Gastric Sleeve Patients?????



  • I have my surgery in 13 days very nervous a little scared can anyone share with me there journey an how it's working out for them I'm on my liver shrinking diet now very hard
  • JLScriv50
    JLScriv50 Posts: 4 Member
    Hi, I am getting sleeved on Feb 4, 2014. I am nervous and excited all at once. i am 5'11" and about 255 lbs. i have constant back and knee pain. I am hoping to get rid of this constant pain. I have been reading your posts and are so glad I have found you. Will keep you updated.
  • Hi im 6.1 n 300 lbs from india got my surgery done last week jan 10, 14. Lost 10 lbs in first week n im motivated to drop down myweight further soon. Cant wait to hit field asap for walk n jogfor first 4 weeks then to join some gym
  • All the best you will feel good n u will surely proudof your decision. First 2 days after surgery will be painful, not becuse of pain but due to heart burn n acidity probl e but once u start havi g your liquid diet you will feel better........ wish u very best and congrats for first stape towards happiness :)
  • just started my two weeks liquid diet two days ago this is day 3 on the first day I ,cheated and ate some solid food :-( last night I ate subway :-( today I WILL NOT EAT NO SOLID FOOD!!!!! But i need support please
  • Hey everyone, I literally just had my surgery on 1/13/14 and I couldn't be happier!
    I'm walking on my treadmill everyday and today I was finally able to eat half a sugar free jello (yeah)
    This surgery is a tool and a new look at life. Add me if you want or hit me up to chat
  • Having my surgery 1/21/14 and very nervous
  • That is nice to hear, I'm having my surgery 1/21/14 a little nervous, so how much weight have you lost?
  • Mangopickle
    Mangopickle Posts: 1,509 Member
    Having my surgery 1/21/14 and very nervous
    Anyone can friend me. I have an open food diary. This Is my food lifestyle for the rest of my life. I am almost 2 months out and have lost 47 lbs. The surgery recovery is not pleasant even with no complications. If you think you can hold on to the foods that made you fat after surgery- you would be mistaken. I have sadly seen many people refuse to let go of their Kryptonite foods, they lose 20 lbs after surgery stall and gain it all back. I no longer eat any food made with a ground grain. I have no plans to reintroduce the very foods( pasta, pizza, bread, fried food) that were killing me. Wt loss surgery will NOT cure your food addictions!! That said the sleeve has been a wonderful gift. I can shop in any store for clothes or shoes now. Instead of obsessing about what I want to eat I spend my energy planning on what I need to eat. 70%protein25%veg5%starch. MFP has been an invaluable tool to help me keep track of my protein and calories. Good luck
  • I got sleeved on 12/12/13. No complications so far. I stuck to the diet and lost 20 lbs so far. Entering every meal, snack and vitamins into Fit Pal lets me know if I'm getting enough nutrients. Drinking 1/2 a carton of Premiere Protein between meals when I'm hungry satisfies me until the next meal. The chocolate is best with 30 grams per carton. Unfortunately, I have to walk 30 minutes a day to show a weight loss. I eat 4 oz per meal and feel very full, but still have to do the walk. I do not regret the sleeve. I can finally see the light at the end of the tunnel.
  • I am joining you!!
  • Could you tell me where you got it done at? I'm researching different procedures, Thank you, Nicole-Canada
  • I am going to a seminar tonight. I have to admit that I have always been against WLS surgery for myself. I feel that I have not tried hard enough to do it on my own. I have realized that it is something that I need to do if I want to continue walking.
    Can anyone tell me how long the process typically is until the surgery actually takes place?
  • Hi, I was sleeved on July 5th, 2013. I'm a few weeks away from 7 months post op and thus far I have lost 93 pounds. I really want to hit 100 pounds lost before 7 months so I'm on a mission! I was adamantly against WLS thinking that I could do it on my own. Being a former division I athlete, I figured I could just get back into shape as easily as I got out of it as soon as I graduated. That day never came, and unfortunately my Father was diagnosed with cardio myopothy which is a weakening of the heart muscle. That put alot into perspective for me and I decided I needed to be pro active. My whole approval process, appointments etc went fairly quick. From the informational seminar to surgery date was less than 69 days. I still have a ways to go, but I have absolutely no regrets. The hardest thing for me is making sure I get the right amount of protein in per day; while drinking enough water also. The sleeve is a tool and can be extremely beneficial if you take advantage of the perks. You still have to be mindful of what you eat just like any weight loss regimen. However with the sleeve you get a HUGE advantage over fat. Best of luck to you all and keep losing!
  • I had my sleeve done in Jan 2013, so I am almost a year out. I have lost 125 lbs so far, and would like to lose another 30 (but this is something that keeps getting adjusted). I had no complications from the surgery, and things have become very second nature to me at this point. I had about 4 days of discomfort from the actual surgery, was very careful about following all the doctors guidelines, and had no issues at all with things. The incisions all healed well and have left no marks. I do have what I call shrinkles or excess skin, but oh what a problem to have!!

    At a year out, I don't obsess about my food as much, I need to do some kind of exercise daily and truly have integrated this pretty well into my life. This was a really great experience as I had high blood pressure, cardiac issues, joint pain (which I still have but it would have been so much worse), all of which have been pretty well resolved.

    It is very normal to be nervous about making this decision. I was not completely sure it would work for me. But it was the best thing I have ever done for myself. I am healthier than I have been in 10 years and look better than I have in 30 years. I did commit to changing my lifestyle and have not found it to be an impossible task at all. I never would have lost this weight without this tool.

    Anyways...this is my story. If you would like you can always friend me.

  • pawoodhull
    pawoodhull Posts: 1,759 Member
    Hi Kelly. I had my sleeve done 2.5 years ago. I understand the "head" hunger you are describing. I think we all suffer through that sometimes. Send a friend request if you want. I started with 226 to lose and am a slow loser, so I'm still working on getting to goal.
  • Hi all, I love all this great information. I am considering the sleeve. Went to a seminar and learned how restrictive it is. I'm having a hard time wrapping my head around the restrictions. Can I really never have a sip of my favorite wine again? Have any of you tried alcohol? What if you have a small quantity of something sweet - does it really make you sick? Not sure I'm ready but now that I'm over 40 I can't seem to loose any weight. I have been overweight my whole life. Do any of you have family at home still - how has it been living with people who are not on any restrictions and having to grocery shop for them? I would love some practical advise to help me with this difficult decision.Thanks
  • Hi I have a question as well I know I should just start my own thread but what happens if you don't eat at all? I'm in my 4th going on 5th week and I don't eat mushy food I basically continued my liquid diet on through the weeks the thing I get full on is milk I'm not really taking the vitamins I should be either... Help?
  • lovex5
    lovex5 Posts: 11
    My surgery is on Monday. Very excited/nervous/scared/happy. Mixed bag at this point!