stuck on my butt in an office alllll day



  • lilRicki
    lilRicki Posts: 4,555 Member
    I have no problem sitting at my desk, sometimes it gets boring and I go to the kitchen for a tea, I do have to move about 10 feet to go to the photocopier, and I might have to run downstairs once a week, but other then that, I'm at my desk. But I'm lazy, and I hate exercise. I do however, work out at night. That's when I bust my *kitten*. Other than that, I'm a pretty sedintary person. All my hobbies are sedintary too.

    Edit to add: Today i'm grateful that I don't have to move around to much, because day 2 of DOMS is killing me.
  • srsly_sarah
    srsly_sarah Posts: 42 Member
    I know how you feel! While I get to walk around as much as I want, I have no where to go. I have a jawbone, so I have been more motivated to try to get in a few thousand steps during the day--the vibration when I don't move after 30 minutes are also super helpful!

    I like all the desk exercises ideas!!
  • brdnw
    brdnw Posts: 565 Member
    this isn't helpful, but i live and work downtown, so on my lunch i walk home (2 minute walk), run a quick mile while my lunch is cooking, shower and then eat. moving near my work has been the best thing ever for my workouts. yea sorry this isn't helpful at all.
  • fitpiglet24
    fitpiglet24 Posts: 44 Member
    this isn't helpful, but i live and work downtown, so on my lunch i walk home (2 minute walk), run a quick mile while my lunch is cooking, shower and then eat. moving near my work has been the best thing ever for my workouts. yea sorry this isn't helpful at all.

    haha ya, thats not very helpful but thats okay. thats great that you can fit in a workout AND a shower AND a homecooked meal on your break. jealoussssss!
  • superfox12082
    superfox12082 Posts: 512 Member
    Same. I walk on my breaks, weather permitting. Today's the first day we have seen temps above zero in days, so I feel like a caged animal!! Also in the wrong field.... :ohwell:
  • latewinterwolf
    Treadmill desk granted they cost about £1500 lol
  • wrk2hrd
    wrk2hrd Posts: 28
    My company spent roughly 1k-1.5k/per ergonomic chair x 40,000 employees and they are horrible!

    So many overweight people due to seditary work/home life, they should have spent 1/2 that, and purchased walking treadmills.
  • elainecroft
    elainecroft Posts: 595 Member
    I have a standing desk and I love it. I bought it myself - cost as much as a gym membership but totally worth it.

    Check out if you are interested - they go on top of a normal desk and can adapt to a number of different computer setups.
  • missomgitsica
    missomgitsica Posts: 496 Member
    Work out on your lunch break. If there isn't a gym nearby just go jor a run.

    I work an office job too (medical billing) and even though I'm at my desk a lot, I still manage to walk about two miles every day just at work, between going to the bathroom or the break room or up to the front of the office. My work co-owns a gym that's right across the street from us, which is awesome, so sometimes I'll hit the gym on my lunch break.

    I like having a job where I get to mostly relax, though. I feel like it motivates me to work even harder in the evenings when I do work out. That's just me, though.
  • newjojie
    newjojie Posts: 291 Member
    Me too! I walk a mile on my 15. If you have a swivel chair at your desk do this: hold on to desk, raise feet and use your abs to swivel the chair. I also do squats in the bathroom, I've gotten some weird looks but oh
  • fitpiglet24
    fitpiglet24 Posts: 44 Member
    desk treadmills would be great!
  • thatATLgirl
    thatATLgirl Posts: 60 Member
    Sitting all day is AWFUL! I just try to get up and stretch as much as possible; and even 1 hour of exercise a day helps IMMENSELY.
  • caitypants86
    caitypants86 Posts: 278 Member
    Lol... OP made me laugh. I agree, sitting in an office for 8 hours (and then in my car for over an hour each way to and from work) is absolutely painful...and I'm convinced it's taking years off my life and making me feel old and stiff (I'm only 27...that's not right!). I actually CRAVE exercise when I get home at night. The only upside is that I have to climb 6 flights of stairs to get up to my office, but obviously that just isn't enough. I've actually never thought of doing squats and push ups in the bathroom but I'm going to do that from now on. I love the idea of the swivel chair exercises as well but my chair so squeaky and loud ...especially on a hardwood floor....
  • train_01
    train_01 Posts: 135 Member
    I too am a desk jockey (which I believe contributed to my 30 lb gain in the last year). I usually go on walks during my 15 minute breaks. Luckily, my office building is connected to several other buildings through over-the-street "bridges" which are covered. There is a hotel/conference center connected about 3 blocks away which has TONS of stairs. My hubby and I usually walk to the hotel, walk ALL the stairs in it (about 10 flights in all), then walk back to the office. It is definately a workout!
  • LuLuChick78
    LuLuChick78 Posts: 439 Member
    I take two 15 minute walk breaks and also we have a anytime fitness downstairs at my workplace. So instead of going to lunch I go workout. I'm sure im very fortunate to have a gym at my work place.

    I also go to the gym instead of lunch. I eat (my protein packed lunch, lol) at my desk when I return from the gym!
    ETA: I also sit on my *kitten* 8-9 hours per day at my desk and have a 1 hour commute to work so that totals about 11 hours of sitting per day, argh!!!
  • chopper_pilot
    chopper_pilot Posts: 191 Member
    how far is your job from your house?

    can you walk or bike the commute?
  • fitpiglet24
    fitpiglet24 Posts: 44 Member
    I too am a desk jockey (which I believe contributed to my 30 lb gain in the last year). I usually go on walks during my 15 minute breaks. Luckily, my office building is connected to several other buildings through over-the-street "bridges" which are covered. There is a hotel/conference center connected about 3 blocks away which has TONS of stairs. My hubby and I usually walk to the hotel, walk ALL the stairs in it (about 10 flights in all), then walk back to the office. It is definately a workout!

    that's an awesome resource to have! stairs make for a great little workout, especially when there are 10 flights of them!
  • fitpiglet24
    fitpiglet24 Posts: 44 Member
    how far is your job from your house?

    can you walk or bike the commute?

    its about 10ish miles. not very far but the rd i have to take is crazy busy and i have to jump on the highway for a few exits. is it illegal to ride a bicycle on the highway? hmmm. (in the breakdown lane of course) ;)
  • fitpiglet24
    fitpiglet24 Posts: 44 Member
    Lol... OP made me laugh. I agree, sitting in an office for 8 hours (and then in my car for over an hour each way to and from work) is absolutely painful...and I'm convinced it's taking years off my life and making me feel old and stiff (I'm only 27...that's not right!). I actually CRAVE exercise when I get home at night. The only upside is that I have to climb 6 flights of stairs to get up to my office, but obviously that just isn't enough. I've actually never thought of doing squats and push ups in the bathroom but I'm going to do that from now on. I love the idea of the swivel chair exercises as well but my chair so squeaky and loud ...especially on a hardwood floor....

    i actually read an article about how sitting for the majority of your day can decrease your lifespan. yikes! even if you workout and squat your little heart out in the bathroom. i'd like to think that'll give me an extra year :p