Looking for friends who want to lose 50+ pounds :)



  • Count me in!! 85 pounds to lose - stress eater!! Need motivation - Need to get healthy!! My goal is to get off diabetes drugs this year! My little goals:

    My Birthday March 31st - Down 25#
    Vacations at the beach May 26th - down 45#
    Vacation in Dominican Republic August 2nd - down 65#
    Halloween - 85#
  • Feel free to add me as well. I just joined and am looking to lose 50+ pounds. I do well when I have to be accountable....fall off the wagon when I don't.
  • You can add me. That is my goal as well.
  • Anyne feel free to add me, I'm in that range!
  • newmanthereasa
    newmanthereasa Posts: 5 Member
    Hello--you can certainly add me! I am new to this and have 70lb I'd like to lose
  • sisterlilbunny
    sisterlilbunny Posts: 686 Member
    I'm looking to lose about 60. Please feel free to add me. :)
  • iamtrinasue
    iamtrinasue Posts: 1 Member
    I'm looking to lose 50+ pounds. I am fairly healthy and in order to remain so, some of this extra has to go!
  • missjones513
    missjones513 Posts: 345 Member
    I'm working on losing 70 pounds.
  • kimcalica
    kimcalica Posts: 525 Member
    I've been at this awhile and have lost 50 lbs so far on MFP. I fell off the wagon and joined the many on the rise and fall of the yo yo process, I'm determined to break that cycle NOW and lose that last 50 lbs! I'm active and full of great advice! I lost a lot of my friends in my decline. I need new and positive friends!!! Add me!!!
  • vdolmstead
    vdolmstead Posts: 17 Member
    I need to lose another 80 or so. I'm a guy who likes to support people who make a serious effort. I need some encouragement, too.
    So far, since I adopted ANDI**, I'm doing fine but I'll bet there's a wall out there waiting for me to run into it.

    **ANDI Scoring System ANDI stands for Aggregate Nutrient Density Index.

    Fuhrman, Dr. Joel (2013-05-07). Nutritarian Handbook & ANDI Food Scoring Guide (Kindle Locations 335-337). Gift Of Health Press. Kindle Edition.
  • robjohn75
    robjohn75 Posts: 2 Member
    I don't want to think about how much I have to lose. It is scary. I do want to lose 100 lbs. This is my first time using MFP. I do think it is helpful. It is hard to be in denial when you see what you have eaten in black and white.
  • Add me! How do we get started? I want to lose 50 pounds to start then I will manage from there:-)
  • You can add me, too. I need some support to lose this extra 100 pounds.
  • lessismoreohio
    lessismoreohio Posts: 910 Member
    I've lost 18 pounds and need to lose another 50. Anyone, please feel free to add me; you can't have enough friends or support on this journey. Everyone have a safe and restful weekend!
  • rikkiolmstead
    rikkiolmstead Posts: 4 Member
    I am needing to lose 100+ pounds but my first goal is to lose my left over baby weight. I had a baby in Nov. 2012 and have yoyo the 20 that I gained. I have been trying to lose for a long time and keep gaining back. I need the encouragement to keep going this time.
  • I am new to this. How do I add friends. I never stick to anything, I am really surprised I have made it 10 days of eating healthy. I need to start an exercise regimen now. I have been useing this Ohio weather as my excuse to not work out. I want to lose 50lbs, I would be excited with 30lbs. I need a motivation team and a team I can help motivate.
  • danielle_jeanne
    danielle_jeanne Posts: 58 Member
    I started with a goal of 50 lbs =) I'm down 25 without MFP and have kind of stalled- looking to get back up on that wagon and burn off that last 25 (maybe more depending).
  • mamma_nee
    mamma_nee Posts: 809 Member
    Feel free to add me - I am down 50 and have another 65 or so to go depending on where I get comfortable.
  • Bigspoom
    Bigspoom Posts: 2 Member
    hi iv been using MFP for a wile and just looking for some people to be friends with. thanks. send me a frend request
  • PBWaffleCakes
    PBWaffleCakes Posts: 900 Member

    My weight loss goal is over 100 pounds. I started MPF yesterday after losing 8 pounds on my own. The food blogger were talking about it and I was like why not? Support is nice to have when trying to shed the pounds.