Need to Lose 100 LBS -Robins Thread !



  • skinnyjeanzbound
    skinnyjeanzbound Posts: 3,932 Member
    @nicole--Oh sour cream! I forgot about sour cream--that would also be difficult to give up. I hope it's brussel sprouts as well! :wink:

    @kelley--I can understand your mixed feelings about your trainer. Of course you want what's best for him, but don't want to lose him either. :ohwell:

    @tom--yep--a bunch of us had to up those darn tickers, but we will all get them back down in no time! I think I :heart: today's quote better than any I've seen in awhile! It's a simpler version of the Neil Gaimon one you posted last week. My new mantra this year is all about making good things happen in my life!

    @tammy--great walk! :drinker:

    AFM--well they called another day off tomorrow, so I will need to revise my plans again. :ohwell: Got through a few more essays--back at it so I can get to the gym.

    Grading goals:
    1. 1/72 AP essays
    2. 18/26 Scarlet Letter essays
    3. x/52 Scarlet Letter annotations

    Exercise goals:
    Mon--gym (cardio)
    Tues--gym (lift and HIIT)
    Wed--walk gunner
    Thurs--walk gunner + gym (lift and HIIT)
    Fri--walk gunner
    Sat--walk gunner + gym (cardio)
    Sun--walk gunner + gym (lift and HIIT)

    Exercise & Weight:
    Bench press = 85
    Dead lift = 90
    Squat = 90
    Overhead press = 55
    Upright row = 60

    Overhead tricep extension = 25 (dumbbell)
    Bicep curl = 15 (dumbbell)
    Lat pull down = 100
    Tricep pull down = 90
  • naceto
    naceto Posts: 517 Member

    “The best way to predict the future is to invent it.” ~Alan Kay


    LOVE this!!!
  • naceto
    naceto Posts: 517 Member
    @Nicole~Thanks! His parents are getting older, so I can understand him wanting to be closer by if they need him. I’m selfish in that I really don’t want to lose him as a trainer, he has changed my life, but I also want the best for him. I did an elimination diet and know how hard it can be to give up the things you love. One thing I learned in eliminating dairy is I can tolerate aged cheeses such as parmesan and asiago – I'm stupid and eat other cheeses, but in moderation. I seem to do okay. I also found that I tolerate Greek yogurt better than regular yogurt. But you need to eliminate these things and then introduce them back one at a time to see how you respond. Dairy is inflammatory, so it’s one of the most common food sensitivities. Also, try almond milk instead of regular milk – I love Silk unsweetened vanilla and the chocolate of course. :wink:

    I GUESS that is a good excuse for him to move.... have his parents considered moving closer to HIM? :wink:

    Thanks for the idea on the milk... I love the Silk almond milk :happy: I actually don't *drink* milk... it is the milk products I miss. I will remember that about the re-introducing foods... Greek yogurt is my go to snack, so if I have to give it up... :sad:
  • susan2396
    susan2396 Posts: 794 Member
    Monday Check-In: Good food choices today. I didn't make it to the gym this morning, but I already had a session planned with the trainer tonight so no big deal. I'll plan tomorrow though. I need to get back in my regular morning routines. I'm more apt to keep to my schedule if I do it that way. I’m exhausted by the end of the day so evenings are tough for me.

    @ Kelly – Sorry to hear about your trainer. With so many of us with aging parents, I know we understand. It’s still hard though because I know the impact he has had on your life and this will be a change for you too. Perhaps he knows someone or an in-home trainer that he could recommend. He knows your style and what you like/don’t like, but it will be different. My trainer has decided to stay for now. I guess she had someone sign up for 70 sessions right off the bat. She said in her 20+ years that has never happened. I guess this woman wants to lose 140 lbs and was visiting with trainers before making the commitment. I guess she liked her and signed up on the spot. Needless to say, she’ll be around for a little while longer.

