

  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
    I had an ah-ha after I entered my dinner into my food log this evening and noticed the number of days I’ve logged. Today is my 440th day of logging meals on my fitness pal. I only thought I'd found an app to count calories. The habit of logging food has become a very important part of my life and my well-being. I am so lucky to have found the Women 50+ group to mentor me, encourage me, and each other. You have all become important in my life.

    It seems that I am not the only one who feels a need to say thank you to each of you, and to Barbie, and to the lucky day I found "an app to count calories." It is that, and so much more. :heart:

    Katla in foggy and dark NW Oregon
  • jmkmomm
    jmkmomm Posts: 3,247 Member
    Michelle, thanks for putting your videos on face book. Now I can see all those hours and hours you all took in doing that. How long does it to take it down?

    So good to see so many more ladies wanting to share this journey with us other women!!!! Just climb on and enjoy.

    I was able to do a full 10 miles on my bike at home today which gave me about 6000 steps. I needed to go to Walmart and Kohls to do some last minute shopping for Christmas Saturday. So I did some wandering around while at Walmart to increase my step total. Then at supper I told Michelle, youngest daughter that I was needing to look for some new jeans. My size 16 jeans are just really to big for me to wear now although when I do my laundry and hang up my 14's it still amazes me when I see what the legs look like. But the 16s are just to baggy. So she suggested that since she also needed to go to Walmart that we should just go after supper. So I knew I needed to do quite a bit more wandering to get my 10,000 steps in but I would try. So I looked and looked at jeans, all of them seemed like they were those skinny jeans which I just don't like at all. I have never liked the painted on look. Michelle said I needed to go some where that could have more of a wider selection and I would be more satisfied. She also said I would need to pay about double what I would pay at Walmart. I did try on one pair and they wouldn't even go up my thighs. But we walked enough that I could see I was getting closer to the 10,000 steps. So I jig jagged around to the grocery department to get the things she needed over there. Still wan't there so I just walked down each and every aisle, while husband and daughter just stood by and shook their heads not knowing what in the world I was doing. But when I left the store I was up to 10,200!!!!!! When we got home we looked at American Eagles outfitters and Old Navy websites to see what they have to offer. So we will have to make a date to go to the mall. That in itself will be fun. She is my number one cheer leader, all the time looking at me and saying how good I look. That's one reason why I am so excited for this weekend. My nephew hasn't seen me for 2 years and my brother hasn't seen me in 1 year. I've made big changes since then, not only in my physical appearance but my tolerance and what I can do. I made Charlie park way out in the Walmart parking lot. He always wants to use my handicap placard just to get a larger parking space to protect his car. Well when you park way out in the lot there are no cars around you.

    Joyce, Indiana
  • barneygirl
    barneygirl Posts: 36 Member
    I only have two main goals, but I have turned into a lazy freak. All I ask of myself is wk.out at least 3 times a week and stop eating everything in sight at night. Sounds simple enough but I cant get my butt in gear. I need to take it one day at a time find a reason to stop living the lazy live style I am. Just venting.
  • margaretturk
    margaretturk Posts: 5,092 Member
    Good evening ladies,

    Joyce great job on going down a size. clapping icon we need!

    I agree great to see so many new names on this site WELCOME :flowerforyou: and others who are returning:flowerforyou: . I know for myself I would post my goals once a month and then not come back for a month. I am finding coming and posting more often and taking the time to reply to others posts very helpful in my quest to become and to stay healthy.

    It was easy not to watch TV today because we went to our annual white elephant New Year's Day party. I got the audio book Skipping Christmas by John Grisham. I know how tempting that thought Skipping Christmas can sometimes be. It also gives something to do since I will be watching less TV. LOL

    Goal for Jan. watching only an hour of T.V. a day.
  • AnswerintheSky

    Hope you all had a great New Year's Day. I was working but we got to have a little bit of fun with a potluck lunch. I kept my contribution healthy by making a fruit salad (red oranges, honeydew melon, red grapes, blueberries, and pineapple). I was about to drive to the store to pick up the fruit but decided to do the 10 minute walk each way. (It gave me the opportunity to greet a client whom I saw partway there.)

