart attack
  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
    Sylvia, you enter onederland when your weight falls below 200 pounds. 199.9 is inside onederland, but I waited until I was down to 199.5 to claim it.

  • mollywhippet
    mollywhippet Posts: 1,890 Member
    Kayla, thanks! I'm less than ten pounds away from it! Something to look forward to. The last time I was there was 1980.:sad:

  • jb_2011
    jb_2011 Posts: 1,029 Member
    Happy Monday!

    Margaret, "contentment" is my word for the year, too. There's another one looming around me, though..."compassion". Not only for others, but for myself. Now there's a concept! :huh: I'm always giving others a break, and being too hard on myself.

    Thanks Rori, I'll look for the Face Exercises book! I found out this morning while trying the jowel exercise that it's next to impossible to swallow while looking at the ceiling with head turned and tongue pressing on the roof of the mouth. :laugh:

    I'd like to sit and visit more, but I just looked at the clock. Off to exercise-ville :bigsmile:

    :smile: jb in chilly Portland
  • LinCharpentier
    LinCharpentier Posts: 1,122 Member
    Thank you Katla I believe the problem is with either the ham bone we gave them or the ham itself. But we ate it and are fine but according to the vet's assistant might be the culprit. Hope they can fix them up.

    Sylvia as of this morning I have less than four lbs to see 200 lets get there together.

    Going to the vets at 1:30 So i'll be back with the results in around three.

    Thank you for caring.

    Linda in still cold Northern Ontario.
  • margaretturk
    margaretturk Posts: 5,098 Member
    Deedee drinking water as I type.:drinker:

    Sandmyst welcome:flowerforyou:

    Connie here with you in frigid MN.

    Patty great job to have.

    Heather hope you are feeling better.:flowerforyou:

    Cynthia great job on weight loss!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Anne Can you switch coaches? It is important to get a good fit. All those cancellations not good.

    Katla my maintaining calories went way up too. When I log I sometimes add additional calories because I think the calories for what I am eating is too low. The important thing for me with logging is it makes me stop and think what I eat. Maintained weight loss for 15 months. Katla congrats on reaching maintaining!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Sylvia J great goal 10000 steps.

    Joyce l:laugh:

    Gail I use a space heater all the time in the winter. We keep our home at 68 degrees to keep heating bill down.

    Barbie love Mindful choice.

    Carol !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Rori thanks for the exercises.

    Tina and Rose :laugh: :laugh:

    DH is on Medicare now too. I know you need to apply 6 months before you hit 65 so you are starting at a good time. What you pay is dependent on your income so if you have a big drop make sure to notify the powers that be.

    Sylvia hope you get out to paint.

    Linda hope dash hounds are better.

    Paceoh read a book can’t remember which one. That said just the act of pushing the food away from you can be helpful. Were it only that easy.:laugh:

    House was 58 when we work up today. Furnace had a hard time keeping up. Slept the best I have in a while. No leg cramps. All the water is helping. With less TV I am also getting to bed earlier.

    Limit TV/computer

    Life is too short for a bad cup of coffee.:drinker:
  • yanniejannie
    yanniejannie Posts: 1,090 Member
    Going to be an interesting day weather-wise. When I left the gym at 10am it was almost 70 and just cloudy/ weak sunshine. I got gas and went to the grocery store then the bank. Got home about 11:15 and the wind had picked up, the rain started and was coming sideways and the temp dropped to 50........got drenched and frozen bringing in the groceries. Still going way more down.........lows in low teens tonight.

    DD is out for the day doing rounds and house calls with a local equine vet. Bet she's having the time of her life; this is something she's been looking forward to. I made our hotel reservation to go out for her vet school interview; not sure why I've been invited along, but I'll take it........who am I kidding, I'm the "wallet"...LOL. Just as well, I'm always up for a road trip.

    My friend who suffered a stroke is still alive. Reports coming in that she is still gripping hands to respond but w/o food and water she undergoing the inevitable process of dying. I am so sad about the entire situation.

    There are so many posts these days I'm having trouble reading and keeping up.........best to everyone. I appreciate everyone here and look forward to your posts; I'm just out of sorts and trying to find my own balance again.