    @ Tom – I’ve never heard of that bakery, but if I’m in need of a birthday cake or a sweet treat I’ll keep it in mind. We use Great Buns Bakery for the Capriotti’s bread. I’ve been to their bakery on numerous occasions and actually have to go on Thursday. They always send me back with a box of pastries for the office. I smile, say thank you and pass the box along. Sooo hard!!

    @ Nicole—Thankfully, I’ve never had an issue with dairy. I think that would be very, very hard for me to let go of. I love it all!! Now that I’m trying to eat a little more Paleo dairy is supposed to be out completely. I still have an occasional cheese and some Greek Yogurt, but that’s it for the most part. Thanks for the chili recipe. I’ve had quinoa only a few times, but wanted to start using it a bit more. I’m definitely going to give it a try. When do you start back to school?

    @ Karen – How many snow days do they have worked into your year? Hopefully, it doesn’t have to tag onto the end of the year. Thanks also for the post on muscles, weights, toning, etc. . . I found it very interesting and really didn’t know the differences so I found it helpful. Thanks!!

    @ Laurie – As Kelly’s trainer is experiencing and so many of us will very soon, our parents aging and their health. My mom just sent us a text that my Dad basically quit his job. He turns 69 a month from today. He’s been talking about retiring for a while now. They must have done something to really tick him off because that is not my dad whatsoever. I truly thought he was going to work himself to death. He doesn’t stop. I’m hoping my sister has already talked to him to see what’s going on. I think Robin’s advice was right on. Your mom will get so exhausted if she tries to handle this herself. It’s a tough balance. I know we all want to do what we can do for our parents, but caregiving is very exhausting. Hang in there!

    @ Nettie – It’s hard to imagine, but I was one of those people for years. I’m around then drop out so quickly. I’ve never stuck with anything before and now that I’ve found MFP and this wonderful group (THANK YOU ROBIN!!!!) I seem to have found my home. I can’t imagine not checking in with everyone and sharing my ups and downs. I think we all just want to get back in our regular routine. Holidays are past us and we’ll focus on the months ahead. You’re on track just a little blip on that stupid machine aka scale.

    @ James – Welcome!! Losing 97 lbs is a huge win! Yes, you’ve back tracked a bit, but you are human right? Not a machine. You lost it before and you’re going to do it again. Just take some lessons from it and learn from those lessons. Get back to the basics. Log every day. Get in so many days of exercise. Check back on this thread. We have lots of women, but there’s Morgori (Tom) and Guerilla will be around too. Both GREAT guys and normally around on here too. This is an awesome group fr continual support. You’ve got this!

    @ Painisweak – I always look for examples just like that. For the calories in cupcakes, candy bars, ice cream, etc. . . look at the amount of food I could be eating if I made a different choice. I love the idea of having all that protein on hand and ready to grab as a snack. Now don’t get me wrong I still want a “little” sweet treat on occasion. For me I’ll have one Dove Dark Chocolate Promise Square and it’s just enough. 40 calories. I eat it as slow as possible and savor the flavor. If I have those little treats, I don’t feel like I’m depriving myself. You’re doing great!

    @ Tammy – Good job getting in your walk. Do you normally eat your exercise calories or just when needed? I’m always curious to hear if people do or do not. I don’t, but I know the extra calories are there if I need them. When does your hubby go out again? I’m a huge seafood lover and until Deadliest Catch came on I had no idea the danger it took to catch those little creatures. I have a much better appreciation that’s for sure so please thank him for me. LOL!!!
  • NewCaddy
    NewCaddy Posts: 845 Member
    I should have made a goal to be better about being on this thread! :laugh: Miss a couple of days and you have a lot of reading to do.

    I've been doing well with my food, but my exercise has slipped quite a bit with some major items that HAD to be handled taking more time than I thought they would and these super cold temps. Right now the big debate is whether they should have closed the schools or not. I have two kids that ride the bus -- I'm glad I didn't have to worry about them standing on the corner for 5-10 waiting for a bus when it's -56 with the wind factored in.

    I have pretty much stayed in and watched movies this whole weekend. First week of the New Year and I'm already failing a few of my January goals... TSK TSK. Good thing it's 80% food and only 20% exercise.

