

  • peacelovehhs
    peacelovehhs Posts: 16 Member
    Hi all, I'm new here. Trying yet another time to lose weight. The difference for me this time is that my focus is on an overall healthy lifestyle. So, not a diet, but a life change.

    I have a significant road to travel, so I am hoping for all the support I can get...and willing to offer all the support I have to you. Friend me if you are so inclined!

    I look forward to meeting new folks!:flowerforyou:
  • kevrit
    kevrit Posts: 3,970 Member
    BUMP.. Another busy day!
  • skuehn48
    skuehn48 Posts: 2,894 Member
    Hello to all:

    My gastroenterologist called today and they think the liver lesion is benign but he is going to take it to next week's liver conference just to be safe. In the meantime the MRI for the liver showed a thickening at the bottom of the esophagus so now they have me scheduled for an upper endoscopy next week. It also showed some thickening on the thoracic spine which could be indicative of a bone marrow problem so they are going to do yet another blood test and send me to a hematologist. REALLY? :noway: All this testing is getting to be ridiculous. The really crazy thing is that I feel really good and have since before this all started.

    Heather - hope your weekend goes well. I am sure you will lose the nervousness once you are on your way.

    Linda - Hope all of your tests come out well.

    Allison - Get some rest and take care of yourself or you will be no good to anyone else.

    It is cold and snowy here but I must get out and get a birthday card for my sister. Her birthday is tomorrow and I still have not bought a card.:embarassed:

    Healing angels to all who need them and congratulations to those with victories. Sue in SD
  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 9,820 Member
    well i have been a lazy bones today, i did go get my hair cut and did some laundry and picked up the house,but I just parked my butt with the puppies and rested,had a few 24 oz glasses of ice tea,so getting the fluids,and had my lemon water earlier.
    right now I am typing with Homer sitting right under my chin, which is a bit hard,but will take it:smile:
    I am hoping that today's rest will let me get back into the swing of things tomorrow,and get back over to the hospital my DGD made uncle Seanie a get well card so I will take that over to him, that will put a huge smile on his face..
    I ate ok today,but have gotten a bit off track the last few weeks,I know it is a bit of stress.but will not waiver,will get back on track asap
  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
    Linda C: I’m glad to hear from you. I encourage you to report your situation to the emergency place where you went in November. That doctor didn’t do right by you, and he is likely sloppy with others health as well. Be sure to keep us in the loop as you learn more about your health situation. :flowerforyou:

    Heather: I like both of your suggestions, but… We used to attend a Unitarian church when my son was a baby and really liked it. When we moved from there we tried to find another and those we visited didn’t fit us. I have checked the local phone directory and there is neither a Unitarian Church nor a Quaker Meeting listed here nor in any nearby community. I once worked with a Quaker man, and found him very admirable. At present, we’ll probably remain independent.:ohwell: :flowerforyou:

    The main thing going on with me is that I’m using a vast quantity of tissues and probably need to send DH out for more. My cold remedy isn’t doing much that I can tell and I’d love to hear what works for others.

    Katla in beautiful NW Oregon

    “Our greatest weakness lies in giving up. The most certain way to succeed is always to try just one more time.” Thomas A. Edison

    January goals:

    1. Log every bite and swallow.
    2. Focus on fitness: daily cardio plus strength training a minimum of twice a week.
    3. Water: According to an article a friend posted on facebook, drinking water at certain times maximizes its effectiveness on the body. So I’ll try to follow these recommendations:

    * 2 glasses of water after waking up - helps activate internal organs
    * 1 glass of water 30 minutes before a meal - helps digestion
    * 1 glass of water before taking a bath - helps lower blood pressure
    * 1 glass of water before going to bed - avoids stroke or heart
  • CynthiaT60
    CynthiaT60 Posts: 1,280 Member
    Linda: I sure hope your future has a lot of good health news in it!
    Kay: Interesting about the sugar. I think my achiness is worse if I eat a lot of sugar. The “hard” pain doesn’t seem to change, but the aches get worse. I do feel MFP is very strict on sugar, but that may be what you’re looking for.
    Katla: sorry about your cold; hope you reach the turning point soon.

