Looking for friends who want to lose 50+ pounds :)



  • 55-65 here!
  • Abuzz1524
    Abuzz1524 Posts: 2 Member
    I am needing to lose about 65 pounds. And would love any motivation you can give me! Feel free to add me :)
  • SherryLumpkins
    SherryLumpkins Posts: 5 Member
    My goal is 78lbs - I'm on day 5 and would be happy for anyone to add me. I've used MFP in the past but just for calorie counting - it would be great to have some motivation from similar slimmers!
  • im 24 5'7 and hoping to lose 50 (definitely) but a max of 65. Im looking for "people like me" lol that i can relate to, anyone can add me
  • Hi there, I am looking to lose 100+ lbs. I have started, stopped, started, stopped, tried all the different fad diets and pills and now I am just working on myself. As of December 29th I no longer drink any caffeine (bye bye Diet Cokes!!) and I have just generally started eating healthier. I love the slim-fast shakes, but I am not following a slim-fast plan, just drinking the shakes for breaksfast and occasionally at other times. Subway is the only place I will eat out at because I know what I can eat there. Family YMCA membership to work out 4 times a week or swim if I want a break. And lots of water!

    Everyone please add me! We can all use the support, whether it is 10 lbs or 200 lbs you want to lose. I post every day, try to comment alot on statuses for support and I also show my diary (good or bad).

    And one HUGE tip for the new people. READ PEOPLE'S FOOD DIARIES!!! I have gotten so many great ideas from other people, things I never even thought about. Like a healthy PB & J sandwich with Sara Lee 45 calorie bread (so yum!), sugar-free strawberry jam (again yum!) and Simply Jif. Add a salad or fruits and veggies and you can still enjoy a favorite!
  • ElyseL1
    ElyseL1 Posts: 504 Member
    I've lost 49 lbs with another 28 to go. Feel free to give me an add, support makes a world of difference while doing this :)
  • JenniBaby85
    JenniBaby85 Posts: 855 Member
    I have lost 50+ pounds! I only have 5 more to go!
  • I've lost 50+ and still have to lose about 85, so feel free to add me!!!
  • Hi! I *just* started again - today is one week. I have 90 pounds to lose total. I'd love the extra accountability (and support!). Add me too!
  • lwcgrad
    lwcgrad Posts: 13 Member
    want to lose 181.2 here
  • Want to lose 65-70. Let us motivate us all!:smile:
  • KellySue67
    KellySue67 Posts: 1,006 Member
    Hi there! I see some posting that you are just hoping that you can accomplish large weight loss goals. It is possible. I started at 269lbs and now am down to 188.8 as of this morning. I still have around 50lbs to go, but I'm on the "short side" now so I am sure I can do it and I am sure you can too if you put your mind to it and be dilligent, and honest, about logging. It's not always easy and some days I feel like throwing in the towel, so to speak, but I always look back on how far I have come. I try to do some form of exercise 5-6 days a week and try to stay within my calorie goal. I eat at least a portion of my exercise calories back and don't believe in denying myself things that I really enjoy, so yes... I do eat chocolate and ice cream regularly. I would be willing to offer support to anyone who is really committed to be in this for the long haul.
  • techinteaching
    techinteaching Posts: 10 Member
    hello, have about 70 to lose and on my way!!! Joined a Spinning/ weight training gym in December with husband. We do the cardo walking in the neighborhood or bike. We are both on the same page with meal planning as well. I have lost 5+ pounds already But more importantly, 2 inches from my waist!

    Let's do this!!

    Short term goal is to loss 4-5 more lbs this month and then set up a short goal for February --maybe try a Zumba Class 1x week
    Hugs TJ
  • kristy_n0831
    kristy_n0831 Posts: 108 Member
    I'm looking to lose 70lbs., possibly more. I joined mfp a year ago, then got sidetracked over the holidays. I'm back now and more committed than ever! Anyone can feel free to add me!
  • RosieRaz
    RosieRaz Posts: 282 Member
    Always here to support as well. Looking to loose 36-56 lbs. more. Already lost 60 (i've reset my ticker with my new goal.).
  • llonka
    llonka Posts: 76 Member
    I'm in the same boat! I could stand to lose 120 pounds, but 75 or 100 would be fine. I log on everyday and will like your statues if I have nothing to say. Good luck!
  • heatheraugust03
    heatheraugust03 Posts: 23 Member
    Hi! I'm a mom of 3 and need help!

    I had my last so a year ago and now know I need to knock this weight off! I have always been the "big one". A couple of years ago my mother lost a huge amount of weight. She inspired me at the time, but then, got into that slump of feeling sorry for myself! As everyone's new years resolutions is "losing weight", I am one of them and sticking to it!
    I came back to MFP on January 1st, 2014 and have been on here everyday doing my logs. My problem is that I'm an extremely picky eater and can not seem to not get over that. I have been seeing that I don't eat as many calories than I should, but see everything else going to the limit.
    Everyone has truly inspired me on here! As I read some of your stories in tears, I wish and dream for myself it has made me more stronger than I have ever been. I need lots of encouragement and friends to help me through this and to be serious as I am! Please help me through this...

    January 1st, 2014
    lbs. 227.8

    January 10th, 2014
    lbs. 222.7

    Goal: I'd love to see me at least at 160 and down, but my first huge goal is definitely under 200 lbs!!
    Thank you all and God Bless
  • 2014NewBodyNewMe
    2014NewBodyNewMe Posts: 57 Member
    anyone can add me looking to lose around 90 lbs,
  • TheophaniaPaige
    TheophaniaPaige Posts: 1 Member
    Feel free to add me! Let's get it!
  • Hi would you like to be friends? I have lost 60 pounds and want to lose an other 50.