Tips for a first date? (guys only..)



  • BeachGingerOnTheRocks
    BeachGingerOnTheRocks Posts: 3,927 Member
    *Never bought a girl flowers crew* checking in.

    Seriously, I always thought bringing a woman flowers before a date comes off as desperate.

    Hold the door, pay for drinks, look good, and bring protection.

    And NEVER (I mean NEVER), buy a woman dinner before you sleep with her.

    Why in hell would a woman give the time of day to a guy who demands sex before dinner? You are seriously twisted, dude. Either that, or you date underage teenagers who don't know any better. (<----Probably this!)

    Well whatever it is they know (for better or worse) is what I like. I don't want to be with a jaded/entitled asset-*kitten* I want to be with a lighthearted, nubile, easily influenced pretty young thang who has a lust for life and everything is new and exciting and is easy to impress her.

    Thats whats fun. You honestly dont have that kind of pull to be able to demand such thinks from anything other than the beta 2nd string white knights.

    The reason you want all these flowers and showings of good will from guys is because you're not sexually attracted/threatened by them potentially seducing you anyway cuz they are mostly turds and the whole "romance" is based on the unromantic notion of them seeking your partnership/companionship like a close friend would, not a true lover.

    That's a whole lot of words for "I can only get the stupid chicks."

    Like as if "smart" women are any more of a value to me? Look at you.

    Look at you, look at you, and look at you.

    Is this the type of high brow cerebral "pleasure" waiting for me on the other side?

    If I want to talk about something, and enjoy conversation I would talk to men. With my bros. Which I thought when I clicked the thread title it was what this was going to be.

    Im not exactly pursuing these young 18 yr old girls because of their conversations skills nomsayin??

    (this girl Im dating now could be one of your daughters, in fact she IS someones daughter)

    It's funny that the only thing you can say about me is "look at you."

    Yes, look at me. Look at me. Look at me.

    Your bros are going to abandon you sooner or later for women just like me.

    And where will you be when you're my age and your bros are no longer interested in the overgrown frat boy with the receding hairline? Chasing 18 year old girls who think of you as that "creepy old guy who still thinks he's in college"? or pining away for the hot, smart chick who rolled her eyes at you that one time you tried to step out of your comfort zone?
  • MM_1982
    MM_1982 Posts: 374
    The guys I've dated could crack you like a coconut, darling.

    They drive tanks, know how to handle an AK47 and actually respect women, which is why they have plenty of intelligent, strong, beautiful women around them in the real world and not just when they play video games in their moms' basements.

    And they don't have to brag about it because it's real.

    And I have spent very little of my adult (or teenage for that matter) years single. I am not single now and have not been for nine years. You, however, are.

    Can I call you Howard from here on out?
  • rml_16
    rml_16 Posts: 16,414 Member
    The guys I've dated could crack you like a coconut, darling.

    They drive tanks, know how to handle an AK47 and actually respect women, which is why they have plenty of intelligent, strong, beautiful women around them in the real world and not just when they play video games in their moms' basements.

    And they don't have to brag about it because it's real.

    And I have spent very little of my adult (or teenage for that matter) years single. I am not single now and have not been for nine years. You, however, are.

    Can I call you Howard from here on out?
    Whatever floats your boat.
  • rml_16
    rml_16 Posts: 16,414 Member
    It's funny that the only thing you can say about me is "look at you."

    Yes, look at me. Look at me. Look at me.

    Your bros are going to abandon you sooner or later for women just like me.

    And where will you be when you're my age and your bros are no longer interested in the overgrown frat boy with the receding hairline? Chasing 18 year old girls who think of you as that "creepy old guy who still thinks he's in college"? or pining away for the hot, smart chick who rolled her eyes at you that one time you tried to step out of your comfort zone?

    Oh come on, Ginger. You know you can't catch a man! :wink:
  • (They may be scared of you, but texting to say you have arrived is common and normal behavior).

    Not for a first date. Ever.

