I heard they cancelled school in Florida today



  • OnAllFours
    OnAllFours Posts: 170 Member
    They cancelled school today in California, cause the weather was too perfect to be trapped inside. Beach here we come
  • mistress8956
    mistress8956 Posts: 265 Member
    I live in fl, wasn't cancelled where I live. About 30 degrees or so
  • PBsMommy
    PBsMommy Posts: 1,166 Member
    I am not in Florida, from Georgia, but the schools in our county closed due to inadequate heating for these temps in some of the schools.

    At 6 degrees this morning, it's the lowest it has been in a while. I am sure it was colder earlier in the morning and with the wind chill I am not sure.

    Lucky for me, my daughter's daycare has an awesome heater and was open today.
  • just_Jennie1
    just_Jennie1 Posts: 1,233
    In a warm weather area go and spend a full day during the winter naked on a beach all day and let me know how bad was your sunburn. I think at this point I might as well just throw my hands up because I seem to be saying the world is round to the wrong crowd

    Been there, done that. Didn't get burned.

    Yet you aren't following my point?

    Forgive me but I thought your point was that I would get burned because, according to you, I would be in a warm place and warm = stronger sun = sunburn.

    If you normally live in a cold place when you go to a warmer climate, your body is more sensitive to the sun exposure and you might get sunburned while the locals don't suffer from the same issue because they live there all the time and their body is used to that level of exposure.

    Someone from Michigan might consider 50 degrees weather short's weather, while someone from Arizona might consider it long sleeves' weather.

    I read your post wrong.


    I live in a cold climate.

    I went to a warm climate.

    I spent days and days naked, on a beach in the sun.

    I did not get sunburned.
  • Followingsea
    Followingsea Posts: 407 Member
    Someone from Michigan might consider 50 degrees weather short's weather, while someone from Arizona might consider it long sleeves' weather.

    New England here.

    In the winter we get these amazing sunny days where it's in the 20s but because its sunny and radiant heating > convection heating, we all go out in tshirts and jeans and have snowball fights.

  • Rage_Phish
    Rage_Phish Posts: 1,507 Member
    Becuase it was like 30 degrees!!!!

    Bless your hearts.

    It was -58 degrees here in Iowa yesterday.

    I'm sorry I just had to laugh, now I'm sure someone from Alaska will rip my *kitten* and do one better. Just amazing the differences in what is tolerated and what is not.

    What is this weather doing???!!???

    as i'm sure others have posted, i doubt this
  • paultireland
    paultireland Posts: 285 Member
    Don't they cancel school in Florida everyday?
  • just_Jennie1
    just_Jennie1 Posts: 1,233
    Someone from Michigan might consider 50 degrees weather short's weather, while someone from Arizona might consider it long sleeves' weather.

    New England here.

    In the winter we get these amazing sunny days where it's in the 20s but because its sunny and radiant heating > convection heating, we all go out in tshirts and jeans and have snowball fights.


    You're insane! I'm a New Englander as well and there is no way I'd set foot outside in a t-shirt when it's 20 degrees out. I have a hard time stepping outside in anything less than jeans and a sweatshirt when it's in the 70's.
  • SpeSHul_SnoflEHk
    SpeSHul_SnoflEHk Posts: 6,256 Member
    Becuase it was like 30 degrees!!!!

    Bless your hearts.

    It was -58 degrees here in Iowa yesterday.

    I'm sorry I just had to laugh, now I'm sure someone from Alaska will rip my *kitten* and do one better. Just amazing the differences in what is tolerated and what is not.

    What is this weather doing???!!???

    It was actually 32 in Anchorage yesterday.
  • tmm_0127
    tmm_0127 Posts: 545 Member

    Man, I went to college in Wisconsin and we had days when it was -30 out and we still had to go to class. Unless there had been a fresh snow and the roads were impassable, we'd have class. Now, some days my car wouldn't start and I didn't have money to be calling for a jump from a mechanic in town (usually about $40 for a jump start) so I wouldn't be able to make it anyway, but the professors were understanding. I'd also have to stop my car every other block to kick the snow and ice that was building up my wheel wells ... but man we still had class. xD

    It's about 15 out there right now (here in noVA) and they canceled class. OMG IT'S COLD OUT WHAT DO WE DO?! Put on a freaking coat!
  • Followingsea
    Followingsea Posts: 407 Member
    Someone from Michigan might consider 50 degrees weather short's weather, while someone from Arizona might consider it long sleeves' weather.

    New England here.

    In the winter we get these amazing sunny days where it's in the 20s but because its sunny and radiant heating > convection heating, we all go out in tshirts and jeans and have snowball fights.


    You're insane! I'm a New Englander as well and there is no way I'd set foot outside in a t-shirt when it's 20 degrees out. I have a hard time stepping outside in anything less than jeans and a sweatshirt when it's in the 70's.

    I don't dispute that :) I am generally cold-blooded too but there is something about those sunny snowy tshirt days... (it doesn't hurt that if you're wearing a tshirt, it's because you intend to be seriously active)
  • vtmoon
    vtmoon Posts: 3,436 Member
    In a warm weather area go and spend a full day during the winter naked on a beach all day and let me know how bad was your sunburn. I think at this point I might as well just throw my hands up because I seem to be saying the world is round to the wrong crowd

    Been there, done that. Didn't get burned.

    Nothing about temperature: http://www2.epa.gov/sunwise/calculating-uv-index

    "The sun’s angle varies with the seasons, causing the intensity of UV rays to change. UV intensity tends to be highest in the summer."

    During the summer, wonder why?
  • vtmoon
    vtmoon Posts: 3,436 Member
    In a warm weather area go and spend a full day during the winter naked on a beach all day and let me know how bad was your sunburn. I think at this point I might as well just throw my hands up because I seem to be saying the world is round to the wrong crowd

    Been there, done that. Didn't get burned.

    Yet you aren't following my point?

    Forgive me but I thought your point was that I would get burned because, according to you, I would be in a warm place and warm = stronger sun = sunburn.

    If you normally live in a cold place when you go to a warmer climate, your body is more sensitive to the sun exposure and you might get sunburned while the locals don't suffer from the same issue because they live there all the time and their body is used to that level of exposure.

    Someone from Michigan might consider 50 degrees weather short's weather, while someone from Arizona might consider it long sleeves' weather.
    Did you even look at the links I posted?

    You wanted science to prove you right or wrong. I provided it. Yet ... you're ignoring it.

    Sorry was busy replying to other threads, wasn't ignoring it. It just kinda helps my point.
  • vtmoon
    vtmoon Posts: 3,436 Member
    In the Antarctic you are pretty much walking on a mirror that isn't absorbing as much of the UV rays and reflecting them back up.

    Right there you just knocked your position, that likely hood of sunburn has to do with high temperatures, right out of the water. :huh:

    Do you know what my position is?

    Yes. But I don't think you do, because you've made numerous contradictory statements. The entertainment value is almost worth the vertigo.

    Glad I can dazzle you and make you dizzy! :flowerforyou:
  • farmers_daughter
    farmers_daughter Posts: 1,632 Member
    I'm trying to figure out why the OP is suddenly being ripped a new one over her post. . .

    Good thing I was too busy to respond yesterday. Geez, didn't expect that much scruff.

    My bad windchill was -58. For those that have said I'm a fibber.

    Some people I think enjoy getting butthurt. So they do.
    The post was all in good favor. For those that took it any other way. Bless your hearts. :flowerforyou:

    Edit: Oh yes, and I'm not sure what school it was that got cancelled. Just that it was the daughter in law of a co-worker that called and told us about it.