    I didn't manage to stick to my vegan diet (quite) today. I had a little dairy in there. It's hard to avoid at a potluck and still have something to eat. However, I get closer and closer to being vegan all the time.

    My back and my right knee were bothering me today so I didn't use the stairs at work as much as usual. I hope the personal fitness coach will address these issues along with a myriad of other issues.

    For a few years I have been trying to finish reading "Dr. Neal Barnard's Program for Reversing Diabetes". I would like to get on with it and complete it. It is actually quite informative and interesting.

    I read the writings posted between yesterday evening and this evening and, I must say, as a newbie, I certainly felt a warm reaching out and welcome from the regulars. Thanks for that.

    :flowerforyou: Anne, Vancouver area, British Columbia, Canada

    A few goals for me for January 2014:

    - To lose 6 lbs by January 31 (to be well on my way to my personal Goal #2 for March 31)

    - To exercise a minimum of one hour, three times per week under the guidance of a personal trainer (already hired)

    - To stick as closely as I can to the vegan diet I'm trying to follow for the month of January (finish reading the book, too)
  • Patchworkperson
    Patchworkperson Posts: 151 Member
    Thank you Michele. I think Skinny Taste may become my new favourite recipe website!

    Geri in UK
  • mat136
    mat136 Posts: 35
    happy new year
  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 9,803 Member
    morning ladies,
    I have been up wince about 3:30 am,I am icing my heel and having my lemon water.
    Ct is supposed to get slammed with a snow storm and be bitterly cold. I have today off from work, so I am going to the bank, and pick up some wraps at the grocery store, pay for my gym membership for this year.
    didn't go to the gym today but will get some form of exercise in.
    the boy's are still tucked in bed lol
    today is my son's 29 birthday, I cant believe it, where does the time go?
  • brookehe
    brookehe Posts: 413 Member
    Ann in MO – I think painting one’s own toes is a terrific goal!!! :wink: Welcome to our group

    Carol in NC – Please do share your warped/wicked sense of humor with us, no need to worry about offending amongst us! Welcome – come back and share/read often :happy:

    Kathy in IL – Loved your new year’s quote! Hope you feel fully better soon :flowerforyou:

    Ann in New England – Ha! One of my goals is to get my wedding ring ON! :tongue: I have simply refused to get it enlarged as that has felt like admitting I’ll always be this weight and not my goal. Welcome to our group

    Geri in UK – I think sitting next to cake and abstaining is a ‘major’ NSV!! :drinker:

    Mary in SW Ontario – Welcome! You’ve set some solid, achievable goals for yourself :smile:

    Molly in WV – welcome back, glad to hear you’re starting the new year recharged and refreshed! :happy:

    Meg – What a lovely annual tradition, enjoy a day of shopping and lunching with the girls! You’ll find Red Lobster offers some delicious and healthy options, I always have good luck there in staying on track while still feeling like I’m treating myself. :drinker:

    Sue in SD – Embracing Change is a very worthy goal, it sounds like you have much of it ahead, though it all sounds like positive changes. :flowerforyou:

    Alison – Sorry to hear about your young friends health challenge, will send healing thoughts and prayers :sad:

    KarenGMT – Welcome, you’ll find this to be a fun and supportive group of wise and witty women. Read/post often, you’ll be glad you did. :flowerforyou:

    Michele (and Katla) - I think we need to draw straws for the "Plateau Queen" title :laugh: (it's been since July for me, what about you?)

