Question is about my 7 year old daughter who weighs 80lbs



  • fitnesspro111
    Researchers speculate that TV competes with the physical activity of all children who watch the most programming, because they were the least active, according to a study in Obesity Research. Most of the time spent on the couch is only half the problem.The content of commercials may also have a negative effect. Preschoolers watched 21% more fast-food ads on TV in recent year than they did in past few years. And there’s reason to believe that advertising is working.
    In general, the children who sat down to dinner as a family were less likely to be obese, ate more nutritious meals, so it’s just as important to clear their evening schedules as yours.

    Extra schoolwork could increase your kid’s weight, too. It’s not unheard of for high school students to skip lunch in order to get in to extra classes who regularly ate school lunch were nearly 30% more likely to be obese than those who brown-bagged it. “Kids who buy lunch are not being supervised, so insteaueeze in an extra class, and missing meals can cause you to overeat .
    One of the reason is "Lack of family food".
  • edwardkim85
    edwardkim85 Posts: 438 Member
    my mom let me eat whatever I wanted and stuffed me , so I became a chubby kid.

    Fat cells can expand in numbers when they are kids/teenagers and it will remain there their entire lives.

    It'll make it 10 x tougher for her to lose fat(weight) when she's a teenager and she starts to care about her weight.

    I recommend that you teach her 'healthy' way of eating with good portion control early on.

    I wish my parents taught me this earlier.

    You can't expect your daughter to 'slim out' as she grows older. Bad eating habits will stick her entire life. Fix it while she's young.
  • edwardkim85
    edwardkim85 Posts: 438 Member
    if she doesn't play sports now, get her engaged in sports so she's surrounded by 'fit' kids.

    It's a positive environment as unless she wants to do sumo or powerlift, there's no sports where 'excess fat ' = good.

    She will become more competetive, fitter, and healthy conscious as she gets older.

    Please choose a comepetive sport that you daughter would like and slowly get her engaged, let it be soccer/lacross anything.
  • evileen99
    evileen99 Posts: 1,564 Member

    and also what should I do to address constant hunger. She seriously would match how much my husband eats (he's 6'2) in one sitting if allowed.

    You have just described me as a child. What saved me was activity--try to get her interested in something physical. Move, move, move.

    Also, is she maybe getting ready for a growth spurt? Lots of kids put on weight before they shoot up a couple of inches.
  • SunofaBeach14
    SunofaBeach14 Posts: 4,899 Member
    I have no idea if this will help you or not. I have a friend who recently married a lovely woman with of whom was overweight. This friend runs every single day. He started taking the girls running with him around a local school track on sunday mornings. He told them that he has to run so that he can have his sunday pastry. They now run together all the time and only get a pastry on sundays. It has helped the little girl get more active, see food in a healthier way and as she is growing taller she is slimming down.

    This is what we do as a family. I have been taking my 8 year old running with me (often she has ridden a scooter and sometimes she runs, other times she rides a bike) and am now pushing my 3 year old on her bike with training wheels on some of my runs. We are also starting the 8 year old with barbell squats. I make it fun for them by running to the park, letting them play, then hitting the gym and letting them play in the play room, then running back home, mostly on the weekends but some weekday mornings.

    OP, if you are an active family, she is eating healthy food, and the blood work is coming back normal, then perhaps patience is in order. Have you always been active or is this something new? If the latter, then definitely give it time. If not, then check with a new doctor and see what he/she says.
  • ddky
    ddky Posts: 381 Member
    absolutely she should be checked out by a doctor. But assuming everything checks out, I just want to say that my overweight 7 year old became an obese teenager and a morbidly obese adult. I blame myself every day for that. If I could go back in time, I would find a way to stop that. I would not have any bad foods in the house, we would have taken walks every day. I would have worked to introduced healthier foods. I would do whatever it took to get her to a normal weight. Good luck to you and for her sake don't give up.
  • irishladyo
    irishladyo Posts: 46 Member
    When I was a child I loved food. I would sneek it I loved it so much. I gaurantee that if you have ANY junk food in the house she's probably sneaking little snacks of her own on top of whatever you may be giving her. Get rid of it all. Frozen crap food, cookies, whatever. If she's getting food from kids at school I wouldn't worry about that to much, she's a girl and the embarassment of getting food from kids will soon outweigh her want to eat. I delt with that at a young age too. On another note, I did catch up to my weight by the time I hit high school and I was fine. It's only in recent life that I've ben struggleing with weight again. It's good that your concerend now and trying to do somthing about it, I wish my parents had been. Keep researching and working with her. :)
  • Mr_Knight
    Mr_Knight Posts: 9,532 Member
    My 9 year old tracks right along with us. He now reads nutritional labels himself, and makes choices based on them. We live in a world of over—abundant food choices, and I view making good food decisions a basic skill that kids should start developing at a young age.
  • Mof3wc
    Mof3wc Posts: 126 Member
    What kind of foods do you have in the house? If there are only healthy foods around, eating is going to be far less exciting for her, and there will be less temptation to have a 2nd or 3rd.

