Need to Lose 100 LBS -Robins Thread !



  • kah68
    kah68 Posts: 1,515 Member
    Thanks, everyone, for the input on my trainer. One thing he said to me was that I really just needed a workout partner, I know what to do and how to do it, just basically need a spotter and someone to keep me motivated – that felt good. :blushing: I’ve come a long way with him and have learned so much, so if he does move I think he’s set the path for me to do this on my own – I’ll just need to do it! That being said, if he leaves I will talk to him about other trainers at the gym to see if he thinks one may be a good fit – I’m not very trusting and it took me a long time to open up to him, so we’ll see what happens.

    @Karen~I’m sorry you had a rough run, I had kind of a rough workout yesterday too – my legs just felt like lead, even on the arc trainer. So frustrating when we have workouts like that! :grumble:

    @Lauren~Hooray for the 2# loss, awesome!

    @Alupinsk~Similar to what Karen said, I’ve had the most success with lifting heavy. Since doing so I have a lot more definition in my shoulders and I’m a lot stronger. My legs are a part of my body that seems to be the hardest to see the changes, I have really large leg muscles so they are super strong but with still quite a bit of weight to lose I don’t see the definition – but I know once that excess weight comes off, those muscles will be evident (something my trainer reminds me of consistently).

    @Alison~I’m sorry your daughter has been plagued with Lyme Disease for so long, but glad she has finally been accurately diagnosed and is now receiving the right treatment – what a relief that must be for her and you.

    Tuesday Goals~My goals for January are to lose the weight I gained, and keeping my fingers crossed that once it’s gone its gone for good – the constant fluctuations are driving me crazy! :explode: My ticker reflects what I’d like to lose by the time my cruise rolls around – that’s 9 weeks away! :noway: It may not be attainable but I’m going to try. My trainer said Sunday we were going to change things up a bit, so I think a bit more in agility type movements are on the horizon – we’ll see how that goes, I see him this afternoon.

    Exercise Goals:

    Monday~Gym, arc trainer DONE!
    Tuesday~Gym, training session
    Wednesday~Gym, elliptical
    Thursday~Gym, training session
    Friday~Rest Day
    Saturday~Gym, running drills
    Sunday~Gym, training session

    Have a great day and stay warm!
  • wwmorrow
    wwmorrow Posts: 118 Member
    I really am in need of motivation. This is going to sound like I'm whining, but I am just so sick and tired of my fat. I lost about 40 pounds a few years ago with WW...gained it all back. I started strong on MFP, but I never lost more than about 20 pounds. I finally said to hell with it. Now, I've gained most of what I lost ...I think I'm down like 6 pounds. Over Thanksgiving and Christmas I just ate whatever I wanted to and I didn't exercise at all. I finally sucked it up today and weighed myself. I knew I had gained...I could tell it in my clothes and in the way my body feels. I've been having problems with my blood pressure, and I know some of that is because of my weight. In fact, a few nights ago, my husband had to take me to the ER because it was 188/114. I'm just so sick of being fat. And, you'd think that it would motivate me, but it has the opposite effect. It just seems that I have so far to go that it's impossible, so I give up. Does anyone else ever feel that way? I'm 40 and I don't expect to be a supermodel, but I just want to be happy when I look in the mirror and not be embarrassed to do things. My husband wants to go on a cruise, and I keep putting it off because I'm ashamed of how I look.
  • JNettie73
    JNettie73 Posts: 1,211 Member
    Tuesday Goals: Just the same ones. I am in my 2nd week of Phase 4. Phase 4 is 3 weeks long. I did really well yesterday with the weights. I am pretty proud of myself.

    I came across this site in the forums last night. It is completely free and allows you to put together photo collages that you can easily save as jpegs onto your computer. I put together my 3 month progress pictures. (Actually now that I think about it technically it is only 2 months because I started the last week in October) Anyhow it is super easy to use.
    If anyone is interested I posted my progress pictures that I have so far on my blog. Feel free to visit and check them out.

    Skinnyjeanz- I do the same but then sometimes I feel bad. I know I lost a lot of friends on here from my first go at this. I remember how nice it was to come back and find a few people had not given up on me like I gave up on myself. It frustrates me though when I reach out and contact them. They come back for a few days to a week or so then disappear again. I have seen this a cycle with some members. After my 2nd time contacting them and noticing the cycle I stop trying.

