Why do we have to suffer? :'(



  • Mickeyinfinite
    Mickeyinfinite Posts: 22 Member
    I don't know all, but one thing (for me) is true, the last thing I need when I'm feeling "down" is to be "dumped" on even more.

    I'm saddened that the majority of the posts are sounding a bit judgmental???? YA Think????

    The way it works for me when I'm struggling either with food or life,,,,,,,

    be negative towards me and you weaken me even further so that the chances I run to food are increased.

    If you are human and want to do some good, be kind, loving, understanding towards others who are struggling with their weight/life.

    Like I already said, I'm saddened by this thread :(

    and to you OP (opening poster), hang in there you are most certainly worth it!

    My advice to you, start by forgiving yourself for everything you think is wrong with you or life. Start saying nice things about yourself on a daily basis, oh and ignore anyone who is throwing negative comments your way. Anyone who comes down on you is just letting off their own anger/negative feelings, no reflection on you whatsoever.

    Good luck :)
  • Mr_Knight
    Mr_Knight Posts: 9,532 Member
    Life is not fair to us overweight people.

    Is this for real? You are lucky enough to be born into a society where you get to have the CHOICE of eating to obesity while the world is filled with a couple of billion hungry people - and you think YOU have it rough?



    Get some perspective, realize you are incredibly fortunate to have ownership over your own body, and start making some positive choices for yourself.

    You can do this!
  • RonnieLodge
    RonnieLodge Posts: 665 Member
    Hello MFP,
    Life is not fair

    Fixed that for you.

    Life isn't fair.

    And there is always someone in a far worse position than you, so count your blessings and consider yourself lucky.

    The harder you work, the luckier you'll be.
  • BeautyDoll
    BeautyDoll Posts: 86 Member
    Hello MFP,
    I am really sad right now. I am crying. I was talking to my mom and suddenly I realized something... WHY? why do obese people have to suffer? Why?
    I cannot shop like "normal" people, cannot eat the food I like, cannot go to movies or go partying. No this is not a rant. I am sure you can understand my problems.. our problems. It is really disheartening that we cannot enjoy life as other people. I am still young, I am 19, and I weigh more than 100 Kg! I cannot perform normal activities like my friends do. Can't talk to girls. Can't talk to strangers -thanks low self esteem- or go to places. ITS JUST NOT FAIR!
    Life is not fair to us overweight people.
    I know this post will be buried after sometime... and I am somewhat sure nobody would read it given the sheer number of new posts on MFP but I really wanted to let out my feelings.
    Good night :'(:cry:

    I have been categorized as OBESE myself in the past but I never blamed it on life. I blamed it on ME and my POOR CHOICES which included eating like a bear and not working out. When YOU accept responsibility for YOUR life and choices you will enjoy it more. Stop trying to blame it on something else. If you do, YOU will never be able to control it. Now get off the pitty train and join the many of us who are trying to reach our goals and who will support you along the way. Make up your mind know you can do it!
  • Cowboss1
    Cowboss1 Posts: 24 Member
    Congratulations! You have arrived!!!
    I can see that you are NOW in a place to take charge of your life!
    Its up to you, and you can do it!

    You sound just like me before I lost the weight. In tears, right after the Holidays, I mindlessly signed up to Weight Watchers. That was over two years ago, and I love the transformation thats has taken place in my life.
    I also struggle with depression. Yes go to the Doc, but remember statistically speaking, exercise is the best "med" out there for depression. So find one you like, and go for it!!! Get a workout buddy to help motivate you.
    Your diet will also help. Once your start eating more fruits and veggies, the inflamation that is weighing you down, will leave your body and mind, and you'll feel so much better. In the beginning I was sceptical about eating that much Rabbit Food, the gas was almost unbareable and it took months for my body to adjust. But now I crave that kind of food. Find some healthy websites like SkinnyTaste.com and try your hand at being your own chef!
    And finally, find support. Whether its online or at a Weight Watcher meeting, this aspect of weight loss is a must. I found an on-line group of WL individuals and we chat almost every day. They keep me accountable. Also DEMAND support from your family. To succeed, your environment must be clean of all junk food. After two years of arguing with my family, we finally have rules about what comes into the house. If they want to eat junk, thats fine. They just have to do it elsewhere.