    And limit her to one snack. If she's had her snack already, she's done until the next meal no matter who else is having a snack. She doesn't need to eat just because someone else is.
  • gigglybeth
    gigglybeth Posts: 365 Member
    Yes, definitely have her checked for food allergies/intolerances/etc.

    2ish years ago I found out I had celiac disease and I most likely have had it my entire life. When I eliminated gluten from my diet, I couldn't believe how much my stomach area went down. I was bloated constantly, but I didn't realize it because I had been that way for as long as I could remember. Also, she might be constantly hungry because she's craving nutrients. With celiac disease, the lining of the intestines is damaged and doesn't absorb nutrients from like a healthy intestinal tract would.

    Until recently the prevailing wisdom was that celiac disease patients were underweight and you couldn't be both celiac AND overweight, leading a lot of people to be misdiagnosed. In the last few years that has thankfully changed. It can be diagnosed with a blood draw.
  • FindingMyPerfection
    FindingMyPerfection Posts: 702 Member
    maybe first you could concentrate on getting her more active and away from the snack area.
    Don't have the junk snack around so much have fresh fruit available. With less junk snacks she might start reaching for an apple or banana instead. ......just ideas.
    Also set a limit to how many snacks she can have. Choose this number with her so she feel like she has a say. Make a sticker chart and every time she ants a snack she puts a sticker on it. When it is full and she asks for another snack, point to the chart and tell her she has used up all her snacks for the day, and can have more tomorrow.
  • AlongCame_Molly
    AlongCame_Molly Posts: 2,835 Member
    I didn't read through all the responses so apologies if this is was already said.

    What types of food are you feeding her? Could she be hungry because she's eating too many cheap carbs,/not enough fibrous veggies, good fats and proteins?

    Also, in regards to her trying to double up on snacks, establish ONE set time a day in which snacks are available. Everyone in the house snacks at the same time, and has the same thing. That way she never feels singled out, or excluded, or picked on.

    I actually WOULD mention something to her teacher, (if, after speaking with her pediatrician it's determined that her food intake must be limited) the teacher could make a tactful, class-wide announcement that snack-sharing is to be discouraged, because of unknown allergies or whatever reason she wants to give. Your daughter would never have to know that it was about her.
  • FromHereOnOut
    FromHereOnOut Posts: 3,237 Member
    maybe first you could concentrate on getting her more active and away from the snack area.
    Don't have the junk snack around so much have fresh fruit available. With less junk snacks she might start reaching for an apple or banana instead. ......just ideas.
    Also set a limit to how many snacks she can have. Choose this number with her so she feel like she has a say. Make a sticker chart and every time she ants a snack she puts a sticker on it. When it is full and she asks for another snack, point to the chart and tell her she has used up all her snacks for the day, and can have more tomorrow.

    A little problem I see with that is that stickers are universally a reward for kids (kids love them and love picking them out). So this would inadvertently set-up a reward system for eating snacks. Now maybe if she did smthg a certain numbers of times per day to EARN the snack, then stickers would be okay.
  • FindingMyPerfection
    FindingMyPerfection Posts: 702 Member
    maybe first you could concentrate on getting her more active and away from the snack area.
    Don't have the junk snack around so much have fresh fruit available. With less junk snacks she might start reaching for an apple or banana instead. ......just ideas.
    Also set a limit to how many snacks she can have. Choose this number with her so she feel like she has a say. Make a sticker chart and every time she ants a snack she puts a sticker on it. When it is full and she asks for another snack, point to the chart and tell her she has used up all her snacks for the day, and can have more tomorrow.

    A little problem I see with that is that stickers are universally a reward for kids (kids love them and love picking them out). So this would inadvertently set-up a reward system for eating snacks. Now maybe if she did smthg a certain numbers of times per day to EARN the snack, then stickers would be okay.
    If stickers are a problem, have her initial the box instead. I don't like the idea of setting up food as a reward for doing something. There are possible food issues in that approach as well.
  • ewinge
    ewinge Posts: 5 Member
    My niece is the same way. Talk to your pediatrician without her being present. Let them know all of your concerns. It could be a chemical imbalance in her. My niece is starting to see an Endocrinologist. That could be something that you could look into.
  • FromHereOnOut
    FromHereOnOut Posts: 3,237 Member
    maybe first you could concentrate on getting her more active and away from the snack area.
    Don't have the junk snack around so much have fresh fruit available. With less junk snacks she might start reaching for an apple or banana instead. ......just ideas.
    Also set a limit to how many snacks she can have. Choose this number with her so she feel like she has a say. Make a sticker chart and every time she ants a snack she puts a sticker on it. When it is full and she asks for another snack, point to the chart and tell her she has used up all her snacks for the day, and can have more tomorrow.

