Part 3 ~ turtle club



  • iRun4wine
    iRun4wine Posts: 5,126
    Back in town after a weekend on the road. No running, sort of OK on the diet, except there was this gluten-free bakery as part of this restaurant, so I had to try some of it, didn't I? It was research, really.

    I'm jealous of the bakery- what'd you try, or um, what research did you complete? :huh:
  • runnerdad
    runnerdad Posts: 2,081 Member
    Back in town after a weekend on the road. No running, sort of OK on the diet, except there was this gluten-free bakery as part of this restaurant, so I had to try some of it, didn't I? It was research, really.

    I'm jealous of the bakery- what'd you try, or um, what research did you complete? :huh:

    It is called BabyCakes, and the oatmeal raisin and chocolate chip cookies are 'crisp' rather than chewy but very tasty. The agave-sweetened brownies are not super sweet but nice and chocolatey.
  • jessmomof3
    jessmomof3 Posts: 4,590 Member
    It's Monday!! What's everyone up to today? I'm going to hit the weights here in a few... going for a new workout regimen this week. :wink: I love changing things up! Might get in a run later too.

    I forgot to add my weigh in, I won't list my weight but I was down 1 from last week. I'm pretty much at my ideal weight, but I find that if I focus on losing instead of maintaining, then I won't gain over the holidays. :laugh:
  • kechiemc
    kechiemc Posts: 1,355 Member
    Good morning :flowerforyou:

    I had a great 4 mile run this morning. Plus, I finally don't feel insanely hungry. I predict I won't be a pig today.:laugh:

    chat soon,
  • RunRideRay
    RunRideRay Posts: 1,536 Member
    Becky's post was amazing, and something we should all read a few times and absorb. It's called determination in a very raw form. Not everyone has it, not everyone will get it, and you can't buy it in a store nor comes in a pill form. This type of run is raw and defines us, and will define you, Becky, as you run that marathon, hit a tough patch, and your journey reminds you that you can do it, and will do it. Great job Becky!! I am very proud of you, and that is pride in the best possible context.

    For Ray, he'll be recovering from more weekend projects around the house with his soft "office hands", then fly to Nashville later today. But, not sure why he writes in the 3rd person....oh, send HELP!! Ray is out of his mind again.

  • jabdye
    jabdye Posts: 4,059 Member
    sorry so short -- very sad day -- family drama takes it toll after a while. I've had my fill for a lifetime. Today I'm unable to let it roll -- hoping tomorrow will be better.

    and it's a non-running day -- so, anyone have any suggestions for cross-training at home....
  • erikazj
    erikazj Posts: 2,365 Member
    sorry so short -- very sad day -- family drama takes it toll after a while. I've had my fill for a lifetime. Today I'm unable to let it roll -- hoping tomorrow will be better.

    and it's a non-running day -- so, anyone have any suggestions for cross-training at home....

    I'm sorry to hear that. I really hope you feel better, and things get better soon :heart: .

    How about some yoga? Might help you with a few peaceful minutes (if that is possible).

    Erika x
  • kechiemc
    kechiemc Posts: 1,355 Member
    sorry so short -- very sad day -- family drama takes it toll after a while. I've had my fill for a lifetime. Today I'm unable to let it roll -- hoping tomorrow will be better.

    and it's a non-running day -- so, anyone have any suggestions for cross-training at home....

    Break out your jump rope Girlie.:flowerforyou:
  • iRun4wine
    iRun4wine Posts: 5,126

    and it's a non-running day -- so, anyone have any suggestions for cross-training at home....

    Lifting.... the wine glass, that is :drinker:

    Hang in there, girl :flowerforyou: :heart:
  • beckym71
    beckym71 Posts: 3,511
    :blushing: Wow Ray! Thanks! :blushing:

    Wendy~ *epic* is the perfect description! I actually WAS feeling pretty chipper by the time I posted that. It beat me up, but it didn't beat me! :bigsmile: Feeling pretty good today. I was TIRED yesterday! A little more sore than usual as well, but nothing horrible.
    Please don't let that tale mess with your head. That was week 16 of training and the only awful run we had. Honestly, there were one or two short ones where I wasn't in the mood to run or was tired, but honestly, it has been an awesome training experience!

    Julie~ (((hugs))) so sorry!

    B~ thanks for checking in over the weekend!

    Tom~ that bakery sounds awesome! I need to get some ideas together for my youngest daughter next weekend. Our 1st gluten free Thanksgiving. (Oh, kitten is back to 100%!)

    Kelynn~ I'm glad you were able to have a wonderful weekend with your BF! Sorry to hear it is his last weekend off this month. Will he get any bonus vacation because of the holiday?

    Jess~ I hope you enjoy your new regimine. I'm sure it will be a doozy! Last year was the 1st time in my life where I lost weight over the holidays. I'm planning to make this year the 2nd year!

    Erika~ was your dad able to return to work today? What grade/level does he teach?

