Getting started AGAIN...



  • cpaman87
    cpaman87 Posts: 193 Member
    I was sidetracked by an injury that prevented me from working out for 3 months. It was absolutely astounding to see how out of shape I could get and how much weight I could gain in such a short period of time. I have always been committed to this but now I can do something about it.
  • GenieBB
    GenieBB Posts: 52 Member
    Starting over AGAIN, too! So depressing, this time last year I'd lost close to 70-75 lbs and then moved to California, became super depressed and gained it all back. How does that even happen in California!?!? Starting over and getting it right again this time around, would love any and all friends/encouragement!

    Where in CA??
    Feel free to add me. I lost and then gained as well :/
  • Hello all and happy New Years! I am getting started again. Some would say that's great. However I must admit I'm not feeling that motivated. I guess I'm upset with myself because I was doing great and I let myself slip. Now it seems like its going to take forever just to get back to where I left off. Today is the first day, maybe I will feel better tomorrow. Good luck to all who is starting again. I have faith and know that you can do it.
  • ks_mommaof5
    ks_mommaof5 Posts: 73 Member
    This is EXACTLY what I needed to see when I logged in today!!! I'm not trying over here. I'm doing it! ;)

    I lost 45 pounds two years ago with the support of MFP and its community. Then my mom was diagnosed with late Stage IV lung cancer and I became a working mother of five caring for her mom while running my body into the ground. After she passed, I gained 30 pounds back and stopped doing just about anything that was even remotely healthy.

    But no more. I finally quit smoking, something I promised my mother I'd do, and it reminded me that I can do anything I put my heart into doing.

    We've got this. We're doing this!!!!!
  • stormbornkraken
    stormbornkraken Posts: 302 Member
    Right here with you. First time was awesome but I let myself lose focus and give in to new stress. Back and ready to kick it. Trying not to dwell on my repeat performance and focus on the fact that it was done once so I can do it again.

    Lets do this! Best of luck to you all!

  • sujeysolano
    sujeysolano Posts: 5 Member
    Waooo I see I'm not alone jumping on board!
  • ZumbaMommy79
    ZumbaMommy79 Posts: 2 Member
    Me! Me! I just read the Choose to Lose book and have begun Carb Cycling. So far, so good :) I would love some company and some support along the way! I'm in!
  • Onaughmae
    Onaughmae Posts: 873 Member am back and starting over after a 13 pound gain. Just gotta do it!
  • Lord knows I have been there multiple times, I have lost 60 lbs and have maintained but I want to reach that 100 lbs lost mark. Feel free to add me.
  • I lost about 50 pounds in 2005 and 2006. Much of the success was driven by shear dissatisfaction with my life. I actually did a lot of road cycling. It was not unusual to go for a 5 hour bike ride on a Saturday. I rode 100+ miles per week for something like 40 straight weeks at one point. Lots of 200 mile weeks.

    The healthier and more active me dated, got engaged, got married, bought a house, got dogs, wife had a baby, etc. No more time for a 5 hour bike ride or even the 1-2 hour bike ride. A lot less motivation too. I'm just not angry and dissatisfied with my life anymore. 6-8 pounds per year for 7 years and I'm back where I started.

    There were a couple errors in my original weight loss. My loss and maintenance was dependent on a lifestyle I couldn't maintain forever. That wasn't clear when I didn't have the commitments I have now. My motivation, dissatisfaction with life, was not sustainable. Also not clear at the time.

    Re-starting has been hard. In 2013, I lost about 5 pounds and regained it. Repeat about 4 times. The biggest de-motivator has been memory of my old self. It's annoying when you can't be comfortable on your bike for more than 20 minutes, but you used to ride for 5 hours at a time. It's annoying to remember doing average speed of 18mph and then doing 14mph. I have to get over this. Build back up. Find other things to do. It's hard to find time. If I hit the gym after work, my daughter is pretty much in bed when I get home. I get to see her for maybe 30 minutes that day. I have to get up early and go before work. I can't makeup for bad eating habits with shear effort anymore. There just isn't time. I have to get the diet right.