    A little problem I see with that is that stickers are universally a reward for kids (kids love them and love picking them out). So this would inadvertently set-up a reward system for eating snacks. Now maybe if she did smthg a certain numbers of times per day to EARN the snack, then stickers would be okay.
    If stickers are a problem, have her initial the box instead. I don't like the idea of setting up food as a reward for doing something. There are possible food issues in that approach as well.

    Very true.
  • TulsaFun
    I know this may be overly simplistic, but I really think that for most kids who have issues with eating it is actually a control issue. My son (8) is a super picky eater who wants to snack constantly and turns up his nose at most meals, he loves the control of picking what he wants and doesn't like being told what to eat.

    I recommend giving your daughter the feeling of more control by making a FAMILY snack chart, and asking the whole family for input. What snacks does everyone want? How many should be allowed each day, and of what kind? For example: 1 cookie, 2 veggies, 2 fruits, 1 cheese stick per person. No one has to eat all their snacks, but they can't have 3 cookies. Make the chart on a laminated poster or white board and encourage your daughter to help everyone keep track of their snacks with a dry erase marker so the chart can be reused daily or weekly.

    By giving her control and making it a family project you will raise her awareness without singling her out, and give her an important job monitoring the family's eating habits. Kids at this age want responsibility, so she might enjoy this.
  • Speckle38
    Speckle38 Posts: 53 Member
    My just 8yo weighs 77lb, but he is over 6 inches taller than your daughter. His BMI (which I don't really believe in) is just under 18. He would graze all day, but that's not how we run.

    We eat all meals at the dining table - doesn't matter what it is, we sit at the table, so I know exactly what and when the children are eating. I don't allow snacks after a certain time because they won't eat dinner.
    We walk or cycle to and from school 3 km/day.
    We swim at least once a week, usually more.
    He does karate twice a week.

    DH and I are active - DH cycles to work most days, I go to the gym and I'm about to start dance classes.

    My other children don't do karate, but they also swim and do a second activity of their choice. As has already been said, to begin with, I would try to find something active to do with your daughter together. It wouldn't hurt to take her to the doctor, but I wouldn't immediately jump to the conclusion that there's a metabolic issue.
  • theruby
    theruby Posts: 36
    My son eats constantly. However, he has adhd and is extremely active. Even when he plays video games, he can't be sedentary, he is constantly moving, jumping, pacing, etc. He is not by any means overweight though. I have to buy slender pants for him. One thing that I have done since he could ask for snacks though, which he does all-the-time, is make him aware of his own intakes by general food types. After school I allow 1 or 2 his choice snacks in appropriate portions, depending on activities for the day. Those are his junky food snacks. After that, he has to have a healthy snack and water. If he argues, I remind him what he had for his treats and let him know too much of anything is not healthy.

    She is at an age where she can begin to understand basic dietary concepts. And I would use it as an educational opportunity to get her on a healthy track. Say things like "have a healthy snack now, how about yogurt, it's good for strong bones", or "how about an apple, it helps clean your teeth and helps it not hurt when you poop"... Also introduce her to servings. If she wants Oreos, show her the label- 2 cookies is what the pack says, have it with some (low fat or fat free) milk. As a rule, for the most part, in my house if they eat a sweet, milk must accompany it. That will also help with portion control and teach her to savor what she has, instead of inhale as kids sometimes do by nature.

    No snacks an hour before dinner/meals. It's just a constant argument in my home with an impulsive child. But that is a solid rule I put my foot down on. If they just can't survive until dinner, I say grab a glass of water or milk. Snack again when you're done if you're still hungry.

    What happens at school, you can't do much. But at home, if she insists on snacks every time you offer visitors, then start to only offer low cal and/or healthy options.

    Set the example, guide and educate on her level. Keep up the activities. Stay positive and good luck.
  • angmarie28
    angmarie28 Posts: 2,808 Member
    what I do with my kids (I have 3 sons 4, 5, and 7) they get breakfast at 7am, then lunch at 11am, then snack 3:30pm, then dinner at 6pm, and rarely dessert, they know this is snack time or meal time, any other time the kitchen is off limits, and they only get milk or juice at a meal time, the rest of the day they can have water, and the rules are the same for parents to its not unfair