    Good luck out there. I really think you are ready. Gather your courage and be fearless about what you want your life to look like in a year. Yes it'll take patience, so just get through one day (or hour) at a time, and I can guarantee you will see the results you want.
    GO FOR IT!!!!!
  • QuietBloom
    QuietBloom Posts: 5,413 Member
    newsflash If someone told you life was fair or easy, they lied to you.

    Yup. I can't go shopping for clothes, because I don't have any money. Some people have money but feel they can't shop for clothes because they are not happy with themselves. We all have our challenges darlin'.

    Oh, and I can't eat the food I want to eat either, if I want to keep looking like I do in my profile pic.
  • mccindy72
    mccindy72 Posts: 7,001 Member
    Suffering is, honestly, part of the human condition. We have to suffer in order to learn. If everything in our lives was super easy and great, we wouldn't know it was easy and great, because we would have nothing to compare it to. By suffering, and wanting the suffering to stop, we find the drive to change our lives. You've taken the first step - realizing you have a problem. Now it's time to make some changes. Start making good decision about your diet, and then start exercising as your body will tolerate. You'll start losing weight. Keep your doctor in the loop, as that will be essential if you have hypothyroidism. Also see out counseling for depression. all of these steps will lead you into a journey that will eventually lead you to a happier place. You will look back and realize how much stronger you are for the suffering you experienced.
  • ElliottTN
    ElliottTN Posts: 1,614 Member
    Please go buy a one way plane ticket to a third world country.

    If you ever make it back then feel free to tell us just how unfair your life is then, most of us might actually give 2 craps then.
  • Saramelie
    Saramelie Posts: 308 Member
    Ok.... so..... what are going to DO about it?? Decide, commit, succed. It won`t change if YOU don`t change it.
  • sassyjae21
    sassyjae21 Posts: 1,217 Member
    Life is not fair to us overweight people.

    Is this for real? You are lucky enough to be born into a society where you get to have the CHOICE of eating to obesity while the world is filled with a couple of billion hungry people - and you think YOU have it rough?



    Get some perspective, realize you are incredibly fortunate to have ownership over your own body, and start making some positive choices for yourself.

    You can do this!

    ^^ Agreed. You can do it! But you have to work for it.
  • arl1286
    arl1286 Posts: 276 Member
    I'm tall and skinny and still can't buy clothes. There is nothing for either extreme.
  • eldamiano
    eldamiano Posts: 2,667 Member
    Oh get a grip. Stop eating then and lose some weight.

    come off it

    Agreed. I'm not into coddling people, and my many friends on this site know that I will love them with a tough love if need be and will say whatever needs to be said to them. But when someone comes on here who is CRYING over something and mentions that they suffer from depression in their profile - BE CAREFUL HOW YOU RESPOND TO THEM. These are human beings, people. We don't know if this person is on the edge of doing away with themselves, for example. It could be quite serious. In these situations we should follow the example of the folks on here who have been kind, compassionate, and even-toned and yet still spoke the *truth* to this person. You can do both. You don't have to be a douche about it, sheesh.

    If someone is seriously depressed about it, then it would seem bizarre and reckless to post opinions on a public forum where anybody can publish anything. Since my post, which was removed, there have been harsher posts on here as well. What I said was harsh but blunt without trying to be abusive or insulting, which is the worst case scenario you could get from posting such an attention grabbing post like this. It is at best over the top and at worst selfish. Many people on here are overweight but talk about it in a dignified manner, where they are depressed about it or dont let it affect them. There is more than one way to skin a cat.

    Besides, being overweight is not unfair. Suffering from cancer is, losing a loved one is, etc, but not something which you are fully in control of so if you are going to be all me, me, me about it then why should you expect empathy?
  • uconnwinsnc
    uconnwinsnc Posts: 1,054 Member
    When I was 19 I was, to be blunt, fat as ****. I was able to socialize, interact with girls, party. I was fat, but I didn't give up on my life. You shouldn't feel pity about yourself. You need to understand that you are still young and can change your life around pretty quickly. Being fat is not the end of the world. In 9 months you can lose 50-70+ pounds if you put in serious effort weight training and eating healthy. Don't make excuses. Don't blame society for how you feel. Don't say, "Woe is me for being fat!"

