What's your crack food?



  • YeaILift
    YeaILift Posts: 580 Member
    Natural Peanut Butter. The last time I binged I went through a jar and a half. Since then I have not gone over my daily calories once.
  • ChuckgM3
    ChuckgM3 Posts: 302 Member
    Natural Peanut Butter. The last time I binged I went through a jar and a half. Since then I have not gone over my daily calories once.

    I'll second this... Peanut butter is my ultimate weakness.
  • mynameisdumbnuts
    Roasted, salted sunflower seeds still in the shell. Especially the ranch ones.
    Chocolate cereal such as Cocoa Pops and Cookie Crisp. They just aren't allowed in the house anymore.
    Peanut butter sandwiches, especially grilled peanut butter sandwiches (PB instead of cheese).
    Dove and Hershey's Bliss candy bars.
    Mixed nuts.
  • HealthyChanges2010
    HealthyChanges2010 Posts: 5,831 Member
    What's the name of the book you're reading? Sounds interesting!:flowerforyou:
  • msbanana
    msbanana Posts: 793 Member
    Cheez-its & Wheat thins (wheat thins particularly with a can of easy cheese) and candy. In my hayday (or on an uncontrolled emotional eating day) I could plow through a box of crackers (plus the can of cheese if they were wheat thins) and eat an entire 2 pound bag of starbursts or gummy bears for desert... :noway: AWEFUL. And like any recovering addict I just can't touch any of them any more. I certainly won't buy them.
  • caitlinclock
    caitlinclock Posts: 528 Member
    Basically is it made with starch?

    Is it bread, pies (omg meat pies I love you), pasta, pizza, cookies, muffins, pastries, chips, crackers, potatoes, cakes, etc?

    They are all my downfall. My comfort. My enemy.
  • BMW6Series
    Hot Bread and Butter. Given the opportunity I could wipe out a fresh loaf of bread and 1/4 pound of butter.

    Less of an issue since I have gone vegan, and don't give myself that opportunity anymore.
  • megan_mp
    Bread, potatoes, cheese and cookies.

    Something about a cookie with just the right texture and 'chew'. Of course, if there's no cookies in the house, a Snickers will suffice.

    I REALLY miss eating a giant baked potato loaded with butter (REAL butter), cheese, sour cream and salt.

    As far as bread goes, a chewy baguette really brings me to my knees.
  • MrsTerry
    Cake. Or Cupcakes. They are my absolute favourite and I allow myself to eat it once a week so that I feel that food satisfaction. Then I start my week over. It's enjoyable and I haven't gained weight by doing it.
  • BoresEasily
    Three things. If they're in my vicinity they will get eaten. Not as much these days but still have a hard time steering clear of two of them. In order of addiction.

    1. Chips
    2. Pizza
    3. Cookies

    I actually bought a bag of Ruffles Sour Cream n Bacon to have for a cheat day on Saturday. I had to remove them from the room as I couldn't stop myself from eating them. I rarely ever bought cookies, but if they were in the house they would get devoured. I still eat pizza but I limit myself to either a thin crust which is like a wannabe pizza or half a pizza two days a week.
  • marniehodges
    Nachos-big gooey plates of nachos. I used to order them at every restaurant I went to!
  • Altdotweb
    Altdotweb Posts: 1 Member
    Every day at 5 pm, Vons puts out hot and fresh loaves of french bread.

    I can't shop at Vons at 5pm until I reach my target weight.
    MISTTIMG Posts: 136
    Chocolate in any form - candy bars, M & M's (especially), cookies, brownies, etc.

  • danielle4992
    danielle4992 Posts: 72 Member
    Taco bell.. I swear whenever I go there, I order one of everything and binge. My husband asks how I can eat that much, and my stomach not explode. I think last time I got a mexican pizza, 2 baja chalupas, nachos and cheese, and taco rice ( its rice with taco toppings, I'm stationed in japan :) ).. oh yeah and a carmel apple emanada!I I could have eaten more too! I try to make myself feel better by washing it down with 32oz of water lol... There is also this place in Japan where it's an all you can eat buffet, but all the food is raw and there is a little yakiniku grill in the middle of your table. You cook it yourself. I ALWAYS eat wayyy too much there. But yeah, Taco Bell is the bane of my existence.
  • FreeRiderInNOVA
    FreeRiderInNOVA Posts: 33 Member
    Stupid Chicken Wings......
  • MrsMills712
    I'm gonna be Homer Simpson for a moment and say DONUTS! :)
    Keep those little powdered sugar, or frosted chocolate donut gems away from me because I'll keep popping them down.
  • jteammom
    jteammom Posts: 173
    Interesting how everybody's is different. For one of my friends, it's reese's pieces but she doesn't like peanut butter cups. I am just the opposite. Don't like the pieces, but I can make myself sick on the cups. Add pizza, mashed potatoes and good bread (with butter, please) to my list. And cheese. And bacon. And donuts, or anything donut like - cinnamon rolls, danish, coffee cake. And like everyone else, I just don't keep that stuff in the house.

    Viewing these things as a drug has made it easier for me to stay away from them. That fact that I have allowed myself to be controlled by that crap disgusts me. And it occurred to me that I don't enjoy a handful of pretzels any less than a handful of potato chips, but I stop eating them when I am satisfied, not when I have eaten the whole bag. I need to learn to "Just say NO!"

    The name of the book is "The End of Overeating" by David A Kessler MD
  • TaneeisFitforLife
    Oh my triggers are cakes, brownies, chocolate, any baked good with sugar lol
  • confuseacat
    confuseacat Posts: 137 Member
    Cheesecake with hot fudge sauce or ,well any cheesecake really.:blushing: Guacamole and chips. I just can't stop.
  • ErinMarie25
    ErinMarie25 Posts: 733 Member
    Pizza. Tacos.