I need friends who will stay on MFP



  • I am not going anywhere. I love MFP and I am a regular poster and logger. Feel free to add me. I have about 17 pounds to get to goal which I plan to make in April. After that I will be on MFP to keep my eye on the prize...lifetime maintenance.

  • Ladyfruit43
    Ladyfruit43 Posts: 31 Member
    ADD ME everybody!!!!! :):flowerforyou:
  • Ladyfruit43
    Ladyfruit43 Posts: 31 Member
    ADD ME everybody!!!!! :):flowerforyou:
    this is a new account but Ive been here for 3 years!!
    lost 15 lbs !! this is really great!!
  • Amanda_145
    Amanda_145 Posts: 12 Member
    You can add me :) I'm in this for the long run!!!!
  • sebenza512
    sebenza512 Posts: 42 Member
    I plan on logging for long while. I used to log on another site (losing 40lbs in the process) and fell off of the wagon during a plateau. Just joined here to try again -- the logging was really helpful to show me what I really ate so calories were better managed.

    So I'm finishing my first of many weeks here and could use more motivational friends!
  • pandamorous
    pandamorous Posts: 88 Member
    I sent you a request as well. I'm really trying to stay on this time so hopefully we can help each other. Anyone else can feel free to add me as well. Good luck!
  • mstissa02
    mstissa02 Posts: 83 Member
    Feel free to add me! I log in daily because I have to be accountable of what I am eating. I have been on here over a year and made this a part of my life.
  • HannahLynn91
    HannahLynn91 Posts: 238 Member
    Hi, I'm looking for the same.
    Trying to lose weight before, and failing I realize that a support system probably will benefit me.

    Feel free to add me. :)
  • Trechechus
    Trechechus Posts: 2,819 Member
    If you don't mind crazy, snarky California girls, I've been on here for ages.
  • llerelgin
    llerelgin Posts: 17 Member
    I need motivation some times too. Here in the Chicago area the winters are so cold and nasty with all the snow and ice. I need to loose a few pounds and a little push to do it. Help???
  • tamm92
    tamm92 Posts: 8 Member
    Add me :) I am on everyday and would love some new friends on MFP
    I'm from midest western Australia and wouldnt mind friends from anywhere :)
  • Can always use friends for support! :)
  • jolt28
    jolt28 Posts: 218 Member
    Anyone can add me - 310 days today - lots to lose so will be here for a while! I also have Fitbit:). Would welcome more friends:)
  • pwittek10
    pwittek10 Posts: 723 Member
    I have been here for over 2 years now.
    I log in daily the only time I do not is when I am on vacation with no access to a computer.
    This sight works!
  • carennewell
    carennewell Posts: 5 Member
    My name is Caren. I am 46 and I live in Wichita Kansas. I am on MFP and I also use a Fitbit force. I have lost 35 lbs at a very very slow pace but I am not giving up. I got my fitbit last week.. It was a Christmas present from my kids who are all young adults now.
    I have been overweight since I had my kids and I am trying to become healthier and more active. I enjoy Zumba and try to attend a class 2 times a week. I also walk when the weather is nice but haven't in quite awhile. I cannot stand treadmills but I do like to work out on the ellyptical machine at the Y. I too need someone to hold me accountable to tracking my food and could really use a friend for support. I will warn you that for 1 week I will not be able to do any tracking, starting the 18th, because I am going on vacation- A cruise to the Bahamas. But I promise I will do my best to check in with you daily. You can reach me here or on facebook. My facebook name is caren dye-newell. I am still learning my way around this site so bear with me. I have an iphone and have this set up as an app so I plan on tracking and getting used to it over the course of the next week.
    I tend to do better on weight loss when I dont think about the pounds or inches, but I think about how much better I feel when I eat less sugar and fat. I also concentrate on the health aspect, this keeps me from getting depressed when the scale stays the same. I would love to hear any tips, motivation, etc from you. I have really been struggling lately and I need a big kick in my butt!
  • I'm willing to stay- need to drop about twenty pounds and that's my goal. Everyone is more than welcome to add me ^-^
  • I too need some friends to keep me motivated. I have been at this a week with positive results and would like to keep it that way. It's always easier when your on the journey with others who share goals like your own, I log in daily- several times a day to be exact. This is my new facebook! My goal is to be 100 pounds lighter by next year. If anyone needs support and or motivation please add me.
  • I too need some more friends to make me feel terrible when I don't log my stuff, so feel free to add me as well.
  • Bornabronco
    Bornabronco Posts: 13 Member
    Add me and I will do my best. It is my goal to stay on this as well. I am looking to lose at least 70 pounds. I am 48 and trying to get into shape, lose weight, feel and look better! I also need the motivation!
  • ccmzone2013
    ccmzone2013 Posts: 177 Member
    Welcome to the site, feel free to add!

    If you're new here - Check out my journey. . Motivational!

    Never give up! Dreams can become reality...