When will people understand that you can't spontaneously....



  • newbeginningsbob
    newbeginningsbob Posts: 25 Member
    Hmmm...this is an interesting topic..

    I used to be someone that never believed the contraceptive pill could cause weight gain. I was that girl that would roll their eyes at people saying "it made them gain weight". I had been on the pill for years and never had any weight gain so I couldn't empathize.

    Then my doctor told me I had to change pill (I was getting really bad migraines with aura.. and supposedly pill I was on wasn't good for people that suffer from this type of migraine).

    6 weeks later on new pill. No change in diet but I was one stone/14 lbs heavier. I was in utter shock and depressed. So now I do believe that contraceptive pills and other medication can cause weight gain. I went off that pill and went on a new one. Again, no real change in diet and weight started to drop off again.

    Having said this, I think there is other factors to take into consideration. For instance I do believe a lot of people see that something can cause weight gain and use that as an excuse to eat more. "Oh it must be the pill I'm on *nom nom nom" :) But since I had that happen to me I understand that it is possible to gain weight from medication alone, I won't be as quick to judge someone as I was before.
  • SezxyStef
    SezxyStef Posts: 15,268 Member
    Hmmm...this is an interesting topic..

    I used to be someone that never believed the contraceptive pill could cause weight gain. I was that girl that would roll their eyes at people saying "it made them gain weight". I had been on the pill for years and never had any weight gain so I couldn't empathize.

    Then my doctor told me I had to change pill (I was getting really bad migraines with aura.. and supposedly pill I was on wasn't good for people that suffer from this type of migraine).

    6 weeks later on new pill. No change in diet but I was one stone/14 lbs heavier. I was in utter shock and depressed. So now I do believe that contraceptive pills and other medication can cause weight gain. I went off that pill and went on a new one. Again, no real change in diet and weight started to drop off again.

    Having said this, I think there is other factors to take into consideration. For instance I do believe a lot of people see that something can cause weight gain and use that as an excuse to eat more. "Oh it must be the pill I'm on *nom nom nom" :) But since I had that happen to me I understand that it is possible to gain weight from medication alone, I won't be as quick to judge someone as I was before.

    No one here is judging anyone...I was one of those women who was 50lbs heavier then I am now using Mirena (among other side effects)

    What seems to get lost in this debate is this cold hard fact....weight gain is caused by calories in being greater then calories out.

    Yes Birth control can cause the calories out to lessen due to hormone changes but as a woman of the 21st century we all know that....

    And by knowing that it means we have to do one of two things or both...lessen calories going in or burn more going out.

    Or as the poster of this comment said...change it up.
  • anthony438
    anthony438 Posts: 578 Member
    Hmmm...this is an interesting topic..

    I used to be someone that never believed the contraceptive pill could cause weight gain. I was that girl that would roll their eyes at people saying "it made them gain weight". I had been on the pill for years and never had any weight gain so I couldn't empathize.

    Then my doctor told me I had to change pill (I was getting really bad migraines with aura.. and supposedly pill I was on wasn't good for people that suffer from this type of migraine).

    6 weeks later on new pill. No change in diet but I was one stone/14 lbs heavier. I was in utter shock and depressed. So now I do believe that contraceptive pills and other medication can cause weight gain. I went off that pill and went on a new one. Again, no real change in diet and weight started to drop off again.

    Having said this, I think there is other factors to take into consideration. For instance I do believe a lot of people see that something can cause weight gain and use that as an excuse to eat more. "Oh it must be the pill I'm on *nom nom nom" :) But since I had that happen to me I understand that it is possible to gain weight from medication alone, I won't be as quick to judge someone as I was before.

    I don't really have anything to add - I was just happy to see "nom nom nom" used in a post.
  • newbeginningsbob
    newbeginningsbob Posts: 25 Member
    Hmmm...this is an interesting topic..

    I used to be someone that never believed the contraceptive pill could cause weight gain. I was that girl that would roll their eyes at people saying "it made them gain weight". I had been on the pill for years and never had any weight gain so I couldn't empathize.

    Then my doctor told me I had to change pill (I was getting really bad migraines with aura.. and supposedly pill I was on wasn't good for people that suffer from this type of migraine).

    6 weeks later on new pill. No change in diet but I was one stone/14 lbs heavier. I was in utter shock and depressed. So now I do believe that contraceptive pills and other medication can cause weight gain. I went off that pill and went on a new one. Again, no real change in diet and weight started to drop off again.

