Getting started AGAIN...



  • I too am starting again and I too have also made many excuses for delaying. We moved and are remodeling and renovating so it was just easy to eat fast food or whip something up fast that I know wasn't healthy. I have gained back the weight I had lost last year and now the clothes are tight. I really have no upcoming events that I need to lose weight for other than going to Vegas and golf this year (which weight loss and strength training would help) so it is all just the fact that I need to lose weight. So, I am on board with starting over and any help and support from someone would be greatly appreciated.
  • mkmarasch
    mkmarasch Posts: 26 Member
    I'm starting over too!
  • I'm on that bandwagon also! Haha. I love the idea of new year, new start - so feel free to add me if you want motivation and a friend to be there for you! :-)
  • edeebee57
    edeebee57 Posts: 1 Member
    I'm with you! Stumbled, but didn't fall over the holidays. Now my motivation is back and I need motivated friends, too! Sometimes it helps to be accountable to someone other than just myself when it comes to weight loss.
  • LA_proud
    LA_proud Posts: 162 Member
    This is EXACTLY what I needed to see when I logged in today!!! I'm not trying over here. I'm doing it! ;)

    I lost 45 pounds two years ago with the support of MFP and its community. Then my mom was diagnosed with late Stage IV lung cancer and I became a working mother of five caring for her mom while running my body into the ground. After she passed, I gained 30 pounds back and stopped doing just about anything that was even remotely healthy.

    But no more. I finally quit smoking, something I promised my mother I'd do, and it reminded me that I can do anything I put my heart into doing.

    We've got this. We're doing this!!!!!

    I am right there so many of you! I lost 55 pounds in 2012 and have since gained it all back. At the beginning of that year, my father suddenly took ill and passed away with a 3 week time span. I nursed a friend back to health after she had open heart surgery. and My BFF died suddenly 3 weeks before Christmas. I have a long way to go to reach my ultimate goal. I KNOW THAT WE CAN DO THIS!
  • jlederman71
    jlederman71 Posts: 47 Member
    I am also restarting. Lost 12 pounds but it has been so slow going and discouraging. Getting married in May and really expected to be much further along then I am. Now its go time to see how much (at a healthy pace w/o pills etc) I can lose by my wedding date in 15 weeks and then beyond.
    I really want a healthy lifestyle and no more yo you diets.
    Any support will be appreciated. I too am going to reset my ticker.. seems appropriate!
  • Rossergirl
    Rossergirl Posts: 105 Member

    While reading your entry I noticed I was nodding my head in agreement the whole time. Life changes and motivation goals change as well. I have a hard time not comparing the "now" me to the "fit me of the past". My main block is my brain. I too have got to make this a integral part of my daily life, just like breathing. Not thinking and obsessing about it. I have got to get past this feeling of I do not want to fail again, so if I do not start I will not fail. However, not starting is the biggest failure of all.

    I am glad to know others struggle just as I do. I know we can both do this. It is obvious we both have the desire in us, because we have done it before. Now, we just have to figure out a new route to get there!

    Good luck. Please add me and maybe we can encourage each other!
  • I have recently started over again!! I am supper excited about it this time, so far I have done better than I normally if I can just keep it up.
  • ecismotivated
    ecismotivated Posts: 15 Member
    I'm in! I gained over the holidays and all of my clothes are fitting tight. :( I'm turning 30 in July and I want to look my best that day. It's time to turn the tables and change my life! Let's do it!
  • ghoti3
    ghoti3 Posts: 15 Member
    I'm in! I'm very new to this, but I see it as a way to keep accountable (I am single w/ no children, so I don't really have that accountability built in to my every day - if I want to eat a whole pint of ice cream there's no one but myself telling me not to!) I'm using this site as a way to understand portions, etc. If anyone is looking for a motivation partner feel free to add me - I'll do the same for you!
  • gregoryalanbloom
    gregoryalanbloom Posts: 1 Member
    Hey everyone,

    Glad to see everyone is stoked to get back on track. I can relate to everyone who says they are coming back after gaining back what they initially lost.

    I lost 45 poounds two years ago and was feeling great. Then my mother passed away last year and I graduated college, moving to a new city and I gained it all back!

    So here I am, looking forward to this journey with everyone.

    Let's do this!
  • Starting over AGAIN, too! So depressing, this time last year I'd lost close to 70-75 lbs and then moved to California, became super depressed and gained it all back. How does that even happen in California!?!? Starting over and getting it right again this time around, would love any and all friends/encouragement!

    Where in CA??
    Feel free to add me. I lost and then gained as well :/

    I moved to San Diego but then I was accepted into a school program back home so after about 6 months I ended up moving back to OK.
  • jstcyr24
    jstcyr24 Posts: 1 Member
    Count me in! I'm really focused this time and would be nice to have some extra motivation with others to actually push myself forward! I managed to lose 25lbs previously and have since put it all back on. So frustrating when my 'fat' clothes are getting too tight :( I really want to get back into my smaller clothes and just feel better about myself.
    Feel free to add me!
  • aprilh47
    aprilh47 Posts: 250 Member
    ive just realised that this time last year i weight 11 pound less that i do today and ive lost 5lb this week, it just shows how far away from my goal ive let myself get and how detrimental my stop start approach has been
  • JoolieW68
    JoolieW68 Posts: 1,879 Member
    Another 'restarter' here. I lost 100 pounds over 17 months, but then decided I didn't want to log anymore and to 'just see what happens'. Between Oct 2012 and now I've gained back just over 20 pounds, and am restarting before I gain it all back.

    I actually blogged about my quest (I hate the word 'journey') and the last year that contributed to my struggles, if you're interested in reading it:

    Also looking for some new friends. I'm not super active (not like I was, at least, in the forum), but am happy to post on walls and 'like' status updates. Sometimes I will even give an encouraging word. :tongue:
  • wendy_j441
    wendy_j441 Posts: 35 Member
    Just recently started back. New attitude the whole 9. It's gonna be a new me feel free to add.
  • davoiscool
    davoiscool Posts: 125 Member
    I'm starting again after gaining back half of what I lost, in part due to ankle ligament tearing, time to kick some cellulite *kitten*!

  • tuckerrj
    tuckerrj Posts: 1,453 Member
    Add me. Really! I need some friends.
  • Starting over. Last year I lost 30 lbs using the popular pay program and I felt great and proud about doing it. I lost in preparation for a cruise and then slowly gained most of it back and here I am. I know you are not supposed to look back at failure, but it is hard to think I will ever maintain a healthy eating lifestyle. I want to get the weight back down by our vacation in August and that will be just in time for next years' holidays. Ugh! I have lots of European family favorite foods that I can not give up forever. I do okay with breakfast and lunch, but dinner portions are difficult. I really need some positive thinking support!