    I left work on time last night but had to stop for gas on the way home. I made good timing and only got home a few minutes later if I didn't have to stop. The sanding trucks were out last night and working hard on the roads. Thankfully it wasn't too bad getting home. It's 8* this morning with wind bringing it down to -13. A lot of schools today are operating on a 2 hour delay. It doesn't effect me though as I go in later on.

    Congrats on the water weight loss!

    pain - good for you for making a better choice!

    jtconst - nice burn!

    Susan - Thanks. I am glad to be over that little blip and back on track. It feels good!

    tlh- You are correct. Logging just isn't for everyone. I have such a difficult time supporting a few on my friends list who are not eating the healthiest (Fast food for every meal every day and constantly going over) or eating super low. I have not deleted these people yet because I try not to judge them. But it definitely is easier having friends who have the same mindset as yourself. I should start thinning out some inactive people though.

    Karen - Congrats on the 5 lbs!

    Anna - Hope you are staying safe and warm!

    SeeLShrink - Sorry to hear you missed Kickboxing again. :cry: Congrats on the 2 lbs and the pants fitting better. That is excellent news!

    Laurie - Sorry to hear you mom has such a dislike for everyone coming to the home. A few of my dad's doctors made house visits too. It was really great for him. Hope your dad has a better time walking!

    Alison - Sorry to hear about your daughter's diagnosis but at least she is getting the proper treatment now! That is great that your son is preforming well academically! Oops is right about telling his teachers exactly what he thinks about them. I had a student who used to do that when she was frustrated and stressed. We spent a lot of time working on alternative outlets than speaking inappropriately to others. She still slips now and again but it has gotten a lot better.

    kah- Wahoo for believing in yourself that you can do this on your own. Change is always difficult at first. I hope he can connect your with someone else who would be a good match if he should leave.

    wwmorrow - Sorry to hear about your hospital visit. I have been in a rut before where I just don't want to do anything. It is hard to pull yourself out of those situations. Especially when things aren't going well health wise. I am 40 as well and want the same things as you... to be happy with myself. My suggestion for you is to start slow. Focus on one goal at a time until you accomplish it. Once you do add in another. Focus on what you CAN do and ARE doing rather than what you cannot. An attitude change is a miraculous thing. Look for those positives. It helped me when I was dragging myself out of a rut. Best of luck to you!
  • kah68
    kah68 Posts: 1,515 Member
    Well, my trainer texted a bit ago and has a stomach bug so no training for me this afternoon :frown: – I will do the elliptical and/or treadmill instead. We’ve rescheduled for tomorrow – hopefully he’ll be feeling better.

    @Nettie~Great job with the weights and the new phase of your workout routine, you’re doing fantastic! So glad your commute home wasn’t too bad, albeit probably too cold!

    @wwmorrow~Motivation is a tough question to answer. I think we have all been there at one time or another, the want is there but the enthusiasm is lacking. There isn’t anything anyone can say to provide that enthusiasm, it is something that has to come from within. Nettie is right on the money, to change one thing and let that become a habit before attempting to change anything else – letting go of too much or taking on too much can lead to failure and giving up. I’m sorry for your recent hospitalization for HTN. One thing you might try changing is cutting out foods that contain a lot of sodium, it really affects blood pressure – track every bite, lick and taste (BLTs) and use MFP to monitor your sodium intake. I promise, once you get it under control you will feel so much better and have more energy – I think once you feel better about it other things will follow suit and you’ll find the motivation you are seeking. Something I had to learn a long time ago is that I am in charge of creating my own happiness – I let my weight dictate what I did for a long time, I missed out on so much and regret it. You need to learn to enjoy things now and know that when you lose some weight the next time it will be even better – so as hard as it is to do, don’t let your weight dictate what could be a fabulous trip with your husband. Good luck to you.
  • wwmorrow
    wwmorrow Posts: 118 Member
    Thanks Nettie (funny...that's my nickname in real life) and Kah!
    I appreciate the support. You know, as long as I log in and keep up with logging my food and exercise, I do pretty good. I just kind of lost the motivation to do it and now I've take a HUGE step backwards. I guess the good news is that I finally came back. lol
    So, my goal is to log my food.
  • RobinsEgg
    RobinsEgg Posts: 3,702 Member
    Hi Everyone - I keep reading up on the pages , boy do they go by fast! Today I am in a big blue funk. I broke a molar tooth on the bottom and my curious tongue (which is still painful anayway) won't leave it alone. I see the dentist tomorrow so I only have one day of mild torture to deal with. But that's the least of it. I'm getting antsy about my neurologist appt. on the 17th, and find myself quite distracted by it. I wanted to get a lot of other appointments lined up that I know will be necessary and tried to do so yesterday only to be told that no, all will have to wait to be made after the neurologist sees me. I only got one made and that was with the eye doctor. I got in with him at the end of January. His next appt. was the end of March - whew! Close call!