    @Laurie...great pictures that show a great success story (so far). I know you want to get back on the "losing" track, but I hope your chest puffs out when you look backwards...great job! I hope they get the boiler fixed for you...I'm sure you'll love the deep water aerobics. I've got to figure out how to get back there -- I loved it!
    @Charlotte...welcome got this!
    @Kris...glad you're feeling better and can hobble around.
    @Lauren...progress is progress. Slow and steady wins the race, right?
    @Kelley...sorry to hear about your trainer -- I understand him since that's what I did last year. Did he have any names for you? He'd probably know someone that would be similar to him. your story and your suggestions
    @Susan...I saw Garth Brooks at the top of his popularity. He came to Sioux Falls and sold out 5 shows in a day. He actually added two more shows so that everyone that wanted to see him could. It was wonderful! Glad you had fun!
    @JNettie...sometimes this logging just isn't for someone. Or like myself, you sign up for it because you think its a great idea, but then your heart isn't in it. I've tried to lose weight so many times, but wasn't really into it so I wasn't successful. I do weed through my FL every so often and unfriend people who aren't doing this. I also have unfriended people because they were eating such low calories (like 700 per day). It was working for them, but it's not the way I wanted to do it, so it was just hard for me to see them losing 2-4 pounds each week, when I was losing 1-2 (or none).
    @Alupinsk...this is a link to my sister's story. She started lifting heavy and her "tone" has improved in my book. This story is the reason I started to lift heavy.

    Cheesecake. I've never really loved it and I tell myself I don't like it so I never eat it. However, my sister has just started a Cheesecake business (Loralie's Cheesecakery on Facebook if you're interested :blushing: ) and has shown pictures of cheesecakes of such things as: Peanut Butter Cup Cheesecake, Berry Medley, Strawberry Champagne and Caramel Brulee that I'm having a hard time remembering that I don't like cheesecake. So far so good as she's tried several of these out on our family and her friends. Dang you Alupinsk for bringing that word up!!! :flowerforyou:

    This Week:
    Monday - Lift (and c25K? -- we'll see)
    Tuesday - Zumba with my sis
    Wednesday - Lift
    Thursday - C25K
    Friday - Lift
    Saturday - C25K
    Sunday - Rest

    Last Week:
    Monday - Lift - DONE
    Tuesday - C25K - NOT DONE
    Wednesday - Lift - DONE
    Thursday - C25K - DONE
    Friday - Lift NOT DONE
    Saturday - C25K NOT DONE
    Sunday - rest DONE

    Goals for January
    * Drink 8 glasses of water (boy did I fall off the wagon on that one)
    * One soda a week
    * Lift three times a week
    * Minimum two cardio workouts a week (shoot for three but...)
    * Get my calories back under control and within my "goal"
  • karenleona
    karenleona Posts: 3,959 Member
    amazing....stay on track with food....drink LOTS of water...and i lose 5 pounds :laugh: Need to keep it up tho. Probably not have my heart valve replacement for 4-5 months so that gives me a bit of time to seriously get some weight off. I always work better with a firm deadline
  • AnnaMW2013
    AnnaMW2013 Posts: 77 Member
    Oh the weather outside is frightful!
    No school again tomorrow and we are still on a
    Level 3 snow emergency. Basically all roads are closed and for good reason! The plowshare getting stuck on them and most are drifted completely shut.... I'd say we "might" have school on Thursday.
  • skinnyjeanzbound
    skinnyjeanzbound Posts: 3,932 Member
    Did someone mention cheesecake? :tongue: One of my favorites, as well as one of the few items I can bake from scratch. Haven't done so in years and won't be doing so anytime soon. :laugh:

    @anna--yes, I heard most of the roads are closed in Indiana as well. We are still in for dangerously cold temps tomorrow, so schools are closed again. However, we will be back Wed. for sure. Stay warm and safe!