    Agreed. That is not cool for a first date at all.

    or ever for any date with me.

    lol then you're not getting any dates with normal guys. Your loss.

    Whats hilarious is most you ladies making these demands are not even f*&%able by most guys standards.

    I would love to see some pics of the guys you dated lately.
    The guys I've dated could crack you like a coconut, darling.

    They drive tanks, know how to handle an AK47 and actually respect women, which is why they have plenty of intelligent, strong, beautiful women around them in the real world and not just when they play video games in their moms' basements.

    And they don't have to brag about it because it's real.

    And I have spent very little of my adult (or teenage for that matter) years single. I am not single now and have not been for nine years. You, however, are.

    I own a replica AK amongst others and Ive killed bears, darling.

    But my question is what are they making up for? Why do they have to put on an act and white knight you? What is their true insecurity? Facial aesthetics? Looks? Penis size?

    Why do they need to act so tough? I can be tough too but you don't see me bragging about it. Then again I also have a pretty face you can watch for hours and a huge penis.

    I don't need to drive tanks to make up for anything...

    Also I don't have to put on an act of being a "gentlemen" I just do and say what I want and still get laid.

    I text "here" and refuse to meet the parents and still get laid.

    And theres nothing you can do to stop me from getting my pee-pee wet.
  • k8blujay2
    k8blujay2 Posts: 4,941 Member
    Oh... the brah-train wreck is so awesome... It will be amusing to see the day come when the only thing that keeps them warm at night is a bad case of herpes.
  • Always go to the door. If you do nothing else correct on the date, go to the door. Years ago when my brother was picked up for school in the morning, his ride would honk the horn. This pissed me off to no end. Imagine someone's daughter is about to go out with that guy. And don't text "Here." You should keep your phone out of the date completely, starting with the moment you arrive.

    For the flowers I would suggest having some sent to her the day after, assuming everything went well. I try not to sink too much unnecessary cost into a first date if I don't know the girl well. Skipping flowers will certainly help that. If she has an office job, send them there. Otherwise, send them to her home.

    Opening the car door for the girl is not for me. You will have plenty of opportunities to open doors and all of the other non-sense during the date. She can grab her own car door. The only time I did that was when I was driving a car that didn't have a remote. If you don't have key-less entry you should ALWAYS unlock her door first. Don't do the reach over the seat to unlock her's second.
  • (They may be scared of you, but texting to say you have arrived is common and normal behavior).

    Not for a first date. Ever.

    Agreed. That is not cool for a first date at all.

    or ever for any date with me.

    lol then you're not getting any dates with normal guys. Your loss.

    Whats hilarious is most you ladies making these demands are not even f*&%able by most guys standards.

    I would love to see some pics of the guys you dated lately.
    The guys I've dated could crack you like a coconut, darling.

    They drive tanks, know how to handle an AK47 and actually respect women, which is why they have plenty of intelligent, strong, beautiful women around them in the real world and not just when they play video games in their moms' basements.

    And they don't have to brag about it because it's real.

    And I have spent very little of my adult (or teenage for that matter) years single. I am not single now and have not been for nine years. You, however, are.

    I own a replica AK amongst others and Ive killed bears, darling.

    But my question is what are they making up for? Why do they have to put on an act and white knight you? What is their true insecurity? Facial aesthetics? Looks? Penis size?

    Why do they need to act so tough? I can be tough too but you don't see me bragging about it. Then again I also have a pretty face you can watch for hours and a huge penis.

    I don't need to drive tanks to make up for anything...

    Also I don't have to put on an act of being a "gentlemen" I just do and say what I want and still get laid.

    I text "here" and refuse to meet the parents and still get laid.

    And theres nothing you can do to stop me from getting my pee-pee wet.

    really? A pretty face to watch for hours? Then why is it that you're not showing that so-called pretty face of yours?
  • SF2514
    SF2514 Posts: 794 Member
    (They may be scared of you, but texting to say you have arrived is common and normal behavior).