    I've made progress on my eating and drinking - it is down some. I'm starting to notice I just have a lack of appetitie - yippee. And I've been making myself go to bed earlier - cutting out late night snacking - best move I've made!
  • skinnyjeanzbound
    skinnyjeanzbound Posts: 3,932 Member
    Hi guys! Just a quick drive-by to post goals.

    Tuesday Goals:
    1. Finish the last 7 SL essays
    2. Re-plan lessons to account for the 2 days off
    3. Gym to run the 5k I failed at yesterday--I joined a January running challenge on here and committed to 50 miles total with at least 30 miles of that being running.
    4. Pet store to buy fish tank filters
    5. Cook more swai and make a batch of quinoa salad for my lunch Wed-Fri

    I think that's it. Will stop back later to do personals
  • bltyrone
    bltyrone Posts: 5 Member
    Hi, y'all!! I'm new to this thread...hope that's okay!
    My overall goal is slightly over 100 lbs. My "mini" goal is to have 50-60 of that gone by Thanksgiving. I know it is possible with 1-1.5 lb loss a week...but I'm a stress eater. I do okay at home...sometimes catch myself doing it...but my worst time is at work. I really need accountability.

    Tuesday - Goals (do you have any Goals you want to update us?)
    To continue logging in and tracking to the best of my ability.
    To allow only 32 oz. diet drink/week.
    Drink 64-80 oz water/day.
    Up my exercise...okay, just exercise. I haven't been doing it and that's my 2nd problem. Due to health reasons (5 weeks of abdominal pain now, was also recovering from bunionectomy), I let that slide.

    A little about me:
    I'm a mom to 5 kiddos...three the easy way (stepsons) and two the hard way (my 2 biological). My hubby and our two live on a small farm with chickens, cats, a dog and 2 pet goats. I work for a newspaper, but am active in my kids activities and church (I help lead Awana and Cub Scouts).
  • susan2396
    susan2396 Posts: 794 Member
    Tuesday Goals: Continue to drink my water. This has always been very sporadic for me, but one of my ongoing goals is to really increase my water intake. I’ve been getting in over 100 oz each day, which is huge for me. I’ll keep trying.

    @ Kelly – I so wish we lived closer. I would LOVE a work out buddy. I’m slowly meeting people in my gym, but haven’t put it out there either. I thought I might even ask my trainer to ask the other trainers to see if they have someone that would be a good fit. I know I can do it on my own, but I really like the idea of having a partner and holding each other accountable. If anything, think about the amount of money you’ll save without the trainer for a while especially with the other cruise on the books.

    @ Nettie – I just thinned out my list. I have 36 friends. Everyone has posted today or yesterday except 2 and I know those folks are not the best loggers, but really good friends. I really want people who are going to support my efforts and I will support them on a regular basis whether it’s telling me I’m not eating enough veggies or just says “Congrats!”. I’m just too busy and keeping up with this thread is so important to me so I keep my friend list manageable.

    @ SeeLShrink – Don’t you hate when life throws you a curve ball. We get all psyched and ready for something then have to change plans, but good for you!!! While you didn’t make the class, you still made the best of the situation. I’m finally down a pant size, which I haven’t been in so many years. It feels so good. I’m about to go down one more, but waiting until these pants fall off me before I more. Good problem to have, but don’t want to keep spending the money.

