Why is MFP adding calories to certain foods?



  • jlneibauer
    Ex: 1 large egg has about 70-75 Calories in it. Why is MFP telling me that 2 fried eggs is 184 calories?!!! I had two eggs today, fried them with coconut oil spray and salt and pepper. I also tried to enter a different type of egg, so I put in scrambled eggs. It said that 3 were like 1,000 some calories -_- that's retarded. Someone please tell me what the heck is going on!

    2 eggs = 2 eggs
    2 fried eggs = 2 eggs and oil --- which is a guess at best as there are a ton of different oils, random amounts of oil used, etc.
    How much does the can of spay say it adds?
    Coconut oil is 117cals per tbsp (14grams) so, 8.36 cals per gram.

    Well it says 0 calories...but I'm sure if I sprayed the entire can it'd be a ton. I don't really understand the 0 calorie thing on spray oils. But I guess since I only spray it to grease the pan it would be considered 0 calories....I actually punched it into my foods for today and it says zero also.
  • jayrudq
    jayrudq Posts: 475 Member
    I would be very suspicious of ANY oil in ANY amount that was zero calories. It is, well, impossible. How can something that has caloric value all of a sudden have none? You would have to be consuming...none. That is the beauty of "sprays" because it is just about impossible to quantify what a "spray" is. One second? Half of a second?
    I am not saying don't use it. I use coconut oil on eggs too. But I would put some fat calories in for it. It isn't a calorie free food. In any quantity. And just because the label "says so" and the label info was confirmed here, does not make it true or accurate.
    I hope you found this without snark or a hint of meanness.:wink:
  • a_stronger_me13
    a_stronger_me13 Posts: 812 Member
    Ex: 1 large egg has about 70-75 Calories in it. Why is MFP telling me that 2 fried eggs is 184 calories?!!! I had two eggs today, fried them with coconut oil spray and salt and pepper. I also tried to enter a different type of egg, so I put in scrambled eggs. It said that 3 were like 1,000 some calories -_- that's retarded. Someone please tell me what the heck is going on!

    2 eggs = 2 eggs
    2 fried eggs = 2 eggs and oil --- which is a guess at best as there are a ton of different oils, random amounts of oil used, etc.
    How much does the can of spay say it adds?
    Coconut oil is 117cals per tbsp (14grams) so, 8.36 cals per gram.

    Well it says 0 calories...but I'm sure if I sprayed the entire can it'd be a ton. I don't really understand the 0 calorie thing on spray oils. But I guess since I only spray it to grease the pan it would be considered 0 calories....I actually punched it into my foods for today and it says zero also.

    If things are under a certain amount of calories they can be reported as zero calories per serving. Log a 1/4-1/2 tsp or so and be done with it if you want to be conservative. Or stop using sprays and actually measure out the fat you use in the pan.
  • jlneibauer
    I would be very suspicious of ANY oil in ANY amount that was zero calories. It is, well, impossible. How can something that has caloric value all of a sudden have none? You would have to be consuming...none. That is the beauty of "sprays" because it is just about impossible to quantify what a "spray" is. One second? Half of a second?
    I am not saying don't use it. I use coconut oil on eggs too. But I would put some fat calories in for it. It isn't a calorie free food. In any quantity. And just because the label "says so" and the label info was confirmed here, does not make it true or accurate.
    I hope you found this without snark or a hint of meanness.:wink:

    Yea I totally agree..I add the calories from my coconut oils because I know it has calories. I use both the spray and the pouring oil.
    I'm in love with it lol
  • hearthemelody
    hearthemelody Posts: 1,025 Member
    Because MFP doesnt have the x-ray powers that make it known that you use coconut oil to cook your eggs (in fact if it did, that would be a bit cr@p given that I have never heard of anybody else using coconut oil)

    One would assume therefore that the entry assumes using a more normal oil or butter.

    I know! How retarded that someone should just add the calories in for oil which everybody uses....

    A lot of people use coconut oil thank you...it has healthy fats in it which is why I use it instead of regular butter spray or artificial sprays. The spray adds one calorie. I added it into my food diary of MFP. I add everything that I use.....no need to be rude. This is a support forum.
    I'm using very organic/raw alternatives for cooking. Which is why I use coconut oil and olive oil instead of canola oil or butter spread.

