Part 3 ~ turtle club



  • jabdye
    jabdye Posts: 4,059 Member
    thanks for all the well wishes - and Becky, that was an awesome post. You guys have been so kind -- I can always count on you to help me thru rough patches. Your kindness and support are priceless. i never in a million years thought I could make such fabulous friends online. thanks -- for everything!!!!
  • VballLeash
    VballLeash Posts: 2,456 Member
    Becky, you truly are an inspiration, thank you very much for such a beautiful yet sad post. Your in my prayers along with all of those people in your life that are hurting.
  • VballLeash
    VballLeash Posts: 2,456 Member
    Unfortunately I have a scary story myself but I need to share it as a reminder...

    I was walking on the bike trail just now, about 4 in the afternoon... I was up on the levy part walking by apartments that were down below me to my left. I saw a big hispanic main in a wife beater walking the OPPOSITE way as me down by the apartments. I then looked down again to make sure he was gone but he was walking the same way as me and speeding up. I then got to a point where I couldn't see him and I got really nervous so I started to run. A very nice man on a bike came up next to me and said "Hey, theres a man running up the hill towards you." I told him I saw him and that the man WAS walking the other direction before and then started basically following me from a distance... he got really close to me in the time that I couldn't see him when I started running. The man on the bike offered to stay with me until I was safe, sooo nice of him so I ran pretty darn fast not even caring that I'm not supposed to be running, I couldn't even feel pain because my heart was beating so fast and I was so scared. Thank God the man on the bike came, thank God. I saw 3 women on my way back and warned them all so I at least warned 3 but this kind of stuff happens all the time unfortunately, I should have had my pepper spray with me and I realize how very lucky I am... nice man on the bike thank you, thank you very much. I may be able to run pretty fast but who knows what that man was capable of. I'm very shaken up right now but I know I needed to share this to just remind everybody.

    Please be safe out there you guys, especially us girls, its scary to think of what could have happened... really scary.

  • iRun4wine
    iRun4wine Posts: 5,126
    Thanks for sharing, Leash. I actually just got on the computer to update you guys and tell you that the guy that raped a jogger here in CT a few weeks ago (in a very affluent town, on a very wealthy street) was identified and the police are looking for him now. As you said, Leash- it's scary out there. It only takes 2 seconds for something to happen, and unfortunately, it has be totally paranoid to run now :cry: :brokenheart: :sad: :indifferent: :noway: :angry: I'm a pretty big wimp as it is, but now, even more so.

    And Leash, that's SO nice of the man on the bike to wait with you... it's comforting to know that there are still good people in the world- we hear so much about the bad, that it's nice to hear about the good as well.

    SO happy you're safe, Leash :heart:
  • SatelliteCrush80
    SatelliteCrush80 Posts: 3,575 Member

    Kechie~ I really, truly want to meet up for a run/race next year. Let me know what you're looking at for spring and I'll check my calendar and hopefully we can make something work! :happy:

    I'm starting to think we should all plan to do Richmond next year. That looks like one that a lot of us could get to easily.

    So far, I'm doing the Tobacco Road half in March. It is flat, fast, and a BQ. Fairly new race but had an awesome debut last year. Mostly b/c of how gorgeous the course is. It is mostly on well maintained trails. No roots or rocks. Like running on a dirt road with fine gravel. People use the trail for biking and horseback riding year round.

    After that, I'll be doing the City of Oaks half in November, AGAIN.

    I usually do a 5K in Raleigh in June, September, and October too.

    *ears perked* Richmond? I could perhaps be persuaded to do that one again. Awesome race...just sayin'.
  • jessmomof3
    jessmomof3 Posts: 4,590 Member
    Unfortunately I have a scary story myself but I need to share it as a reminder...
    Please be safe out there you guys, especially us girls, its scary to think of what could have happened... really scary.


