21 Day Paleo Cleanse beginning tomorrow, who's interested?



  • DamieBird
    DamieBird Posts: 651 Member
    I would love too, but I don't have a source for affordable/good meats/fats. Avocados are $1.50-$3 each here and I cannot afford grain-fed anything, much less find a source for it. We eat deer meat when my DH gets one, but it doesn't last very long. I have several 6ft+ tall people to buy for when I get groceries (they won't go paleo), which doesn't leave me with much $ for the healthy stuff that I need to get. All of the chicken at the store says it has 10% broth/salt/etc added to it. I can kinda afford that, but I don't know it it's good enough. I've already eliminated grains/breads because it makes me feel like crap for days when I eat it. I'm also really sensitive to anything with sugar so I already stay away from that. I've been eating hotdogs, eggs, dill pickles, apples, potatoes, tilapia (when I can find it), kale, spinach, etc.

    You don't have to have "perfect paleo" food to follow the idea behind the lifestyle. Just eat the best quality of food that you can reasonable afford, and don't worry about being perfect :)
  • bcattoes
    bcattoes Posts: 17,299 Member
    No, I am not OP, and I am done answering questions.
    Starting now...??
    If you know what paleo is, then stop asking questions about it in a thread that is not aimed at looking for feedback on the diet.
    When did I ask about the Paleo diet?
    OP was simply looking for support while he eats strict paleo for 21 days. There are several different timeframes for what the initial period of eating paleo should be, but it's typically around 30 days.
    Again, based on what. The Paleo diet is meant to be followed for life.
    Maybe OP just wants to do it for 3 weeks. Who cares. And yes, paleo DOES allow for dairy, however this is usually considered more primal than paleo.
    Primal allows for dairy. Paleo does not.
    Now, if you're done trying to prove yourself, we can be done with this thread. And maybe, if you know so much about paleo, you can offer some support to OP instead of trying to call him out in his thread.

    Have a good day! :flowerforyou:

    Thanks for the flower. I'm not sure what you mean by "trying to prove myself", but all I did was ask the OP a question. Why you jumped in to answer and then flew into a tizzy is honestly something of a mystery to me.

    But I am still curious what the OP plans to do after the 21 day Paleo cleanse.
  • odusgolp
    odusgolp Posts: 10,477 Member
    Did anyone else notice that there is a kitten bench pressing in here?

    That's all I got, as I had to quit reading once a potato was referred to as a "bad carb." Poor potato.

  • fbmandy55
    fbmandy55 Posts: 5,263 Member
    lol bad carbs
    lol 2 pieces of fruit
    will you be making your own fire too?


    Can't make own fire... Cavemen didn't use matches or lighters so they must be bad for you.
  • usernamekelly1
    usernamekelly1 Posts: 1,941 Member
    Did anyone else notice that there is a kitten bench pressing in here?

    That's all I got, as I had to quit reading once a potato was referred to as a "bad carb." Poor potato.


    For some reason that potato reminds me of a blobfish... off to search for the kitten

    found it :smile:
  • Mcgrawhaha
    Mcgrawhaha Posts: 1,596 Member
    "Paleo cleanse" is a thing now?

    Is a "cleanse" just whatever anyone wants it to be? Juice is a cleanse, water is a cleanse, now piles of bacon is a cleanse.

    What on earth do you people think you're cleansing?

    Paleo cleanse = meat enema

    not interested in a meat enema... but i could definately go for a coffee enema... i hear that cleanses well... where can i get a good squirt bottle... and skittles?
  • Mainebikerchick
    Mainebikerchick Posts: 1,573 Member
    Did anyone else notice that there is a kitten bench pressing in here?

    That's all I got, as I had to quit reading once a potato was referred to as a "bad carb." Poor potato.


    Potatoes always get the shaft!
  • odusgolp
    odusgolp Posts: 10,477 Member
    Did anyone else notice that there is a kitten bench pressing in here?

    That's all I got, as I had to quit reading once a potato was referred to as a "bad carb." Poor potato.


    For some reason that potato reminds me of a blobfish... off to search for the kitten

    found it :smile:

    OMG! It is a blobfish!! Well played!!

  • trainingman123
    trainingman123 Posts: 58 Member
    I'm in!
  • dare2love81
    dare2love81 Posts: 928 Member
    And maybe, if you know so much about paleo, you can offer some support to OP instead of trying to call him out in his thread.

    Have a good day! :flowerforyou:

    I am trying to support him by showing him the error of his ways. I don't think we need to be unflinchingly "supportive" of every idea out there. The diet and fitness industry is full of bad ideas.

    That wasn't directed at you...however, just because you don't agree with paleo, doesn't mean he's "wrong" in choosing to eat that way. And for the last time, he wasn't asking for people's opinions on the diet itself, nor was he promoting it and trying to convince people is the only/best way to lose weight.. he was asking if anyone wanted to go strict paleo with him for 21 days, that's all.
  • whitebalance
    whitebalance Posts: 1,654 Member
    lol bad carbs
    lol 2 pieces of fruit
    will you be making your own fire too?


