Tips for a first date? (guys only..)



  • janupshaw
    janupshaw Posts: 205 Member
    You will give a poor impression to the dad, as well as your date, if you don't walk to the door. As for the flowers, you could send her some after the date, if it was good. If you do take flowers, take them to the door so she can put them in water. As for the type of flower, definitely no roses. I personally like painted daisies or tulips. Yes, you should pay for dinner. Protection; you should always have it, but certainly don't count on it. Do you really want to date the type of girl that puts out on a first date? (Wait, don't answer that).
  • ChristianRW
    ChristianRW Posts: 10 Member
    Parents love it when you talk to them, and you know with teenage girls, get good with her father, and you're getting good with her.

    Chivalry is never outdated.

    Flowers are a nice gesture, but where to put them? In the movies the guy always brings the girl a flower, but you don't see them anywhere after the initial scene.

    We live in progressive times, it's cool if you want to pay for dinner, and it's cool if you don't. Just talk to her about it, she'll respect your opinion, and if she doesn't, well just tell her you got it from a stranger online who's a complete loon.

    ALWAYS have protection, maybe you just click, maybe you don', and run into the love of your life on your way home, in any case, always better to have em and not need it, than it is to be needing em and go home cursing yourself.

    NEVER go out with a loaded weapon mate, guy 101, but i'm sure you know that already.
  • sami_83
    sami_83 Posts: 161
    show my dominance as a guy and show her I'm in charge.

    Wow. Lucky lady.
  • michellemybelll
    michellemybelll Posts: 2,228 Member
    based on OP's chosen name, I feel bad for this girl.
  • sami_83
    sami_83 Posts: 161
    Seriously OP. Just be yourself, and don't be a ****head. That's about it. Don't be 'dominant', because here's a newsflash for you- women are your equal. We are not inferior, or weak. We don't need you to be big tough manly men. We don't need you to be in charge of us.

    Knock on the door, be cool, don't buy flowers because as another poster mentioned they'll be a pain in the *kitten* to lug around all night. It's a nice gesture, but maybe suited for another time. You don't need to open doors for her but if you're on that side of the car anyway or first to the restaurant then go for gold. She might also hold doors for you. Manners are universal.
    Take protection but do not expect anything and do not pressure or coerce her (this advice applies to every woman you ever meet for the rest of your life forever). If it happens- good onya ;) if not, well, it's not the end of the world.

    Just be kind and respectful. Easy.

    And next time you want advice on what women like- best to ask women.

    Good luck, mate.
  • EvgeniZyntx
    EvgeniZyntx Posts: 24,208 Member
    Solution to all your questions, in a song.
  • Poods71
    Poods71 Posts: 502 Member
    I know you said guys only but that just makes me immediately want to see what I'm missing lol. If you want a female opinion, then I would say that you are overthinking it way too much. She said yes to the date so she obviously like you. Just be yourself, do what feels right and see how it goes. Good luck :smile:
  • hannahlclrk
    hannahlclrk Posts: 66 Member
    you should always be yourself!

    if your a gentlemanly type- then open doors etc, dont do this purely for the first few dats- a girl will be only disappointed when she falls for you and you turn in to a jerk!

    source: experience!!!
  • My0WNinspiration
    My0WNinspiration Posts: 1,146 Member
    Call her 10 mins before you get there so she will be ready standing on the curb when you pull up.

    No flowers.

    Bring protection.....some can't be too safe nowadays.

    Pay for half the date. You don't want a needy woman who can't pay her own way.

    Good luck.
  • The_Raspberry
    The_Raspberry Posts: 84 Member
    Seriously OP. Just be yourself, and don't be a ****head. That's about it. Don't be 'dominant', because here's a newsflash for you- women are your equal. We are not inferior, or weak. We don't need you to be big tough manly men. We don't need you to be in charge of us.

    Knock on the door, be cool, don't buy flowers because as another poster mentioned they'll be a pain in the *kitten* to lug around all night. It's a nice gesture, but maybe suited for another time. You don't need to open doors for her but if you're on that side of the car anyway or first to the restaurant then go for gold. She might also hold doors for you. Manners are universal.
    Take protection but do not expect anything and do not pressure or coerce her (this advice applies to every woman you ever meet for the rest of your life forever). If it happens- good onya ;) if not, well, it's not the end of the world.

