lose 10-20 pounds by thanksgiving support group



  • godblessourhome
    godblessourhome Posts: 3,892 Member
    start weight: 130
    8/18 - 129.3 (-)
    8/25 - 129.2 (-)
    9/1 - 128.7 (-)
    9/8 - missed (hub's gramp's funeral)
    9/15 - 128.2 (-)
    9/22 - 126.6 (-)
    9/29 - 127.2 (+)
    10/6 - 128.0 (+)
    10/13 - 128.0 (=)
    10/20 - 125.6 (-)
    10/27 - 124.7 (-)
    11/3 - 124.0 (-)
    11/10 - 123.3 (-)
    11/17 - 126.0 (+)
    11/24 -
    goal weight: 120

    ugh! darn it! i have been overeating like crazy lately. :( hopefully i can get it together this week.
  • Well I had a rough past week. I have been dealing with a horrible cough and seasonal sinus problems. :(
    Well due to the sickness and lack of appetite I have drop down to a wopping 126 so 4lbs lost. Well, hopefully I will get over this by this weekend so that I can get back to my normal workout plan.

    10/6 - 132
    10/13 - 130
    10/20 - 130
    10/27 - 129
    11/3 - 130
    11/10 - Sick All Week Missed!! :(
    11/17 - 126
    11/24 -
    goal weight: 120
  • godblessourhome
    godblessourhome Posts: 3,892 Member
    if anyone wants to do a challenge this weekend, it is: TO SHARE HOW YOU ARE MAKING YOUR THANKSGIVING MEAL HEALTHIER. i will post the challenge on thursdays after the weigh-in. it will be a random idea and you can chose to participate or not. if you do, have fun! :) we can all use some new and helpful ideas.
  • muth3rluvx2
    muth3rluvx2 Posts: 1,156 Member
    I don't think mine will be any healthier than any other year - it's not what's on the table that matters in this one around here.. it's what's on the plate!! LOL We do a pretty traditional menu.
  • Chrissun
    Chrissun Posts: 148
    My sister is preparing our Thanksgiving meal. I'm going to eat a lot of veggies, small portions of everything else and enjoy a small piece of cheesecake!

    start weight: 171.5
    8/18 - 170
    8/25 - 169
    9/1 - 168
    9/8 - 166
    9/15 - 165
    9/22 - 164
    9/29 - 163
    10/6 - 163
    10/13 - 161
    10/20 - 159
    10/27 - 158
    11/3 - 155 My Original Thanksgiving Goal!
    11/10 - 155
    11/17 - 153!
    11/24 -
    goal weight: 155 New Goal: 153# before leaving for CO 11/20!
  • godblessourhome
    godblessourhome Posts: 3,892 Member
    our thanksgiving meal is much smaller this year. we are having:

    prime rib and roast turkey
    tomato and mozzarella caprese
    mushroom stuffing
    mashed potatoes and brown gravy
    green bean casserole
    parmesan roasted asparagus
    steamed broccoli, cauliflower and carrots
    zucchini, corn and mint salad
    raspberry jello (with real raspberries in it)
    pumpkin pie with whipped cream
    pecan pie

    normally it is three times as large so i am happy that we have cut it down. :) i can't wait to celebrate thanksgiving with my family! what are you looking forward to eating the most? i think i am looking forward to the pecan pie. yum! i love how sweet and sugary it is. either that or the caprese (but only if i can find good, ripe tomatoes).

    one more weigh-in! work your tails off this week! :)
  • Joyjmb
    Joyjmb Posts: 221 Member
    Last weigh in tomorrow - thinking good thoughts!

    Every year we all do heavy casseroles, so this year my sisters and I are all bringing good veggie dishes instead.
    I'm doing the Broccoli Cranberry Salad from the 'Sweet Tomatoes/Souplantation' recipes. Using light mayo and
    cider vinegar to create a great creamy base on these high fiber veggies. Can't wait!
  • Joyjmb
    Joyjmb Posts: 221 Member
    8/18 - 261 (start weight)
    8/25 - 256
    9/1 - 254.5
    9/8 - 255.2
    9/15 - 254.4
    9/22 - 252.2 (-8.8)
    9/29 - 253.5
    10/6 - 250.8 (-10.2)
    10/13 - 249.2 (-11.8)
    10/20 - 250.4 (+1.2)
    10/27 - 252.5 (+2)
    11/3 - 251 (-10)
    11/10 - 248.4 (-12.6)
    11/17 -no change
    11/24 - 246.8

    LOSS: 14.2 lbs~!!

    WHOOHOO!!!!!! Everyone have an awesome Thanksgiving and thank you so much for this forum to keep me accountable and encouraged. The challenges were fun!
    Be well!

