


  • Walter__
    Walter__ Posts: 518 Member
  • eric_sg61
    eric_sg61 Posts: 2,925 Member
    OTC test boosters may give you a small bump in testosterone, but it will be basically unnoticable. If your not gaining weight, then you are not eating enough. It is that simple
  • Snow3y
    Snow3y Posts: 1,412 Member
    Tablets and supplements aren't going to do *kitten* for you.. The real deal is much more different, if that's what you're head for though
  • Fithealthyforlife
    Fithealthyforlife Posts: 866 Member
    You're certainly eating a good amount of protein. But you never said how many carbs. Keep the protein, and add more carbs. It's that simple...you're low on energy, which is why your body has trouble repairing and making progress.

    It's not a testosterone issue (you'd probably have other symptoms first I would guess). A lot of women on here make really good muscle gains, and they have far, far less testosterone. So that's not what it's really about. Some of these women are 5'5 and eat 2500+ calories per day. I know this for a fact. Hope that puts it into perspective.
  • grantdumas7
    grantdumas7 Posts: 802 Member
    I mean I'm not new, I do workout alot- about 5 times a week lifting and cardio I also eat alot and my protein is all natural-no powders or anything. I was just looking to try this because for the last 4-5 yrs ive been lifting, my gains have been slow and I notice I plateau often. I switch up workouts/reps/sets and am looking to increase my gains. I understand what you guys are saying though, so what would be the best way to gain weight and strength?
    I don't know why people think protein powder is somehow unnatural.
  • Gonzafitness
    You are not going to add 10 lbs of pure muscle in four months unless you jump on the juice.
    Eat more and add creatine to your stack. Dont waste your money on test boosters.
  • Gonzafitness
    I mean I'm not new, I do workout alot- about 5 times a week lifting and cardio I also eat alot and my protein is all natural-no powders or anything. I was just looking to try this because for the last 4-5 yrs ive been lifting, my gains have been slow and I notice I plateau often. I switch up workouts/reps/sets and am looking to increase my gains. I understand what you guys are saying though, so what would be the best way to gain weight and strength?
    I don't know why people think protein powder is somehow unnatural.
    It's not, it's made from unicorn tears.
  • Jersey_Devil
    Jersey_Devil Posts: 4,142 Member
    increase those carbs. if you can afford it get a weight gainer...if not, you can always make homemade weight gainer cheaper. just look it up on youtube. Try taking some casein before bed.

    if u insist on over the counter test boosters, cheapest way to go is probably just simple horny goat weed.
  • Riemersma4
    Riemersma4 Posts: 400 Member
    at 20, you ARE testosterone!

    Lift, eat, rest, repeat....
  • SteveJWatson
    SteveJWatson Posts: 1,225 Member
    increase those carbs. if you can afford it get a weight gainer...if not, you can always make homemade weight gainer cheaper. just look it up on youtube.

    Yes, its called cake.
  • robharlan
    robharlan Posts: 14 Member
    I mean I'm not new, I do workout alot- about 5 times a week lifting and cardio. I also eat alot and my protein is all natural-no powders or anything. I was just looking to try this because for the last 4-5 yrs ive been lifting, my gains have been slow and I notice I plateau often. I switch up workouts/reps/sets and am looking to increase my gains. I understand what you guys are saying though, so what would be the best way to gain weight and strength?

    Quit doing cardio and eat until you are full then eat some more...Then lift heavy
  • funforsports
    funforsports Posts: 2,656 Member
    6'3 160 -never really gained weight too easily

    Have to eat man. I started at 6'4 and 180. I eat 4000 calories a day to try to gain weight. Eat, eat, and eat more to gain weight. I never thought I could gain either until I figured out how much I actually have to eat to gain.
  • Acg67
    Acg67 Posts: 12,142 Member
    “For breakfast you need to eat four of those breakfast sandwiches from McDonalds. I don’t care which ones you get, but make sure to get four. Order four hash browns, too. Now grab two packs of mayonnaise and put them on the hash browns and then slip them into the sandwiches. Squish that **** down and eat. That’s your breakfast.”

    At this point I’m thinking this guy is nuts. But he’s completely serious.

    “For lunch you’re gonna eat Chinese food. Now I don’t want you eating that crappy stuff. You wanna get the stuff with MSG. None of that non-MSG bull****. I don’t care what you eat but you have to sit down and eat for at least 45 minutes straight. You can’t let go of the fork. Eat until your eyes swell up and become slits and you start to look like the woman behind the counter.”

    “For dinner you’re gonna order an extra-large pizza with everything on it. Literally everything. If you don’t like sardines, don’t put ’em on, but anything else that you like you have to load it on there. After you pay the delivery guy, I want you to take the pie to your coffee table, open that ****er up, and grab a bottle of oil. It can be olive oil, canola oil, whatever. Anything but motor oil. And I want you to pour that **** over the pie until half of the bottle is gone. Just soak the **** out of it.”

