When was your last straw that made you want to change?



  • Spinelli217
    Spinelli217 Posts: 9 Member
    For me, it's when I stepped on a scale and was ready to punch a hole through my wall and when my favorite pair of jeans became to small for me, that's when I knew it was time to make a change!
  • Mine was when I felt like a stuffed sausage in everything I put on. I also began feeling depressed again and knew my weight was the cause. I also have lost lots of weight before and realized that I was within 35 pouds of gaining back my 75 pound weight loss. I was tired of feeling bad and I wasn't about to buy a bigger size even though I did try to buy full body spanks to shove my fat in them so I could ignore it. Never used them and returned them and went on a food addiction program to beat the addiction.:wink:
  • rondaj05
    rondaj05 Posts: 497 Member
    sad thing is when i was 140 i thought i was fat. looking back at pictures, i looked pretty good..

    I can relate to that!! Moving last year I came across some old pictures and remember at that time being unhappy with my weight. Right now I'd give about anything to look like I did in those pics!!
  • STrooper
    STrooper Posts: 659 Member
    The picture of me at a street fair. It's the one in my pictures in the deep magenta turtleneck. When I saw that I said "Wow! That's not me! Time to do something about this!"
  • i realized that i was done living a life of pain and depression. I have been diagnosed with an autoimmune disease called Sjorgen syndrome and a big part of staying off the corticosteroids is loosing weight so that my body doesn't have to fight that as well. It will help me be able to move and enjoy my 1 year old and 2.5 year old. so I am loosing weight, getting active to keep the joints as loose as possible and we shall see how it goes. i have lost 60 lbs before, but of course i got pregnant with my older daughter and that weight loss has dsappeared. now is a time to start again. i have done it once, i can do it again dang it.
  • A friend of mine posted Halloween photo's and this is what she posted of me and I thought it was a cruel sick joke.


    Could not believe I let myself go that much. I had enough!

    Now that I have a little more time, I'd like to add to this. Before this photo was taken, my dad had a heart attack and found out he was a diabetic. Months before that, my grandmother made the comment that he and I both needed to be tested for diabetes, I didn't want to know, didn't care, was depressed and could careless if I lived or die. After this photo in April, I did find out I was a diabetic. I found out in april because I was pregnant with my last baby, I had a reason to care, found out in my first trimester, had the symptoms of it for quite sometime though. My unborn child was my motivation to take care of me. My dad almost dying was my motivation to not let that ever be me, that photo was my breaking point because I did not ever believe I was that big.

    Proud to say that I'm now healthy and happy! 815 days today of logging!

    YOU are my hero, just thought i would let you know. :)
  • Snow3y
    Snow3y Posts: 1,412 Member
    When I was smacked across the face by some random, total liberty shot.

    I have now never had someone challenge me or lay a hand on me with means to harm me since.
  • Last year a few days after Valentine's Day and eating chocolate I hopped on the Wii Fit to weigh myself. Saw that I was almost 219 pounds and then my Mii figure blew up and it said I was obese. It's only a video game, but that was enough for me!

    My Wii still blows up but I was 196 before Christmas and I am trying to get back there now.
  • Ahmee2034
    Ahmee2034 Posts: 1,330 Member
    Well I've had a few "last straws" in my time...usually seeing myself in photos...but just recently my lower back pain has got so bad that my previously routine 90 minute off-road dog walks are a thing of the past. I have difficulty putting socks, tights and jeans on, because I can't lift my leg high enough to get my foot in. My hips hurt. I have violent reflux (to the point of regurgitation). I find myself in a UK size 20 (US 16?), when my previous "fat" trousers were a UK 16 (US 12??).

    Seriously, there's only so many years I can keep losing 10lbs and putting 15 back on. I'm 41, I'm ashamed to visit family members and it's got to stop.

    I feel like I wrote this myself. I'm fed up with myself, too. I'd like to be motivation buddies, if you don't mind...
  • I was unhappy with how much I weighed and then I gained another ten pounds to add to it. I was overweight for my age and it was unhealthy so I decided to start living more healthy :)
  • enkennon
    enkennon Posts: 161 Member
    The last straw for me was at new years. I had gained 20lbs since I had met my boyfriend and when and I was almost 200lbs ( last year). I told myself I'd never get back up to my heaviest ( 213) and i was definitely on my way there. However, I didn't get REALLY serious until Valentines day.

    My boyfriend and I went out to this club for a night of poetry and rhythm and blues and we took a picture together on my phone. I felt HUGE. I had a gorgeous dress and the shoes to match, but it still couldn't mask the fact that I was 15-20lbs heavier than our first valentines together. I was so unhappy. I hated how round my face looked and my belly was poking out.

    ( It didn't help that my boyfriend gave my valentines day present on stage with the lights gleaming and everyone could see how unconfident I was in myself!)

    So I started getting serious about my weigh loss journey and then it turned into more of a fitness journey because I remembered how much I LOVED being active in the gym. I have grown to love the burn!

    I lost 13lbs in 2013. It may not be munch compared to others on here--but I had set out to lose 20lbs so i'm almost there! Slow and steady wins the race!

    Once I make it to 20lbs down I am going to reevaluate and see if I want to lose any more weight. I'm thinking I'll lose a little more and gain it back (purposely) in muscle.

    We shall see!

  • Elsie_Brownraisin
    Elsie_Brownraisin Posts: 786 Member
    Seeing a picture of me from behind at the beach, with mutilple rolls of fat on my back...and I was fully clothed :(

    I have an hourglass (sometimes pint glass) figure and have always needed 1 or 2 sizes larger for the bottom half and I have huge boobs.