  • Megooo19
    Megooo19 Posts: 199
    8/18 - 149.4
    8/25 - ?
    9/1 - ?
    9/8 - 153.6
    9/15 - 148.2 (bye bye vacation weight!)
    9/22 - 150.0 (dang it!)
    9/29 - 146.4
    10/6 - 146.8
    10/13- 145.6
    10/20- 144.2
    10/27- 146.2
    11/3 - 148
    11/10- ?
    11/17- 146.2
    11/24- 144.8
    GOAL WEIGHT (by this date): 137

    Apparently not caring is kinda working for me lol. Oh well, so I didnt make my goal but I plan to still be mindful of what I'm eating although I think I'm going to avoid tracking calories for right now and just kind of do a running mental estimation each day...It worked this week! And good news is I'm not stressing about every little thing I put in my mouth. It's the holidays so why not relax a little?

    Since the begining of the challenge I've lost 4.8 lbs and since I got back from my cruise I've lost 8.8 so I'm not super excited but then again I only have about 7lbs to go til I'll be at my ideal weight!
  • stormywxs
    stormywxs Posts: 254 Member
    01/01/2009 Heaviest Weight 209
    03/01/2010 Started mfp 180
    08/18/2010……… 158.0 ………2 week mini goal 156
    08/25/2010........... 157.6 (-)
    09/01/2010........... 156.2 (-).......2 week mini goal 154
    09/08/2010........... Fell Off Wagon
    09/15/2010........... Gained over 10 pounds
    09/22/2010............166.6 (+).......2 week mini goal 164
    09/29/2010............165.5 (-)
    10/06/2010............164.7 (-)........2 week mini goal 161
    10/13/2010............166.2 (+)
    10/20/2010............166.0 (-)........2 week mini goal 161
    10/27/2010............166.7 (+)
    11/03/2010............168.0 (+).......2 week mini goal 162
    11/11/2010............167.7 (-)........2 Revised two week goal 164
    11/18/2010............167.0 (-)
    11/24/2010............167.2 (+).......2 week goal 164

    Didn't make ten pounds by Thanksgiving and snapped my streak of weigh loss weeks at only 2 in a row. Tomorrow is the hradest challenge for someone trying to loss weight - Thanksgiving. Oh well, I do have a lot to be thankful for including all of you on this thread. Thanks for being there - Have a wonderful Thanksgiving.
  • CGerman
    CGerman Posts: 539
    8/18 - 238.4
    8/25 - 235.4
    9/1 - 234.4
    9/8 - 229.2
    9/15 - 226.6
    9/22 - 224.8
    9/29 - 218.8
    10/6 - 216.8
    10/13 - 212.8
    10/20 - 207.2
    10/27 - 204.0
    11/3 - 207.4
    11/10 - 205.0
    11/17 - 200.2
    11/24 - 197.2

    Total pounds lost: 41.2

    My original goal for this challenge for 218, then I moved it to 201 - ended up at 197. Pretty proud of myself! Nice work everyone, enjoy your Thanksgiving!
  • godblessourhome
    godblessourhome Posts: 3,892 Member
    start weight: 130
    8/18 - 129.3 (-)
    8/25 - 129.2 (-)
    9/1 - 128.7 (-)
    9/8 - missed (hub's gramp's funeral)
    9/15 - 128.2 (-)
    9/22 - 126.6 (-)
    9/29 - 127.2 (+)
    10/6 - 128.0 (+)
    10/13 - 128.0 (=)
    10/20 - 125.6 (-)
    10/27 - 124.7 (-)
    11/3 - 124.0 (-)
    11/10 - 123.3 (-)
    11/17 - 126.0 (+)
    11/24 - 124.8 (-)
    goal weight: 120

    didn't make my goal weight but i am proud of the ones that did! way to go!! you all did such a great job sticking with this challenge. happy thanksgiving!
  • muth3rluvx2
    muth3rluvx2 Posts: 1,156 Member
    Highest weight: 145
    Starting Weight: 145 (10/1/10 for this round!)
    10/5/10 (11:15 PM) - 140.4 (Loss: 4.4)
    10/14 (goal: 139) - 141.6 (+1.2)
    10/21 (goal: 137) - 143.2 (+3.2)
    10/23 - back to 141.4 (-)
    10/27 (goal: 137) - reporting zero loss/gain - relatives coming to town: Uncle Tom, Aunt Flo and Yippee Cousin Skippee.
    11/2 (goal: 135) - 140.4 (-)
    11/9 (goal: 133) - missed
    11/16 (goal: 131) - 140.0 (-)
    11/23 (goal: 129) - Final Weigh In: 139.8 (-) (Tuesday)

    Total loss: 5.2 lbs - just under 1/2 lb per week. I guess that's not too bad. No where near what I was hoping for, but it's real loss so I don't think I'll complain too loudly. :-)
  • godblessourhome
    godblessourhome Posts: 3,892 Member
    hey gang! i started a new thread for our support group. i wasn't on the ball about christmas or new year's, so i made it for valentine's day (9 weeks away). come join me!

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