    “Now before you lay into it, I want you to sit on your couch and just stare at that ****er. I want you to understand that that pizza right there is keeping you from your goals.”

    This guy is in a zen-like state when he’s talking about this.

    “Now you’re on the clock,” he continues. “After 20 minutes your brain is going to tell you you’re full. Don’t listen to that ****. You have to try and eat as much of the pizza as you can before that 20-minute mark. Double up pieces if you have to. I’m telling you now, you’re going to get three or four pieces in and you’re gonna want to quit. You ****ing can’t quit. You have to sit on that couch until every piece is done.

    And if you can’t finish it, don’t you ever come back to me and tell me you can’t gain weight. ’Cause I’m gonna tell you that you don’t give a **** about getting bigger and you don’t care how much you lift!”

  • mustgetmuscles1
    mustgetmuscles1 Posts: 3,346 Member
    “For breakfast you need to eat four of those breakfast sandwiches from McDonalds. I don’t care which ones you get, but make sure to get four. Order four hash browns, too. Now grab two packs of mayonnaise and put them on the hash browns and then slip them into the sandwiches. Squish that **** down and eat. That’s your breakfast.”

    At this point I’m thinking this guy is nuts. But he’s completely serious.

    “For lunch you’re gonna eat Chinese food. Now I don’t want you eating that crappy stuff. You wanna get the stuff with MSG. None of that non-MSG bull****. I don’t care what you eat but you have to sit down and eat for at least 45 minutes straight. You can’t let go of the fork. Eat until your eyes swell up and become slits and you start to look like the woman behind the counter.”

    “For dinner you’re gonna order an extra-large pizza with everything on it. Literally everything. If you don’t like sardines, don’t put ’em on, but anything else that you like you have to load it on there. After you pay the delivery guy, I want you to take the pie to your coffee table, open that ****er up, and grab a bottle of oil. It can be olive oil, canola oil, whatever. Anything but motor oil. And I want you to pour that **** over the pie until half of the bottle is gone. Just soak the **** out of it.”

    “Now before you lay into it, I want you to sit on your couch and just stare at that ****er. I want you to understand that that pizza right there is keeping you from your goals.”

    This guy is in a zen-like state when he’s talking about this.

    “Now you’re on the clock,” he continues. “After 20 minutes your brain is going to tell you you’re full. Don’t listen to that ****. You have to try and eat as much of the pizza as you can before that 20-minute mark. Double up pieces if you have to. I’m telling you now, you’re going to get three or four pieces in and you’re gonna want to quit. You ****ing can’t quit. You have to sit on that couch until every piece is done.

    And if you can’t finish it, don’t you ever come back to me and tell me you can’t gain weight. ’Cause I’m gonna tell you that you don’t give a **** about getting bigger and you don’t care how much you lift!”


    Ah to be 20 again.
  • Synchronicity
    Synchronicity Posts: 82 Member
    Anyone know of any good testosterone boosters? I've used a couple over the years and I used them correctly but they never seem to have a very significant impact on me. Im trying to gain about 10-15 lbs of muscle mass in the next 4 months or so and have big gains on my lifts. Any insight would be greatly appreciated

    They don't work very well because, as far as I know, most of the over-the-counter stuff is voodoo and the few products that aren't are... well... just not that potent. Think about it. If they were potent, if they worked really well, they'd be illegal. :) Or at the very least they'd require a prescription.
  • just_Jennie1
    just_Jennie1 Posts: 1,233
    Did a blood test tell you your testosterone is low?
  • No_Finish_Line
    No_Finish_Line Posts: 3,661 Member
    cmon man youre 20 years old and u want test boosters?

    1.over the counter testosterone boosters dont do anything just buy actual testosterone or steroids i u want to gain significant mass over a short period of time (its cheaper too).

    2.just learn to eat more food.
    I agree with this. At 20 you should be producing a boatload of testosterone.

    personally i think even 30s is too young for most anyone to actually need testosterone.

    i've never dabbled in OTC supplimentation in this area, but common sense tells me its either useless or it would be available only by perscription or banned (or will be).

    if you want a short cut your only option is sterioid, HGH, Test. not for me.
  • No_Finish_Line
    No_Finish_Line Posts: 3,661 Member
    I mean I'm not new, I do workout alot- about 5 times a week lifting and cardio I also eat alot and my protein is all natural-no powders or anything. I was just looking to try this because for the last 4-5 yrs ive been lifting, my gains have been slow and I notice I plateau often. I switch up workouts/reps/sets and am looking to increase my gains. I understand what you guys are saying though, so what would be the best way to gain weight and strength?
    I don't know why people think protein powder is somehow unnatural.

    its heavily processed but i'd agree that its not unnatural
  • leviclampitt

    A lot of people are deficient in this mineral. Since it affects testosterone levels, supplementing will "boost" your T.
  • TheMetalMan0
    TheMetalMan0 Posts: 64 Member
    You're eating the same as me, I'm 5'11 and 130lbs. I'm putting on 0.5-1lb a week. Eat more!