    Oh, Leash!!!!! Good for you first of all for paying attention to your surroundings. And I hope you are thanking God for that wonderful man on the bike!!! This is one reason that I am doing this self defense thing w/ my dh's friend. I am strong and fit, but I realized that I don't know the first thing about fighting/ defending myself. I could outrun most guys, but I want to know what to do just in case. I've learned some good things just in a couple sessions. At least I feel like I can protect myself and know more of what to do in those situations. So glad you are ok!!!! ((HUGS))
  • jessmomof3
    jessmomof3 Posts: 4,590 Member
    Hey y'all! :bigsmile:
    I just want to send each of you a big hug and thank you for your friendship, advice, and your contribution to my life! :flowerforyou:
    I don't want to let the day pass without letting each of you know that you've made an impact and a difference in my life!
    It seems as though we are all facing challenges and hurdles and I know the people around me have been rocked by tragedy and it makes me appreciate the people in my life even more.

    I know each of you are facing your own challenges, hurdles, and personal tragedies but remember you're not alone.
    We have eachother's back on this board!

    It struck me that I never want any of you to doubt that each of you are a truly exceptional person and even if we never meet in person (although I truly hope we do!) you have made a lasting impact on my life.
    Thank you for being willing to reach out and make that connection! :flowerforyou: :drinker: :flowerforyou: :drinker:

    (i promise to be less introspective tomorrow :wink: just 10 days early for Thanksgiving thanks )

    Becky ~ Thank you!! And ((HUGS)) to you. I don't normally talk about that on public forums, but we all have our own family/ friend struggles. My dear great Aunt who is 97 years old is not doing well and it has been very hard on my family. She's like a grandma to me as my grandmas have all passed away. I try to be thankful every day, not just for Thanksgiving but in everything give thanks. :bigsmile: Life is truly a blessing and I try to live every day to the fullest and not take things for granted. I've had too many things happen and seen things happen to other people to not live that way.

    Feel free to share anytime. :heart:
  • jessmomof3
    jessmomof3 Posts: 4,590 Member
    Well, I ended up getting in my slow and heavy chest + back + plank workout and then decided to head out for a short 3 mile run. Got outside and realized it was 40* and sprinkling. Oh well, I wanted to run so I headed out in the rain. By mile 2 I hardly noticed it was raining and after mile 3 I just kept running. My ankle felt great and I decided to push it for mile 5. Ended up getting a 7:40 min mile pace for mile 5 and 7:52 min mile for mile 6!! Finished up .2 to hit a 10K and felt FABULOUS!!! There is nothing like a good run to make your day! :drinker: I'm thrilled that my ankle is feeling good and recovered!!!

    Have a great night! :flowerforyou:
  • runnerdad
    runnerdad Posts: 2,081 Member
    Ok, the peer pressure is starting. The Gasparilla Distance Classic is in Tampa end of February, and my running buddies are starting to talk about it. In years past, the weekend consists of a 15 K and 5 K on Saturday and a 1/2 M and full on Sunday. They dropped the full this year and substituted an 8 K. They offer 'challenge races' this year, the 'Light' challenge is to race the 5 and 15 on Saturday and the 1/2 on Sunday, or the 'Ultra', where you run all four races. Four races totalling about 30 miles within about 26 hours. Will have to get serious about it soon - it's only about 13 weeks away. I'd offer it as a destination race for the group, except 2 of the 3 years I have run it have been about the worst weather of the whole year, so it isn't likely to be a good winter get-a-way type race (but the offer still stands, if I decide to do it. I've put in almost 900 miles this year, and I haven't been 'training' since my full in February, so I could use some focus.
  • iRun4wine
    iRun4wine Posts: 5,126

    Kechie~ I really, truly want to meet up for a run/race next year. Let me know what you're looking at for spring and I'll check my calendar and hopefully we can make something work! :happy:

    I'm starting to think we should all plan to do Richmond next year. That looks like one that a lot of us could get to easily.

    So far, I'm doing the Tobacco Road half in March. It is flat, fast, and a BQ. Fairly new race but had an awesome debut last year. Mostly b/c of how gorgeous the course is. It is mostly on well maintained trails. No roots or rocks. Like running on a dirt road with fine gravel. People use the trail for biking and horseback riding year round.

    After that, I'll be doing the City of Oaks half in November, AGAIN.

    I usually do a 5K in Raleigh in June, September, and October too.