    I wear some vintage clothes (difficult when very large), and as the dress sizes crept up, I kept saying things like 'it's my bust/bum' or 'it's vintage sizing'. But when I found myself fitting into a UK size 24 when trying to find a dress for a party, I decided I'd had enough.
  • lighteningjeanne855
    lighteningjeanne855 Posts: 566 Member
    Toward the end of June 2013, I was 2 months from my 58th birthday, and
    that meant that I was 2 years from my 60th birthday.
    I weighed over 315 pounds, and was beginning to exhibit damage in my eyes and kidneys.
    I have a darling young fiancé, and I want to have 25-30 active, healthy years with him,
    since ONE side of my family lives into their 90's, but the other side...my mom and her brother
    each died at 71, and their dad died at a mere 67 years old.
    On July 1, I got busy with monitoring the food intake, and lost 50 pounds in 6 months!
  • Basically, I rode my horse (got the green light from my doctor after another doctor told me it was dangerous because of my degenerative joint disease). One, I feel bad making her carry my overweight, out of shape self around, and two, I want to be able to ride and enjoy other things, without it wearing me out. I want to feel balanced and strong in the saddle again, and maybe eventually, compete in endurance riding, but that's a maybe. Right now I am just focusing on getting fit. If I lose weight (and I will), that'll be a pleasant side effect.
  • shiseido_faerie
    shiseido_faerie Posts: 771 Member
    I ordered a whole wardrobe's worth of new clothes in "my size" online. I tried the first pair of pants on- "Must be mis-labeled size"....second pair "Weird, did I happen to get two mis-sized pair of pants?" Third pair "Ok, I'm apparently fat"

    They were not one, but two sizes too small.

    I did this also. Sadly I was even going by measurement guidelines that they gave, you know, to be sure they'd fit. Apparently my measurement were much larger than I remembered :( I dug out the tape measure and realized that despite thinking I was eating pretty healthy and exercising, in a year I've gained 2 inches in places I definitely did not need it. Ouch.
  • Well I used to be small. I got big when I had my first child and I was able to loose the weight. Then I had my second child and I just cant seem to get the weight off. I don't have any self esteem anymore. I dress like a hobo because none of my clothes fit me Im so huge, I never wear make up, I see no reason to since Im so fat Im an eye sore anyway, and I rarely do anything to my hair. Im an embarrassment to my children and my self. I hate running into people I know. I choose to stay away from my friends because Im embarrassed of how I look and Im just fed up with it. So on janurary the 2nd I wen to a weight loss clinic and I started with MFP. I have lost 6 lbs I believe.
  • melanie3900
    melanie3900 Posts: 28 Member
    Mine was when I realized I gained 10 pounds since my first goal weight. No no no!! So I'm back in the groove now
  • BigMama_1974
    BigMama_1974 Posts: 1 Member
    I'm mom to 6 kids. The youngest 3 are all severely disabled and in wheelchairs. They depend on me for everything and always will. Feeding, changing, bathing....etc. I knew i needed to lose weight to be able to do that long term. But the last straw for me was when i got naked before a shower and wanted to see an itchy spot on my back. I'd never looked at my backside while naked. I was horrified by the roll i saw on my back/side. That was it, I took action that same day. I'm down 30 lbs and the roll is hanging on, lol. 50 lbs to go. Finally under 200 and that is very motivating!
  • OK, so mine is kind of a one two punch.

    My first wake up call was when I almost had to buy new work pants for the third time recently in November and I was thinking UGH! No way.

    Secondly, in December after already getting on the healthy food bandwagon and getting a physical (where I was complaining of weird amounts of fatigue and occasional palpitations) the doctor diagnosed me with low potassium (the cause for palpitations & fatigue) as well as low creatinine ( basically the medical term for serious lack of muscle, commonly seen in elderly folks). I am 35 years old, 170 lb at the time and 5 '8", I knew I had gained weight and didn't exercise at all outside of my work ( events & catering) but I didn't see it coming. I don't want these small issues to snowball.

    On the upside, I have started a regular exercise routine incorporating cardio & free weights. I also keep my calories in check and have lost 12 pounds! Yes 12 pounds in a month and a half. I feel more attractive, am hoping to feel more energy soon and just rewarded myself with some cute workout clothes. I need to take some pic's so I can post before & after photos when I hit goal, which WILL happen.
  • TheFitHooker
    TheFitHooker Posts: 3,357 Member
    A friend of mine posted Halloween photo's and this is what she posted of me and I thought it was a cruel sick joke.


    Could not believe I let myself go that much. I had enough!

    Now that I have a little more time, I'd like to add to this. Before this photo was taken, my dad had a heart attack and found out he was a diabetic. Months before that, my grandmother made the comment that he and I both needed to be tested for diabetes, I didn't want to know, didn't care, was depressed and could careless if I lived or die. After this photo in April, I did find out I was a diabetic. I found out in april because I was pregnant with my last baby, I had a reason to care, found out in my first trimester, had the symptoms of it for quite sometime though. My unborn child was my motivation to take care of me. My dad almost dying was my motivation to not let that ever be me, that photo was my breaking point because I did not ever believe I was that big.

    Proud to say that I'm now healthy and happy! 815 days today of logging!

    YOU are my hero, just thought i would let you know. :)

    Aww, well thank you lol, not sure how to respond to that.