    Goodnight everyone,
  • meyllisa
    meyllisa Posts: 284 Member
    Katla. I have had my cold since between Christmas and New years, started with drippy nose aches and pains in weird places, then settled in my chest with coughing day and nite it is better this week so I am finally getting something done and starting to feel normal again. Doctor said lots of liquids and rest not much they can do for this bug, I found using vicks rub helped the most. Dh had same thing his lasted about 3 wks and hes back to normal, I guess as women we cant sit still and let others do for us so takes longer when your stuborn to get better. I have read so much in this time and that helped with the long hours of not feeling like doing anything.
    everyone around us is down with the same bug. :flowerforyou: Get well soon. and yes I should have Kleenex shares

    Linda glad you are getting some rest take care :heart:
    Best wishes to all take care and congrats to all who are doing so good weight wise
    welcome to all who are new

    Juanita in sudbury
  • jfenner141
    jfenner141 Posts: 146 Member
    Katla - I'm a believer in chicken soup as "penicillin", especially if it's spicy. I do find that spicy food helps keep the sinuses and nose open. As long as I can breathe OK, I usually can deal with a cold. The crud I had in December did include very painful sinuses, something I had not really experienced before, and have no good solution for that, though keeping a humidifier going near the bed did seem to help. And I do believe in Vicks Vapo Rub too - probably a leftover from when I was little :happy:

    Had a very restless night - too much fiber yesterday, gas cramps all night it seemed. So, I took a nap this afternoon after coming home from the Y. I ended up sleeping for about 4 hours. :blushing: I NEVER nap!

    Alison - please do take care of yourself. All the stress you are under makes you vulnerable to things like colds and viruses. We all want you healthy!!

    Stay well, my Vitamin F friends and drink your water!!

    Jill in western MA
  • margaretturk
    margaretturk Posts: 5,097 Member
    Good Evening to all,

    Juanita and Katla get well thoughts.:flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:

    Katla thanks for the kind thoughts. I am grateful for this group too. Hugs and flowers for all.:heart::flowerforyou:

    Alison you deserve a day of rest.:flowerforyou:

    Sue may your test go well.:flowerforyou:

    Peace loves the name.:heart:

    Kay I am trying to watch my sugar too.

    Linda congrats on weight loss!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Prayers on other health concerns.:heart:

    Patty what kind of test. You may have mentioned it earlier, but I missed it.

    Barbie glad you like the book Salt, Fat, and Sugar. :smile:

    Limit TV/computer

    Life is too short for a bad cup of coffee.:drinker:
  • jmthib58
    jmthib58 Posts: 8 Member
    Found you again. Love reading your posts, but life is getting busy for me.

  • Gardengail
    Gardengail Posts: 596 Member
    Cynthia - Sorry about your bike, but please call your agent(s) for coverage of the stolen goods under your car insurance and also your homeowner's insurance. We had coverage under our homeowner's insurance when DH had items stolen from his car. The worst they can do is say no!

    Gail, metro ATL
  • yoyonomore55
    yoyonomore55 Posts: 350 Member
    Linda- So sorry that you are dealing with the medical issues. I don't understand why they seem to miss heart issues in women. I hope you feel stronger fast! Congrats on the loss!

    Allison- Glad you are taking it easier today. Hope you feel better fast!

    Lucy- Good to see your post! I have gained back a few pounds, but am heading back down now. I will always have to stay vigilant! I think I just needed to take a little time off- mostly because I have been very challenged at work. Time is my enemy! Hope you enjoy your vacation.

    Meg- Take care of yourself!! You are in my prayers.

    Need to get back to precalculus lesson plans!! Hope everyone has a great, relaxing evening.

    Deb A in CNY
  • mollywhippet
    mollywhippet Posts: 1,890 Member
    Katla, they sell an ergonomic crochet hook at our local Walmart. I have not tried it but my friend used one when she crocheted baby blankets for her triplet grandbabies and she really liked it. It has kind of a chunky handle built in.

    I had another down day today. Didn't get dressed till after noon. I think I'm in this funk because of my sons recent diagnosis. They told him that this disease is classified as "a terminal illness" even though there is treatment which can prolong his life and he could even get on a transplant list, but he doesn't have any money at all to pay for these things. I hate the thought of outliving my only child, and I also hate what would happen to his kids. They would most likely go back to their mother and her family, and I would never see them again. Hubby says we will find an attorney and do what we can, but we don't know that we can do much. When they were taken away from us the first time we found out that grandparents don't have many rights in our state. It's pretty frustrating.