    Not for a first date. Ever.

    Agreed. That is not cool for a first date at all.

    or ever for any date with me.

    lol then you're not getting any dates with normal guys. Your loss.

    Whats hilarious is most you ladies making these demands are not even f*&%able by most guys standards.

    I would love to see some pics of the guys you dated lately.
    The guys I've dated could crack you like a coconut, darling.

    They drive tanks, know how to handle an AK47 and actually respect women, which is why they have plenty of intelligent, strong, beautiful women around them in the real world and not just when they play video games in their moms' basements.

    And they don't have to brag about it because it's real.

    And I have spent very little of my adult (or teenage for that matter) years single. I am not single now and have not been for nine years. You, however, are.

    I own a replica AK amongst others and Ive killed bears, darling.

    But my question is what are they making up for? Why do they have to put on an act and white knight you? What is their true insecurity? Facial aesthetics? Looks? Penis size?

    Why do they need to act so tough? I can be tough too but you don't see me bragging about it. Then again I also have a pretty face you can watch for hours and a huge penis.

    I don't need to drive tanks to make up for anything...

    Also I don't have to put on an act of being a "gentlemen" I just do and say what I want and still get laid.

    I text "here" and refuse to meet the parents and still get laid.

    And theres nothing you can do to stop me from getting my pee-pee wet.

    Why do I picture you crying into a pillow after 3seconds of sex? You're that guy aren't you?
  • Myhaloslipped
    Myhaloslipped Posts: 4,317 Member
    (They may be scared of you, but texting to say you have arrived is common and normal behavior).

    Not for a first date. Ever.

    Agreed. That is not cool for a first date at all.

    or ever for any date with me.

    lol then you're not getting any dates with normal guys. Your loss.

    Whats hilarious is most you ladies making these demands are not even f*&%able by most guys standards.

    I would love to see some pics of the guys you dated lately.
    The guys I've dated could crack you like a coconut, darling.

    They drive tanks, know how to handle an AK47 and actually respect women, which is why they have plenty of intelligent, strong, beautiful women around them in the real world and not just when they play video games in their moms' basements.

    And they don't have to brag about it because it's real.

    And I have spent very little of my adult (or teenage for that matter) years single. I am not single now and have not been for nine years. You, however, are.

    I own a replica AK amongst others and Ive killed bears, darling.

    But my question is what are they making up for? Why do they have to put on an act and white knight you? What is their true insecurity? Facial aesthetics? Looks? Penis size?

    Why do they need to act so tough? I can be tough too but you don't see me bragging about it. Then again I also have a pretty face you can watch for hours and a huge penis.

    I don't need to drive tanks to make up for anything...

    Also I don't have to put on an act of being a "gentlemen" I just do and say what I want and still get laid.

    I text "here" and refuse to meet the parents and still get laid.

    And theres nothing you can do to stop me from getting my pee-pee wet.

    You said pee-pee. :huh:
  • rml_16
    rml_16 Posts: 16,414 Member
    (They may be scared of you, but texting to say you have arrived is common and normal behavior).

    Not for a first date. Ever.

    Agreed. That is not cool for a first date at all.

    or ever for any date with me.

    lol then you're not getting any dates with normal guys. Your loss.

    Whats hilarious is most you ladies making these demands are not even f*&%able by most guys standards.

    I would love to see some pics of the guys you dated lately.
    The guys I've dated could crack you like a coconut, darling.

    They drive tanks, know how to handle an AK47 and actually respect women, which is why they have plenty of intelligent, strong, beautiful women around them in the real world and not just when they play video games in their moms' basements.

    And they don't have to brag about it because it's real.

    And I have spent very little of my adult (or teenage for that matter) years single. I am not single now and have not been for nine years. You, however, are.

    I own a replica AK amongst others and Ive killed bears, darling.

    But my question is what are they making up for? Why do they have to put on an act and white knight you? What is their true insecurity? Facial aesthetics? Looks? Penis size?

