When was your last straw that made you want to change?



  • kbrown294
    kbrown294 Posts: 6 Member
    My 4 year old son drew a picture of our family and his picture of me took up half the page. Something really small and innocent on his part has just spurred me on. I don't want my children to see their mummy as fat, if nothing else Im being a really poor role model. I'm doing this for me, so I don't have to live with the humiliation of THAT picture and them as they deserve better. x
  • Scale said 180
  • jlbabb
    jlbabb Posts: 9 Member
    I just recently retired.....for 30 years I was traveling the world in high stress job and just let my self go....I tried to do the workout at hotels and eat right.....but just could not get it done.....now I have no excuses and want to travel the world and enjoy life on my terms....number one priority now is me and my health......
  • All the standard reasons. I used to be an athlete, a warrior. The final straw, a buddy of mine lost 70 lbs, it's the competitive nature, and it works...
  • sukatx
    sukatx Posts: 103
    I had blood work done at the doctor and my cholesterol was way too high.
  • Etherlily1
    Etherlily1 Posts: 974 Member
    Mine was having a severe psychotic episode being triggered by a bout of my eating disorder. I figure as long as I do nothing I'm going to have recurrent episodes of the restricting and purging followed by my brain essentially giving me the middle finger and letting all the voices out again. I still haven't fully stabilized from this last bout of psychosis, but it's being worked on. The other reason is that we may be looking at doing ECTs (electroconvulsive therapy, aka "shock treatments") in the future meaning I need all of my numbers for electrolytes to be lined up properly. All of my other numbers are fine (A1C, HDL, LDL, EKG, Heart enzyme test, etc.). I just realized to balance my mental health I really needed to find the balance with my physical health as well.
  • Chelsey2016
    Chelsey2016 Posts: 41 Member
    My last straw was when I went to visit my family that I hadn't seen in years and due to my weight I was too insecure to actively socialize with them. My finance and I made a 13 hour drive to visit them and my insecurities stopped me from enjoying my time with my family! That was my LAST straw!
  • I've struggled with my weight since I was 11 years old. My weight has fluctuated from 206lbs down to 135lbs over the years. I have never reached my goal weight and my self esteem is non existent. I finally decided that I am the only one who can change how I feel about myself and reaching that goal weight is a start.
  • bumblebreezy91
    bumblebreezy91 Posts: 520 Member
    I got engaged in December and I had only lost about eight pounds because I was being lazy about it. I gave up on myself. I got terrified of being uncomfortable in my wedding dress, as clothes have always made me emotional. Shopping is always a rollercoaster of emotions for me. I hate it. I didn't want to feel the same about my wedding dress. The whole process of finding the dress is supposed to be so wonderful, with my friends and mom, and I don't want my weight to be in my way. Who wants to think about their weight on their big day? Not me! I've been thinking about my weight since 5th grade. 2014 is my year.
  • akoorn1982
    akoorn1982 Posts: 152 Member
    Apart from all the clothes related things already posted: I love scuba diving. But my wetsuit was getting tighter and tighter and I had to keep adding weights to the point I couldn't even drag my own set back on the boat after a dive.... imagine having to take of your set in the water after a drift dive.....
  • Hi there!!

    Okay so you are wondering what was my last straw... Haha okay so mine was just realizing that I am not going to be this young forever. And I cannot even go outside in a pair of shorts or wear a regular bikini to the beach. It made me so sad and depressed when I finally realized this. I have been trying for a few years now, to try and lose weight and this is the year that I WILL stick to it and not give up. If you want this bad enough you WILL work for it. If you are not going to do it, you just do not deserve it. Just my opinion. But hey!!
  • Awh:( This made me so sad. You are so pretty. No one deserves to be treated like that. Everybody is beautiful and if he just can't see it in you, then he doesn't even deserve a pretty woman like you. Forget him. You will find someone who is worth you time.
  • seilidhe
    seilidhe Posts: 1,042 Member
    I often got frustrated when trying on clothes, even coming to tears in dressing rooms in stores. Then, one day, late last June, I had tried on a dress for my California trip and been at the point of tears. Just minutes later, after deciding on the dress and still wandering around the store, I was in the area where they sold fitness wear, (yoga/track pants, tops, etc.), and I was thinking maybe I should get some new things to wear for my classes that might fit better. As I was looking at the clothes, I realized I was crying... I mean, tears actually running down my face, and it was because I didn't want to try anything on to see if it fit and see how horrible I looked, nor did I want to buy anything without trying it on for fear it would be so tight I couldn't wear it. I left without getting anything except red eyes, blotchy face, and sniffly nose (oh, and the dress, which I let my daughter take up to the cashier since she was buying it for me... I stayed hidden amongst the rack of clothes).