    @tracy--I love the link you shared--it's one of the stories I read this summer when I was looking into lifting as well. I had no idea that was your sister! Sadly, she removed all of the "after" images. :ohwell:

    @susan--we have 5 emergency days on our calendar, and yes, we do have to make them up in June. I have no idea what would happen if we needed to miss more than the 5. Hopefully, it will never be an issue. After looking into the heavy lifting myself, I know how much time it can take to weed through all of the into. I figured I would sum up what I gleaned from the threads. It's certainly just a very boiled down summary, but glad I could help.

    AFM--went to the gym and started running--wow, was it hard! I was so looking forward to a nice easy 3 miles. Two minutes in I was dying! I ended up alternating walking and running b/c it was so tough. After about 20 minutes, I switched to the arc trainer which was much more doable.

    Upon reflection, I realized that I haven't run in awhile. This past week, I used shoveling as my only real form of exercise, and the week before my knee was hurting so I did the bike and elliptical instead. When I got home I looked in my exercise diary and I haven't run since December 21st! :noway: Couple that with a serious bout of insomnia over the past few nights and I now realize why my run wasn't "great." :ohwell: At least I did it, and it will be easier next time (provided I don't wait another 2 weeks).

    Grading goals:
    1. 1/72 AP essays
    2. 19/26 Scarlet Letter essays
    3. x/52 Scarlet Letter annotations

    Exercise goals:
    Mon--gym (cardio) DONE
    Tues--gym (lift and HIIT)
    Wed--walk gunner
    Thurs--walk gunner + gym (lift and HIIT)
    Fri--walk gunner
    Sat--walk gunner + gym (cardio)
    Sun--walk gunner + gym (lift and HIIT)

    Exercise & Weight:
    Bench press = 85
    Dead lift = 90
    Squat = 90
    Overhead press = 55
    Upright row = 60

    Overhead tricep extension = 25 (dumbbell)
    Bicep curl = 15 (dumbbell)
    Lat pull down = 100
    Tricep pull down = 90
  • kinnurse0754
    kinnurse0754 Posts: 565 Member
    @Susan - I am oh so jealous. I love Garth and Trisha. My son bought me Garths new box set for Christmas which includes a copy of his CD of his Wynn show. I love it so much. And you got to see him up close and personal. To heck with exercise, my excitement would have burned a weeks worth of calories. I'm hoping for a trip to Vegas in the fall to celebrate my 60th and my sisters 65th birthdays. I don't think he'll be playing in Vegas then but I would line up for tickets in a heart beat. So Jealous!!
  • SeeLShrink
    Good evening!

    Well, I'm becoming convinced that I'm just not meant to ever make it to the kickboxing class I've been talking about :explode:
    I left work in what I thought would be time enough to get there, got home to change and it was chaos. My daughter was being difficult, and so was my husband. We got out of the door, but not in enough time to make it. When I got to the gym I checked on the class and they were already in the thick of it and everyone had their stations set up. I didn't want to disrupt the class, so I sent a longing glance toward the classroom as I hopped on the elliptical. Got 3 miles in and worked up a good sweat. Tomorrow we have our circuit class, which thankfully is scheduled later in the evening, so we don't struggle so much to get out the door. I have tentative plans to try the spin class right before, but we shall see. It's probably best not to get my hopes too high :grumble:

    Monday - Lost another 2 lbs since my last weigh in, yay! I also bought a pair of pants a while back that were a bit tight and was able to wear them comfortably today, I :heart: it!