  • Kayzoola
    Tapping away on the iPad, so necessarily brief. I don't know why I have resisted logging food. It was interesting to see the totals at the end of the day. It won't allow me to log a fraction of what is considered a serving, so I went ahead and logged the whole serving. Today I will go to the gym and do a body pump class for exercise.
    -Kay (PNW, USA)
  • rnaholowaa
    I love your goals! So fun to read! I had to have surgery on my back over a year ago and it is still difficult to exercise sometimes but I have gotten up to 45 min. of eliptical/ jogging time. I started with walking my dog and went from there. I still hurt sometimes but then I think if I lose weight, my back will hurt less. I turned 50 this year and refuse to give up. Thank you for your motivating posts!
  • mollywhippet
    mollywhippet Posts: 1,890 Member
    Linda, you lead the way to Onederland. I'm right behind you! Yay!!!! Keep us posted about the pups. I'll check back later to see how it went. Fingers crossed.

    Kay, I regularly log less than a whole serving by using decimal places, like .5 for half. I have to backspace through the 1 that comes up automatically though, or it reads 1.5 servings instead.

    Sylvia, in cold but beautiful southeast Kansas.
  • janehadji
    janehadji Posts: 206 Member
    I’m excited! We have another “Colorado Contingent” meeting on the calendar for the 18th. It was really fun getting to meet some of my MFP friends in person last year, and I’m truly looking forward to getting to do it again. My thought was to try to meet once every month or so, for additional support and encouragement. I think that we have 5 ladies coming. If I missed anyone, please message me and let me know. The more the merrier! :smile: :smile:

    I'm off to a lunch meeting today, so don't have time for a long post. I've pre-ordered what was described as "grilled chicken and vegetables," so hopefully it will be fairly healthy. This is at an Italian restaurant, so that sounded like a better option than the pasta. (We only get 4 choices, instead of the entire menu). This is for an organization that promotes women and women's rights both locally and internationally.

    Have a wonderful day!

    Jane in Colorado
  • kevrit
    kevrit Posts: 3,972 Member
    I have not had time to read through all the posts. Back to school today and busy at work, but I did want to check in. I did terrible with food over the weekend. I did not gain according the gym scale but lost 1/4 pound. I did not gain but lost throughout the holiday season so will get my $10.00 bet money back plus some! Back to work!!!

    Rita from wet CT

    My SMART goals for January:
    I will lose 5 pounds by January 31 through consistently going to Curves at least 4 times a week and increasing my daily steps to average 8,000 steps a week. My ultimate goal is to weigh 145 or less pounds and be healthy by this time next year.

    Amendment to goal: if I cannot make it to the gym 4 times in a week, I will exercise to my walking video for at least 30 minutes.

    SMART goal - Specific, Measurable, Actionable/achievable, Realistic, and Timed.

    Week 1 steps average: 6315
  • trisH_7183
    trisH_7183 Posts: 1,486 Member
    Going to try & answer a few posts.I'm on iPad,so using notes.Does anyone have a better way...using iPad??

    No way I will get my heavy laptop out.

    Cynthia,the further North you go in Ohio,the colder it is.Lots of cold winds from the lake adds to it.

    Patacake,been there,done that where knees/ hips are concerned. A really good orthopedic Dr is your
    Best bet.I have Fitbit put away till Spring.I'm in my 70's & just don't chance walking on icy sidewalks.:noway:

    Barbiecat,love what you said that you don't set wt loss goals because you can't control that,but do have control over water drank & exercising. Very true :flowerforyou:

    Joyce,we lost my Mom 5 yrs ago & it was a hard time to get thru. My only bro died of cancer just 3 mos before her.I miss them a lot.

    Bonella,that is a great vow to never quit!

    Grandmallie,sounds like a very busy time. Hope your bro comes thru.I'd rather be sick than see family suffer.

    Gail,I would think Atlanta would have a lot of gyms to choose from? Our Y was like $635 a yr.Not sure if it drops after a while?
    The pool was my main need,so am happy with the gym I chose.

    Heather,I have told family about your proverb.It's a fav,"Don't let perfection be the enemy of the good".:noway:

    Sylvia,if they are moving wonder land!!! :wink: Guess not,Hope not.......as I'm getting close.Being the slowest loser in the land,might be July before it happens:grumble: :grumble: But,it will happen & good luck in your wonderland journey.

    Connie,my Sis lives in St Cloud but they are used to the cold.