    So, enough pity party.

    Has anybody heard from Meg? Also, Laura hasn't been on lately.

  • Poerava14
    Poerava14 Posts: 1,069 Member
    Hello Friends,
    I’ve caught the cold going around, but I’m putting up a good fight.::sick: glasses:

    Spicy soup…check! :explode: I love Vietnamese Pho and had it twice this week, even as my birthday dinner. Jill is right. Definitely brings relief.

    Vick Vaporub…check! :blushing: On the nose and chest for sure. I even rub it onto the bottom of my feet and cover with socks.

    Fluids…check! :drinker: Several cups of echinacea tea added to my regular herbal tea regime. Usually this alone arrests the bug before it becomes a full blown cold. I’m hoping that at least helps me kick this crud out of my system pretty quickly. I feel for you ladies who have been suffering for weeks. :grumble: :cry:

    Rest…check! :yawn: Went to bed at 4 PM last night and stayed in bed this morning during what would normally be my weekly 5:30 AM workout with the trainer. No point in spreading germs around the gym. :noway:

    As I type this the sinus pain and other symptoms are much subsided. :tongue: I am very motivated to get well as this Saturday is our MFP Denver area get-together. Also have business travel lined up to KC, Grand Rapids and Charleston, WV. :smile:

    To all who are suffering physically and emotionally, I send you cyber-energy and hugs. :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: Everyone else, please take care and stay well.

    In the Colorado Foothills where we’re United in Orange

    Goals for January:
    > Reduce carb consumption to 30 grams 2x per week
    > Five face exercises every day
    > Schedule three weeks of vacation
    > When in doubt, chose vegetables (from The Happiness Project)
  • janemartin02
    janemartin02 Posts: 2,653 Member
    Hope everyone had a good day.
    my oldest grandson turned 16 today,which I could spend it with him,but he lives in IN.
    Busy day,drs,etc.Gonna shower and chill.
    Hugs and prayers for those that need them.
  • susanrechter
    susanrechter Posts: 386 Member
    Poerava- glad you're feeling better. I like rubbing vicks on the soles and over your feet. i bet that feels great! Also love spicy soup!

    Worked out at Jazzercise and I loved it. We danced and used weights and moved the entire hour. It was fun because there was a stage and three instructors got up and worked the easy, medium and difficult levels. Its a great way to mix up my routines.

    I am not doing JM 30DS tonite because I just got home from Jazzercise. Don't want to injure myself from being tired and not doing the workouts correctly.
    Can't worry about the house repair because I am out of town and nothing I can do except talk to the insurance adjuster and contractor who is going to be in charge. Just glad it wasn't worse and no one was injured from the ceiling collapse.
    Have to read some more pages and catch up with everyone.
    Good evening for now.
  • LinCharpentier
    LinCharpentier Posts: 1,122 Member
    There got got up on the posts. Thought better get that done before morning or then I can't catch up.

    Thank you all for all the concerns. there's only one thing for me to do and that's care for me. It's one day at a time right now.
    Next update will be on Tuesday after my stress test. I really don't know why they are sending me for this as I won't be able to do it. But guess it shows to what extent the damage is. The practioner don't want me walking more than 5 min. outside at a time. Did 3 times today. So that's pretty good. The breathing is getting much better with the water pills.

    So I should be here tomorrow or maybe at 3 in the morning. I always wake up around then and just can't get back to sleep so get up for an hour or so then go back. I hate tossing and turning find it easier to just get up.

    See you all lighter
    Linda In Northern Ontario.
  • edraper70
    edraper70 Posts: 211 Member
    Oh my! I am praying for all of you that are suffering from colds, arthritis, flu ,etc. etc. I hope everyone feels better soon!!

    My kids at school are in and out with those colds and flu too. I sure hope they don't share with me.

    It has been so warm and beautiful out for a couple of weeks. When I got home about 5 pm today it was still in the upper 70s so we lit the fire pit and had supper (salmon and salad) outside. It was nice.

    Unfortunately it's also very high fire danger. We haven't had much rain at all this winter. There are fires north of us, but none around here yet.

    Please take care of yourselves!!!