    *ears perked* Richmond? I could perhaps be persuaded to do that one again. Awesome race...just sayin'.

    I could probably be persuaded to travel to Richmond... :wink:
  • erikazj
    erikazj Posts: 2,365 Member
    Hi everyone -

    Becky :heart:

    Leash - thanks for sharing your story. It shows just how important it is to be aware of our surroundings. It is the one easy thing we can do for ourselves. Glad you're ok. It is difficult when these things happen, but we shouldn't let them stop us from getting out there as long as we are sensible about when and where we run. As Kelynn said, life is for living, there will always be something to stop us if we let it. I'm not saying ignore the risks, I'm saying take sensible precautions but don't let it stop you!

    I'm very sad that you are too far away for me to join in a race with you all :cry: I would love to visit the US one day (I keep hoping work will send me), but it will have to be along term wish as at the moment there is no way I could afford the flight. Perhaps when you all meet up to race I will have to see if I can find one over here on the same day and join you in spirit.

    Jess - Glad you got a good run in and the ankle is feeling good. I'm sorry to hear about the family troubles. I really do understand. The most difficult thing to do is to remember to look after yourself when you are busy looking after others (and that goes for you too Becky and Julie, and anyone else who is struggling) so you can continue to be strong.

    All this talk of carrot cake is not helping me stay on the pork free wagon :noway:

    bg - that sounds like an awesome Monday workout - good luck in to getting it in to your routine!

    Julie - I hope things are better today, even if only in a small way.:flowerforyou:

    Tabby - Weight days suck for calories, but I guess its worth thinking of the long term goal that muscle burns more at rest then fat, so eventually it'll mean we can eat a tiny little bit more than we could if we didn't do it.

    Leash - Is the injection today? If so, good luck.

    Ray - we wouldn't want you any other way!

    Well, I'm at work early in preparation for leaving early so I can go to running club tonight. Chilly here, but a glorious sunny day. Hopefully meeting my sister for lunch as she is in London for work...must stay away from BAD lunch food!

    Have great days everyone,

    Erika x
  • beckym71
    beckym71 Posts: 3,511
    Leash~ you passed the number one test of self defense ~ you were aware of your surroundings! Good on you! I am so very happy that the man on the bike was also observant and willing to stay with you until you were in a safe location!

    Jess~ I'm sorry your great aunt is unwell. It is so hard to see people we love hurting. Thanks for sharing with us! I'm glad that you are feeling so much better! One stress fracture a year is quite enough!

    Erika~ maybe we can all plan a field trip to you for Kate and William's wedding! :laugh: I would love to travel back across the pond, but the reality is I don't see it in the budget anytime soon.

    Kelynn~ you always have such a great attitude. I'm sorry for the loss of your mother so early, yet I am so impressed with the way you don't let it defeat you or define you!

    Julie~ right back at ya! I can't imagine what I would do without the support of this group! I hope today is a better day for you and that you were able to finally get a good nite's sleep!

    Tom~ hmmm, it would make my parents very happy if I visited Tampa AND it would be a free trip for me!

    Kechie~ I will have to check on the Tobacco Road race as well. Raleigh is very doable.

    Richmond is also quite possible. I believe it's only about 4-5 hours away AND if I am remembering correctly, my son has friends who live there so I could probably wrangle free housing for that one too. Hmmmm!

    I did go to heavy bag class last night. It was an excellent workout as always.
    I also had Hard Ready ~The other class I am taking (it's a pilot class, following some of the principles which Geoff Thompson teaches ~ he is an amazing man ~ (a Brit, Erika!) We are addressing the emotional components of fear as well as physical responses. The bottom line of self defense is being in control of your emotions and surviving whatever happens. You may or may not have an opportunity to escape/fight, but you will have a much better chance of success if you can remain calm and in control of yourself.

    Today is boxing, Muay Thai, and a 5 mile run. It's supposed to rain so I don't know if we will run in the rain or get on the dreadmill. I'm also going to try and work in some core and stretching!

