Anyone taking Adipex (Phentermine)?



  • Kmhornak
    Kmhornak Posts: 42 Member
    Hi. I've been doing a lot of research and reading about Adipex and would like to talk to a doctor about it. Have you gotten the script from your general family doctor or did you have to see a specialist? Who should I talk to about this drug? Thanks.
  • Renee2743
    Renee2743 Posts: 17 Member
    I took the drug called Fen-phen about 10 years ago. I took the drug for 6 mo. under the care of my doctor who said he would give it to me for only that time frame. Yes I lost about 20-30 lbs in 6 months. I also got a damaged heart valve. Some people who took it lost their lives. I was in the class action lawsuit against Home Products, the maker of Fen-Phen, as a result of my health problems. I would not take this drug under any circumstances. You can lose weight without taking drugs if you have the perserverance to do it.
    Hope this response helps.
  • jeb1955
    jeb1955 Posts: 1 Member
    Hi, I'm new also and I just started taking Adipex 2days ago after much deliberation. My dr told me that this has been around since the late 1950's and is intended as an appetite suppressant only. My understanding is that you should not have any weight gain when you go off the Adipex, but make sure you talk to your dr about it. My dr told me that this med used to be included with another med (Phen-Fen) and the combination of drugs caused heart problems, but that the phentermine alone has never been reported as causing problems.
    I have a question for you - did the Adipex make you "shaky" when you first started taking it? If so, how long before your body adjusted to it? My appetite is really down so it's clearly working.
  • chelstakencharge
    chelstakencharge Posts: 1,021 Member
    Sorry, but just say no! If I can do this on my own then anybody can. No diet pill or drs could do what I have done for myself. You are at great risk for gaining all that weight back.
  • rondaj05
    rondaj05 Posts: 497 Member
    Hi, I'm new also and I just started taking Adipex 2days ago after much deliberation. My dr told me that this has been around since the late 1950's and is intended as an appetite suppressant only. My understanding is that you should not have any weight gain when you go off the Adipex, but make sure you talk to your dr about it. My dr told me that this med used to be included with another med (Phen-Fen) and the combination of drugs caused heart problems, but that the phentermine alone has never been reported as causing problems.
    I have a question for you - did the Adipex make you "shaky" when you first started taking it? If so, how long before your body adjusted to it? My appetite is really down so it's clearly working.

    I took it for less than a month. Yes, it suppressed my appetite and yes I lost some weight. But. I hated the shakiness, head crawling, irritability and not being able to sit still and concentrate. There are clearly better ways of losing weight and getting healthy and at my age I worried about having a stroke or heart attack taking something that had me so amped up. Just my .02.
  • jmxxiiii
    jmxxiiii Posts: 231 Member
    I really liked Adipex when I took it, I had good results. I'm having even better results with an ECA stack though. And it's a hell of a lot cheaper.
  • Mojoman02
    Mojoman02 Posts: 146 Member
    We all have our own ways to try to get the weight off. That being said, I am doing it without any's a lifestyle adjustment. You need to ask yourself if you plan on taking the pills the rest of your life. Just my 2 cents! Good luck!!
  • jmxxiiii
    jmxxiiii Posts: 231 Member
    Wasn't this thread started with asking for feedback on taking the med? Not asking for opinions if they should or should not?
  • serialifter
    serialifter Posts: 791 Member
    Are you a rep?

    if yes!
  • dmota0425
    dmota0425 Posts: 18 Member
    :mad: .
  • dmota0425
    dmota0425 Posts: 18 Member
    Wasn't this thread started with asking for feedback on taking the med? Not asking for opinions if they should or should not?

    I completly AGREE with you, some people are so negative against diet pills.
  • dmota0425
    dmota0425 Posts: 18 Member
    I'm looking to see if this has happened to anyone else that's taking Phentermine.

    I'm on my 4th week of using the 37.5 pill once a day and i didn't lose 1 pound the 3rd week. The first two weeks i lost 11 pounds (mostly water I'm sure, clothes still fit the same), i have been eating a low carb diet and 99% of the time below my calories at 1100 or so a day. My concern is that even with the pill i find that i am hungry later in the day and have a hard time not eating everything in sight.

    I'm hoping this is just a small road bump in the overall 3 month program i am on and that i will continue to lose weight. I don't go back for my 1 month check up until next week. Just wondering if anyone else noticed that the pill seemed to kind of stop working suddenly and what was done to correct this.