    Brooke from Colorado

    “Would you rather be right or would you rather be happy?”
  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,355 Member
    Good morning lovely women!:flowerforyou:

    Again a big welcome to all the new people. Logging everything and posting often is the key I feel. Good luck in your journey to be healthful.:flowerforyou:

    In fact the regulars made me cry this morning, much to DH'S concern!:tongue: It was of course a happy cry - I am so grateful to you for being with me on this journey. Katla - your comment made me laugh, "I thought I had just found an app for counting calories.":laugh: :bigsmile: :wink: Barbie - you are the still centre in all of this - a big thankyou.:flowerforyou: :love:

    Sue in Shropshire - I lived in London for 40 years before I moved to rural Hampshire. Before that I spent one year in beautiful Shropshire.:flowerforyou:

    Drkatie - when I started my planking I couldn't even get off the ground. The first day I got up there (elbow planking) at yoga I let out a shout of excitement!:laugh: I have very gradually built up the minutes, month by month.:flowerforyou:

    Katla - kedgeree is an Anglo Indian dish, from the old Raj. It is a curry spiced rice dish, using smoked haddock and hard boiled eggs. It takes all of my dinner calories, but I love it.

    Pat phoo - welcome back!:flowerforyou: I was beginning to wonder where you were hiding!

    Joyce - great walking! I wish I had been there. I would have marched round with you!:laugh:

    This morning I lost 0.5 lb. Hooray! I find it hard to believe as I am starting a cold and feel bloated, but there it is on the scales!:drinker: :drinker: (tea!) :laugh:

    Yesterday I got my memoir out and put it in a folder. Then I ACTUALLY WROTE a page and a half!:drinker: It has been a long time since I wrote anything as I have been so blocked with trying to write about my difficult childhood. Now, with the help of you ladies and THE HAPPINESS PROJECT I know I will do it. Yesterday I wrote a happy memory as a way of easing myself in.:happy:
    Then I ordered a new, smart box file to put it all in.
    Also I pulled out of my bag an old journal that I hadn't written in for 2 years. There are still many blank pages in it, but I feel I have changed so much recently that I didn't want to resume in the same old book for fear the old, moaning tone would infect me. I ordered a beautiful notebook that will do my new state of mind proud. :love: :heart: :happy:

    Katla and a few others - are you still doing the face exercises? I have been doing them since Feb and they are definitely holding my face up!:laugh: I used to see one side was less uplifted than the other, but they seem to have evened out now!

    Bye for now. Got to get on with my strength training.

    Heather in sunny and calm Hampshire UK
  • CynthiaT60
    CynthiaT60 Posts: 1,280 Member
    Hi everybody, thinking of everyone facing gnarly weather or other problems. Be safe.
    Happy to be able to report that I haven't gained over the holidays. :glasses: Now back into losing mode.

    Have a great day!
  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 9,803 Member
    Heather~ love ya lots girlfriend, I missed what are the face exercises? lord knows I need a little help there..
    So glad things are going well for you... I had some greek yogurt earlier and was still hungry so I just made myself a wrap with real peanut butter:noway: oh the calories,and 1/2 a banana. and another cup of tea... sorta lounging until the bank opens up and then I will do my errands,
    Pat- glad to see your still among the living, we have missed you :flowerforyou:
    So nice to have such a wonderful group of friends. a wonderful wish would be to get us all together in one spot to meet in person..
    wouldnt that be wonderful?:bigsmile:
    I have been on quite a journey over this past year, and it continues.. I have learned alot of different techniques , and ways of working what I do to lose weight.
    Ok so I tried a plank:laugh: I lasted maybe 25-30 seconds,I will keep trying ,if you ladies can do it so can I
  • moeggep
    moeggep Posts: 219 Member
    Good Morning All,
    It was a nasty snowy drive into work this morning, but I made it. Yesterday at the Y we did an hour and a half spinning class, a symbol to be healthy this year. There was great energy and every bike was taken.
    Grandmallie, I hope you don't mind me saying that a 30 seconds for a plank is good, you don't really need more time than that, work your way up to doing 3-4 of the 30 sec planks for best results. Try incorporating side planks as well. I work in the fitness center at the Y and am studying for my personal training certification.
    Have a great day everyone! Patty
  • DeeDee2211
    DeeDee2211 Posts: 1,133 Member
    Good morning beautiful ladies:flowerforyou:

    Welcome to everyone new:flowerforyou: ! This is a fantastic group of women, full of support and kindness:bigsmile: ! Come in often and chat away with us!

