Dating advice needed....please



  • jessykab74
    jessykab74 Posts: 167 Member
    Erm ... I'm getting bad vibes about this guy just based on your description of his behavior. He sounds kind of needy to me and potentially a bit controlling, as well. You might want to listen to your mom -- he may not end up being a serial killer or anything like that, but he sounds like he could definitely cause a lot of needless grief and stress down the road.

    Anyhow, them's my $0.02.

    This exactly!! If I meet a guy and they are like this, I am done. I have no desire to continue getting to know them. Sadly they are a lot of needy people in this world now days.
  • seltzermint555
    seltzermint555 Posts: 10,741 Member
    I wouldn't read too much into the guy's obvious insecurity, but you might want to call him and tell him you are not in a postion to be texting constantly and you will see him on your first date. Until then ask him to relax. If he takes offense to that, canel the date.

    This is along the lines of my advice, too. I'd be like, "Hold seem cool, but I am just NOT constantly connected and available to text/call you/etc." and if he can't handle that or is upset by it then I would not go on the date.
  • djsupreme6
    djsupreme6 Posts: 1,210 Member
    Not saying its right or wrong, however have you told him you aren't ok with him doing these things? if you haven't he may just think its what he supposed to do and will back it off accordingly. He may think hes' doing the right thing
  • JenToms80
    JenToms80 Posts: 373 Member
    Definately sounds like he has issues lovely, best to break ties now :)
  • Blacklance36
    Blacklance36 Posts: 755 Member
    run... run away now!!!!!

    And run fast and run far!
  • LVCeltGirl
    Respond to one of the texts with a "back off or I won't be going out with you" type message. Keep it very public if you go out with him, don't give out more information than you would to a stranger. He seems weird but it could be nerves due to meeting someone he connected with, and now you're seeing the overzealous attempts at getting to know you better. It could be harmless but go with your gut. If your gut says, "don't trust, don't go", then don't. If your gut says that it's "nerves" or "he's harmless", then give him a chance.
  • DMZ_1
    DMZ_1 Posts: 2,889 Member
    Not saying its right or wrong, however have you told him you aren't ok with him doing these things? if you haven't he may just think its what he supposed to do and will back it off accordingly. He may think hes' doing the right thing

    Isn't it sort of common knowledge not to over text and over call?
  • bearkisses
    bearkisses Posts: 1,252 Member
    too needy, he clearly isn't secure with himself and you don't know what he's capable of since you don't know him
  • sixthsense
    Avoid like the plague
  • djsupreme6
    djsupreme6 Posts: 1,210 Member
    Not saying its right or wrong, however have you told him you aren't ok with him doing these things? if you haven't he may just think its what he supposed to do and will back it off accordingly. He may think hes' doing the right thing

    Isn't it sort of common knowledge not to over text and over call?

    Sure it is but since everybody is different and nowhere does it say how often this occurs, is overtexting and overcalling every days...I just figure that if he does this and isn't being told anything different or not picking up the cues then it may be alright to him. Who knows, just a thought but communication is always a key even if its obvious
  • audreygal
    audreygal Posts: 6 Member
    Souunds like he is rather insecure. When you were talking to him in person, did he seem weird. I would not recommend ever giving a guy a cell number until you know him better. Perhaps an email address would be better. Its up to you. Perhaps meet for coffee in a open place. Have a friend be on call somewhere nearby in case you run into trouble. You could have someone call call you to check your safety.

    Texting or calling too much is very needy behavior. If you meet him, maybe you could ask him why he is doing this. Tell him your expectations and see what happens. I dont know maybe he is just inexperienced or nervous. If you he seems dangerous, you have no choice but to change your phone number and chalk it up to experience. Good luck and let us know what happens.
  • nm212
    nm212 Posts: 570 Member
    Trust your instincts girl! He sounds a little crazy. I'd stay away.
  • BiggyFuzz
    BiggyFuzz Posts: 511 Member
    sounds obsessive, has low self-esteem and has trust issues.

    I wouldn't say give up but it might be some underlying issue that you might want to find out about him. Maybe he had a really bad relationship and the girl effed him up mentally....just my thought though

    but if you are feeling iffy about it then stay away
  • djsupreme6
    djsupreme6 Posts: 1,210 Member
    Souunds like he is rather insecure. When you were talking to him in person, did he seem weird. I would not recommend ever giving a guy a cell number until you know him better. Perhaps an email address would be better. Its up to you. Perhaps meet for coffee in a open place. Have a friend be on call somewhere nearby in case you run into trouble. You could have someone call call you to check your safety.

    Texting or calling too much is very needy behavior. If you meet him, maybe you could ask him why he is doing this. Tell him your expectations and see what happens. I dont know maybe he is just inexperienced or nervous. If you he seems dangerous, you have no choice but to change your phone number and chalk it up to experience. Good luck and let us know what happens.

  • mank32
    mank32 Posts: 1,323 Member
    He may think hes' doing the right thing
    Isn't it sort of common knowledge not to over text and over call?

    ^THIS. Either he doesn't know how not cool that is, or he knows it but can't help himself. Either way, it's not very encouraging.

    Your options:

    1. Do him a favor: don't say anything about it, and go out with him--and hope that you can hear eachother over the sound of that huge red flag flapflapflapping away between you.

    2. Do him a mixed favor: educate him, tell him that what's he's doing is not cool and setting off alarms, and go out with him anyway--if he still wants to after you (maybe) bruise his ego a little.

    3. Do both him and yourself a favor: educate him and cancel the date.

    4. Do yourself a favor: cancel the date.

    I'm voting for #3 or #4.
  • BlueBombers
    BlueBombers Posts: 4,065 Member
    You could go an a date with him in a PUBLIC place, coffee shop or something like that and see how that goes if you are curious.

    The constant texting would be a red flag for me.
  • 1shauna1
    1shauna1 Posts: 993 Member
    Too much, too soon!
  • DMZ_1
    DMZ_1 Posts: 2,889 Member
    He may think hes' doing the right thing
    Isn't it sort of common knowledge not to over text and over call?

    ^THIS. Either he doesn't know how not cool that is, or he knows it but can't help himself. Either way, it's not very encouraging.

    Your options:

    1. Do him a favor: don't say anything about it, and go out with him--and hope that you can hear eachother over the sound of that huge red flag flapflapflapping away between you.

    2. Do him a mixed favor: educate him, tell him that what's he's doing is not cool and setting off alarms, and go out with him anyway--if he still wants to after you (maybe) bruise his ego a little.

    3. Do both him and yourself a favor: educate him and cancel the date.

    4. Do yourself a favor: cancel the date.

    I'm voting for #3 or #4.

    The typical 6.5 and above women in the 21-28 age range will cancel with no explanation (option 4). From 5-6.5 in that age cohort, the majority (my guess 85-90%) will cancel with no explanation (option 4), while the rest will choose option 3.
  • MM_1982
    MM_1982 Posts: 374
    I abide to the Crazy vs Hot scale. She'd have to be fairly attractive for me to put up with a clinger.
  • QuietBloom
    QuietBloom Posts: 5,413 Member
    Your mom is right. Major fruit loop alert.