    Tabby~ your weekend sounds like heaven! I know that sounds demented ,but omg! I miss those days! I must confess I DON'T miss chipping ice out of 60+ water buckets and hand carrying warm water to each of them BUT I do miss those long weekends of mucking,etc! I'll have to come visit so you can put me to work! :happy:

    Leash~ one more day? Is tomorrow the injection day? Oh, I hope you feel instant relief!!! Did you get your presentation wrapped up and delivered?

    Kechie~ I really, truly want to meet up for a run/race next year. Let me know what you're looking at for spring and I'll check my calendar and hopefully we can make something work! :happy:

    Shuntae~ how are you feeling? Still walking on air after that amazingly awesome race?!?! I'm so happy for you! :bigsmile:

    Yesterday was restful. I helped DH with a (very little) bit of yardwork, but mostly just took it easy.
    Today I'm catching up on the laundry, grocery shopping, dishes,etc.
    I have self defense tonight. I'm supposed to get a mouthguard ~ There will be head shots taken and landed . Sounds fun, doesn't it! :laugh: Actually, it is! The jury is out on whether or not I do heavy bag before.

    Have a wonderful day! :flowerforyou:
  • tabbydog
    tabbydog Posts: 4,925 Member
    Becky, you can come help all you want! I love doing horse chores, especially on a weekend as beautiful as this one. When it's -40 and we have 50 feet of snow, not so much. :noway: However, all in all, I prefer that to sitting behind a desk all day, which is my actual paying job. :laugh: Glad the kitty is mended, and glad you have recovered from your run!

    Julie, sorry you are down. Look on tv at the 'fit' chanel, or online on youtube for some Zumba workouts. Dancing will give you some exercise, and cheer you up. Failing that, put on some music really loud and dance around. Your family might think you're nuts, but I assume that the drama affects them all, so they might appreciate some levity. Heck, maybe they would even join you!

    No running for me today, weights this morning. :sad: That burns so few calories. I am trying very hard not to be swine today. Also, my weight is up 3 pound over the weekend b/c of all the junk food I ate. I was under on cals, but ate a lot of garbage. Drinking vinegar and green tea to reverse the effects before Friday. :bigsmile:

    Have a great day everybody! :flowerforyou:
  • VballLeash
    VballLeash Posts: 2,456 Member
    Jess- Changing things up huh? Don't you always do that? You look great by the way!

    Wendy- Hope your swim was good, at least you didn't gain, always a good sign!

    Kechie- Alright so I guess your in the bird club, nice job! Glad to hear your not hungry anymore, at least not as much.

    Ray- Sorry but your always out of your mind. ha. :bigsmile:

    Julie- Drama sucks! "" Don't judge it by its cover, the workouts are awesome and the girl is super nice and motivating!

    Becky- Have fun at class, it must feel good to just hit people haha

    Tabby- I don't know how you choke that stuff down! Don't worry you'll drop em quick either way.

    Bg- I GUESS your post counts for the weekend, but still not good enough!!!!

    Tom- If they had amazing carrot cake I might just make a trip to that bakery, long trip but it might be worth it!

    So I'm super excited about my presentation tonight, well mainly about the idea. Its probably what I'm going to write my thesis on and my professor said that its an excellent idea! I'm going to leave you guys hanging... ha! Wow I'm so mean. I did get it pretty much done though, now I just have to practice.... also very excited about my team that I picked, we are huge! haha Should be a great season. I STILL don't technically have an appointment for my injection but they said it would be thursday or friday, I lied in bed last night in agony cause I had to hit vballs for a lot of the tryouts and it really screws up my left side even though I hit with my right hand.... WTF!!!!!!! Ok so I'm going to focus on my project now, have a great Monday everyone :smile:

    ~Leash :drinker:
  • chgudnitz
    chgudnitz Posts: 4,079
    Today was *THE ONE*
    *THE ONE* I knew was out there
    *THE ONE* I knew was waiting to ambush us
    *THE ONE* where the aches started at mile 2
    *THE ONE* where the aches graduated to pain by mile 5
    *THE ONE* where I got physically ill at mile 10
    *THE ONE* where pain transcended into something else entirely by mile 15
    *THE ONE* where I got physically ill again from the pain at mile 18
    *THE ONE* where we threw in the towel and said WTF ~ 21 is good enough, the program only had us scheduled for 20 anyway!
    *THE ONE* where I came home and got sick for a 3rd time

    it was NOT the one that messed with my head
    it was NOT the one that made me question running 26.2 miles
    it was NOT the one that defeated me
    it was NOT the one that made me want to quit
    it was NOT the one that made me freak out because it was so slow (4 hours)

    so, all in all, it was still a great run! :bigsmile:

    and as a bonus, I figured I should get on the scale again and sure enough, down another 3 pounds from yesterday! :laugh:

    I have had my recovery drink, ice bath and hot shower
    DH is taking me to Outback for dinner
    I figure I should be into negative calories already so time to indulge :wink:

    I'll be back tomorrow to catch up on everyone else
    Have a great night! :flowerforyou:

    :flowerforyou: Well put.
  • tabbydog
    tabbydog Posts: 4,925 Member
    I just ate 2 bites of chocolate cake. :sad:

    On a bright note, the county fairs around here DO have pig races. I am thinking I could enter! Oink! Oink! :laugh:
  • bgood14
    bgood14 Posts: 1,416 Member
    okay, i'll admit i've been L-A-Z-Y for a few weeks now, taking Mondays off (in addition to my rest day Sundays) because they don't count in one of the weekly Nike+ challenges i play in. but today i headed for the track for an easy 5K (no -- not trying to make it count early for tomorrow) and got this crazy idea to run the bleachers too just to shake off the rust from the weekend. two sets of them, actually, after mile 1 and again after mile 2. not a bad workout. i just might have found a new Monday routine.