    I can relate, and yes your body becomes immune to the hunger supress. You have to try to up your excersise and try not to eat pass 6pm. i took it for 2 months. The first 2 weeks i lost 14 pounds then it took me 2 weeks to loose another 4 pounds. wich is not that healthy to loose more than 2 pounds a week anyways. But my last weeks i did see that my weight loss was at a stop, so i upped my calorie intake to 1200 becuase i was only eating about 900 calorie and i wasnt excersising either. and i also notoced the weeks that i didnt drink enough water i didnt loose either, Good luck
  • dylhansmom
    dylhansmom Posts: 2 Member
    I took adipex for 1 and a half moths. I dropped 40 pounds as i was unable to really eat or drink anything on it. I also rode my bike about 20 miles a week. As soon as i stopped taking it i gained all of the weight back plus 30 pounds. While it is a great help while on it life is a huge turnaround off of it when you see the scale going back up!
  • jmxxiiii
    jmxxiiii Posts: 231 Member
    You have to use the med to help you make life style changes. It isn't a life style changer. Of course you'll gain back all your weight once you stop taking it but return to your old life style. That isn't anything "bad" that the pill did, it's all the "bad" you did.
  • fence007
    fence007 Posts: 12 Member
    You have to use the med to help you make life style changes. It isn't a life style changer. Of course you'll gain back all your weight once you stop taking it but return to your old life style. That isn't anything "bad" that the pill did, it's all the "bad" you did.

    The above user is right on. I've been taking it since November with absolutely no side effects and a great deal of excellent weight loss. PLUS I've done all the lifestyle changes that are necessary (calories in/out and all that) and I feel amazing.

    Any drug is a tool for anything, whether dealing with depression or anxiety or illness or weight issues. You'd never tell someone who was depressed that if they just changed their outlook and thought happy thoughts that they'd not need anti-depressants (I say this as someone on ADs for almost a decade) and yet when someone offers you a tool for weight loss there's a lot of negativity on here. I see the same stuff about WLS. These are both tools, people. Life style changes are necessary regardless of the tool. So let's not get down on people for using the tools they prefer.
  • angelsforme5386
    I started on phentermine 3 days ago. I got the script from my regular doctor only after having lab work done and seeing a heart and eye doctor. I have already lost weight and I am keeping my calories under 1200 a day and exercise some. I have some shakiness and dizziness but its not too bad. I also can sleep on it. I will see how things are in a month. I can only use it for 3 months.
  • Runner5AbelTownship
    Runner5AbelTownship Posts: 243 Member
    I am trying to get OFF the medicine. I know the best thing is to do it yourself. However, when you've been on a prescription pill like adipex for a long time your body becomes used to it and I wanted some help in figuring out the best way to come off of it without experiencing the dreaded side effects of extreme fatigue and hunger when you just stop taking it cold turkey like I have before. Thanks. :)

    I'd imagine that's a question for the person that prescribed it.
  • katielshelby
    katielshelby Posts: 137 Member
    You have to use the med to help you make life style changes. It isn't a life style changer. Of course you'll gain back all your weight once you stop taking it but return to your old life style. That isn't anything "bad" that the pill did, it's all the "bad" you did.

    The above user is right on. I've been taking it since November with absolutely no side effects and a great deal of excellent weight loss. PLUS I've done all the lifestyle changes that are necessary (calories in/out and all that) and I feel amazing.

    Any drug is a tool for anything, whether dealing with depression or anxiety or illness or weight issues. You'd never tell someone who was depressed that if they just changed their outlook and thought happy thoughts that they'd not need anti-depressants (I say this as someone on ADs for almost a decade) and yet when someone offers you a tool for weight loss there's a lot of negativity on here. I see the same stuff about WLS. These are both tools, people. Life style changes are necessary regardless of the tool. So let's not get down on people for using the tools they prefer.

    THIS! Also, I tend to only take it once in a while...not everyday! It gives me bowel problems (not being able to go --- sometimes that balances out my IBS, though) if I take it too often. I take it on days where I don't work or go to school and I need to get a lot done. That way, I am burning more calories doing all of the stuff and not eating out of boredom! It works for me --- no side effects that I have noticed --- and I don't feel addicted!
  • MsBrandy247
    MsBrandy247 Posts: 3 Member
    I started taking these this past Friday and I lost 3 pounds so far eating "clean" as you would say. I asked my doctor for these because I had already lost 39 pounds doing the HCG diet completely change how I ate and on a low calorie diet little to no exercise just walking some (I know was being completely lazy). SW 225 EW189 started HCG in July was done with it by October take it one month off one month. During the holidays "Christmas" threw me off I just couldn't get back on track and gained up to 10 pounds and I have been up & down in that same range. Eating sweets I've never been a sweet eater ever but couldn't stop carving and wanting chocolate. The day I took the pills I had my breakfast, lunch, fruit and water never thought about that snicker the entire day. And I've been on track and staying focused. I haven't started working out yet just changing how I ate so far but I plan to start my workout soon.
  • lilsexykitty
    I just started taking phentermine yesterday, I am 5'7" and 165 lbs. I want to lose 15 lbs. I was power walking/jogging everyday and trying to eat no more than 1200 calories, but my appetite was always crazy, I was always thinking about food. Last week while walking I injured my knee, come to find out I tore my meniscus ligament and have a stress fracture, so no walking for me for a month or so. I explained to my doctor what I was going through and she gave me the prescription but for only 30 days. I'm hoping this will help me get through the hurdle,until I can get back to my routine. I hit a plateau every time I get to 160 lbs I hope this helps me break it. So far my appetite has dramatically gone down, and I have a ton of energy. Not sure how much weight I can lose in a month but I'll take what I can get?:smile: