PCOS weight-loss input..



  • I was told I had pcos at 18. I'm now 26 and TTC.
    The ONLY way I have lost weight was by trying this diet that does cost a lot and takes up time. At least in Ontario it cost a lot.
    The diet is called JUICING. Google it or youtube it. * juicing *
    In 4 weeks i wen't from 270 pounds ( you would never guess i was that)
    to 243 pounds!!!! Thats almost 30 pounds!!!!!!!!!

    I felt great and stopped dieting and it slowly came back in a year. I dont eat veggies and fruit and thats why my weight came back. I have just started it again. I do not go all out with it though. i juice about 3 times a day only fruit. i try to eat veggies and meat for dinner. I have One day to cheat. As for working out i go for a bike ride or elliptical. i do it different per day. 15 min - 2 hrs. i get board while exercising. your body starts to crave veggies and my cheat day I almost stopped because I could feel a pain in my tummy from eatting the cheese (pizza). I never noticed that i feel bloated every day. Once i started juicing I didnt feel that heavy tummy feeling. keep track of everything! i took pics too. I measured my neck, my arms, my chest, under my chest, my tummy above and below the belly button, and thighs singles and together.
  • JoyeII
    JoyeII Posts: 240 Member
    The best way to lose weight with PCOS is low carb. Read the Atkins book and get going.
  • diwijo13
    diwijo13 Posts: 106 Member
  • I definetly find the best way to loose weight with PCOS has been with a low carb diet. Metformin has also helped me loose weight aswell, but I know thats not for everyone.
  • SuperJo1972
    SuperJo1972 Posts: 113 Member
    I find that calorie restriction isnt enough or me. I always seem to need the exercise to boost things. I could have one week and eat 1500 cals each day and lose maybe 1/2 - 1lb. A similar week with a few walks or hikes added in, even if I eat all the exercise calories, would result in a 2-3 lb loss. So I have committed to exercise this time.

    I have found that trying to limit my refined sugars and go for healthier carbs (rather than low carb) where possible helps. Also when I up my protein a little I do end to feel fuller longer, but this is something which I am still struggling with as I am trying to change my eating habits.

    I have to stick wih it his time as my body seems to pile it all back on so easily. We PCOS apple shaped girls don't exactly have the odds in our favour do we? So long term lifestyle change is the name of the game this time.

    Big hugs to anyone out there with PCOS who is making a change in their eating and exercising routine to gain control of their bodies and lives. It isn't easy but the long term health gains will be worth it. We are worth it!!!

    (BTW - I would recommend Metformin for overall heath and minimising the effects of the insulin resistance. It isn't a cure all but it definitely helped me feel much better over the last 10 years or so.)
  • tamika2004
    tamika2004 Posts: 5 Member
  • Has anyone considered/done gastric bypass, or known someone that has? I have had hypothryoidism for about 18 years, as well as PCOS for about 10. I started seeing a specialists in PCOS/fertility issues, and he mentioned that a lot of his patients have had excellent results with the surgery. I started seeing a surgeon about it, but also want to try to lose some on my own. I did lose about 13 pounds by cutting out pop, and watching what I eat. I switched to wheat bread, trying to eat more fiber, fat free(or as fat free as I can get), and switched to corn chips instead of other fattening chips. I have had a hard time with Metformin, as it seems to always make my stomach upset. I got put on Glucofage, which is similar to Metformin but it isn't supposed to have the side effects. With either one, I didn't feel good, but Glucofage made me feel worse, so I haven't been taking either. My boyfriend and I are currently living with his overweight brother and sister, but also in the process of buying our own home in which we will be living in by the end of the month. I know his family likes there food so it is hard for me to cut absolutely everything unhealthy out. I also work at a bank so I am sitting down quite a bit, but trying to walk as much as I can, but with work and getting house stuff situated it has been kind of hard, but am planning on getting a treadmill at our new home ASAP. But I just wanted to see if anyone else has considered/done gastric bypass.
  • cafeaulait7
    cafeaulait7 Posts: 2,459 Member
    I just wanted to chime in and say I started Metformin a couple of days ago. I haven't tapered myself up to the full dose yet, but I've lost a pound each day since taking it. I'm gobsmacked.

    Maybe it's something else, since it's such a short sample and all. But it takes me forever to lose 1 lb, so it's pretty darned freaky! I've been taking little bits of the pill all day long so it won't hurt my stomach. I've been having to take these awful iron pills that wreck my stomach, so it's hard to say what effect just Met would have. It hasn't been worse than the iron alone.

    (It was my period causing the iron anemia. If your periods are awful with PCOS, eat a lot of iron, lol. The megadose Rx pills are mean and awful things!)
  • SuperJo1972
    SuperJo1972 Posts: 113 Member
    When I first started taking Metformin I did lose weight for the first week or 2 as it took a little time for my tummy to settle. But it was a short term effect for me and settled pretty quickly. It will settle soon enough, so take those few pounds as a short term blessing.
  • eldamiano
    eldamiano Posts: 2,667 Member
    I have PCOS and it makes it hard to get this stupid weight off!!! Anyone out there have this problem and if so what have you done to be successful?

    What is PCOS?
  • Sarahndipity30
    Sarahndipity30 Posts: 312 Member
    I have a dr/s appointment in a few weeks because both my doctor and I fear it may be a PCOS issue on top of my hypothyroidism. Whether it is or not, I am looking into the PCOS low carb low GI lifestyle as I have heard amazing things from people with PCOS and changing their eating habits to reflect the low carb lifestyle.

    I am trying to avoid 9at all costs) getting pu ton any other medications than the 1 med I am already on. I don't want to be on ANYTHING with unnatural side effects period. i also have found that calorie counting only doesnt help me. I HAVE to excercise. just a way of life.

    Wishing all of you the best with the PCOS fight. you can do it!

    eldamiano- PCOS is called Polycystic ovary syndrome- one of the most common female endocrine disorders. PCOS is a complex, heterogeneous disorder of uncertain etiology, but there is strong evidence that it can, to a large degree, be classified as a genetic disease. ...
  • summerrose36
    summerrose36 Posts: 19 Member
    I have PCOS as well and I am on 500mg of Metformin twice a day. A friend of mine has the same symptom and she followed Weight Watchers, drinking lots of water and LOTS of exercise. She told me the weight hasn't been easy to take off but it allowed her to slowly come off the metformin. I would definitely check Weight Watchers or if you follow Pinterest, check some low carb/high protein recipes on there.
  • sbbhbm
    sbbhbm Posts: 1,312 Member
    Metformin and watch your carb intake. That's how I did it :happy:
  • Mischievous_Rascal
    Mischievous_Rascal Posts: 1,791 Member
    My best friend is having success with weight lifting and walking for exercise, and she has her macros set to 30% carbs, 35% fat and 35 % protein.
  • Low carb and heavy weight lifting, dont be shy ladies lifting weights makes you look and feel amazing. Have a look in to the Keto diet.


    Low carb but it hardly feels like a diet at all!
  • Hello everyone I'm new to the forum, I am insulin resistant (controlled diabetes/no meds ) and have PCOS. I have never gave it much thought, just took the birth control. Recently I was experiencing some issues from my birth control pill, and chose to get off them. Sense getting off my other issues have stopped but I have had a whirl wind of new ones. 2 years ago I lost 60lbs in 2 months of being off the pill I have gained almost 20lb, my terrible hormonal acne has returned with vengeance's, and my periods are practically not existent. My life style hasn't changed much except I'm not exercising as much right now I recently got a new job, and went back to school full-time which has been leaving little time for working out unfortunately. Has this happen to anyone else after getting off birth control?
  • rita27ny
    rita27ny Posts: 820 Member
  • I was just diagnosed with pocs and been trying to lose weight for 6 months now doing personal training 5x a week and changed my diet drastically.. i see alot of you are on MEDs and wondering what kinda docotor put you on them? Please help!
  • I went off of birth control about six months ago and my symptoms also came back, but I've noticed that when I really watch my diet and exercise, I'll drop a few pounds. It just sucks that I'll binge eat the next day and gain it all back! My biggest pcos problem was always acne, though, and while I do still break out, it's nothing like it used to be when I didn't watch my diet. Avoiding sugar, carbs, and dairy seems to have really helped my complexion. Kills the soul a bit, though.
  • alisongillespie
    alisongillespie Posts: 1 Member
    I am the same, I do well for a bit then I hit a weight and no matter how I try, I can't get below it. I so find that the GI diet works well, and I feel better in myself when I follow it, low in sugar, definately helps. Good luck everyone, it's not easy but we will bet there, I find my fitnesspal helps me loads ????