    My daughter's school was cancelled again tomorrow due to the cold temps, hopefully this crazy weather will let up soon. Can it be spring yet?? :flowerforyou:

    Can we stop talking about cheesecake now? I'm dying! :tongue:

    Keep up the good work everyone! I love reading your posts, I'm hoping to get more time for personals here soon :smile:

  • grandmakaye44
    grandmakaye44 Posts: 1,205 Member
    Checking in. I come here and read several times a day when I log my food. I really enjoy and appreciate all of your comments, struggles and successes.
    Today was a good day. I found myself feeling hungry and looking for things to eat, but at the end of the day, it doesn't look too bad. I got to go for a good walk. I needed to go to the bank so I walked down there and timed it so I could meet gs and walk him home instead of making two trips. It is still quite cold, but definitely not what you are dealing with east of the Rockies.
    Have great evening. Onward and downward. Kaye
  • vickimieth
    vickimieth Posts: 333 Member
    Hello & happy Monday everyone!
    trying to be better about checking in to the list (will get better with personals soon). Today wasn't too bad -- the new QRM director is a hoot - should be an interesting ride coming up. Lots of things going on, so I will keep up when I can....
  • Lauriek70
    Lauriek70 Posts: 2,087 Member
    Lifting weights- My trainer has me doing two different types. The first is for endurance which involves lifting lighter weights for more reps and doing a couple of sets. The next day we go for failure on the weight lifting by doing heavier weights but fewer sets. I stop when I can't complete the rep with good form. They both have pro and con's but it seems to be working. I like doing both forms of weight lifting. The heavy lifting leave my muscles sorer than the endurance lifts but both are beneficial. That is just my 2 cents.

    Kelley- That is tough news about your trainer and I understand his concerns and yours. Maybe he can recommend a private trainer if he gets the transfer.

    Thanks for all the advice about my dad. My mom DOES NOT WANT any OUTSIDE HELP, it is very frustrating. It will take me a while to change her mind. She does not want strange people in the house, she is having a fit with all the therapists coming in to work with dad. The good thing that happened today was the foot doctor made a house call. He told my mom to let dad fall and she is not to catch him because she could hurt herself. I hope she listens. Tonight has been a better night so we will see how he does walking down the hall tonight.

    Robin- We do have a walker with wheels and a seat, a walker with wheels and a walker without wheels, plus a wheel chair and we have done the walking behind him with the chair. Thanks for the ideas.

    Nettie- I will write down questions for my Mom to ask, great suggestion.

    Susan- I also love Garth Brooks and Trisha. What a awesome concert experience you had!!!:bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile:

    Everyone is the BEST, thank you for your support.

    Today, was a good day for food and exercise. Had a great session with my trainer tonight, did a few new exercises tonight. That involved the abs and doing the leg lifts from an overhead bar with straps supporting my arms. It was a great exercise and I am looking forward to doing it again. This will be a tough week for exercise since it will be busy and cold.

    I am waiting to hear about school tomorrow, we are expecting wind chills in the negative numbers with the low temp around 7. Not as cold as some of you but bitter cold for my area. Some school districts have started closing but mine has not yet, will wait until 5:30 am to hear the news. It will spark an interesting debate but they need to consider the safety of the students. I am also wondering if the buses will start tomorrow morning.:bigsmile: I hope we have off that way I can get to the gym and maybe get my haircut.
  • skinnyjeanzbound
    skinnyjeanzbound Posts: 3,932 Member
    @laurie--I know the buses are a big factor in determining if we have school. I hope you get your extra day off.:wink: I love doing hanging crunches! My new gym doesn't have arm straps, so I do them on the Power Tower, but pretty much the same thing. :smile: I agree that there are benefits to both types of weight lifting--I still do some endurance work, but have seen the most visible changes to my arms from lifting heavy. I'm sure the endurance lifting allows me to make more progress with the heavier weights though, so I guess it all works together.

    @vickie--is the new QRM director a replacement for the horrible boss who was making your job miserable? I don't remember the details, but I know you were really unhappy with your job a while back due to personnel. I hope this is good news for you--you deserve a break from the constant stress! :flowerforyou:

    @kaye--glad your weather isn't so bad and you were able to get your walk in. :drinker:

    @lauren--sorry you missed the class--that's stinky. :grumble: At least you still got to work out though. Congrats on the SV and NSV!! :drinker:

    @charlotte--there are so many great shows in Vegas--I'm sure you and your sister will find something worth seeing!