    Welcome back to Jen, Molly, Pat (Phoo), and Robin:smile::smile: :smile::smile: So nice to see you again!!!

    Hey girls... Michele, Katla and Brooke....add me in the running for "Plateau Queen", it`s been a year for me....I`ve been on a rollercoaster:grumble: , up, down, up, up, down, up and on it goes:sad: . I`m hoping my body will decide it`s ready to shed some more weight in this new year! I have decided I`m only weighing once a week, everyday was starting to depress me:frown: .

    Brooke:smile: I have really missed all the great quotes at the end of your post! You never fail, I love this one too:happy: !

    Heather:smile: Congrats for writing a page and a half:bigsmile: , and getting yourself a new beautiful journal to start the year off right!

    Michele:smile: I`m not on facebook, but I`m thinking of joining just to see your decorations:love: !

    For those of you getting hit with the snow storm....please be careful and stay warm!!!

    Time for me to get off the computer, I`m limiting my time on this thing, my behind gets numb when I sit too long:frown: :tongue: .

    Have a wonderful day ladies! Drink your water:drinker: :drinker: :drinker: and log your food!!!

    DeeDee in NC where it`s supposed to rain today:cry:
  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 9,803 Member
    love that picture of you Dee Dee:flowerforyou:
  • susiepet
    I only have two main goals, but I have turned into a lazy freak. All I ask of myself is wk.out at least 3 times a week and stop eating everything in sight at night. Sounds simple enough but I cant get my butt in gear. I need to take it one day at a time find a reason to stop living the lazy live style I am. Just venting.

    Were you describing me? Feels like it - so glad I'm not alone. Went out and bought food for the week this morning - must have been the healthiest shopping trolley ever. If I just eat that and avoid the wine I'll be sorted! (and if I avoid the wine I do more exercise too)

    Sue from sunny(ish) Shropshire
  • drkatiebug
    drkatiebug Posts: 1,946 Member
    Thanks, City Jane for letting me know your beginning plank time. My first one was 31 seconds. I guess that's not too bad for a beginning. I found a plank challenge on line that started at 20 seconds. Then last night I tried again, timing it myself. I forgot I was supposed to be on my elbows and tried to do it on my palms. Then I couldn't do it at all when I tried again on my elbows. it was a complete disaster! Oh, well! Today is another day.
  • dmduncan12
    I just joined myfitnesspal yesterday! Glad to find a group for women over 50! I've had some health issues the past six months (thanks to a drama queen step-daughter-in-law) which caused me to have some breathing/chest pain issues and so I've gained almost 10 lbs in the past year. Turns out instead of having asthma, I have bronchospasms when doing any exertion. Just started a new emergency inhaler and was able to do 30 minutes of Piloxing yesterday with only normal shortness of breath, NO chest pains! Before I was only able to do 10 minutes. Here's to a healthier, skinnier NEW YEAR!
  • trisH_7183
    trisH_7183 Posts: 1,486 Member
    Good morn. Today is going to be a lazy one,watching snow fall,then tomor,it's to be super cold.So a good time for remembering
    this last yr,what was & what wasn't. Two different things.
    Have picked a word & "reality" stands out for me.Needs to be my Whoa there in choosing food,choosing amount to eat & accepting the reality of being a slow loser,no matter what I do.
    Losing a pound over 6wks isn't fun,but it's my reality.That adds up to 9 pds a yr......:grumble: :grumble:
    Thanks to all the posters,your tips & losses gives us all encouragement.

    Sylvia,how are you doing today? What a scary experience you had! I read it to my DH & he was also shocked.Hope you are soon
    back to your normal self. Pat in snowy Ohio
  • yoyonomore55
    yoyonomore55 Posts: 350 Member
    Happy New Year ladies!!

    I will be back in a while with goals and responses. We just got back from a trip to Maine to see my DMIL. She is 92 and such an inspiration! I need to catch up on a some chores and get some groceries before the snow gets too deep!!

    Deb in very snowy CNY