30 Day Log In Challenge.



  • fitnesspinay
    fitnesspinay Posts: 9 Member
    Count me in. I wanted to monitor my in/out calories everyday and this 30day challenge will motivate me on my fitness journey. Good luck to us! :)
  • kristenn9715
    kristenn9715 Posts: 17 Member
    I'm in!, about a year ago i was on here and stuck to it and lost a little over 10 pounds. I was 149 and dropped to 136. since then i gained most of it back, im currently 144 lbs. I would loooove to be 125-130. I just need to be motivated. I really want to lose the weight but i can't seem to want it enough to stop myself from eating everything in sight. I;m going to force myself to do it this time. Feel free to add me!
  • AlisalGal
    AlisalGal Posts: 88 Member
    Day 4, feeling good! For the first time in I don't know how many weeks, it's a sunny day. Only 26 degrees but sunny - I'll take it. Took the dog for a long walk and have all my meals for the day planned.
  • JodiMac78
    I am late joining but I am in too! I am 35, currently a stay-at-home mom, and my goal is to lose the last 15 (but I will be happy with 10). I am trying to get into a habit of daily exercise and staying under 1200 calories. Today I might actually pull it off (all of the holiday goodies are finally gone - woot woot! ) I've logged everything so far. Jodi
  • beckanai
    Are we suppose to be checking in here as well as keeping track of our daily activies/foods?
  • AlisalGal
    AlisalGal Posts: 88 Member
    Day 5, checking in. After being frustrated for the last couple of days thinking "I'm doing everything right! And am completely stalled!" I was gratified to see some downward movement on the scale this morning. Lessons to myself: stop weighing daily. And take it easy on the soy sauce - we've had sushi and stir fry this week, and I think my sodium was just too high. Off to plan my meals for the day, it's what keeps me on track.
  • Torgrills
    Torgrills Posts: 103 Member
    Congrats AlisalGal!

    Day 5 check in for me, whoop whoop! I couldn't remember if today was day 4 or 5 for me (night shifter with an infant, and sleep deprived!) so I was incredibly excited to log on this morning and see my 5 day streak notification. It was incredibly motivating to keep the streak up and push forward, especially when I struggled so much last night with wanting something sweet. It took everything in me to avoid the cake on the stove that my 15 year old baked, but I left it alone. I started off this morning with a little sweetness to my breakfast so that I've got my fix for the day-oatmeal with a tablespoon of peanut butter and a tablespoon of brown sugar, with a splash of real vanilla all mixed together. I call it my peanut butter cookie oatmeal. :)
  • lorocks61
    I am trying hard to log everything. Challenge for me is to ignore the chips and eat the healthy stuff. Chips are not leaving, so I will add this to my logging daily challenge.
  • andreaamak
    andreaamak Posts: 42 Member
    I'm a little late .. but I want to join too! I started over on Jan 1st and have been consistently tracking since then. So far so good!
  • DeniseB0711
    DeniseB0711 Posts: 294 Member
    Hey.day 5 is done. congratulations to everyone has made it for and welcome to anyone join us.I had to work and missed breakfast and was unable to eat all of my calories today I will make up for them tomorrow.
  • andreaamak
    andreaamak Posts: 42 Member
    checking in for day 6! May or may not have had a little peek at the scale this morning and was quite motivated by what I saw! Already pre logged all of my meals for today so now just have to stick to it :)
  • lorocks61
    made it through Sunday w/cold temps and stuck in the house. hubby decided to make biscuits, sausage, hashbrowns, and eggs for dinner. i was astounded to find that frozen biscuits are 300 calories. decided that i wanted the biscuit, could live without hashbrowns, and only needed one egg and one piece of sausage. managed to come in under calories and the biscuit was heavenly,
    have todays meals planned and if i stick to it i am under. ready for the temps to go up so i can get out of the house,
  • Purplepoppies
    Can I join in to please :-) I'm only on day 1... But it was a success woop

    Anyone feel free to add me :)
  • LoMadd0406
    LoMadd0406 Posts: 36 Member
    I would like to join too! I am starting my journey again and I need the motivation to get back into logging everything! This is my day 1 and so far so good!
  • Armagan123
    Armagan123 Posts: 72 Member
    Count me in either
  • AmandaB2229
    My Story - I'm 33 years old and 4 years ago I set out to lose 100lbs. I got to 82lbs down and then my husband and I were expecting our 4th child. I gained 16lbs in the first 5 weeks of pregnancy and lost the baby at 6 weeks. :-( I was trying to get back into things, but not doing a very good job. Last Christmas morning we found out that we were expecting again! With the scare of the miscarriage still on my mind, I put all exercise on hold. Well, now our sweet baby boy is here and it's time this girl got back into the swing of things! I'm not as heavy as I was when I first began this journey, but I did gain 50lbs with this pregnancy and it looks like I've got about 60-70lbs to lose to be where I'd like to be!
    I have a lot of things coming up this coming year...my first sprint triathalon, a 5K obstacle course, and numerous races coming up this summer and I'm looking forward to every one of them!
    Here's to keeping our butts in motion and the supportiveness up! Best of luck to everyone! :-)
  • AlisalGal
    AlisalGal Posts: 88 Member
    Day 6 check in - it's hard to stay on track when I'm at home and feel at liberty to snack on everything in the house. Even though I've cleaned out the house pretty well and there isn't any junk food, portion control is a problem when I'm bored. At work I take pre-measured cheese slices and an apple for a snack, or a small baggie of almonds... but here at home ALL THE CHEESE and ALL THE ALMONDS look appealing. But I resisted! I hate to complain about the cold when so many people are suffering far worse conditions, but I'm certainly looking forward to walking without fear of slipping on the ice and breaking a hip!
  • AlisalGal
    AlisalGal Posts: 88 Member
    Day 7 check in. Sticking with it!
  • magrat22
    magrat22 Posts: 7 Member
    Awesome idea, wish I'd seen this earlier. I'd like to join too, started Jan 4th so 4 days checked-in for me. Am 41, IT person, looking to loose 30lbs. Have succeeded before with Weight Watchers but managed to put it all back and and then some. So going to try monitoring cals myself and slowly getting into exercise (am very unfit).

    Feel free to add me :)
  • glosettes
    glosettes Posts: 8 Member
    Yes count me in. I fell off the bandwagon and feel awful. This will motivate me to keep track and exercise more often.