I'm going to get crucified for this BUT



  • Runner5AbelTownship
    Runner5AbelTownship Posts: 243 Member
    Dear OP,

    Are you familiar with what a crucifixion entails?
    It's a figure of speech. Hyperbole.

    You do understand that I'm aware of that, right? Hence the post.
  • wheird
    wheird Posts: 7,963 Member
    It wasn't to you, I'm not going to aid people jumping in on other peoples arguments trying to cause a scene.


    I dare you to understand that.
  • Runner5AbelTownship
    Runner5AbelTownship Posts: 243 Member
    Things that will ends badly....

    I know this isn't right, but...

    I just have to vent...

    I know this will get a bad reaction but...

    and so on.

    OP if you had to start a thread by acknowledging you'd not only receive a glaring lack of support but outright WTF*ckage what were you hoping to accomplish?
  • Runner5AbelTownship
    Runner5AbelTownship Posts: 243 Member
    Never mind, this thread was totally worth it for 'magic knickers'.
  • devil_in_a_blue_dress
    devil_in_a_blue_dress Posts: 5,214 Member
    It wasn't to you, I'm not going to aid people jumping in on other peoples arguments trying to cause a scene.


    I dare you to understand that.

    Since my gif didn't work, I'll thank Obama.
  • Kiayaxo
    Kiayaxo Posts: 57 Member
    Because amid all of the hate-filled comments are some genuine helpful people, and unfortunately it's what I've come to expect browsing these forums. I'm not intimidated by sarcasm, belittlement, or judgemental people. Especially of the keyboard warrior variety. So I will post a topic if I have a question and anybody who would like to make a fool of themselves by so willingly jumping on the stage and dancing like monkey can do so. NOT ARSED.
  • wheird
    wheird Posts: 7,963 Member
    Because amid all of the hate-filled comments are some genuine helpful people, and unfortunately it's what I've come to expect browsing these forums. I'm not intimidated by sarcasm, belittlement, or judgemental people. Especially of the keyboard warrior variety. So I will post a topic if I have a question and anybody who would like to make a fool of themselves by so willingly jumping on the stage and dancing like monkey can do so. NOT ARSED.

    I look forward to future entertainment. :)
  • Runner5AbelTownship
    Runner5AbelTownship Posts: 243 Member
    Because amid all of the hate-filled comments are some genuine helpful people, and unfortunately it's what I've come to expect browsing these forums. I'm not intimidated by sarcasm, belittlement, or judgemental people. Especially of the keyboard warrior variety. So I will post a topic if I have a question and anybody who would like to make a fool of themselves by so willingly jumping on the stage and dancing like monkey can do so. NOT ARSED.

    You do realized you just opened yourself up to a barrage of dancing monkey gifs, right?
  • maidentl
    maidentl Posts: 3,203 Member
    You asked for a "crash" routine, mentioned an event in 2 weeks and a dress purchased for the event that doesn't fit, and admit that you're under no illusion that it will benefit you in the long term. All of those items send the message that you were looking for quick fix diet advice to lose 12 lbs in 2 weeks, which is why people responded in the manner they did.

    You're supposed to figure out what she MEANT, not what she WROTE. Gah!
  • NumbrsNerd
    NumbrsNerd Posts: 202 Member
    Try one of those body wrap things. I think they temporarily make you lose inches (it is really just water I believe).

    I've done this to get temporary inches off before vacation - 3 sessions of FULL BODY wraps, not those "it works" things over a two week period. It is temporary, but a quick fix. My woman also sold Natures Sunshine products and gave me a few days worth of an herbal supplement (I-X) to help me ditch my bloat. After a wrap, you pee...and pee...and pee some more....losing A LOT of water weight....

    It was $100 plus - again, for a TEMPORARY fix. Pricey, but I lost inches for a few days following the wraps and fit into a smaller size temporarily....

    This is a lot more realistic than not eating if you're really insistent on getting back into your dress. (I've been there before! Not wanting to buy something new).
  • Kiayaxo
    Kiayaxo Posts: 57 Member
    Because amid all of the hate-filled comments are some genuine helpful people, and unfortunately it's what I've come to expect browsing these forums. I'm not intimidated by sarcasm, belittlement, or judgemental people. Especially of the keyboard warrior variety. So I will post a topic if I have a question and anybody who would like to make a fool of themselves by so willingly jumping on the stage and dancing like monkey can do so. NOT ARSED.

    You do realized you just opened yourself up to a barrage of dancing monkey gifs, right?

    Looking forward to it.
  • kgeyser
    kgeyser Posts: 22,505 Member
    You asked for a "crash" routine, mentioned an event in 2 weeks and a dress purchased for the event that doesn't fit, and admit that you're under no illusion that it will benefit you in the long term. All of those items send the message that you were looking for quick fix diet advice to lose 12 lbs in 2 weeks, which is why people responded in the manner they did.

    You're supposed to figure out what she MEANT, not what she WROTE. Gah!

    I know, I am doomed to spend the rest of my life as a person who was taught to convey meaning effectively in communication. Damn you, grad school! Damn you to the fiery pits of hell!
  • Just get back to what you were doing. If you want to step it up for a few weeks I would try to drink more water, and watch your sodium (whenever I eat high sodium foods for a few days or even a few meals I always weigh a few pounds more). Maybe add an additional gym day or just walk/jog for an additional 20 minutes a day. I don't think it sounds like you would do, this but I would just caution you not to cut back your calories too much because it most likely won't be sustainable and could be unhealthy if it was extreme. Good luck!
  • whitebalance
    whitebalance Posts: 1,654 Member
    Because amid all of the hate-filled comments are some genuine helpful people, and unfortunately it's what I've come to expect browsing these forums. I'm not intimidated by sarcasm, belittlement, or judgemental people. Especially of the keyboard warrior variety. So I will post a topic if I have a question and anybody who would like to make a fool of themselves by so willingly jumping on the stage and dancing like monkey can do so. NOT ARSED.

    You do realized you just opened yourself up to a barrage of dancing monkey gifs, right?

    Looking forward to it.
    Desperately searching the Internet for pictures of a monkey wearing Spanx. :bigsmile:
    C'mon, Internet, don't fail me now....
    This might be the closest I can get... sigh....
  • SLLRunner
    SLLRunner Posts: 12,942 Member
    Not necessarily. I didn't limit the timescale as dramatically as your trying to make out, I said "as close to". Anyone who was actually trying to help would have been constructive and suggested a longer period instead of stirring negativity as you are.
    You're upset that people are not supporting you in this, but look at your title. You set yourself up.

    You are asking to lose a lot of weight in a small amount of time, which is unhealthy. I, for one, cannot support you in such drastic measures.

    Just forget about losing weight fast and just start logging your food again, exercising (if you like to exercise), and set a goal to lose that extra few pounds very slowly. You might be surprised that some of it may not be actual fat-weight but water-weight.

    The best of luck to you.
  • SLLRunner
    SLLRunner Posts: 12,942 Member
    As. Close. To.
    Okay reading it over again, slowly, nope still missing this part where I'm asking for an unhealthy manor in which to do so.

    Try this out:
    I'm looking for an effective "crash" routine to shift 6kg in as close to two weeks as poss!

    In you educated opinion, what is "as close to two weeks as possible"? One week, three weeks? Nah, still not safe.

    By the way, it's MANNER not MANOR.
  • Siansonea
    Siansonea Posts: 917 Member
    I think it's always a safe bet to have a "backup dress", in your largest size, for those post-holiday fêtes. Don't kill yourself to fit in a dress, just buy a different dress. No dress is worth all the aggravation of trying to make your body do something it just doesn't want to do on your timetable.