Dating advice needed....please



  • juliemouse83
    juliemouse83 Posts: 6,663 Member
    Wow...the red flags went up before the end of your first paragraph.

    Sounds like a guy I used to date...and then could NOT get rid of...block number, and go the other way...
  • kimchi989
    Weirdo sighted... stay away from him. you don't even date and he's already cligny... be safe
  • Adrianachiarato
    Adrianachiarato Posts: 362 Member
    Control freak... run to the hills!!
  • ItsCasey
    ItsCasey Posts: 4,022 Member
    He sounds like a beta. Break up. Move on.
  • harderpa
    harderpa Posts: 153 Member
  • catneon
    catneon Posts: 911 Member
    eeessshhh....way to clingly for someone you're not even seeing. Cancel the date and don't ever give our your phone that quick! plenty of apps you can text with... even freakin email! Don't know if this guy will even get the message....he'll probably continue to text/call you for a while.
  • erickirb
    erickirb Posts: 12,293 Member
    Sounds controlling, be weary, be very weary
  • parys1
    parys1 Posts: 2,072 Member
    No constructive advice here, but I'm sure glad that when I was dating there was no texting. We made a plan for a date and then waited until that date arrived. No texting or checking their FB status.

    No going on line to shadow that person.

    I wish you luck. I wouldn't read too much into the guy's obvious insecurity, but you might want to call him and tell him you are not in a postion to be texting constantly and you will see him on your first date. Until then ask him to relax. If he takes offense to that, canel the date.

    ^^ Pretty much this.
  • Me2FitMe
    Me2FitMe Posts: 1,284 Member
    Let's just say that based on everyone's advice here it seems I made the right decision this past week(end)...
  • lmd_1979
    lmd_1979 Posts: 130
    Sounds like a lapdog kind of guy I know I see on several occasions in town following his "girlfriend", too clingy.
  • vjohn04
    vjohn04 Posts: 2,276 Member
    I know someone that did exactly as you are describing. And yes, they're crazy.
  • groomchick
    groomchick Posts: 610 Member
    Sounds desperate & smothering already! RUN!!
  • CherokeeBabe
    CherokeeBabe Posts: 1,704 Member
    Let him know he's making you uncomfortable. Give him the chance to stop at least, just in case he's just missing the signs that he's taking it too far. Some guys are overeager without meaning anything terrible by it. Some people don't get social cues or understand boundaries very well, it does happen. If he takes it badly, gets offended, throws a fit, whatever, then drop him completely. He can't be like that AND not be understanding about you talking to him about it, there's no helping him if that's the case.
  • nancybuss
    nancybuss Posts: 1,461 Member
    Control Freak - RUN Away Now
  • SunofaBeach14
    SunofaBeach14 Posts: 4,899 Member
    He's a weirdo. Cancel the date and stop answering his calls/texts. You don't owe him an explanation or anything else.
  • Kaelitr0n
    Kaelitr0n Posts: 151 Member
    You could always go for the straight forward approach. Let him know that the constant communication is making you feel uncomfortable and see what happens.

    I've always been one to give people the benefit of the doubt. He may just be excited, nervous, socially awkward, etc.
  • LFDBabs
    LFDBabs Posts: 297 Member
    I wish you luck. I wouldn't read too much into the guy's obvious insecurity, but you might want to call him and tell him you are not in a postion to be texting constantly and you will see him on your first date. Until then ask him to relax. If he takes offense to that, canel the date.

    ^^This would be my advice too.

    You will get a better feel for him on a date, but keep it casual in a very public place. You could also have what I refer to as a stage 1 Cling-on. A guy that exhibits neediness before the first date. Stage 2 Cling-ons are guys that obsess after the first date. If that's the case, I have found you actually have to be a bit mean to have them get the point.

    Good Luck. Listen to YOUR gut instinct.... that advice has never failed me.
  • Cameron_1969
    Cameron_1969 Posts: 2,857 Member
    Block him. . but first tell him why.. . just say something like. . "Dude. .you are too needy, I need a man who isn't a stage 5 clinger".

    It sucks to be cut off with no idea of what went wrong. . Maybe that's what he's afraid of and he's overcompensating.
  • BeachGingerOnTheRocks
    BeachGingerOnTheRocks Posts: 3,927 Member
    He probably isn't dangerous, just desperate and needy.

    Don't date him. He will drive you nuts. And when you cancel, tell him his clinginess is exhausting. Guys need to know this or it's ruined for the next girl, too.
  • Emmiejayne90
    Get rid! My friend had an ex just like this! started off a little controlling but lovely!
    ended up threatening suicide!
    ade her delete every male friend from her life and had to know where she was at all times if she hadn't kept him informed for half an hour he would call her acusing her of lying!
    awful! get rid! or at the very least be honest and tell him hes being too full on and pressurising you!

    start as you mean to go on! if hes like this now it will only get worse!