    @ Laurie – Unfortunately, it may come to a point where you’re have to intervene. You can also approach your mom about what if something happens to her and she gets injured trying to lift your dad? She will be no good to anyone then. I know my grandmother hated us for days when we had to take away her car keys. I’ll never forget my grandfather bawling like a baby because he didn’t want his daughter to help him the shower. It’s such a humbling experience and no parent wants to seem weak. Do you have any other siblings? I know it’s tough if you’re by yourself also trying to give them assistance.

    @ Allison – I know about Lyme disease, but not all the details. It is curable – correct? I didn’t know if this was something that would stay with her or once it’s gone it’s gone. Also, it is great to see you back!!

    @WWMorrow – If you can, check back with this thread daily. The folks on here are an amazing group and so many have been where you are at. It’s not a quick fix that’s for sure. I’ve been on this thread since August 2012 and its helped push me through so many hurdles. For me personally, this is such a mental battle. I know what I need to do, but it’s getting myself to do it on a consistent basis that’s been the battle. Like so many have said, baby steps. Set small goals. Work on one goal then focus on the next. Again, if you can, really follow this group. We’ll be here for you and you’ll be here for us too!

    @ Charlotte – Have you seen Trisha’s cooking show? I watched her make Thanksgiving with her sister. She does a nice job. I guess she’s had Garth on occasion too, but I’ve missed those episodes. If you do make it out this year, please let me know. I would love to get together!! Also, you’re doing great and keep it up!!

    @ Nicole – I know what it’s like to balance work and school. Cyrus was just a baby and I was doing my Master’s online. How I did it is beyond me, but it wasn’t easy that’s for sure. A break would be good, but even better if you can get the project management through work too. With this “little” extra time, it’s great to see you posting again since I always loved your ideas, recipes, and comments in general.

    @ Madeline – Pizza is a tough one that’s for sure, but when it’s FREE it’s hard to pass up. So you had it today just don’t plan to eat it tomorrow. If I get in the pizza mood, I’ll fix one using a Portobello mushroom. Some people don’t like them, but I love ‘shrooms! I use that as my base, add a little sauce and whatever toppings. So good and low-fat too.

    @ Robin – Oh no!!! Now a tooth issue? You just cannot get ahead with your body. I really want for you to feel better. I hate seeing our leader in I’m doing the same thing though. Going to be earlier to stop the late night snacking, which has always been my downfall. I get Cyrus settled, my sister is upstairs and I finally get alone time. Of course, I see that as my time to relax and with that food was always associated. Last night I was upstairs around 8:30 after coming home from the gym and eating dinner. I took my shower and Cyrus came in my bed so we both could read. We were actually getting ready to sleep at 9:30, which is super early for me. It felt really good though.

    @ Bltyrone – Welcome!! You’ve found an amazing group. If you can, check with the thread daily. It moves pretty quickly during the week and much quieter on the weekends, but this group will give you all the support you need. Of course, with 5 kiddos and the small farm, you sound busy enough. I only have one son and that is plenty!! LOL!!!
  • susan2396
    susan2396 Posts: 794 Member
    Fellow Fit Bit users - For some reason, mine quit tracking my steps for some reason. Is there a way to reset them? It's doing the sleep and calories, but not the steps and stairs. I quit wearing it because it wasn't working, but any ideas?
  • Morgori
    Morgori Posts: 954 Member
    Susan- Which fitbit do you have?
  • skinnyjeanzbound
    skinnyjeanzbound Posts: 3,932 Member
    Hi guys! Just a quick drive-by to post goals.

    Tuesday Goals:
    1. Finish the last 7 SL essays DONE
    2. Re-plan lessons to account for the 2 days off HALF DONE
    3. Gym to run the 5k I failed at yesterday--I joined a January running challenge on here and committed to 50 miles total with at least 30 miles of that being running.
    4. Pet store to buy fish tank filters DONE
    5. Cook more swai and make a batch of quinoa salad for my lunch Wed-Fri