    Can't make own fire... Cavemen didn't use matches or lighters so they must be bad for you.

    Rub carrot sticks together. Problem solved.

    @OP -- This would be very difficult for me, given the things that are staples of my diet now -- and having had a very restrictive diet for a very long time for health reasons, I really enjoy having the freedom to eat what I want. So I won't be joining you, but I sincerely wish you luck. :drinker:
  • mikeshostek
    mikeshostek Posts: 49 Member
    Wow, a lot of different opinions coming after I posted this thread. To clear a few things up, I'm not going to just stop doing Paleo after the 21 days, the cleanse for me is to stick to the strict Paleo eating style and eliminate one of my hardest and favorite things "Beer"! So the cleanse is more of eating strict Paleo, with zero alcohol but also being able to share ideas, recipes, ask questions and get support from other people who are either thinking of doing Paleo, are already doing the Paleo lifestyle or would like to work together to get a jump start on it. I have talked with a few people who have had great success doing Paleo and felt like the first 3 weeks are the hardest to get adjusted to it but have seen great results by eating Paleo along with their weekly training. I appreciate all the feedback!

  • mikeshostek
    mikeshostek Posts: 49 Member
    No I didn't purchase the e-book but did purchase two other books regarding the Paleo diet! But I will definitely look into!!!!!!!!

  • mikeshostek
    mikeshostek Posts: 49 Member
    Cooking this Paleo shrimp recipe tonight, I attached the link below if anyone is interested!

  • mamma_nee
    mamma_nee Posts: 809 Member
    Paleo, YUM Tried doing Paleo to break my long plateau but my weight did not budge but I did like how I felt on it :)
  • krazyforyou
    krazyforyou Posts: 1,428 Member
    I am finding my inner cavewoman which is essentially Paleo but modified a bit. Im in but wont give up dairy.
  • misseslra
    misseslra Posts: 1 Member
    Here is a website with some great recipes http://paleomg.com/
  • dare2love81
    dare2love81 Posts: 928 Member
    Here is a website with some great recipes http://paleomg.com/

    I :heart: that website!! Even though I don't eat paleo (I still eat carbs and some sugars), I still use a lot of the recipes, and I LOVE reading her stories that surround the recipes. :drinker:
  • neandermagnon
    neandermagnon Posts: 7,436 Member
    Cooking this Paleo shrimp recipe tonight, I attached the link below if anyone is interested!


    how did palaeolithic people refine plant oils to make stuff like olive oil in that recipe?

    I'm pretty sure that even the most simple mechanical extraction methods were not done until the neolithic, at least. maybe not until later than that.

    why do paleo people hate on wheat because it wasn't farmed until the neolithic, but then allow oils? Additionally, palaeolithic people ate grains, they just didn't farm them. Early neolithic people didn't just suddenly hit upon the idea to cultivate foods that *no-one had ever eaten before* - wild grains are abundant at certain times of year and hunter-gatherers ate them. Cultivating was just a way of trying to get a more steady food supply, as hunting and gathering can be a bit hit and miss. And banana's allowed on paleo, even though the history of cultivation of the banana is pretty much the same as the history of cultivation of wheat, i.e. they've been cultivated since the neolithic era, and due to selective breeding, the form today looks a lot different from the wild form... yet one's allowed on paleo (and frequently used as a substitute for wheat, e.g. banana pancakes) but the other isn't.

    there's a compete lack of logic and science behind the paleo diet. It's not necessary to cut out a whole bunch of food to be healthy. If you're allergic to something then of course you shouldn't eat it, but you don't need a paleo diet guru to tell you that. By all means eat the diet if you really love it, but if you're talking about stuff like how difficult it is to give up these foods.... then really you need to ask yourself exactly what the benefits of giving them up are. There is a lot of scaremongering and demonising of foods, and the implication because some people are allergic to wheat and some people are lactose intolerant, that no-one should eat these foods. If you can digest wheat and lactose fine and those things don't make you ill, then there's no health benefits to cutting them out, in fact if you cut out too many foods there's a health risk, i.e. the risk of inadequate nutrition. If they don't make you ill, and the only reason you're giving them up is because some paleo book has convinced you they're bad, then think again. If you're descended from dairy farming/herding populations (e.g. Europeans; Masai and other dairy herding tribes in Africa and Asia) then there's a more than 80% chance you can digest lactose just fine and there's no health benefit for you in giving up dairy. If you are lactose intolerant (whatever your ethnic origin) then do you really need someone writing a book to tell you that you should give up dairy? If you're not allergic to wheat, then why give it up? Ditto all the other foods, including legumes and potatoes. Palaeolithic people ate legumes and root vegetables.
  • bcattoes
    bcattoes Posts: 17,299 Member
    Cooking this Paleo shrimp recipe tonight, I attached the link below if anyone is interested!


    how did palaeolithic people refine plant oils to make stuff like olive oil in that recipe?

    *other text removed to save space*

    I've also wondered this. Along with how he got shrimp.