    Time to slice & dice,getting a start on chicken pot pie & salad for supper. Everyone stay warm. Pat in Cold Ohio
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,993 Member
    :flowerforyou: Michele, as far as I know, you can't post a video on MFP only photos….the only reason I joined Facebook was to see the dog and cat pictures posted by a friend in California and then just a few days later I found out how to be your friend. I have only 18 friends and don’t use it much except when someone tells me they’ve posted something I’ll want to see (like your decorations video)

    :flowerforyou: Sandymyst, one reason this has worked for me is the support of the great women on this thread and another reason is that I changed my life and the way approach eating and exercise.

    :flowerforyou: Joyce, I can’t eat the salty and sugary things I used to like, either

    :flowerforyou: Sylvie, my great pedometer inspires me to take more steps than I would without it.

    :flowerforyou: Katla, when I came to the point of maintenance, I added 50 calories a day for a week to see how it would work and then gradually a few more……now I occasionally have a day when I don’t log food at all…..overall, I don’t eat much different now than I did when I was losing.

    :brokenheart: Anne, sorry to hear that the coach let you down again….can you do a workout without the help? can you get your money back?

    :flowerforyou: Cynthia when I started with a pedometer over 10 years ago I didn’t get to 10,000 steps very often….it has taken years of weight loss and always being on the lookout for opportunities to be active to get to having some days with huge step counts.

    :bigsmile: Heather, congrats on the weight loss and:brokenheart: sorry to hear about your cold and your knee…..yes, ice is your friend.

    :flowerforyou: DeeDee, are you and the others thinking about getting together for a NC event?

    :bigsmile: Rose, I am so happy to see you posting again and having such a great renewed passion for eating healthy.

    :flowerforyou: Patty, helping people learn how to use the machines at the fitness center sounds great, but I’d be wanting to use the machines myself.

    :flowerforyou: Connie, when I arrived at my early morning meeting today at 6:30 when the temperature was 27 degrees, someone said something to me about “bitter cold” and I thought that our temps were nothing compared to what you’d be walking in today

    :flowerforyou: Linda in super cold Ontario, I hope there is good news from the vet about your dogs…..it breaks my heart when the dogs are sick.

    :flowerforyou: Sylvia, what fun to get together with friends for painting.

    :flowerforyou: Katla, my hubby and I have difference insurance now that we’re on Medicare…….he has a lot of heart related medical needs so he has a Medicare supplement and a Part D prescription plan…….I have very few medical needs beyond the ordinary so I have a much less expensive Medicare Advantage plan that includes a prescription plan…..we went to an insurance agent in town who knew what questions to ask and put us in plans that seem to be working……we had had medical insurance with my job at no cost to us until I turned 65 and it was a huge shock to have to pay for insurance.

    :flowerforyou: Margaret, we have an almost new furnace and heat pump and keep the thermostat at 68 during the day but I have a space heater in the bathroom that I turn on about 30 minutes before I take my shower in the morning.

    :flowerforyou: Yanniejannie, it has taken me a long time to get caught up on reading posts and I keep plugging away at it……..I’m greedy and don’t want to miss anything.

    :flowerforyou: Kay, I resisted keeping track of what I ate until I joined MFP at age 62 and now almost five years later, I consider it one of the most important things I do…..on my computer it is easy to log a partial serving….is it because of your ipad that you can’t? sometimes I eat half a serving and sometimes two or three servings of vegetables.

    :flowerforyou: Rnaholowaa (do you have a shorter name that we could use?)…welcome…..it sounds like you do a lot of exercise especially after having back problems.

    :bigsmile: Jane, your lunch sounds great and also what fun to be getting together with the others from Colorado.

    :bigsmile: We picked the pets up this morning after our early meeting and they are all so excited to be home……I’m almost caught up reading the posts but I’m going to stop because I’ve finished my lunch and I’m eager to take the dogs for a walk.

    :heart: Barbie from beautiful NW Washington

    :bigsmile: :bigsmile: ..My word for 2014 is “Mindful” inspired by “The Happiness Project”….I will seek opportunities to be present in all that I do
  • janemartin02
    janemartin02 Posts: 2,653 Member
    Hello my pals.
    Mon not starting out too good.Woke up several times with Violet.
    Temp outside was -17 and wc of `-40.Hubby`s van wouldn`t start.no garage here,so he missed work.
    Hope the day gets better.
  • virginialee78
    I hope everyone is staying warm with these frigid temperatures! I was doing so well the past few days calorie wise and then bam, today I blew it.... and just after walking for 40 minutes. It was those darned Doritos first, and then I wanted something sweet so I made peanut butter blossom cookies. They are my son's favorite but I'm not fooling anyone... they are my favorite, too! So I'm stuffed, have almost eaten 2,000 calories for the day so not going to have any dinner. Guess I'll just pick it back up tomorrow. I really need to send ALL those cookies to school with my son and to work with my husband!

