I'm on a diet, but my husband isn't



  • lolagurlx0x0
    lolagurlx0x0 Posts: 149 Member
    Same thing at my house. I either cook something I don't like- or cook something I do like and modify it to be healthy. If my SO doesnt like it he can always figure out what to eat lol. IE Fried Chicken. Yummy right? I made that last night with pork rinds for breading- he gets something good and so do I! High in protein (both the chicken and pork rinds) low in carbs. And then I would pair that with corn cooked with pepper. and maybe some mashed potatoes. Or hamburgers- I have a recipe for bread that is low calorie and low to no carb- Oopsie bread- Ill make those- and then make big juicy burgers.

    Also- heres a key to my madness- I will ONLY make enough to feed the 2 of us. No left overs if I can help it, no second portions. I will put double on my SO's plate if I think he will eat 2- but only make enough for a meal for each of us.
  • tabbyxxcat
    tabbyxxcat Posts: 102 Member
    Same here with my boyfriend!!!! Thankfully, I do all of the choosing then cooking so we always have plentiful meats and frozen veggies in the house for nights when we are both home together :o) I get to cook my meat in the oven instead of fryed with oil, etc. like my former, larger self :p

    The key is to portion your plates out beforehand. I always scoop out what we're having for dinner using measuring cups onto my plate, then put a hearty amount of each onto my boyfriend's plate, and bring them out to the table for us to eat. If he wants more, he can go to the kitchen himself and get himself some of the leftovers, but I make sure to not eat more calories than I can afford :)

    Also drink lots of water. Helps you know when you're actually full so that you don't keep putting more food on your plate ^^

    Best of luck :)
  • Fit_Mama84
    Fit_Mama84 Posts: 234 Member
    Most of my advice is the same as everyone else has already suggested, but here's one thing I do with my husband. I look up brand new recipes that are in line with my eating goals but would be appealing to him as well. We both win with this approach. We get to try new things, we get to enjoy the same meals, and we're both healthier without feeling deprived of anything. Eventually we'll both have so many favorite meals out of the new recipes that the high calorie/low nutrient food we used to eat won't be so appealing.
  • the1dergirl
    This is the same problem that I have!! He's starting to come around now that I have explained how important it is to me that I hit my fitness goal. I find that if he is craving something that is way off track like Alfredo or fried chicken, we go out to dinner. That allows him to order that not so healthy option but allows me to order something that is on my plan and there is not a huge pan of leftovers that I am tempted to eat!
  • animatorswearbras
    animatorswearbras Posts: 1,001 Member
    For evening meals I just cook less and give him his regular "man" portion and myself a smaller diet portion which I usually put on a big bed of salad to pad it out (I need to pad mine out so we finish eating at the same time, otherwise I'll eat it and then stare at his like a dog until he's finished even if I'm not hungry anymore lol) ;D

    I try not to make meals that will have left overs either because they don't get left.
  • RhonndaJ
    RhonndaJ Posts: 1,615 Member
    I very rarely cook, my husband does it and he's not going to change the way he cooks or eats for me, nor would I consider asking him to.

    I simply choose to go with portion control. Thankfully he loves vegetables.
  • saradord
    saradord Posts: 129
    Stop dieting.

    Make a life change.


    exactly!!!!! :happy:
  • pocketmole
    pocketmole Posts: 614 Member
    I think you can make portion control work for you. You mentioned that you've tried it and you can't resist eating seconds - this is something that I do as well. My solution has been to make just enough food that seconds isn't an option. Someone else mentioned something I do, which is to make 3 portions and let him have 2. I have a thin friend that eats with me a lot and this is often how I handle it. Similarly there are times when my boyfriend wants to go strict low carb or non dairy, so I just make recipes where I can split things up. For instance if you make tacos put your taco filling on a salad and give him a couple of taco shells or tortillas. Finally I'm sure there are lots of great healthy recipes that your husband will enjoy. Healthy food doesn't immediately mean terrible food. :)
  • hubn8147
    hubn8147 Posts: 110 Member
    Wow, thanks for all the ideas! I checked out www.skinnytaste.com and I've already found several recipes that I'm excited to try! Some I'm sure my husband will love (he's a picky eater) and some I may just have to serve without telling him what I'm making ;).

    It seems that the most common answer to my problem is self-control, which I know is a huge obstacle for me. But there are definately some great ideas you guys gave on how to overcome it!

    If there are any other ideas/recipes I'd love to hear them!
  • McMehu
    McMehu Posts: 103 Member
    my husband likes these frozen pizzas that I think STINK they give me heartburn. He loves them. So when I am making something low calorie that he wouldnt like he usually eats that. Sometimes we eat similar meals except I add more cheese/bigger portions for him.
  • Francl27
    Francl27 Posts: 26,371 Member
    We make whatever and he eats more than me (and snacks after dinner too). Problem solved.
  • hubn8147
    hubn8147 Posts: 110 Member
    So good news! I talked to my husband about my concern trying to eat healthy without "punishing" him, and he told me that he would like to start eating healthier too! In fact, I tried a new recipe from skinnytaste.com and we ate healthy all weekend - and today he told me he felt much better today and not as sluggish. He said he wanted to get in the habit of eating healthier. Success! I'm so happy he's on board! It will make it easier for both of us.