    Most important, I have to figure out the motivation. Intellectually, it's pretty straight forward. Feel better. Better and longer life for sake of daughter and self. Happier married life. So many reasons. For whatever reason, these things seem less immediate and visceral than what drove me in 2005. I think I just have to get past motivation to it just being the norm. I don't need motivation to brush my teeth. I just do it. Just a normal lifestyle and habit to be fit.

    My concern right now is that I'm pretty much starting with the same plan as the last 4 times I've not succeeded. I think I understand what happened. Start off thinking, this is going to be a lifestyle change. 0-1 pounds in a week is a great week. Just make it a habit and keep it sustainable. Well, I would start pushing and competing with myself. If I got to the end of a day 500 calories under target...good! If I was out for a jog, I would push to break my time record. Over a period of time, I would hit a little wall or just get tired and fall off. This time, I'm going to bracket myself and see if that works better. Last week, I was 500 calories under target after dinner. I had a snack. I was jogging this morning and noticed my pace was high. I slowed down. I'm hoping I don't wear myself down over 2 months. I'm also worried that I'll lose motivation with low results. We'll see.
  • threekiddad
    threekiddad Posts: 3 Member
    I'm in as well....I had lost weight during and after my divorce (approx 45lbs in 2010), and was maintaining it, met my now fiance. Then about a year ago with an injury (ankle) put the weight back on and then some. She loves me despite the weight gain, but it's not something I'm proud of. We are getting married this summer, and want to get back to where I was when I met her. She's in good shape, and as beautiful as the day we met, but is a swimmer and that is something I definitely will not be doing. So I'm looking for people on here to motivate me, and I will try to return the favour. I also have three kids, so they are a handful, my youngest has started school full time, so that gives me a bit of time during school hours. Thanks
  • Yea! Looks like there are a lot of us out there. I am right now aiming for 14 in 2014. It's really a few pounds short of my real goal, but I would rather set an attainable goal for now. My "baby" turned 5 two weeks ago, and I sort of realized that I can no longer hang onto the 20 she helped me put on. I also have a goal of getting a 10 k in by May. Feel free to add me, as support is a great thing.
  • bridgett61
    bridgett61 Posts: 2 Member
    I need motivation also. My daughter is getting married in June and I am cringing at the thought of wedding photos.
  • I'm starting over. One day at a time.
  • janiew5
    janiew5 Posts: 4 Member
    Count me in to! I'm ready to dig in and finish and maintain what I started!! And to have some new people to help motivate each other sounds great!!
  • dankas001
    dankas001 Posts: 209 Member
    Day 1 yesterday tracked everything & went on treadmill after dusting it down lol. So far so good hope i can keep it up today kate x
  • briannw
    briannw Posts: 73 Member
    Add me to the list, any of you should feel free to add me
  • kboggs6763
    kboggs6763 Posts: 35 Member
    I am right there with you! I had lost 95 pounds from my heaviest weight. I am now up 51 pounds! I am back on track and determined to get in my spring and summer small clothes by May! Good luck to you, I know you can do it!
  • This is EXACTLY what I needed to see when I logged in today!!! I'm not trying over here. I'm doing it! ;)

    I lost 45 pounds two years ago with the support of MFP and its community. Then my mom was diagnosed with late Stage IV lung cancer and I became a working mother of five caring for her mom while running my body into the ground. After she passed, I gained 30 pounds back and stopped doing just about anything that was even remotely healthy.

    But no more. I finally quit smoking, something I promised my mother I'd do, and it reminded me that I can do anything I put my heart into doing.

    We've got this. We're doing this!!!!!

    You are so right! TRYING doesn't get anything done. You have to MAKE the better decision about what you eat and when you exercise. Weight doesn't just fall off. You have UNDER indulge to pay for when you OVER indulged. You have to want it really bad to change your lifestyle. I do not mean a diet I mean 100% better eating. That is where I am.
  • aprilh47
    aprilh47 Posts: 250 Member
    I'm really pleased myself in my first week, I've had such a successful week. I seem really motivated to loss weight, stop smoking and become more healthy but how do i keep it up????