    Eileen near San Diego
  • exermom
    exermom Posts: 6,397 Member
    Amanda - great accomplishment! You SHOULD be proud. I don't know how many days I've logged in, I turned that off. But I'm sure it's probably around that number. I know I log in every day (with a few minor exceptions like holidays, etc) and I've been a member since 2009 (I think late in the year, I'm not even sure of that)

    Heather - have a wonderful weekend, you deserve it. Congrats on the weight. HIIT does get your heart rate up. What intervals did you use (like how long did you sprint, how long recovery)

    yaniejannie - love your quote. I'm going to remember that one

    Allison - good thoughts for your hubby. Yes, you HAVE been burning that candle

    Did 45 minutes of "TravelFit" DVD by Cathe Friedrich. It's a DVD that uses only bands.

    Tomorrow I'm planning to do a treadmill workout that I found in a magazine. I'll tell you how it goes

    Patty from Cincinatti - best of luck on your test. One of the things that sort-of irks me about our Y is that all the "trainers" (I put it in quote as I have no idea what their certifications are) are all these young 20 and 30-somethings. They just can't relate to the older members. That's where I think you're going to have a real big edge. when someone is 20, they feel invincible but you know that even tho something might not hurt right now eventually it'll catch up with you (like doing something that'll hurt your knees)

    texasgal - get better fast

    Katla - Sorry you don't understand the credit card question, lets see if I can explain it better. See, originally I had a Sam's club card. Nothing special and I was fine with it. I had to renew it yearly, which was just fine. Well, one day I get this Discover Sam's card in the mail so I figured that they're having Discover do all their paperwork now so I agreed to it. There was no mention in the letter which came with the card that I didn't have to accept it. Now my membership is up for renewal. I'm wondering if they're just going to charge that credit card? I have a $10 coupon, I'll need to take it to Sam's to find out how I can use it. There is one church down here, you would not believe the production their service is! I kid you not, there are videos (at least 2), the sound system is something else! Sitting at the service, you would swear you were sitting in the seats of a high class movie theater. I understand that they're very pushy about having people contribute lots and lots. It's just sad to me, too much of a production. But that's the way they like it. You wouldn't catch me there, that's for sure.

    Joyce - the operative words from MFP when you log in are "IN A ROW". Silly as this may sound, I did find out that if I was planning to go away and not log in for a day or two, if I prelogged even one item, MFP treated it as if I logged in. To me, that's rediculous. That's one of the reasons I turned that feature off. I know I log in, and sometimes I can't get to it until later the next day. I don't know when MFP has the cutoff time for logging in that day.

    I made an apple pie but I didn't like the way it came out so it went into the garbage. Then I made Vince a chocolate pudding pie.

    Heather - you're right, the Quakers are very traditionial. I remember there were a lot of Quakers when we lived in PA, very , very traditional

    peacelovehhs - welcome! Keep coming in and you'll get lots of support.

    Sue in SD - prayers that everything turns out just fine for you. Feeling good isn't always indicative of the absence of disease, but I know how frustrating it can be. Happy birthday to your sister

    katla - sending you a virtual box of tissues!!!

    Juanita - when Vince isn't feeling up to par, you would think the world was coming to an end!!! He moans around the house, stays in his bathrobe. Me? If I'm in my pajamas all day, you KNOW that I'm really really sick. Regardless of how I feel, the house still needs to be cleaned, food cooked, laundry done. I think that helps somewhat.

    Linda - sending prayers for you. Maybe the practicioner doesn't want you breathing in the cold air and you're inside when you take the stress test????

    Sylvia - ((((BIG HUG)))))

    jane - happy birthday to your grandson

    Michele in NC
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,992 Member
    :flowerforyou: The day seems to have gotten away from me and now it’s bedtime and no time to write loving replies to all of you.

    :brokenheart: Jake has the bad cold that’s going around and he spent the day resting so I did extra dog walking and went to the grocery store for chicken soup for him. :flowerforyou: That along with line dance class, morning dog walking and walking while talking on two long phone calls, ran my step count up to 28,000.:bigsmile:

    :bigsmile: We leave after line dance class tomorrow for our weekend trip to celebrate our 25th anniversary. I’ll talk you again on Sunday.

    :heart: Barbie from beautiful NW Washington
    :bigsmile: 28,000 steps today ----
    “All truly great thoughts are conceived while walking."
    - Friedrich Nietzsche