How much weight did you put on over the Xmas break?



  • JustSomeEm
    JustSomeEm Posts: 20,227 MFP Moderator
    I lost 2 pounds and then gained 4, so I guess I really only gained 2. I made sure I tracked everything, but pretty much ate what I wanted. And I absolutely don't feel guilty about it. BUT, I'm back on track now. :)
  • LindaEmrys
    LindaEmrys Posts: 73 Member
    I don't know - I'm afraid to get on the scale. :smile:

    Same here! I visibly gained though, there's no denying that. I decided I'll get back on the scale once I feel comfortable with it.
  • Wilhellmina
    Wilhellmina Posts: 757 Member
    Nothing, the scale told me I got about 4 pounds off :bigsmile:
  • Freidster
  • Freidster
  • Quieau
    Quieau Posts: 428 Member
    From Halloween to New Year's, I lost 22 lbs ... my biggest loss occurred the week I blew out my knee and couldn't walk at ALL, much less workout. I dumped a bunch of water that week, I think, that my muscles had been holding.

    But I nibbled chocolate and ate ice cream and made (and ate cookies) likes usual and just worked them into the plan. No food is a cheat because they are all allowed. I have to eat high carb, low veg too. With plenty of protein and water, pretty much anything "fits" ...

    The way to 'cheat' is to not record it, not count it fully or otherwise fool yourself about what you ate. Anything else is playing by the rules ... and it works!
  • sunnshhiine
    sunnshhiine Posts: 727 Member
    I gained 4 lbs on the dot. However, I've already lost 1.2 of those lbs. I think alot of it is probably water weight and bloating from high-sodium foods. I stopped weighing-in and logging my food around 5 December 2013 and started up again on 6 January 2014.
  • Ballesteros81
    Ballesteros81 Posts: 2 Member
    I gained about 7 lbs during December, I stopped logging for 3 weeks, had significantly more dessert and snack treats and wine than normal, and exercise volume was about half what it usually is. Back to normal lifestyle now and have lost 2 of those lbs since.
  • sassysmom35
    sassysmom35 Posts: 130 Member
    Me too. I've eaten way too much the past 3 weeks and haven't exercised a single time. I'm petrified of the scale. Back to logging and exercising today. Maybe I'll give it a week or so then hop on the scale to see where I stand. Nervous about it though.
  • twixlepennie
    twixlepennie Posts: 1,074 Member
    Actual weight gain-nothing. Scale bounced up to the high point of my maintenance range for a couple days, but then it settled back down :smile:
  • dandelyon
    dandelyon Posts: 620 Member
    I gained 7lbs in December, was okay with gaining 4-5, so I did blow my goal by a little bit.
  • chopper_pilot
    chopper_pilot Posts: 191 Member
    8 pounds
  • sassysmom35
    sassysmom35 Posts: 130 Member
    UPDATE:::: I decided to go ahead and weigh this morning to see exactly how much damage I had done. According to the scale I have only gained 1 lb. I was so surprised. I figured it would be up a lot more than that. So yay...guess all the holiday indulgence and laziness didn't harm me much after all. I am so motivated right now. Good luck to you!
  • gimmecoffeeiv
    gimmecoffeeiv Posts: 20 Member
    I am not feeling bad about it really. I don't think I deserved a break but I also could not avoid some of the things that happened! Not regretful because I had a good time with my friends and family. I am back on track now though and expect the weight to drop relatively quickly.
  • Gearjammer71
    Gearjammer71 Posts: 151 Member
    Yeah, I was way up...7 pounds at one point. But much to the chagrin of my flu shot, I got the H1N1 and quickly dropped 22 pounds over about a 10 day period. Now that I am on the mend and full re-hydrated I am one pound down from my pre-holiday weight.
  • sreed016
    sreed016 Posts: 97 Member
    I thought I was doing good - eating in moderation with small portions of the foods I couldn't resist but I was wrong - up 5lbs!!!
  • CoffeeNBooze
    CoffeeNBooze Posts: 966 Member
    I gained about 5lbs which surprised me because I didn't gain at all last year. I lost one already. It'll come off, but not fast enough!!
  • edenLAellis
    I actually lost 12 pounds, i was deteermined not to let myself over eat,
  • WDEvy
    WDEvy Posts: 814 Member
    Scale says 5.3, I'm guessing there's about 3 of water in there since I normally eat very low sodium. It'll be ok!
  • jamiebxo
    jamiebxo Posts: 116
    Was surprised to found out I'd gained nothing. Very surprised considering I literally gorged on huge Christmas dinners, fry ups for breakfast, chocolate, alcohol, takeaways, you name it!