    If you experienced ladies have any advice for me to stop me from "bingeing", that would be great. Something always triggers it for me, whether it's stress, or whatever.

    Hope you all keep safe and warm! :o)
  • margaretturk
    margaretturk Posts: 5,098 Member
    Just read a post on how to keep pipes from bursting in this cold snap.

    Those who live in Canada if you have any other suggestions please add.

    Keep thermostat the same at night as the day. Do not turn it down. No lower than 55 degrees.

    Let faucets on outside walls drip Hot and Cold.

    Keep space heater 3 feet away from curtains and do not leave unattended.

    Keep your bath tub full or some buckets and have bottled water handy if water lines in your area break.

    Re heat frozen pipes with hair dryer only or have the pros do it.

    Open up cabinets to kitchen sink,bathroom, dishwashers that are on outside walls.

    If your washing machine is above grade try to insulate pipes if you can.

    Drain and turn off water to outside water faucets. (We did this long ago here in MN)

    Cars keep gas tanks full and or add heat to keep gas lines from freezing.

    If battery is 5 years or older replace or have checked.

    Have an emergency kit in your car, include matches, candles, high energy snacks (a time we can allow it :laugh: ) plenty of warm clothes in the car, a 30 ft. rope)'

    Wish I had the info yesterday, but I do understand this cold snap is moving into other areas tomorrow.

    So far staying as warm as I can and no burst pipes and car starts.:smile:

    Warm thoughts
    Stay warm.
  • Bonella
    Bonella Posts: 77 Member
    This was my weekend to work, so I've missed a lot of posts. I took my friend home from work this morning so I decoded that was a great time to stop at the gym since I drove right by it anyway. Since it was early and VERY cold, the place was nearly empty and I got a great workout. I'm sure I'll be a little sore in the morning, but it felt so good!

    Since I'm one of the newer and less active posters I don't know everyone, but it looks like you're all off to a great start. My goal for January is to lose 10 pounds and be below 150. It's been some time since I've seen a number in the 140s on the scale.

    For all of us living in the areas getting hit with all this frigid cold, please take special care of your pets. Our old dogs are 16 and 13 and the outdoor times are as quick as they can make them.

    111 days till my trip to Hawaii.

    Bonnie in frigid Ohio
  • Bonella
    Bonella Posts: 77 Member
    Just read a post on how to keep pipes from bursting in this cold snap.

    Those who live in Canada if you have any other suggestions please add.

    Keep thermostat the same at night as the day. Do not turn it down. No lower than 55 degrees.

    Let faucets on outside walls drip Hot and Cold.

    Keep space heater 3 feet away from curtains and do not leave unattended.

    Keep your bath tub full or some buckets and have bottled water handy if water lines in your area break.

    Re heat frozen pipes with hair dryer only or have the pros do it.

    Open up cabinets to kitchen sink,bathroom, dishwashers that are on outside walls.

    If your washing machine is above grade try to insulate pipes if you can.

    Drain and turn off water to outside water faucets. (We did this long ago here in MN)

    Cars keep gas tanks full and or add heat to keep gas lines from freezing.

    If battery is 5 years or older replace or have checked.

    Have an emergency kit in your car, include matches, candles, high energy snacks (a time we can allow it :laugh: ) plenty of warm clothes in the car, a 30 ft. rope)'

    Wish I had the info yesterday, but I do understand this cold snap is moving into other areas tomorrow.

    So far staying as warm as I can and no burst pipes and car starts.:smile:

    Warm thoughts
    Stay warm.

    Our shower in our master bath is on an outside wall and it has a tendency to freeze. We pour RV antifreeze in the drain after every use and it has really helped so far.
  • meyllisa
    meyllisa Posts: 284 Member
    Hi ladies everyone is so busy, welcome to all our new friends,:flowerforyou:
    Have been so sick with this cold just cannot shake it , we have 14 inches of new snow and its minus 19 minus 26 with the windchill:noway:
    Plus side not eating too much has helped loose some of the dreaded holiday gain so I maybe back on track sooner than I thought:smile:
    Linda I do hope your puppies are going to be ok
    Best wishes to all who are doing so good at loosing or having nsv
    Will check back in if ever I feel human again lol

    Juanita in sudbury