    Why do they need to act so tough? I can be tough too but you don't see me bragging about it. Then again I also have a pretty face you can watch for hours and a huge penis.

    I don't need to drive tanks to make up for anything...

    Also I don't have to put on an act of being a "gentlemen" I just do and say what I want and still get laid.

    I text "here" and refuse to meet the parents and still get laid.

    And theres nothing you can do to stop me from getting my pee-pee wet.

    Oooohhhh. You've killed BEARS?? With a GUN? From a TREE STAND??? Scary, tough dude.

    They don't "have to" do any of those things. They just do them because it's what they do.

    They can also type out a paragraph that makes sense. Brains AND brawn!

    And as for "not bragging about it," what was happening in the cell phone in movies thread yesterday?
  • AlsDonkBoxSquat
    AlsDonkBoxSquat Posts: 6,128 Member
    (They may be scared of you, but texting to say you have arrived is common and normal behavior).

    Not for a first date. Ever.

    Agreed. That is not cool for a first date at all.

    or ever for any date with me.

    lol then you're not getting any dates with normal guys. Your loss.

    Whats hilarious is most you ladies making these demands are not even f*&%able by most guys standards.

    I would love to see some pics of the guys you dated lately.
    The guys I've dated could crack you like a coconut, darling.

    They drive tanks, know how to handle an AK47 and actually respect women, which is why they have plenty of intelligent, strong, beautiful women around them in the real world and not just when they play video games in their moms' basements.

    And they don't have to brag about it because it's real.

    And I have spent very little of my adult (or teenage for that matter) years single. I am not single now and have not been for nine years. You, however, are.

    I own a replica AK amongst others and Ive killed bears, darling.

    But my question is what are they making up for? Why do they have to put on an act and white knight you? What is their true insecurity? Facial aesthetics? Looks? Penis size?

    Why do they need to act so tough? I can be tough too but you don't see me bragging about it. Then again I also have a pretty face you can watch for hours and a huge penis.

    I don't need to drive tanks to make up for anything...

    Also I don't have to put on an act of being a "gentlemen" I just do and say what I want and still get laid.

    I text "here" and refuse to meet the parents and still get laid.

    And theres nothing you can do to stop me from getting my pee-pee wet.

    You said pee-pee. :huh:

    My 3 year old says pee-pee . . .
  • wheird
    wheird Posts: 7,963 Member
    *taking notes*
  • terem00
    terem00 Posts: 176 Member
    (They may be scared of you, but texting to say you have arrived is common and normal behavior).

    Not for a first date. Ever.

    Agreed. That is not cool for a first date at all.

    or ever for any date with me.

    lol then you're not getting any dates with normal guys. Your loss.

    Whats hilarious is most you ladies making these demands are not even f*&%able by most guys standards.

    I would love to see some pics of the guys you dated lately.
    The guys I've dated could crack you like a coconut, darling.

    They drive tanks, know how to handle an AK47 and actually respect women, which is why they have plenty of intelligent, strong, beautiful women around them in the real world and not just when they play video games in their moms' basements.

    And they don't have to brag about it because it's real.

    And I have spent very little of my adult (or teenage for that matter) years single. I am not single now and have not been for nine years. You, however, are.

    I own a replica AK amongst others and Ive killed bears, darling.

    But my question is what are they making up for? Why do they have to put on an act and white knight you? What is their true insecurity? Facial aesthetics? Looks? Penis size?

    Why do they need to act so tough? I can be tough too but you don't see me bragging about it. Then again I also have a pretty face you can watch for hours and a huge penis.

    I don't need to drive tanks to make up for anything...

    Also I don't have to put on an act of being a "gentlemen" I just do and say what I want and still get laid.

    I text "here" and refuse to meet the parents and still get laid.

    And theres nothing you can do to stop me from getting my pee-pee wet.

    Oooohhhh. You've killed BEARS?? With a GUN? From a TREE STAND??? Scary, tough dude.

    They don't "have to" do any of those things. They just do them because it's what they do.