    AFM--I decided to clean the fish tank tonight. Got all set up and found I'm out of filters. :angry: I still cleaned the gravel and did a water change, but the actual filter system will have to wait for another day.

    Someone earlier had asked about whether folks eat back exercise calories. I typically eat back all or most of mine--in my mind calories are fuel, and I don't want to shortchange my body. I've found that if I don't eat them back, I end up being really hungry the next day. Sometimes I zig-zag--especially if I burn a really large amount one day and just am not hungry enough to eat them all back the same day.

    That being said, I know others who are successful not eating back any or all, so people have to find what works for them. I think it also depends on how meticulous you are about intake and output in general. I have friends who don't want to weigh/measure food which typically results in eating more calories than intended, so to compensate they only eat back half of their exercise calories.
  • kinnurse0754
    kinnurse0754 Posts: 565 Member
    Hi All, Finally having a day off after working my 3 nights. Its a PJ day for me. There is nothing that would convince me to go outside today. The snow and freezing rain has stopped but its soooo cold and windy. Just going to stay warm and safe.
    Day 4 has been a good one on my 1st week back. Drinking lots of fluids, just not too hungry today. Think I'm just too tired to eat. I'm going to do a weigh-in tomorrow when I get up. Then I'm going to put fresh batteries in the Wii Fit board and get some work done.
    Hope everyone is staying warm. Have a great week. Charlotte
  • dukesduchess350
    dukesduchess350 Posts: 77 Member
    Monday check in- Well, Saturday I tried doing calf raises. Holy moly. My calves have never hurt quite so bad. This is day 2 and I feel like I look like an infant learning to walk. Yesterday was a cheating day...had chicken with broccoli and this DELICIOUSLY dangerous chocolate cherry cheesecake dessert. So tasty. The weather is TERRIBLE here. We are supposed to dip into the negative digits today. :( When did Alaska start being warmer than here? lol

    So...I'm wanting to tone my legs more. So do I do more reps with average weights, or less reps with max weight? I've been told to do both, so I'm a bit confused now.

    do more reps with less weight.
  • naceto
    naceto Posts: 517 Member
    Susan- I am glad to share! I mix it up a lot as well... sometimes my chili is more of a casserole with carrots, zucchini, etc... Just depends on my mood. I am skipping Winter quarter at school. My new job is bringing in an instructor from the local Community College to certify some of us for project management! :bigsmile: I'm super excited and want to make sure I don't take on too much. Garth and Tricia... sounds wonderful. I saw Tricia Yearwood ages ago in Seattle. She just seem so sweet and friendly! Love her voice too... of course!
  • dukesduchess350
    dukesduchess350 Posts: 77 Member
    So today was the first day in a long time that I went over my food allowance but I'm ok with that. Unfortunately I had to drive to work in this ridiculous cold weather then come to find out that I was to work from home today but no one called me.:noway: : The company decided to buy us pizza for lunch for the folks that actually made an attempt to come to work instead of calling off. I believe that's why put me over my calorie count for today. It was worth :blushing: At least for the next two days I get to work from home. The cold winds are so bad that when i was outside for like ten minutes and my face feels like its windburned.
  • BohemianCoast
    BohemianCoast Posts: 349 Member
    Thank you to everyone for the welcome backs! It was so heartening. I really am going to get back on the wagon. I do know that this is a lifelong thing and that I can't stop. What I really liked about coming back -- all your new profile photos and pictures! So inspiring! I see I'm not the only restarter, too.

    I missed Sunday share because of life being complex, so here's a mini-precis: I'm Alison, I'm 47, and I live in East London (quite near the Olympic park if you watched the Olympics last year) with my husband, daughter and son. My work made me redundant a couple of years ago and gave me a massive payoff, and I'm currently living on that, studying, and thinking about what I want to do with the rest of my life. But it turns out my teenagers really benefit from having me at home so I'm ambivalent about taking another high powered job.

    Tuesday goals -- here's mine: I want to lose 52 pounds in 2014. That's totally achievable.