    You can do it. You don't need to be the fat kid your whole life. It can be fixed in less than a year. You are 19, you are young and stronger than you think.
  • afat12
    afat12 Posts: 178 Member
    :flowerforyou: Best of luck to you OP I hope you can make some changes in your life.
    KANGOOJUMPS Posts: 6,473 Member
    you can lose the weight
    focus, be strong and tough
    how bad do you want it>
    go conquer!
  • MorgueBabe
    MorgueBabe Posts: 1,188 Member
    Please go buy a one way plane ticket to a third world country.

    If you ever make it back then feel free to tell us just how unfair your life is then, most of us might actually give 2 craps then.
    OP needs to watch this link http://elitedaily.com/news/world/kids-third-world-countries-read-first-world-problems-suddenly-dont-feel-like-problems-video/
    Bah I forget how to add a link.
  • Brandolin11
    Brandolin11 Posts: 492 Member
    If someone is seriously depressed about it, then it would seem bizarre and reckless to post opinions on a public forum where anybody can publish anything.

    It's a free country and they can post whatever they like be it bizarre and reckless (which are subjective adjectives you are personally ascribing due to your bias, BTW) or not. You make it sound as if this person deserves rude treatment simply because they chose to share their feelings in a way that you personally don't care for. They don't.
    Since my post, which was removed, there have been harsher posts on here as well. What I said was harsh but blunt without trying to be abusive or insulting, which is the worst case scenario you could get from posting such an attention grabbing post like this.

    Sorry, but "Oh get a grip. Stop eating then and lose some weight." is universally insulting. And again you blame the OP for your insults, as if they "invited it". Nope. Not to mention that you assume this person is just trying to get attention, which is sad. Just an observation, but you seem extremely cynical. Why, I wonder?
    It is at best over the top and at worst selfish.

    And yet Compassionate people are able to see beyond the surface when it comes to hurting people. The face of a thing may appear selfish. But the real issue runs deeper. It takes patience, kindness, and compassion to dig into that and really help a person. Because digging into a real issue is helpful. Judging and smacking down, is not.
    Many people on here are overweight but talk about it in a dignified manner, where they are depressed about it or dont let it affect them.

    Good for them. However, compassionate people are not into comparisons and forcing everyone into one mold about how they're "supposed" to act when they're hurting. Helpful people are into seeing an individual and helping them through whatever they've got going on, specifically.
    Besides, being overweight is not unfair. Suffering from cancer is, losing a loved one is, etc, but not something which you are fully in control of so if you are going to be all me, me, me about it then why should you expect empathy?

    Please note that 99.9% of the people on here (including the compassionate and helpful ones) have all agreed with the 1st half of that sentence. The difference is that, again, helpful people see beyond the "me, me, me", dig deeper, and try to help the person see the error of their ways with empathetic language. That may include tough love, yes. But it's all in *how* you say it. I'm simply suggesting there's a better way to speak to hurting people and encouraging folks on here to practice it.

  • Brandolin11
    Brandolin11 Posts: 492 Member
    P.S. - Sorry, OP, that I and this other poster hijacked your thread for a moment there. I wasn't necessarily interested in getting into a tit-for-tat, off-subject discussion, but it seemed important to address this particular issue as it seems to be such a common thing on these boards for people to be unhelpful. Thanks.
  • SmangeDiggs
    SmangeDiggs Posts: 238 Member
    My legs are really short, my pants drag on the ground and they get holes in them. I have to buy new pants ALL the time. Life's not fair for, myself and all other short legged people out there.
  • Savyna
    Savyna Posts: 789 Member
    I know what you mean. But it's not necessarily a "overweight" person issue, its more of a self esteem issue. I'm not morbidly obese but there have been times when at parties I've felt weird like I didn't fit in or anything (only because I was wearing more conservative clothing instead of more flashy revealing clothing like other girls) but the thing is as you get older (well idk how old you are but let's go with as you mature more) you have to/ you learn to accept yourself. You're (hopefully) on this site so you can get your health back on track and lose some weight, not for others but for yourself, to feel good about yourself. The only thing stopping you now from going out with friends and doing things or shopping for clothes is yourself. Just as there are shops for women who are overweight (Avenue, Lane Bryant and others) there have to be places for guys to shop at too. (I saw you wrote mum so I'm not sure of shops in your neck of the woods. But anyways, good luck.