    P.S. careful what you wish for, Leash -- i may just write a sonnet next weekend, so we menfolk can get some credit. after all, we're certainly underappreciated around here -- our countless words of wisdom, our impeccable sense of direction (no maps needed), our collective ability to admit when we're wrong (even though it never happens)... :tongue:
  • beckym71
    beckym71 Posts: 3,511
    Hey y'all! :bigsmile:
    I just want to send each of you a big hug and thank you for your friendship, advice, and your contribution to my life! :flowerforyou:
    I don't want to let the day pass without letting each of you know that you've made an impact and a difference in my life!
    It seems as though we are all facing challenges and hurdles and I know the people around me have been rocked by tragedy and it makes me appreciate the people in my life even more.

    In just the past few weeks, people I know personally & peripherally have
    -lost both a sister and brother in law and been left (at age 22) with an 18 month old nephew to raise
    -lost a 20 year old son to suicide
    -lost a brother to a freak 4 wheeler accident
    -lost a premature 2lb son
    -lost one of their men (military) to a horrific car accident

    Today my other mom begins her chemo. The family has been told to expect her to need a feeding tube due to the incredible debilitating effects of this *medicine*

    I know each of you are facing your own challenges, hurdles, and personal tragedies but remember you're not alone.
    We have eachother's back on this board!

    It struck me that I never want any of you to doubt that each of you are a truly exceptional person and even if we never meet in person (although I truly hope we do!) you have made a lasting impact on my life.
    Thank you for being willing to reach out and make that connection! :flowerforyou: :drinker: :flowerforyou: :drinker:

    (i promise to be less introspective tomorrow :wink: just 10 days early for Thanksgiving thanks )
  • runnerdad
    runnerdad Posts: 2,081 Member

    Tom- If they had amazing carrot cake I might just make a trip to that bakery, long trip but it might be worth it!~Leash :drinker:

    Actually, they are a chain, with outlets in California and New York and elsewhere. Kitchen is dedicated to gluten-free, dairy-free, peanut-free, vegan, organic, etc, etc. The Florida outlet is located in Orlando in downtown Disney as part of Pollo Compera (?), a new restaurant that just opened. Didn't see any carrot cake. Guess I have to go back for more 'research'.
  • iRun4wine
    iRun4wine Posts: 5,126

    Tom- If they had amazing carrot cake I might just make a trip to that bakery, long trip but it might be worth it!~Leash :drinker:

    Actually, they are a chain, with outlets in California and New York and elsewhere. Kitchen is dedicated to gluten-free, dairy-free, peanut-free, vegan, organic, etc, etc. The Florida outlet is located in Orlando in downtown Disney as part of Pollo Compera (?), a new restaurant that just opened. Didn't see any carrot cake. Guess I have to go back for more 'research'.

    I have a gluten-free carrot cake on order for my birthday :love: It's from a small, local gluten-free bakery. If you guys are ever in CT, let me know- it's absolutely to DIE for :love:
  • iRun4wine
    iRun4wine Posts: 5,126
    Becky, your post almost made me tear up. You're a sweetheart and you're just as important to us as we are to you :flowerforyou:

    It's experiences like the ones you mentioned (specifically, losing my Mom so suddenly) that make me a FIRM believer in "LIVE YOUR LIFE"... as they say, 'you never know.' That's why I make losing weight a balance- I want to be healthy and make good decisions, but I also refuse to cut out certain things in life that I would miss (a night out with family, for example). Everything in moderation, and don't be afraid to "live your life" (which can mean a whole bunch of different things to different people) from time to time. Thank you for the reminder :flowerforyou:
  • kechiemc
    kechiemc Posts: 1,355 Member

    Kechie~ I really, truly want to meet up for a run/race next year. Let me know what you're looking at for spring and I'll check my calendar and hopefully we can make something work! :happy:

    I'm starting to think we should all plan to do Richmond next year. That looks like one that a lot of us could get to easily.

    So far, I'm doing the Tobacco Road half in March. It is flat, fast, and a BQ. Fairly new race but had an awesome debut last year. Mostly b/c of how gorgeous the course is. It is mostly on well maintained trails. No roots or rocks. Like running on a dirt road with fine gravel. People use the trail for biking and horseback riding year round.

    After that, I'll be doing the City of Oaks half in November, AGAIN.

    I usually do a 5K in Raleigh in June, September, and October too.