  • The_Enginerd
    The_Enginerd Posts: 3,982 Member
    There is a MFP (not user submitted) entry for eggs - fried, built form the USDA nutrient database. It assumes a certain amount of oil is on the eggs from frying.
    Ex: 1 large egg has about 70-75 Calories in it. Why is MFP telling me that 2 fried eggs is 184 calories?!!! I had two eggs today, fried them with coconut oil spray and salt and pepper. I also tried to enter a different type of egg, so I put in scrambled eggs. It said that 3 were like 1,000 some calories -_- that's retarded. Someone please tell me what the heck is going on!

    2 eggs = 2 eggs
    2 fried eggs = 2 eggs and oil --- which is a guess at best as there are a ton of different oils, random amounts of oil used, etc.
    How much does the can of spay say it adds?
    Coconut oil is 117cals per tbsp (14grams) so, 8.36 cals per gram.

    Well it says 0 calories...but I'm sure if I sprayed the entire can it'd be a ton. I don't really understand the 0 calorie thing on spray oils. But I guess since I only spray it to grease the pan it would be considered 0 calories....I actually punched it into my foods for today and it says zero also.

    The 0 calories thing is because the serving size is SO tiny and the labeling rules. Most sprays are just canola oil in a can. I have weighed how much goes on a pan to coat it. A regular spray is MANY servings and I just logged it by weight as canola oil.
  • CallMeCupcakeDammit
    CallMeCupcakeDammit Posts: 9,377 Member
    A lot of the values in the database have been entered by individuals (Ifound about 6 differing entries for a "small" banana). I would alway enter the raw ingredients, then the values for any oils or flavourings you used int eh cooking process.

    That's why I've been doing. I've actually been calculating my calories on paper too. This morning they said I have over 700 calories, but according to my calculations, I only had 385!! I just research calories online or use the nutrition label on the back of the products I'm using and they MFP calorie counter is WAAAAAAAAAAAY off. It's totally annoying because I really wanted this site to be a reliable source for keeping track of my calories, but I guess it's not going to be. Whatever, I'm still going to use it though because I do enjoy keeping a food journal :) Thanks for your reply!

    Use the barcode scanner on the app if you have it- scans the barcode and brings up the exact product you're using.

    This is not always accurate. I scanned a bottle of tea once and it came up as a chicken wrap. Also, the nutrition information isn't always correct even if it is the same product as what you scanned, so you still need to double check before you add it. Anything with a * next to it was added by a member, and may not be accurate.
  • SpeSHul_SnoflEHk
    SpeSHul_SnoflEHk Posts: 6,256 Member
    A lot of the values in the database have been entered by individuals (Ifound about 6 differing entries for a "small" banana). I would alway enter the raw ingredients, then the values for any oils or flavourings you used int eh cooking process.

    That's why I've been doing. I've actually been calculating my calories on paper too. This morning they said I have over 700 calories, but according to my calculations, I only had 385!! I just research calories online or use the nutrition label on the back of the products I'm using and they MFP calorie counter is WAAAAAAAAAAAY off. It's totally annoying because I really wanted this site to be a reliable source for keeping track of my calories, but I guess it's not going to be. Whatever, I'm still going to use it though because I do enjoy keeping a food journal :) Thanks for your reply!

    Use the barcode scanner on the app if you have it- scans the barcode and brings up the exact product you're using.

    This is not always accurate. I scanned a bottle of tea once and it came up as a chicken wrap. Also, the nutrition information isn't always correct even if it is the same product as what you scanned, so you still need to double check before you add it. Anything with a * next to it was added by a member, and may not be accurate.

    Why are you drinking Chicken wraps steeped in boiling water?
  • CallMeCupcakeDammit
    CallMeCupcakeDammit Posts: 9,377 Member
    A lot of the values in the database have been entered by individuals (Ifound about 6 differing entries for a "small" banana). I would alway enter the raw ingredients, then the values for any oils or flavourings you used int eh cooking process.