    Having said this, I think there is other factors to take into consideration. For instance I do believe a lot of people see that something can cause weight gain and use that as an excuse to eat more. "Oh it must be the pill I'm on *nom nom nom" :) But since I had that happen to me I understand that it is possible to gain weight from medication alone, I won't be as quick to judge someone as I was before.

    No one here is judging anyone...I was one of those women who was 50lbs heavier then I am now using Mirena (among other side effects)

    What seems to get lost in this debate is this cold hard fact....weight gain is caused by calories in being greater then calories out.

    Yes Birth control can cause the calories out to lessen due to hormone changes but as a woman of the 21st century we all know that....

    And by knowing that it means we have to do one of two things or both...lessen calories going in or burn more going out.

    Or as the poster of this comment said...change it up.

    I think you missed my point. I'm saying that different medications can cause weight gain..but not all of them. Not all contraceptive pills cause weight gain. I was on one for years with no weight gain. I went on a new one for 6 weeks and gained 14lbs with no change in calories in.. I'd definitely agree that the hormone changes could have caused me to be able to eat less food... without a doubt..

    I "changed up" my pill and went on a new one pretty quickly on.. (at 6 weeks mark) and the weight started to come off..

    I'm just agreeing that ya, pills can cause weight gain but definitely personal liability comes into play.
  • newbeginningsbob
    newbeginningsbob Posts: 25 Member
    Hmmm...this is an interesting topic..

    I used to be someone that never believed the contraceptive pill could cause weight gain. I was that girl that would roll their eyes at people saying "it made them gain weight". I had been on the pill for years and never had any weight gain so I couldn't empathize.

    Then my doctor told me I had to change pill (I was getting really bad migraines with aura.. and supposedly pill I was on wasn't good for people that suffer from this type of migraine).

    6 weeks later on new pill. No change in diet but I was one stone/14 lbs heavier. I was in utter shock and depressed. So now I do believe that contraceptive pills and other medication can cause weight gain. I went off that pill and went on a new one. Again, no real change in diet and weight started to drop off again.

    Having said this, I think there is other factors to take into consideration. For instance I do believe a lot of people see that something can cause weight gain and use that as an excuse to eat more. "Oh it must be the pill I'm on *nom nom nom" :) But since I had that happen to me I understand that it is possible to gain weight from medication alone, I won't be as quick to judge someone as I was before.

    I don't really have anything to add - I was just happy to see "nom nom nom" used in a post.

    :laugh: :laugh:
  • SezxyStef
    SezxyStef Posts: 15,268 Member
    I just am shaking my head.

    People on here claiming BC made them gain weight...okay whatever.

    Calories in>calories out make you gain weight.

    Yes perhaps BC lowered your BMR or increased your appetite or messed with hormones along with a long list of other things that BC and other meds do.... but it comes down to the hard science.

    People with PCOS or other medical conditions if in regular contact with their doctor and get their meds in order can lose weight too...it might take longer but it can be done. It again comes down to burning more then you take in.

    I am a 41 year old woman who has used BC pills, Depo, Mierna and been on Anti depressants...

    I have gained and lost a few times...but none of it is because of my meds my gains were due to eating too much and not moving enough then when I decided enough was enough...I lost weight...eating less and moving more. Funny thing about it is this...on BC or other meds you might be tired...but if you exercise you get energy...it's the whole circle thing.

    But this debate will go on forever...why because people want something to blame other then themselves for weight gain.

    Am I being judgemental? Blunt? mean? no..yes...no

    Personal responsibility is needed...BC does not cause weight gain..excess calories do.

    In other words, as is the usual argument of this type:

    "It didn't happen to me, so it couldn't possibly have happened to anyone else."


    LOL Yep...ignorance

    Nope not ignorance...if you had read the other posts you would have seen that I was one of those woman who gained 50lbs while using Mirena...then wow imagine lost that same 50lbs using Mirena...I have experience with many methods of birth control methods...all hormonal. I have used anti depressants I am well aware of what they can do to a person from increased appetite, letargy, crabbiness, sadness, bloat, skin discoloration, spotting...you name the side effect...I've had it.

    I just know that the laws of science back by hard imperical proof is just that....proof beyond any doubt.

    Correlation does not imply causation

    And until someone posts peer reviewed studies proving that BC causes weight gain without excess of calories I will go with the peer reviewed studies that tell me excess calories cause weight gain regardless of why there is excess calories.
  • newbeginningsbob
    newbeginningsbob Posts: 25 Member
    At any rate it doesn't matter what naysayers say...I no longer have that problem because I ceased taking the medicines that were making me react so horribly. And i think I will stick to what a actual medical professional had to say while I went through the whole ordeal not some all knowing wanna be lol

    I think it's important for us all to remember that we are all different. There is the general things all our bodies do that are the same but a lot of the time one person's body will react completely differently to another persons.