    Heading to the gym now. :smile:
  • susan2396
    susan2396 Posts: 794 Member
    @ Tom - I have the One.
  • Hello. I am new to this. I use to weigh 328 lbs but had gastro bypass in 2004 and got down to 180 lbs but after 3 babies I am back up to 238 lbs. My goal this month is to track what I eat and to cut down the sugar. I am really not doing good with that. Calories are not bad but sugar and sodium are high. I hope to cut both down and increase exercise as well as increase my water intake. I am an ice chewer due to being deficient on iron so have had to increase iron intake. I would like support and ideas on decreasing my sugar and sodium intake. I am hoping to lose 2 lbs or more this week but will be excited for 2. Long term goal would be to weigh between 135 lbs to 150 lbs. I know that is a wide range but it will all depend on how I physically feel and excess skin. I already have some from first huge weight loss. :flowerforyou:
  • karenleona
    karenleona Posts: 3,959 Member
    well, last evening was not good but today is going much better. Made it to the gym. Hard time working out even using lighter weights with more reps cause my heart just cannot pump the blood through the skinny valve fast enough. I have to be careful not to pass out while still getting some exericse. But i feel much better after going. Hope my muscles are not too sore tomorrow.
    Making some curried sweet potato and lentil soup for supper.
    getting plans ready to go to northern alberta beginning of feb for my grandson's 6th birthday and my DIL will probably have gallbladder surgery mid feb so i will just stay till she recovers from that. Better remember to bring a warm coat and snow boots!
    off to fill up my water bottle again :drinker: :drinker:
  • vickimieth
    vickimieth Posts: 333 Member
    Fellow Fit Bit users - For some reason, mine quit tracking my steps for some reason. Is there a way to reset them? It's doing the sleep and calories, but not the steps and stairs. I quit wearing it because it wasn't working, but any ideas?

    There is a way to do sort of a 'reset'... you need to be sync'd (I have an ultra, so for me, that means on the charger base), and there are how-to steps on the fitbit website (I haven't had to do mine in forever, so I'd have to look it up).

    Hope that help!
  • vickimieth
    vickimieth Posts: 333 Member
    Hi, y'all!! I'm new to this thread...hope that's okay!
    My overall goal is slightly over 100 lbs. My "mini" goal is to have 50-60 of that gone by Thanksgiving. I know it is possible with 1-1.5 lb loss a week...but I'm a stress eater. I do okay at home...sometimes catch myself doing it...but my worst time is at work. I really need accountability.

    Hi & welcome!
    I'm a stress eater myself - that's the hardest. Log EVERYTHING right when you're doing it - easiest with the mobile app, but if that isn't an option, pencil & paper works - and be faithful to logging the food. Weigh/measure everything!
    A little about me:
    I'm a mom to 5 kiddos...three the easy way (stepsons) and two the hard way (my 2 biological). My hubby and our two live on a small farm with chickens, cats, a dog and 2 pet goats. I work for a newspaper, but am active in my kids activities and church (I help lead Awana and Cub Scouts).

    wow... Living on a farm sounds great... I'm jealous!
  • jnncsu
    jnncsu Posts: 1 Member
    I am beginning my journey to lose 100 pounds and I have a hard time convincing myself that I can really do this. It is so nice to find such a supportive group of people. You are all such motivation!
  • vickimieth
    vickimieth Posts: 333 Member
    For those of you in the midst of all that cold weather, I send you warm hugs!

    @ Alison - so good to see you back! Glad to hear that your daughter is better, that must have been an awful ordeal for you all.

    @ Robin - that busted tooth may be a blessing in disguise, if it's keeping your mind off other things :)

    @ Nicole & Skinnyjeanz - have you tried subbing plain greek yogurt for sour cream (or part of the sour cream) in your recipes? I gave it a try with a recipe last night, and it turned out pretty well

    @ Skinnyjeanz - no, the QRM director isn't a replacement for my boss (drat!), but she & the bullies have already tangled once or twice (she's only been here a week), and she WON. We're expecting CMS in any day (they are calling next Monday "black monday" already) and if things go poorly, I've been told to expect some severe administration changes... which could mean bye-bye boss....

    Tuesday goals: what I really want is to get off this bleeping plateau I'm on... but I will settle for not going up any further. Officially, I've got about 25# to go to goal, and I'd really like to see some of that gone by my birthday (in March).
  • pain_is_weakness
    pain_is_weakness Posts: 798 Member
    My current goal is to drink a minimum of 8 glasses of water a day to see if it helps fight cravings, also to lose 15 pounds by valentines day!