    That's why I've been doing. I've actually been calculating my calories on paper too. This morning they said I have over 700 calories, but according to my calculations, I only had 385!! I just research calories online or use the nutrition label on the back of the products I'm using and they MFP calorie counter is WAAAAAAAAAAAY off. It's totally annoying because I really wanted this site to be a reliable source for keeping track of my calories, but I guess it's not going to be. Whatever, I'm still going to use it though because I do enjoy keeping a food journal :) Thanks for your reply!

    Use the barcode scanner on the app if you have it- scans the barcode and brings up the exact product you're using.

    This is not always accurate. I scanned a bottle of tea once and it came up as a chicken wrap. Also, the nutrition information isn't always correct even if it is the same product as what you scanned, so you still need to double check before you add it. Anything with a * next to it was added by a member, and may not be accurate.

    Why are you drinking Chicken wraps steeped in boiling water?

    I think I need to fix your scanner. :wink:
  • zacksnana
    zacksnana Posts: 3,230 Member
    Because MFP doesnt have the x-ray powers that make it known that you use coconut oil to cook your eggs (in fact if it did, that would be a bit cr@p given that I have never heard of anybody else using coconut oil)

    One would assume therefore that the entry assumes using a more normal oil or butter.

    I know! How retarded that someone should just add the calories in for oil which everybody uses....

    Ummmm. I use coconut oil. Love it. Even used it on my husbands eggs. :happy:
  • jenifr818
    jenifr818 Posts: 805 Member

    Not everyone is as computer savvy as you, sweetie :)) So what one finds easy, another may find difficult. Also, I'm sure you don't jump into a new program knowing how to navigate it completely at first. Questions should be welcome and so should concerns/complaints without having a person pop up telling you to get over it. If you don't want to kindly entertain the questions people ask, then don't read the posts.

    1. Passive aggressive jabs don't fly here, sweetie. This has been tame compared to what you could have gotten.
    2. People are trying to help you navigate this site and you are being defensive about it.
    3.Questions are welcome. You cannot expect to control the answers.
    4. You don't control how people respond to you, so post thoughtfully.

    Also, you're not helping at all...you're just being mean.

    I am being mean by explaining to you how to getting better forum responses? :huh:

    If she thinks these forums are mean, she should see some of the other things out there. This place is SO tame compared to other fitness sites
  • jlneibauer

    Not everyone is as computer savvy as you, sweetie :)) So what one finds easy, another may find difficult. Also, I'm sure you don't jump into a new program knowing how to navigate it completely at first. Questions should be welcome and so should concerns/complaints without having a person pop up telling you to get over it. If you don't want to kindly entertain the questions people ask, then don't read the posts.

    1. Passive aggressive jabs don't fly here, sweetie. This has been tame compared to what you could have gotten.
    2. People are trying to help you navigate this site and you are being defensive about it.
    3.Questions are welcome. You cannot expect to control the answers.
    4. You don't control how people respond to you, so post thoughtfully.

    Also, you're not helping at all...you're just being mean.

    I am being mean by explaining to you how to getting better forum responses? :huh:

    If she thinks these forums are mean, she should see some of the other things out there. This place is SO tame compared to other fitness sites

    Yea I do think some of the responses were unnecessarily mean/snarky/sarcastic. Whatever, I just don't understand why people have to be that way. Even if you're not here to support or be supported, there's no reason to be that way. Not being as mean as you can possibly be doesn't dismiss the fact that you were mean.
  • jlneibauer
    Also, for those of you who don't like the usage of certain words, my intention was not to offend ANYONE. Like I said before, I'm here to support and be supported. I'm in no way shape or form trying to offend anyone. I use certain words that some may not like. Oh well. But from now on I'll keep those words to myself :heart:
  • kathrinnbauer
    kathrinnbauer Posts: 74 Member
    Lol, I really wonder why half of the posts here end up with people fighting. Things escalate really fast here. I know this is the internet, but I don't know many forums were people clash like that on a regular basis. Maybe some people here consume too little calories or carbs or whatever... I really didn't expect pages of fights over eggs... :laugh:
  • sloth3toes
    sloth3toes Posts: 2,212 Member
    In, because I think we're arguing over a couple of eggs? :ohwell:
  • Celuwen
    Celuwen Posts: 80 Member
    I was a little surprised to see that not all eggs have the same nutritional information for the same size egg. The other day while at the grocery store, I noticed that some brands of eggs were rated differently than other brands. The store uses something called a NuVal system to rate foods from 1-100 based upon how "healthy" the food is. 1 is the worst, and 100 is the best. There was a sign in the egg section that said the eggs rated from 30-64.