    That was a day or two before I signed up with MFP.
  • mumblemagic
    mumblemagic Posts: 1,090 Member
    For me, it was the photos of me in the dress I wore for my PhD exam. I had bought a lovely suit the year before, but couldn't fit in it, and in the photos I look really fat. So I decided enough was enough, I had been saying for years that I want "try" to lose weight, but at that point my inner Yoda came out and said "do or do not, there is no try" and that was it. Reasons are all very well as long as you don't let them become excuses.
  • heredc
    heredc Posts: 6 Member
    Hitting 170 pounds, I have never gotten that heavy...
    Motivates me a lot to start changing and doing things, though! :)
  • mamarundrc
    mamarundrc Posts: 1,577 Member
    When I was pregnant with my first son I had gestational diabetes. I lived the life of a type II diabetic for 12 weeks and decided that I needed to get healthy when I was done with the pregnancy to try to avoid type II diabetes in the future. My dad has been type II diabetic for a long time and I see the toll it take on him and he has his under control with meds.
  • mangojh2
    mangojh2 Posts: 175 Member
    Christmas Day, 2013. Went out to eat with my family and my brother posted the picture of us on Facebook. I thought I looked pretty good. I didn't. I looked twice the size of everyone in my family. Like they were eating with a whale. That photo is the best motivation I could have asked for.
  • I'm 29 and have had fibromyalgia for as long as I can remember. I was never overweight until about 4 years ago but even before then, I've always felt like crap. I was in a serious car accident 4 yeasts ago and gained A LOT of weight that year due to not being active. I was in severe pain and my fibro was thru the roof. I was on various meds that I attribute to some of the weight gain but let's be honest, I basically laid in bed 90% of the time. I went from 130 to 215 that year. I felt alone, especially because it didn't seem like anyone could understand the amount of pain I was in and I felt extremely helpless. It angered my anytime someone would advise me to exercise, saying that I'd "feel so much better." When people told me that I honestly took it as a sign that they didn't understand it even care. So, I spent the next 3 years, watching my kids grow up "without me."I was there but I couldn't play with them without hurting. I felt like my husband and kids deserved someone better than me. Then, suddenly, my dad died at 51 years old from complications of diabetes. He was everything to me. My mom left when u was a baby so my dad raised me and we were very close. I've never been diabetic but I knew it was only a matter of time. I've spent last last year (he died 10-1-2012) grieving and sinking further into depression. I became addicted to passion medications and 5 months ago, during my prayer time with the Lord, I came to the harsh reality that I was killing Myself with those pills. I felt God speak to my heart that I was not going to live to see my kids grow up if I didn't stop the pills. I flushed 100 pills (oxycodone 30mg) that night and spent the next 2 weeks in a blurred hell. Withdrawal was excruciating. I stayed going to an outpatient sober living facility and began therapy. After being off pills for 3 months, I was finally proud of myself for the first time in forever and my therapist was also very proud of me. It was then that he told me about a friend of his that's a personal trainer who works specifically with addicts to help them become addicted to living healthy. I wasn't convinced and I was even mad at him because I felt like he should have known how serious my fibro was, especially nor that I didn't have medications to take the edge off. I left his office angry. We didn't re-adress the issue until a month later when I busy into tears mid session and told him I was sick of being fat and unhealthy.i told him that none of the trials that I had overcome even mattered because I was still just as miserable, if not more so. He gave me the trainers number and I promised to give it a try for 10 sessions with the trainer. Its been 5 weeks and (yup.. I'm totally crying now) I feel like a brand new person. I train with him 4 days a week. The first 2 weeks were extremely hard but my trainer was educated on fibro and pushed me just a little dither than I thought I could go which proved to me that I'M NOT A PRISONER IN THIS BODY!!! The first thing my trainer had me do was keep track of my calories on here and after doing that for a week and seeing for myself how many extra calories I was eating let day, that was motivation for me to change my eating habits. I was DRINKING 1300 calories per day!!! Remember how I said the first 2 weeks pretty much sucked? Well, the first week that I was training I was still eating unhealthy and the second week my body was adjusting to my static diet change. The third week I felt empowered and stronger than I ever thought possible. The fourth week I was ready to add a gym membership to my fitness plan. This is week 5. I'm now training 1 on 1 for 3 days a week instead of 4 and I go to the gym 3 Days a week. Sundays are family day where my husband and I go on a nature walk with our 4 kids. I'm active everyday and living the life of my dreams after only 4 WEEKS! Yesterday I compared my pictures from my start date on December 9, 2013 to the ones I took January 9, 2014 and honestly, the results are unbelievable! I'd be happy to share my pictures with anyone that wants to see. Obviously, I still have a ways to go but I'm happier and healthier than I've ever been! My husband is so impressed with my 4 week results that he dusted training last week! Life is good and I finally feel like I'm living it!
  • hfbs616
    hfbs616 Posts: 14 Member
    So many things added up to make me get my butt in gear. A year ago I look at a picture of myself and was shocked at how big I was. I told myself that I needed to get thinner and started Myfitnesspal. I logged in for all of four days, then went back to sitting around and eating junk. Eleven months later I needed a belt and pulled out my favorite one, I couldn't tighten it to the first hole. I told myself that it was the last straw but it wasn't. A week or two later something just clicked and I finally start watching what I eat. I'm a little slow on the uptake.
  • conwaynikki13
    conwaynikki13 Posts: 1 Member
    My last straw was not being able to buy off the rack anymore!