    They can also type out a paragraph that makes sense. Brains AND brawn!

    And as for "not bragging about it," what was happening in the cell phone in movies thread yesterday?

    I'm confused
    You say you get laid all the time yet you start a post about tips for a first date??

    Oohhhhhh I get it ;)
    (We have one of those in Toronto too...we just call it hooker Harvey's)
  • Thank you @IpuffyheartHe for the nice compliment. Apparently the majority of 'bros' in this thread do not have children. Daughters for that matter.

    I think my original statement covers all bases for the bro seeking dating tips:
    That is, I said, "treat your date the way you'd want your daughter to be treated". If you can manage that, you will be able to survive any of her fathers death wishes for you, and win her mothers heart.

    God, after reading some of the dismal tips from some of the bros, helps me appreciate the fact that I am already married to my best friend. Put her needs before your own, and you'll be amazed how your relationship will flourish.

    Coming from and "old bro"
  • My_Own_Worst_Enemy
    My_Own_Worst_Enemy Posts: 218 Member
    Okay so when I pick her up, should I walk to her door?
    I'm kind of afraid of her dad opening the door, I think it would be kind of awk. I'm going to be as nervous as it is, don't need her dad intimidating me..
    Holy sheet. Man up! Is this what you want your first impression to be? Could not muster enough courage to go to the door? Nervous? Understood. Its normal. Suck it up and impress the hell out of mom and dad. Maybe youll get lucky and your date will come to the door, but dont chicken out.
    So I was thinking about opening the car door for her and closing it. Is that too "soft" of me? I don't want to come off as some sort of softy.
    Open the door. Since when is being a gentleman considered "too soft"?
    Well I want to be nice/ polite yet stay firm and show my dominance as a guy and show her I'm in charge.
    WTF? Dude, just be yourself. Dont worry about being "dominant and in charge".
    Also I was thinking while we are driving to the restaurant I was gonna reach in the back seat and surprise her with some flowers. Is that too much?
    Hey, bring the flowers with you to the door. That way, if dad does answer, he can see you are a polite gentleman that shows some respect by taking the time out to pickup some flowers and show his appreciation for his daughter.
    If not what kind of flowers?
    Thats what the people at the flower shop get paid for. Even in some supermarkets where you can get a cheap $5 or $10 flowers someone should be able to advise. Ask them.
    Should I pay for her meal? I've done some research and a lot of guys say you shouldn't have to pay for everything on the first date because there might not be a second.
    It depends. Was this a mutually agreed upon date? Did you ask her out? Since you are all wanting to assert your dominance, why dont you do that by picking up the tab? You cant be dominant and expect her to pay half. Sorry, it doesnt work like that.
    Lastly..should I bring "protection" just in case..?
    The answer to this is YES, ALWAYS. You should have some on you right now. Youve seen those Axe Deoderant spray commercials havent you? You never know when youll need it!!

    Above all, be yourself, and dont try too hard. Youll be nervous but try and relax and have a good time. Good Luck!!
  • TheSlorax
    TheSlorax Posts: 2,401 Member
    TIL that when a guy genuinely likes and respects women and treats them accordingly they are overcompensating
  • asimmons221
    asimmons221 Posts: 294 Member
    Further proof of what I already knew.

    Any guy who refers to himself as an "Alpha male" is covering a deep well of insecurity.


    I'm sure his attitude towards woman as well is simply because he has been hurt in a past relationship.
  • rml_16
    rml_16 Posts: 16,414 Member
    TIL that when a guy genuinely likes and respects women and treats them accordingly they are overcompensating

  • AlsDonkBoxSquat
    AlsDonkBoxSquat Posts: 6,128 Member
    Further proof of what I already knew.

    Any guy who refers to himself as an "Alpha male" is covering a deep well of insecurity.

    Having a tiny penis is a hard way to go through life. You can see the various ways they try to overcompensate here.
    According to Cards Against Humanity it's referred to as a micro penis . . .