    Curious as to why there would be such a wide difference, I started looking at the nutrition infomration for each brand of large egg. The calorie content ranged from 70 - 85 per large egg. The store brand was the least, and Eggland's best was the highest. There was a difference in the protein content as well. So, maybe it depends on what egg you used vs. what egg the rater who entered the fried egg used.

    I believe, and I might be wrong and thus flail around in a pit of forum shame, that the feed of the chickens is key. Apparently the general composition of the egg has been reworked slightly too. I don't know if this is fact, but it's nicely anecdotal and sort of interesting.

    Here's a link from a newspaper (not the best source, but as I said, anecdotal!) http://www.telegraph.co.uk/health/healthnews/9408684/Eggs-are-healthier-now-than-30-years-ago-but-have-smaller-yolks-for-dipping-study.html
  • novauser
    novauser Posts: 47 Member
    Because MFP doesnt have the x-ray powers that make it known that you use coconut oil to cook your eggs (in fact if it did, that would be a bit cr@p given that I have never heard of anybody else using coconut oil)

    One would assume therefore that the entry assumes using a more normal oil or butter.

    I know! How retarded that someone should just add the calories in for oil which everybody uses....

    Lies. I use coconut oil exclusively to cook my eggs and most other things.

    Me too...i use it virtually exclusively...its insanely healthy
  • extra_medium
    extra_medium Posts: 1,525 Member
    Ex: 1 large egg has about 70-75 Calories in it. Why is MFP telling me that 2 fried eggs is 184 calories?!!! I had two eggs today, fried them with coconut oil spray and salt and pepper. I also tried to enter a different type of egg, so I put in scrambled eggs. It said that 3 were like 1,000 some calories -_- that's retarded. Someone please tell me what the heck is going on!

    I can still understand that in this case someone added extra calories for fat in some form. However what I don't get is that an average egg is 70 calories and the same egg hard boiled in plain water is 83 calories and has several " confirmations ".

    There are different sized eggs. medium, large, extra large, etc and I'm sure the calories vary for all of them. You can take a peek at the info before you enter it into your diary to make sure it matches what you had.
  • devil_in_a_blue_dress
    devil_in_a_blue_dress Posts: 5,214 Member
    In, because I think we're arguing over a couple of eggs? :ohwell:

    Rotten eggs... meanies, non-supportive meanies! And they may have removed all the responses calling out OP for using a no-no word, cause they edited the OP.
  • jenifr818
    jenifr818 Posts: 805 Member

    Not everyone is as computer savvy as you, sweetie :)) So what one finds easy, another may find difficult. Also, I'm sure you don't jump into a new program knowing how to navigate it completely at first. Questions should be welcome and so should concerns/complaints without having a person pop up telling you to get over it. If you don't want to kindly entertain the questions people ask, then don't read the posts.

    1. Passive aggressive jabs don't fly here, sweetie. This has been tame compared to what you could have gotten.
    2. People are trying to help you navigate this site and you are being defensive about it.
    3.Questions are welcome. You cannot expect to control the answers.
    4. You don't control how people respond to you, so post thoughtfully.

    Also, you're not helping at all...you're just being mean.

    I am being mean by explaining to you how to getting better forum responses? :huh:

    If she thinks these forums are mean, she should see some of the other things out there. This place is SO tame compared to other fitness sites

    Yea I do think some of the responses were unnecessarily mean/snarky/sarcastic. Whatever, I just don't understand why people have to be that way. Even if you're not here to support or be supported, there's no reason to be that way. Not being as mean as you can possibly be doesn't dismiss the fact that you were mean.

    We're all a buncha mean bullies cuz we're hangry. Whoever had the genius idea of giving a bunch of hungry people a forum didn't think that through.