    Meanwhile, life continues; we had a rather exciting day at the hospital yesterday. My daughter (nearly 17) has for some months had a nasty rash, courtesy of what we now know was a tick bite while in the forest in September. We know it was a tick bite because she's been confirmed as having Lyme disease. Luckily she has only very minor symptoms apart from the rash, is in bouncing good health and is (now) getting the right treatment. So yesterday I was a bit distractible and unfocused on diet and exercise. But today she is back in school and I am back on track.

    This week's fitness plan is going ok (though a brisk walk to the hospital was the only exercise I got yesterday) but today is special because for the first time since restarting I have to motivate myself to do some exercise without it being planned or involving my family. I also have a study deadline (I missed two yesterday which is a bit sad, but serves me right for procrastinating really) which needs to take priority. It's tipping down with rain so I'm not going outside; my current plan is to get the dance mat out later for the first time in oh so many months.

    @Claudia -- when I do exercise classes, I skulk at the back. Though my Zumba instructor makes us move round the room which is Quite Unfair.
    @Karen -- I'm a real town mouse too; it's so weird seeing my old equally townie friends in their muddy boots and riding gear, mucking out the horses and discussing getting the mole catcher in.
    @bopper195410 -- I think that 100 pounds in a year is too hard a goal, but the good news is that you'll feel a massive amount better after a very small proportion of that. My top tip for starting is to focus on losing ten pounds, which you can certainly do. And then just do that ten times. Simples... And then *log* everything you eat and drink, and plan a little exercise every single day.
    @Laurie -- how I love your before and after photos! Though you have tiny people growing in your hair in the before photo... It must be very frustrating helping your mom realise that she needs help. But it's really important that you and she aren't at risk from lifting your dad.
    @Nicole -- your profile photo is *amazing*; you look fantastic.
    @Charlotte -- a new grandbaby! How exciting!
    @JNettie73 -- my son is Asperger and gets a lot of special needs support now (it's gradually increased over time). He's the top performing kid in his school year in both maths and science, but he's endlessly in trouble and keeps telling teachers what he thinks of them (oops). I bet you know exactly where you stand with your students.
    @Stacey -- Welcome! That mountain hike is a brilliant goal and totally achievable! I know I've been away for a bit but I'm very keen on exercise stretch goals. I did a half marathon in 2013 -- and I need to plan something similar for 2014.
    @Kelley -- even if you lose your wonderful trainer, you won't lose all the things he's taught you and the ways you look at the world as a result of working with him. Those things stay.
    @Tom -- I absolutely love not working, though I go a bit bats in the school holidays when the kids slob around the house all the time.

    And I enjoyed reading all the way back to Thursday and hearing all your Sunday shares, especially all the new people who joined since I was last on a few months ago. Hope you're having a fantastic week, and if it's cold, that you're bundled up nice and warm and cosy.


  • Lives2Travel
    Lives2Travel Posts: 682 Member
    We have record breaking cold here this morning thanks to the "Polar Vortex". What a crazy weather term that is! Fortunately our temps will return to normal by tomorrow and the highs will be in the 50s by the weekend.

    @Lauren - Hope you get to spin class tonight. Your commitment to working out is one I need to channel.

    @Kaye - Sounds like you're back on track and ready to take on 2014.

    @Kelley - Sorry to hear you trainer may be moving, but don't forget that your success is due to YOU and I hope you can find someone else you enjoy working with to help you on your journey.

    @Laurie - My mom was the same way with my dad and insisted at doing it all herself. After 6 months we had to intervene and have a very tough conversation about her health and the impact being his sole caregiver was taking. She reluctantly agreed to getting some help and to my relief, it made a world of difference. Hope your mom comes to realize there's no reason not to ask for help when you need it.

    @Alison - Your 2014 goal is completely achievable and you have a great attitude. I agree that your Zumba instructor is quite unfair. If I want to skulk in the rear of the room, I should be allowed to do so. You'd think fitness instructors would be a bit more aware of the body issues many are dealing with. When I feel comfortable in the front of the class, I darn well can get myself there.