    Just be kind and respectful. Easy.

    And next time you want advice on what women like- best to ask women.

    Good luck, mate.

    Spot on! Took the words right out of my mind!

    Good luck on your date, OP! :)
  • Chadomaniac
    Chadomaniac Posts: 1,785 Member
    Remember to tense your triceps at all times and you'll have nothing to worry about mate.

    Very important
  • V0lver
    V0lver Posts: 915 Member
    Always ALWAYS unload your weapon before leaving on a date

  • steve2kay
    steve2kay Posts: 194 Member
    Lastly..should I bring "protection" just in case..?

    The good thing about going to the door is if you forget protection you can quickly ask her Dad if he has any you could borrow before she comes down stairs.

    Good luck fella - I'm sure it'll be fine.
  • Lns25
    Lns25 Posts: 130 Member
    You realise it is a MUST that you come back and report how the date went! :D

    MY advice, is to keep it simple. Don't try too hard. Be yourself from the start, nothing worse than pretending to be something you're not and having to back pedal later.
    Make her laugh - it'll lower both your nerves :)

  • Pirate_chick
    Pirate_chick Posts: 1,216 Member
    you want a woman's opinion.
    , should I walk to her door? I'm kind of afraid of her dad opening the door, I think it would be kind of awk. I'm going to be as nervous as it is, don't need her dad intimidating me..
    Yes, walk to the door, introduce yourself extend your hand for a handshake.
    So I was thinking about opening the car door for her and closing it. Is that too "soft" of me? I don't want to come off as some sort of softy. Well I want to be nice/ polite yet stay firm and show my dominance as a guy and show her I'm in charge.

    Yes, open and close the car door for her. Open any door for her. It goes a long way.

    Also I was thinking while we are driving to the restaurant I was gonna reach in the back seat and surprise her with some flowers. Is that too much? If not what kind of flowers?

    flowers are nice, but don't start something you don't intend to keep up.
    Should I pay for her meal? I've done some research and a lot of guys say you shouldn't have to pay for everything on the first date because there might not be a second.

    Yes, yes, a thousand times yes. Don't be a douche bag, you asked her out it's on your dime. If she offers to pay for half, say no. ESPECIALLY on a first date or there will not be a second. After the first date you can accept her offer to go dutch.
    Lastly..should I bring "protection" just in case..? Not sure if I missed anything. I appreciate any input. Ty !

    Lol, always have it on you, but seriously don't expect anything...she's not a *kitten*, dinner isn't buying her "services".
  • curt40
    curt40 Posts: 137 Member
    Im now in the dating world again, but this thread makes me feel super old. :(
  • shutyourpieholeandsquat
    I know guys only but you sound young so you need any advice you can get.

    Walk to the door and introduce yourself. Do you want her father's first impression of you to be the guy who honked the horn from the street?

    Yes open her door, manors are appreciated.

    Flowers, that's up to you. If you chose to gift her with flowers, not roses. That's for later. I'd go for a pretty mix of flowers.

    As for dinner...did you ask her out? If you did then I would say yes, you should pay. If things go well and she has manors herself, she will pay the next time, (BUT!!! If she goes crazy with the menu and orders the most expensive thing you may still chose to pay but I would reconsider a 2nd date).

    I wouldn't expect anything to go down on the first date but always bring protection. If you don't want to make her your wife, you don't want to make her a mother.

    Have fun and breathe!!!

    THIS^^^ all of this.
  • shutyourpieholeandsquat
    based on OP's chosen name, I feel bad for this girl.

    :laugh: :drinker:
  • Headingforhealthier
    Just one thing to comment on. I was told this when I was a teen, and I feel the same way. If my daughter's date doesn't have the guts to come up and collect her personally from the door (or god forbid just honks to get her out the door...), she won't be going. It is intimidating to meet parents, but if she's young enough to still live at home then you should respect her parents enough to at least come and get her personally.
  • Espressocycle
    Espressocycle Posts: 2,245 Member
    Walk to the door. Shake Dad's hand with, firmly, and introduce yourself. Walk her to the car and open the door. Let her close it. Don't do flowers, that's too much. Do not have sex with a girl on a first date if you are sexually inexperienced, which of course you are.