Girls wanting to lose 50-100 pounds/20-45 kg (Read 1st post)



  • mulchingoverwinter
    mulchingoverwinter Posts: 45 Member
    Didnt even notice there was a new message, would still love to join got around 130/140 to lose

  • I have 75-100 pounds to lose. Not sure what a good goal weight for me (and my body) is since I've been overweight my whole life. It's scary to think I should weigh 135 pounds when the last time I weighed that was in 5th or 6th grade and I've been 220-270 on my adult body. So my ultimate goal will be 175, then 150, then go from there. I know it's one pound at a time but it's overwhelming at the beginning to see that huge number to lose.

  • Hi, I would love to join this group I need to lose 60 lbs. Good Luck to us all !
    Ann aka briann145
  • Ashwee87
    Ashwee87 Posts: 695 Member
    I would love to join! :)

  • RosieRaz
    RosieRaz Posts: 282 Member
    I want in! My worst weight at the peak of pregnancy was 260 (I weighed 195 prior). Since then I started MFP @ 220 lbs and have lost 13 so far. Goal #1 50lbs (170lbs), Goal #2 20lbs (150lbs).
  • Hello! I just joined myfitnesspal. I'm hoping this will be a great way to keep me on track. I am 21 years old, 5'4 and I weigh 240 lbs! This is the biggest I have ever been, and I am ready to start my weight loss journey! I would love to join this group and connect with everyone with the same goals as me!!!
  • reneeb816
    reneeb816 Posts: 60 Member
    I would like to join! I'm about halfway through my journey to a (hopeful) 80 pound loss. It's taken me 6 months to get to this point.

    The scale is starting to move a lot slower now and since the holidays, it's been hard to get back to eating at my calorie goal. Food has ALWAYS been a comfort for me thus leading me to be overweight my entire life. I kind of let myself "cheat" for Christmas and then up until the 1st of the year and it has really brought those bad binging habits back to the surface. Just yesterday I thought I deserved a Skinny Cow ice cream bar as a nighttime snack and of course it was soooo good I figured "What the heck, I'll have another one."

    I really don't have much support in my everyday life. No one else I know struggles with the same food issues and understands how hard it is to stop once I've started.

    I hope I haven't gone on too much about myself but would really like to have a group of ladies to support and be supported by. We should add each other as friends! Is everyone new to MFP?
  • I have 75-100 pounds to lose. Not sure what a good goal weight for me (and my body) is since I've been overweight my whole life. It's scary to think I should weigh 135 pounds when the last time I weighed that was in 5th or 6th grade and I've been 220-270 on my adult body. So my ultimate goal will be 175, then 150, then go from there. I know it's one pound at a time but it's overwhelming at the beginning to see that huge number to lose.


    Try to set smaller goals so that you won't feel so overwhelmed. Once you reach a goal, set another one. But, don't worry about the long term, as far as weight loss goes. Just learn to eat healthier and exercise regurlarly.
  • hi! i would love to join! i have 100+ pounds to lose and could really use some support :)

  • I would like to join! I'm about halfway through my journey to a (hopeful) 80 pound loss. It's taken me 6 months to get to this point.

    The scale is starting to move a lot slower now and since the holidays, it's been hard to get back to eating at my calorie goal. Food has ALWAYS been a comfort for me thus leading me to be overweight my entire life. I kind of let myself "cheat" for Christmas and then up until the 1st of the year and it has really brought those bad binging habits back to the surface. Just yesterday I thought I deserved a Skinny Cow ice cream bar as a nighttime snack and of course it was soooo good I figured "What the heck, I'll have another one."

    I really don't have much support in my everyday life. No one else I know struggles with the same food issues and understands how hard it is to stop once I've started.

    I hope I haven't gone on too much about myself but would really like to have a group of ladies to support and be supported by. We should add each other as friends! Is everyone new to MFP?

    It is hard but you can do it. One day at a time. Don't beat yourself up for getting off track.. just make sure to get back ON track. Feel free to add me as a friend for support.

    I have been obese most of my adult life. When I turned 51, I decided to make a committment to myself and so far (1 year), I have lost more than 55 lbs.

    You can do this!
  • ny2298pdsgt
    ny2298pdsgt Posts: 62 Member
    me me me, i wanna join too!!!!!!. I have about 50 i would LOVE to lose.
  • Camwill03
    Camwill03 Posts: 33 Member
    I would love to join this group
  • ksm313
    ksm313 Posts: 5 Member
    I'd love to join! :)

    In 2011 I lost 30 pounds, and between starting college and breaking my tailbone, I've gained back all of it and am having trouble starting again.
    I'd like to lose 50 or more!
  • accokeekjudi
    accokeekjudi Posts: 32 Member
    :wink: Really excited about joining . . . turning 60 later this year. My goal is to embrace the sixties with good Health. Looking to loose at least 100 pounds. Would love to knock out 50 of those pounds by June . . . would be a great inspiration :drinker:
  • wishfuljune
    wishfuljune Posts: 2,600 Member
    I would definitely join this group! My name is Chelsey, and I'm looking to lose 30-40 pounds by April 5th and then another 15-20 pounds by June 22nd (my 25th birthday!)

  • peptoblue
    peptoblue Posts: 6 Member
    I would like to join! I'm about halfway through my journey to a (hopeful) 80 pound loss. It's taken me 6 months to get to this point.

    The scale is starting to move a lot slower now and since the holidays, it's been hard to get back to eating at my calorie goal. Food has ALWAYS been a comfort for me thus leading me to be overweight my entire life. I kind of let myself "cheat" for Christmas and then up until the 1st of the year and it has really brought those bad binging habits back to the surface. Just yesterday I thought I deserved a Skinny Cow ice cream bar as a nighttime snack and of course it was soooo good I figured "What the heck, I'll have another one."

    I really don't have much support in my everyday life. No one else I know struggles with the same food issues and understands how hard it is to stop once I've started.

    I hope I haven't gone on too much about myself but would really like to have a group of ladies to support and be supported by. We should add each other as friends! Is everyone new to MFP?

    I was doing quite well following my healthier eating habits & exercising, but somewhere in the past few months something happened and I fell back into bad old binging habits. I too allowed myself to cheat over the holidays which made it much worse. I look at it as an addiction. I am sneaking cookies at night because I am so embarrassed to admit I have "fallen off the wagon". All I can think about is cookies, ice cream, chips and all kinds of yummy fried foods! My mouth is watering as I talk about this. I got to a point where I felt like, oh well, I have already failed, so I must go all the way. I started eating like crazy, day & night. Today, I feel horrible, absolutely disgusted not only with myself but about how bad I feel from overeating unhealthy foods. It has taken me a year to lose about 20 lbs because of my struggle with food and I do not what to gain it back. Seeing your post has motivated me to do my best to get back on track. I know sometimes we fall but we have to get back to our healthy selves quickly before it consumes us. Think of all the discipline, persistence and strength it took to accomplish your weight loss of 45 lbs in 6 months! I know you can do it. Hang in there!
  • I'd love to join this group. I have over 100 pounds to lose but I'm making my goals smaller for my mental health, haha. My name is Tamara and my username is:

  • reneeb816
    reneeb816 Posts: 60 Member
    So are we supposed to be posting pics etc to this group? LOL. I've never been part of a "group" so I'm not really sure how it works.
  • reneeb816
    reneeb816 Posts: 60 Member
  • NatalieBroque
    NatalieBroque Posts: 5 Member
    Hey! Nat here. i'm 19, and I really want to lose between 50-65lbs. before summers end. I would love to join the group!