T25...starting Monday, January 13th



  • LuvonLuv
    Day 5 almost done. Lower focus was OK but I couldn't do Cardio back to back so I'm going to do it tomorrow!

    If possible on Fridays, do one workout in the am, and the next in the pm. I'm completed on week also of T25. That's what I did last Friday cause I know that I couldn't do two workouts in one evening.

    I've really enjoyed the first week and the Sunday stretch was great. I'm looking forward to week 2...anxious like ya'll.
  • priv8dan
    Day 5, (Friday 17th) Upper Focus followed by Core Cardio. Upper Focus, need weights and if you know Shawn T, he really made you work on the core as well as upper body. It was pretty exhausting using my upper body that much, it totally destroyed me. Took a 10 minute break after the cool down drank about 5 cups of water and did Core Cardio. Very taxing on the body as the arms felt like they were already ready to fall off. About a minute in I was following Tanya and definitely the strains were kicking in. No matter it was a mind over matter and determination won over bodily complaints.

    Day 6: rest day, did the measurements loss about 3 lbs, chest was about 1/8 inch smaller, waist lost about 1/16 inch. arms and thighs were the same.

    Day 7: Sunday Stretch. felt really good as usual got an amazing stretch and ready for today's workout. Can't wait until I get home to do my next workout.
  • emilymirek
    emilymirek Posts: 1 Member
    I have a lot of girls on my team doing T25, are you apart of a team?
  • priv8dan
    I have a lot of girls on my team doing T25, are you apart of a team?

    No, I have been doing this on my own. Some friends that I haven't seen lately are really surprised by my results and want to do the same thing. All they do is ask questions, and never actually go through with the workout. Guess it isn't for everyone.
  • rjdunn87
    rjdunn87 Posts: 385 Member
    Today began Alpha week 4 for me. I'm still loving it, but I'm looking forward to moving on to Beta in a few weeks. I get bored easily, but at the same time I know I'm not ready to move on yet, I'm really going to follow this program to the letter. My boyfriend and I also downloaded Gamma recently, so we'll be doing that after Beta. Psyched!

    Awesome job everyone for sticking with it. I've been doing Jillian Michael's No More Trouble Zones video a few times this week, and the increase in strength training has caused my scale to go up about a pound and a half… at least I think that's what it is. Hoping it drops back down once my body is used to the extra work a bit.
  • sbarella
    sbarella Posts: 713 Member
    Alpha week 2, day 2: total body circuit. Done it! I still had to modify some of the crazy spider moves and hops but I feel great.
  • sbarella
    sbarella Posts: 713 Member
    Alpha week 2, day 3: Speed 1.0
    Done! Almost nailed it.
  • alasin1derland
    alasin1derland Posts: 575 Member
    Cardio still my favorite workout. Did much better with total body workout this week. Tightened up my shoes and got a rubber mat to put my hands on to stop them from slipping. That enabled me to put more into the workout. I actually burned 84 more calories this week on the total body work out then I did last week. Keep up the good work everybody.
  • priv8dan
    Anyone in Beta still around?

    Day 6: Dynamic Core, tough but nailed it. Easier this time around. Really able to feel the abs on the side oblique push ups. Need to work harder at it as the abs aren't sore day after. Can't wait till the next one

    Day 7: Core Cardio has got to be the toughest workout in Beta, that is the only one that's destroying me. I need at least a 5 min break before I can move again. Makes me cry like a little girl and I am done for the day after that work out. Can't wait till the next one. Hope it will be easier to complete next time around. Praying that my body improves on endurance so I can make it through that without curling up in a fetal position afterwards. :D
  • sbarella
    sbarella Posts: 713 Member
    Alpha Week 2, day 4: Cardio.
    Almost nailed it ;)
  • fitfan11
    fitfan11 Posts: 544 Member
    Alpha, week 2, day 4.......absolutely crushin it!!!
  • LuvonLuv
    Week 2, day 5: Well since it's two workouts, I do one in the morning. It's a challenge doing in the am, but I don't think I can manage two in the evening after work. But I feel okay at work...I'm mostly sedentary in the office but I feel it in my shoulders. I feel really great though!

    Great work folks...I'm moving on with yah!
  • sbarella
    sbarella Posts: 713 Member
    Alpha week 2, day 5: done! I did lower focus in the am and Ab intervals right now. I didn't punch my stomach this time, I hope it works anyway lol.
    Keep it going!
  • rjdunn87
    rjdunn87 Posts: 385 Member
    Anyone in Beta still around?

    Day 6: Dynamic Core, tough but nailed it. Easier this time around. Really able to feel the abs on the side oblique push ups. Need to work harder at it as the abs aren't sore day after. Can't wait till the next one

    Day 7: Core Cardio has got to be the toughest workout in Beta, that is the only one that's destroying me. I need at least a 5 min break before I can move again. Makes me cry like a little girl and I am done for the day after that work out. Can't wait till the next one. Hope it will be easier to complete next time around. Praying that my body improves on endurance so I can make it through that without curling up in a fetal position afterwards. :D

    I'll be there in one more week! Can't wait, I'm ready to move on.
  • sbarella
    sbarella Posts: 713 Member
    I'll be there in one more week! Can't wait, I'm ready to move on.
    Totally off topic, but I love your avatar :drinker:
  • ChristianAbigail
    ChristianAbigail Posts: 1 Member
    T 25 STARTING TODAY:smile::smile:
  • priv8dan
    I'll be there in one more week! Can't wait, I'm ready to move on.

    Congrats on making it! Finish strong. You'll love Beta, he steps it up but nothing you can't handle. :) I just increased my weights from 5 lbs to 8.8 lbs.

    Day 8: Rip't Circuit. Still able to last, might of had too much water because the sweat was really coming down hard. Still feeling that push. Shawn T really pushes it. Did the whole video without following Tanya. Felt great! so I wanted to step it up for the next day.

    Day 9: Upper Focus, went from heavier weights. Very good for my muscles. Felt sore today, which I'm loving especially with delts and pecs. Can't wait till all the muscle grows back. Although they only said weights in the video I recommend using a miniMat as well. All those push ups really made me fire up all my cylinders. Hope measurement Saturaday will show some really good results. (I've been cheating in terms of my weight, been doing that everyday)
  • alasin1derland
    alasin1derland Posts: 575 Member
    Week 2, done. Love love love the stretching.
  • sbarella
    sbarella Posts: 713 Member
    Welcome week 3! Total body circuit done. I'm still terrible at the plank walk madness but I'm improving.
  • sbarella
    sbarella Posts: 713 Member
    Week 3 Day 2: Speed 1.0
    90% nailed it!