Have you heard of Juice Plus+

Does anybody take these capsules? I just wanted to get your opinion on how they work for you. My general practitioner recommended that I take these to help boost my immune system. I get sick frequently. She thought this would help me along the way, along with also giving up dairy which has been giving me issues.



  • nikijh
    nikijh Posts: 32 Member
    I have a friend who is a rep for juice plus+ she has lost an insane amount of weight by taking the fruit&veg pills and drinking shakes - I couldn't do it. She's allowed no dairy, plus if she's out for a meal with friends she has to start all over again.

    Maybe just the pills are fine but I think they are also food supplements.
    She still gets ill though...
  • TavistockToad
    TavistockToad Posts: 35,719 Member
    A friend of a friend did juice plus, she lost loads of weight... and then put it all back on over christmas when she ate normally...

    why not just eat plenty of fruit and veg and take a multi vitamin?
  • Alyssawinter1221
    I take juice plus to boost my awful immune system. My whole family does, after my aunt used it throughout her chemotherapy and it made her feel tons better. She believes in it so much that she became a rep. I love it, idk what it has to do with weight loss but I've gotten sick way less since I've been taking them. I love it.
  • livingleanlivingclean
    livingleanlivingclean Posts: 11,751 Member
    Juice plus isn't a weight loss product, it's not going to make you lose weight. It's simply a wholefood supplement...it doesn't replace food, or mean you can avoid fruit and vegies...there is a "meal replacement" type shake but I've not seen it advertised as something you'd use to lose weight and avoid real food.

    I take the capsules and rarely get sick and have great recovery from workouts. Is that just juice plus? No...I eat a nutrient dense diet, predominantly wholefoods. Would I get the same benefit from a synthetic multivitamin? Who knows!
  • Alyssawinter1221
    Let me add 2 things:

    They are suuuuper expensive. So keep that in mind.

    Also, I don't take capsules, I take the chewables. I love them even more, bc now that I'm dieting, they taste like sweet fruit snacks. A little treat!
  • livingleanlivingclean
    livingleanlivingclean Posts: 11,751 Member
    Let me add 2 things:

    They are suuuuper expensive. So keep that in mind.

    Also, I don't take capsules, I take the chewables. I love them even more, bc now that I'm dieting, they taste like sweet fruit snacks. A little treat!

    Hehe...that's cause they are sweet fruit snacks! I know people who have eaten all their kids chewables in a few days...
  • lauren3101
    lauren3101 Posts: 1,853 Member
    I used to get ill a lot, then I joined here and started eating healthier, and hey presto, the constant colds stopped. You'd be amazed what a healthy diet will do.

    I'm not suggesting that all supplements are bad, but these are very expensive; you are paying for the name. Buy a multivitamin or vitamin c tablets for a tenth of the price and they will have the exact same effect.
  • lisst87
    lisst87 Posts: 26 Member
    I use the shakes and really like them, they are super yummy with soy milk, or blended with fruit, though I don't make them as strong as they recommend (which also makes them last longer as they are expensive).

    There are lots of bad reviews about them online but to be honest I have had no side effects and do generally feel more awake, alert and have more energy when I take them. I don't use them as a whole meal replacement regularly (if I do I have the recommended dosage), I tend to use them in between meals and they keep hunger away for a few hours, or after a work out. My cravings for junk don't seem to be as bad when I don't have the shakes.

    I'd echo what other people have said in that it isn't a weight loss product, its more about getting all your nutrients in, but if you are calorie counting you can use it as a meal replacement where you are going to struggle to stay within your daily limit or you are out on the move.

    I've never used the tablets.
  • rml_16
    rml_16 Posts: 16,414 Member
    A friend of a friend did juice plus, she lost loads of weight... and then put it all back on over christmas when she ate normally...

    why not just eat plenty of fruit and veg and take a multi vitamin?
    I have a friend who's a rep and through FB I know WAY more about this stuff than I want to. I don't think it's supposed to be used as a diet plan. You're supposed to use it like you would a multivitamin and the shakes are to boost your fruit and veg intake, not to replace meals.