    Just because it hasn't happened to you, doesn't mean it can't happen to someone else.
    Just because it happened to someone else, doesn't mean it will happen to you .
    And just because it hasn't happened to you, doesn't mean it will never happen to you.

    So we should all focus and listen to our own bodies and find what works for us!

    :smile: :smile:
  • TR0berts
    TR0berts Posts: 7,739 Member
    This thread is GOLD. You have nearly everyone arguing. Yet they're all saying the SAME THING.

    The sky's blue!
    No, it's not. The sky's blue!
    You don't know what your'e talking about - Blue. Science!
    Just because it's blue there doesn't mean it's blue here. It's blue!
  • hstoblish
    hstoblish Posts: 234 Member
    This thread is GOLD. You have nearly everyone arguing. Yet they're all saying the SAME THING.

    The sky's blue!
    No, it's not. The sky's blue!
    You don't know what your'e talking about - Blue. Science!
    Just because it's blue there doesn't mean it's blue here. It's blue!

    Comment of the year right here.
  • cuinboston2014
    cuinboston2014 Posts: 848 Member
    I only have one thing to say - and it may or may not have been posted but I got sick of reading the same back and forth with no progress in arguing or evidence either way through the pages.

    I'm not saying that taking birth control or meds can't affect your weight. HOWEVER, many people that start birth control for the first time or a repeat time after being on it are also in a life change - i.e. a new relationship. New relationships tend to help people gain a few pounds as you go out to eat more or whatever your case is.

    In addition, for everyone who says that "my calorie intake didn't change" were you actually monitoring it? Tracking/logging everything? I go through times where I think, "Oh Im eating exactly the same, i'm working out just as much..." but then when I log it or REALLY think about it, something changed. Maybe I ran 10 less miles that week or went out an extra night.

    Again - not saying meds CAN'T affect your weight. I'm sure they do in some circumstances. But just like anything else, there is a level of accountability that is also required.
  • newbeginningsbob
    newbeginningsbob Posts: 25 Member
    This thread is GOLD. You have nearly everyone arguing. Yet they're all saying the SAME THING.

    The sky's blue!
    No, it's not. The sky's blue!
    You don't know what your'e talking about - Blue. Science!
    Just because it's blue there doesn't mean it's blue here. It's blue!

    Comment of the year right here.

    haha. So true!! :laugh:
  • SezxyStef
    SezxyStef Posts: 15,268 Member
    This thread is GOLD. You have nearly everyone arguing. Yet they're all saying the SAME THING.

    The sky's blue!
    No, it's not. The sky's blue!
    You don't know what your'e talking about - Blue. Science!
    Just because it's blue there doesn't mean it's blue here. It's blue!

    Comment of the year right here.

    I agree...to both...

    I was thinking the same thing....we are all saying the same thing it's just all in the symantics of how we are saying it.
  • anthony438
    anthony438 Posts: 578 Member
    This thread is GOLD. You have nearly everyone arguing. Yet they're all saying the SAME THING.

    The sky's blue!
    No, it's not. The sky's blue!
    You don't know what your'e talking about - Blue. Science!
    Just because it's blue there doesn't mean it's blue here. It's blue!

    Comment of the year right here.

    I agree...to both...

    I was thinking the same thing....we are all saying the same thing it's just all in the symantics of how we are saying it.

    RAWR, NO IT'S NOT!!!! It's the symantics of how we're saying it!!!
  • GlutenFreeWench
    Birth control change how our bodies "patitions fuel"..."make fat cells more receptive"...I would like to see the studies on that.


    The studies you're looking for have been done.

    It's called anti-androgenic properties.:) vs androgenic vs testosterone levels which affect your insulin levels...

    And it's about the effect the female hormones have on insulin and fat storage. And that would be called, well, PCOS in a nutshell. And why birth control can mimic PCOS depending on how your body metabolizes it.
  • aquarianpixi
    aquarianpixi Posts: 131 Member
    Growing up (ages 1 to about 16) I was on prednisone(sp?) about 4 times a year because of my asthma. It made me feel like I was starving all the time and it shot my metabolism to hell. I reached my high weight of 335lbs when I was 15. That added in on the ADD meds I was on until I was 11. It still has an effect that it takes a lot of effort. The only way I have ever lost substantial weight and kept it off was when I was eating less than 1000 cals a day and spending several hours at the gym 5 days a week. That isn't sustainable.