    Have a great day everyone! :flowerforyou:
  • runnerdad
    runnerdad Posts: 2,081 Member
    Track Tuesday (TM)!! mile warm up 3 x 1600, mile cool down. Just me and M today. M is half my age (literally) and a bit of a local star on the women's triatholon circuit, but she is just coming back after having a baby, which kind of evened things up for us:laugh:
  • jabdye
    jabdye Posts: 4,059 Member
    Happy Tuesday!
    got in 4 miles this morning -- heading to the gym later for weight lifting. Was definitely in the Miss Piggy club yesterday. hoping today is better! No sleep -- :yawn: -- so I tend to turn to sugar to keep me going. hoping to make better choices.....

    Tom -- thanks for Track Tuesday!

    Leash -- what a terrifying story -- so glad you are okay!

    I'm ready for a vacation -- just let me know where you want to meet!!! I'll see if I can find any others that are centrally located....but richmond is definitely a possibility for me -- just an hour away.

    Enjoy the day!
  • tabbydog
    tabbydog Posts: 4,925 Member
    Becky, Thanks for such a nice post. :heart: I love all of you guys..... :cry: Hope things get better for your friends and loved ones. Life would be super awesome if not for the sad parts.

    Julie, I hate nights without sleep, then they snowball because I drink too much coffee, which then makes it hard to sleep that night also.... I have tried switching to green tea in the afternoons for my caffine, and it seems to make me sleep better at night, and I have my last cup finished by 3. Also, drinking herbal tea and reading something boring or knitting for 20 minutes just before bed helps too.

    Leash, I hate, hate, hate being made to feel like I can't run because it is unsafe. It absolutely infuriates me. Thank goodness you are safe. Bring your pepper spray no matter what time of day you run. If you have a friend with a dog see if you can borrow it. Dogs are a good deterrant, and your friend and the dog will love you for it! It is so nice to know that there are people out there (Yay for the bike guy!) who care and have the balls to step up and do right. Was it maybe Ray? I seem to recall a past post of him helping out a lady runner who had been scared to death by rude bikers.....

    2.75 miles this morning averaging 10:06, I will be a fast little piggy for the pig races come next summer and fair season! My speed is SLOWLY creeping up!

    Have a great day everyone. :flowerforyou:
  • tabbydog
    tabbydog Posts: 4,925 Member
    Anyone know what the difference in sensation is between sicatic nerve pain and ITB pain? And/or what to do about it? I have a pain that starts in my right butt cheek and goes down into my hamstring, so I assumed it was sciatic nerve and have been doing that sciatic stretch after running, which is something I do anyway. The pain isn't PAIN exactly. After my run today however, I find my knee seems involved and is slightly achy, which may be totally unrelated, and by itself I wouldn't think too much about it. Just wondering if the two can mimic each other.
  • bgood14
    bgood14 Posts: 1,416 Member
    you know, i just might be wiling to jump on the Richmond bandwagon as well. plenty of time to train, and was already thinking we need to head out to grandma's house next year -- it would just be another 4 hrs down to the coast. hmm...may be some possibilities in the making here... :huh: i'm liking the idea

    OR -- we could all just head over to London to see Erika...i'm definitely cool with that one too :happy:
  • erikazj
    erikazj Posts: 2,365 Member
    OR -- we could all just head over to London to see Erika...i'm definitely cool with that one too :happy:

    That sounds like an excellent plan :bigsmile: I'd offer to put you all up, but it's probably be a bit of a squeeze in our tiny one bed flat!

    Made it to running club tonight, and was rewarded with mini chocolate by the session leader!! I suppose I don't have to eat it....:huh:
  • iRun4wine
    iRun4wine Posts: 5,126

    OR -- we could all just head over to London to see Erika...i'm definitely cool with that one too :happy:

    If you're paying, b, I'm there! :wink:
  • kechiemc
    kechiemc Posts: 1,355 Member
    Oink! Oink! :drinker:

    Omg. So I had 250 calories left yesterday. I started the day feeling pretty good about that. Well, I am 650 calories over tonight.:noway:

    The good news is I played a game of rock scissors paper tag with the 8-12 year olds that I coach tonight. As the coach, I am proud that I have never been tagged. Of course, I may not be able to get out of bed in the morning. My legs hurt already.:laugh: A wonderful end to the day though...