January Cycling Challenge-2014

Welcome to the first cycling thread of the year! This is a challenge for anyone who pushes a bike pedal, whether it be inside or out. We welcome Everyone: Spinners, Commuters, Weekend Warriors, Whatever. Whether you are just starting out or ride 20 miles a day, we welcome you.

Feel free to post whatever motivates you. Some people track distance, some track time, I feel like I should track crashes. Whatever gets you moving is what we want.


  • sajeffe
    sajeffe Posts: 850 Member
    Happy New Year!

    No mileage goal for me this month, but I will continue to use this thread to keep myself accountable as well as marvel at the accomplishments of others. For Christmas, I got myself a new helmet and new cycling gloves so in spite of my health issues, the intent to ride is still there.
  • blanphere
    blanphere Posts: 82 Member
    I'm In! January goal is 200 miles on the spin bike. December I did 170 :)
  • Bocch
    Bocch Posts: 191 Member
    January 1/1 : 9.8mi spinning
  • udamom
    udamom Posts: 65 Member
    I'm in. I have slacked off in the colder (haha I live in so cal so I'm a wuss) weather so need to challenge myself.
    My end of 2013 months were
    Sept 199 miles
    Oct 143 miles
    Nov 115 miles
    Dec 72 miles

    not seeing a good trend here :o(
    So going to set a Jan goal of 150
    I have not particatated in one of these before....do I just come back and reply with mileage...or just reply to my own post?
    have fun cycling all and be careful out there!
  • Bayluvr
    Bayluvr Posts: 115 Member
    Happy to join in. I ride my recumbent bike almost daily. It's the only exercise I'm allowed to do (besides swimming, and I can't swim...yet) due to a broken back and spinal instability. But the bike, paired with proper diet and nutrition, has helped me lose 71 lbs since Feb. 2013, and I am 7 lbs away from my first goal of 160 lbs.

    I'm now fighting my second bout with thyroid cancer (after 27 yrs) and the treatment has lowered my metabolism, but I'm now back on my thyroid hormones and feeling a little stronger each day. I have a possible spinal surgery in the near future, so I am committed to keeping up the bike workouts, counting time spent pedaling more than actual mileage, which can be very deceptive. I will post my progress at the end of each week.

    Happy New Year, and better health to ALL!
  • WhiteCloud9
    WhiteCloud9 Posts: 113 Member
    I'm in! I just got a recumbent bike the weekend before Christmas and now that things are slowing down I'm ready to use it. I have no idea how many miles I can accomplish so January will be my baseline. My goal is at least 30 minutes, 3 times each week, but I'm also adding in Zumba and Pilates classes.

    I can't wait to see what I can accomplish!
  • ywilber
    ywilber Posts: 1 Member
    Hi everyone!

    First time for me on a fitness board. Last year I rode 847 miles combination road and mountain bike. Would like to ramp that up.
    Goal for this month is 150 miles. I'm starting off with an injury (ischial bursitis) so can't really start until (hopefully) next week.

    I did hike for 2 hours today though.
  • udamom
    udamom Posts: 65 Member

    13.2 miles
  • Bocch
    Bocch Posts: 191 Member
    udamom? check your dates for spinning in January...it's 2014! I know we all make that error(lol)
  • Sounds like fun! Hampered by knee surgery this past July, my road miles were down to 2575 compared to a normal 4k+
    I'm not sure how you would caclulate miles on a spin bike, but I.m going for 36 hours for January! Good luck to all!
  • HoaryMarmot
    HoaryMarmot Posts: 36 Member
    Ah cycling, I love this sport. My goal for January is 300 miles and I got a very good start today - 68 miles in 4:51. I am training for a very long ride in May and I need to drop twenty five pounds.
  • I love cycling - but my cycle computer is broken so I dont know the distances :( hopefully will have a working one by February
  • einsteins2013
    einsteins2013 Posts: 20 Member
    I'm in- riding my recumbent stationary bike for now! I'll aim for 30 miles a week.
    I usually bike every other day for around an hour and row and weight train the opposite days.
    Once we are in to spring I will move outside on my recumbent and hit the bike trails in the area.
  • udamom
    udamom Posts: 65 Member
    udamom? check your dates for spinning in January...it's 2014! I know we all make that error(lol)

    oops thanks for noticing!
    I am a nurse and working tonight...so it has been a chore to write 1/1/14 all night! LOL
  • stu1102
    stu1102 Posts: 129 Member
    Happy New Year Everyone

    Jan 2nd 8.66 miles (Commuting)
  • stu1102
    stu1102 Posts: 129 Member

    Jan 2nd 17.32 miles (Commuting)

    forgot to include my journey home
  • 100km training ride following the Xmas break, batpitisim to fire would be an understatement!
  • sajeffe
    sajeffe Posts: 850 Member
    All right! Look at all of you good folks!

    For those of you who ride in London, any thoughts on this? - http://www.pbs.org/newshour/rundown/2014/01/in-a-not-so-distant-future-londons-sky-could-be-filled-with-bicycles.html

    Looks cool, but seems the use-fees would have to be astronomical.
  • jirwin323
    jirwin323 Posts: 40 Member
    I work from home and have converted my desk to a bike desk. My plan is to bike the mileage distance from my home to San Francisco and back this year while working - about 5400 miles.
  • blanphere
    blanphere Posts: 82 Member
    Tonight was solo spin night with weight training - 16.34 miles. Off to an awesome start :)