    Anyway, I think it's better to just increase your intake of real fruits and vegetables. I very, very rarely get sick and usually (though this current cold is an exception) when I do, it lasts about two days. I just eat a big salad every day and have a smoothie with berries and a banana every night. I don't put any dairy in my smoothie -- just fruit, chocolate peanut butter and ice.
  • sloth3toes
    sloth3toes Posts: 2,212 Member
    Let me add 2 things:

    They are suuuuper expensive. So keep that in mind.

    Also, I don't take capsules, I take the chewables. I love them even more, bc now that I'm dieting, they taste like sweet fruit snacks. A little treat!

    Hehe...that's cause they are sweet fruit snacks! I know people who have eaten all their kids chewables in a few days...

    < The sloth eyes up his kid's gummy vitamins >

  • kirdyq
    kirdyq Posts: 165 Member
    Also wanted to add to my original post - I am not taking these to lose weight and/or replace food in my diet.

    Thanks for all the comments everyone! I have purchased some and intend to give them a try for a while to see if they help me. I figure that adding extra fruits and vegetables on top of what I already get couldn't be a bad thing.

    However, the cost of the pills is a big turnoff. :(
  • TavistockToad
    TavistockToad Posts: 35,719 Member
    A friend of a friend did juice plus, she lost loads of weight... and then put it all back on over christmas when she ate normally...

    why not just eat plenty of fruit and veg and take a multi vitamin?
    I have a friend who's a rep and through FB I know WAY more about this stuff than I want to. I don't think it's supposed to be used as a diet plan. You're supposed to use it like you would a multivitamin and the shakes are to boost your fruit and veg intake, not to replace meals.

    Anyway, I think it's better to just increase your intake of real fruits and vegetables. I very, very rarely get sick and usually (though this current cold is an exception) when I do, it lasts about two days. I just eat a big salad every day and have a smoothie with berries and a banana every night. I don't put any dairy in my smoothie -- just fruit, chocolate peanut butter and ice.

    thats interesting, as the impression i got was it was meal replacement shakes for 2 meals and a healthy low carb tea - thats what she seemed to be doing anyway.
  • carol5047
    carol5047 Posts: 44 Member
    I've been taking JP for over a year and love it! It has helped keep me healthy, no illnesses. I would recommend it!:smile::smile:
  • kirdyq
    kirdyq Posts: 165 Member
    carol5047 - that is encouraging!
  • sloth3toes
    sloth3toes Posts: 2,212 Member
    Blah blah blah SPAM

    Real subtle, there, Jackie
  • Strokingdiction
    Strokingdiction Posts: 1,164 Member
    Do you say it juice plus plus? Why spell it out and the have the symbol too?
  • sloth3toes
    sloth3toes Posts: 2,212 Member
    Do you say it juice plus plus? Why spell it out and the have the symbol too?

    The + is silent. Sheeeeesh.....
  • jkwolly
    jkwolly Posts: 3,049 Member
    Do you say it juice plus plus? Why spell it out and the have the symbol too?

    The + is silent. Sheeeeesh.....
  • mcmellon93
    Juice Plus is the best change in my lifestyle I have ever made! :) Unfortunately the fruit, veg and berries haven't got the amount of vitamins, minerals and other nutrients in them as they are meant to due to the fact they haven't been picked at their ripest. All the fruit, veg and berries that go into Juice Plus are picked at their ripest so full with vitamins, minerals and other nutrients.

    Also, the problem with vitamin supplements is that they are manmade and synthetic. How can that be healthy? If you're putting money into vitamin supplements then why not put money into real vitamins from real food.

    If anyone has any questions about Juice Plus, fire away! :)
  • TavistockToad
    TavistockToad Posts: 35,719 Member
    Juice Plus is the best change in my lifestyle I have ever made! :) Unfortunately the fruit, veg and berries haven't got the amount of vitamins, minerals and other nutrients in them as they are meant to due to the fact they haven't been picked at their ripest. All the fruit, veg and berries that go into Juice Plus are picked at their ripest so full with vitamins, minerals and other nutrients.

    Also, the problem with vitamin supplements is that they are manmade and synthetic. How can that be healthy? If you're putting money into vitamin supplements then why not put money into real vitamins from real food.

    If anyone has any questions about Juice Plus, fire away! :)