    I know some people will claim that I am just making excuses, but it doesn't mean that these medications didn't help in the rise of pounds.
  • Dragonwolf
    Dragonwolf Posts: 5,600 Member
    Depo Provera is effective as a birth control for 6 months at a time. It can often work for longer than that and it's recommended that if you're planning to start trying you go off it sooner because it can take awhile to clear for your system. It follows that if it has a metabolic impact, you're stuck with that for awhile before the medication clears your system.

    I'm no doctor though...

    Yah no...it's a 3month shot actually.

    You get the shot every three months, and it's guaranteed for 3 months, but it takes an average of 6 for it to fully clear out of your system. For some women, it takes a year or more to fully reverse its effects and be fertile again.
  • Dragonwolf
    Dragonwolf Posts: 5,600 Member
    I hear people complaining how being on a type of birth control or a medication "MADE" them gain 30-50 pounds. and they truly believe that taking said medication caused them to somehow spontaneously gain weight, regardless of their food intake.

    Explain this to me? Why do people believe things like depo vera can "cause" weight gain on its own?

    If some hormones can make a child grow taller, and other hormones change a boy to a man or a girl to a woman, why can't hormones make an adult grow heavier? My teenaged son eats like food is going out of style when he's in a growth spurt. Eating isn't making him grow; he's growing, which makes him eat.

    Hormones such as birth control pills can and do change the way the body partitions fuel. They make the fat cells more receptive, so that they store fuel more easily and hang on to it more tightly. So you gain weight, and then either have to eat more to fuel your daily activities; or you're hungry all the time and not as energetic.

    that is apples and oranges...growth hormones in kids are exactly that growth...and because they are growing they need the fuel...it's just like exercise if you exercise more you need the fuel for your body...

    Birth control change how our bodies "patitions fuel"..."make fat cells more receptive"...I would like to see the studies on that.
    Birth control messes with the hormones that affect pregnancy. Pregnancy requires excess fat stores.

    Science, dear. Science.

    Then why am I personally not fat with all those excess fat stores???? Or better yet why aren't all woman fat who use Birth control????

    I personally have been on the pill, depo, mirneax2 now depo again...for the last 20 years. I should be hugeeeeeeeeee...

    but Im not...:drinker: interesting how that works.

    Because we don't all have the same initial balances of hormones. Even at "normal" levels, if you get your sex hormones checked, and every woman you know gets hers checked, you'll get a vast array of numbers. That's why "normal" levels are ranges that can span as much as 50 or 100 units. Everyone also has different thresholds for which their body goes from "functional" to "dysfunctional," even if the numbers are in the so-called "normal" range. They also have different reactions to a given medication. It's why medications have lists of potential side effects to begin with.
  • k8blujay2
    k8blujay2 Posts: 4,941 Member
    ..."GAIN WEIGHT"

    I hear people complaining how being on a type of birth control or a medication "MADE" them gain 30-50 pounds. and they truly believe that taking said medication caused them to somehow spontaneously gain weight, regardless of their food intake.

    Explain this to me? Why do people believe things like depo vera can "cause" weight gain on its own?

    the body CANNOT create fat storage out of excess calories that do not exist. If this were true, starving to death wouldn't be possible, because you could somehow create a layer of fat storage without eating the excess calories necessary to create said fat.

    medications affect your mood and appetite (leading to more food, meaning more weight) the shots and pills themselves do not /cause weight gain/

    just wanted to reiterate, and confirm that this is true? I'm open to hear facts about any other opinions, but I'm fairly certain you can't gain weight out of nowhere XD

    Um... spontaneous implies instantaneous... but over the course of months it can happen. Just because it doesn't happen to you doesn't mean that it doesn't happen. Things like birth control alters the bodies hormones which can effect other things such as weight loss... Anecdote here, why is it my weight stays pretty damn stable on estrogen based birth control (even when I am careless about my diet for weeks at a time... drinking dr pepper like it's water) but if I take a progesterone only birth control (depo, the mini-pill), eat right and exercise I gain weight like crazy? Explain that one to me?
  • SoDamnHungry
    SoDamnHungry Posts: 6,998 Member
    some medications can also impact metabolic rate which means that at the same food intake at which you were maintaining, you are now gaining weight. Some medications also have a rather substantial impact on hormones and hormone imbalances often do cause metabolic issues for which, again, you can go from maintaining to gaining on the same calorie intake.

  • QuietBloom
    QuietBloom Posts: 5,413 Member
    Maybe you can explain to me then why I gained 50 pounds in 2 months when I was 16 and went on the pill when there were no other changes in food and exercise? Medicines can certainly change the metabolism and mess with hormones. It's a fact. it has nothing to do with calories.

    Water weight. Increased hunger.