5' to 5'4'' women whats your goal?



  • I'm 5'3, the lowest weight I've been is 135--although I'm up 15lbs now =/
    Ideally I'd like to get back down to 135 but have it be more muscle and less body fat.
  • I'm 5'4.5 and my goal is 110.
  • AJMB704
    AJMB704 Posts: 590 Member
    I'm 5'2.75" and my goal is 114. I have sat at 127 for about 5 years - I have a very petite frame and gain all my weight in my gut (like a guy). I am in the "normal" weight range and wear fairly small clothes, but really dislike the way I look sans clothing. I am what I would call "skinny fat." Minimal muscle or tone.

    I am more focused on maintaining or increasing my muscle and reducing my body fat, but 115 would be a nice number to be at. Since January 1 I've lost 3.4 pounds and gone down 0.9% body fat according to my scale (not sure how accurate it is). My muscle has gone up 0.4%.
  • biggsterjackster
    biggsterjackster Posts: 419 Member
    5'4" and my goal is 145. 2 more lbs to go.
  • coral_b
    coral_b Posts: 264 Member
    I'm 5"2. Current weight is 140-142. Originally I set 130 as my goal, but now I'm aiming for 120-125, with lower body fat %. I'd like to get to 20-22% Body fat so I've started heavy lifting along side cardio. I've never been that weight in my adult life, as I've always yo-yo'd. So for me it will be when I feel strong and lean, more than a pure focus on the scale number.
  • sweet7raven
    sweet7raven Posts: 1 Member
    I am just shy of 5'1". I just turned 38 and no children to speak of. A couple miscarriages and an ectopic pregnancy. Right now I weigh 150 and been having trouble getting myself back down to my 120 to 125 lb range. It's been several years with very little success and it's starting to weigh on my mind as a health risk at my age. My goal is 120 to 125 lbs, but i'll be happy to get to 130 lbs. In high school I was very active and sporty, my leg muscles were my best feature - although they seemed stubby compared to my torso. My abs were flat but not muscular enough for my taste. My core needs the most work now and of course with the lack of activity and a sit down job, my glutes need a good work out too.

    My problem is getting started and finding the energy and motivation to keep going. I hate going to the Gym by myself, most of my closest friends are not into exercising or are busy to take time out of their day to join me. So my plan is to get myself started by doing Zumba workouts at home using my Xbox Kinect system and ride my bike out at the many trails in the area, weather permitting. Of course, most importantly getting myself on a plan to eat healthier meals, cutting back on portion size, calorie intake, sweets and late night dinners.

    Here is a tip on portion size. I read this online - for every meal, use a 7 inch salad plate instead of a dinner plate and only add 3 palm sized items comfortably on the plate. Don't overfill. This will eliminate overeating. Check it out.

  • wizkklx
    wizkklx Posts: 19 Member

    This calculator can help you figure it out for you. It will show the weight range that is good for you if you scale yourself down (considering fat vs muscle composition). If you plan on more muscle you will be closer to the higher weight range, less muscle the lower of the range.
  • psufan
    psufan Posts: 1
    I'm 5'1" and my goal is around 110-113. I'm 44 years old
  • I'm 5''0, my current goal is 120 lbs...but ultimately, I would love to be about 115/117 lbs.:bigsmile:

  • heis4u2004
    heis4u2004 Posts: 176 Member
    I am 5'2" and currently 33%bf and 154 pounds. I am aiming for a healthy body fat percentage, somewhere between 27-29% would be fine. I believe that would be around 135-140 pounds. The last time I was around 125-130, my mom thought I looked sickly and I get comments right now that I look like I am wasting away. I try to tell them I am still in the obese range for body fat. I guess I hide my fat well.

    I would suggest to aim for an activity goal. Currently my activity goals are 3.5 miles in 30 minutes on the treadmill. Register for a 5k in February. Learn to swim right (I am taking swimming lessons).
  • I'm 5'4

    I'd like to get to 115-118 pounds, but I want to get some muscle tone since my stomach has always poked out
    , especially since I have a petite chest, it makes it seem even worse-proportion wise!

    Right now I'm 127 lbs, I never used to have trouble with wait until I got to college..
  • I am 5 ft and I try to stay at 110-111. I bought a a Fitbit Force that tracks everything and has been helpful in tracking calories burned and how many calories I can eat each day according to my activity.
  • Hi,

    I'm 5"4 and I want my goal to be 125-130 pds. People look at me and tell me "Where do you think you are fat?" Uh. my mid section but they can't always tell because I suck my gut in and have been for years, and weigh about 160 pounds.(now lately I will sometimes let it go):ohwell: I have been combining several things lately like low carb one day to just low calories, lipotropic mic shots with phentermine and at night listening to a hypnotism cd.
  • A fitbit? where did you get it and for how much?
  • 5'1", 27 y/o. Currently 127lbs. Would really like to get down to 110lbs with 15% body fat and some lean back muscle :D

    Eating is a mental battle more than it is a physical one. Train your brain. Drink lots of water to fill your stomach so you're not always so hungry. Mind over matter, right? Just don't starve yourself.
  • I hear ya I tend to hide mine well too.
  • Mellyajc
    Mellyajc Posts: 142 Member
    5'2 and currently hovering around 122. I'm pretty happy here but I'd like to see what <120 looks like and lock into that range.

    Sadly I think the mind always changes. I used to wonder what 125 would look like, never thought I'd find out. But then this past December I freaked out when I saw 127 on the scale and want 122 to be my high, and never see 124 again unless I get pregnant.

    I'm trying to focus on fitness more than weight, though. I'm doing all the right things now but the weight is going up, I probably lost muscle when I was sick. I'm holding off the inch from my belly I lost, though, and if I can continue to make progress there, I'll care less about the 122. I hope. I like muscle, it's a good thing. It's fat I want less of.
  • bkjk997
    bkjk997 Posts: 106 Member
    I'm 5'2" and shooting for 125 lbs. I played around with different weights in this BMI calculator to help me come up with a healthy goal:

    Once I get to 125 lbs, I'll see if I want to drop another 5 lbs, but I probably won't shoot for less than 120 lbs - I like food too much for that *kitten*! LOL!
  • pugsleyjean
    pugsleyjean Posts: 135 Member
    I'm 31, 5'2" and currently at 128lbs. Shooting for around 120ish, see how I feel and then work on maintaining around that number.
  • jbladecki
    jbladecki Posts: 15 Member
    I'm 5'4 and my goal weight is 145-150 currently. I'm bigger boned and if I were to get to the weight I should be according to BMI, you would see my bones everywhere. Even if I would lose most of my body fat and be mostly muscle I still would not be 115! I don't know if I would want to be 115!